"Are you ready for your bedtime story, little miss?" The old woman asked the little girl running happily around the room at her feet. The child stopped in front of her nanny, chocolate coloured eyes gazing up at her.

"Isn't daddy coming to read me my story?"

"Unfortunately, your daddy is very busy."

"He's been busy for forever!" The little girl huffed, folding her arms.

"It does seem that way, doesn't it? I'm sorry that he can't be here to read to you."

"It's fine, I guess." She quickly perked up and reached her arms up in a universal gesture to which the woman complied. She settled the fickle little girl on her lap before picking up a large picture book and opening it up in front of her excited eyes.

"Now, once upon a time, there lived two races. The vampires and the humans. For millennia, the humans willingly gave their blood to the vampires, who needed it to survive. The vampires were grateful for their sacrifice. However, one day, the cruel humans stopped providing their blood."

"Did it hurt when they were bited?" The young girl interrupted suddenly.

"No, I don't think so."

"Because it hurted when I got bit." She supplied.

"Vampires and humans are different, young one."

"But they look like they hurt…"

The old woman kissed the girls head affectionately. "Did you want to hear the story or not?"

"Yes, I want to!" The young brunette's interruption had already been forgotten as she bounced up and down enthusiastically on her nanny's lap. She continued.

"The vampires begged and begged the humans for their blood, but they did not give in. As the vampires grew more and more hungry, so the humans grew more and more divided. The kind humans stayed with the vampires in order to keep them alive, while the cruel humans created weapons to hurt them. A tremendous war was fought."

"But why did they want to hurt vampires if they were only taking blood from humans who wanted to give it? The vampires weren't going to hurt them, were they?" The young girl's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Because they were cruel. They wanted the vampires to starve rather than take what little they needed to live." The woman turned another page, distracting the child.

"The war continued for many centuries, until finally, the vampires were successful. They forced the cruel humans off of their land, and they lived in harmony with the kind humans. The humans that surround us today are the ancestors of those humans."

"But some humans aren't happy with us. Do they still want to give us their blood?"

"Oh, they do. They just don't show their feelings the same way we vampires do."

"Where did the cruel humans go?"

"Nobody knows for sure. Some speculate that they were forced underground and that their descendants are still at large today."

The child gazed up at her caretaker in wonder. Said caretaker gave her a kindly smile, before lifting her and tucking her into her bed.

"Now, it's time to go to sleep, little Yuuki."

Yuuki yawned, the excitement of the night catching up to her. She was soon fast asleep, dreaming of the peaceful land in which vampires and humans coexisted.