Malia sat at the lookout point, looking out at what, she had no idea. Somehow, staring into the distance feels dramatic when she's doing it from there. She didn't even know what she was thinking about. Perhaps she was thinking about how come she didn't know what to think about...?

She sighed for what felt like the millionth time. Stiles has been saved from the wild hunt. Everyone taken had been saved and everything was back to normal. Beacon Hills was still Beacon Hills and the summer was good so far: nothing good happening but also nothing bad happening. She figured it was a win anyway.

Stiles and Lydia are dating.

She honestly wasn't sure how she felt about that. All she knew was that something about it bothered her. It isn't news that Stiles loves Lydia. The whole of Beacon Hills knew that. She wasn't heartbroken about it either. She's still eating fine, taking regular baths and even growing back her hair. There was just...

She heard the leaves rustle in the woods behind her, accompanied by a sturdy heartbeat. Her eyes flashed blue instinctively. Something about the woods always pulled out the animal in her.

She was prepared to launch if the perpetrator. . "Wait, that's Scott!" Her brain yelled, causing her so calm down suddenly. Scott is not a threat. Okay that's debatable, all things considered. Somehow the alpha has gotten it into his head that Malia wasn't alright and has not, since the wild hunt was stopped, left her to herself. She quite liked the attention but Scott didn't need to know that. Besides, that boy was so pure that she got joy just from pulling his legs.

Scott walked directly to the werecoyote and sank down in the dried leaves beside her. He knew the moment Malia had realized it was him and had no need to announce his presence.

The two sat there in silence for God knows how long, the weather starting to change and darken. Neither needed to look at their watches to know the sun will be setting soon.

"Why dont you just admit that it bothers you? At least to me. No one has to know, y'know? I won't tell anyone but I don't like you running and hiding in the woods all the time. It's summer. Not just any summer but a peaceful one too." Scott mumbled softly after a while. It was nothing new to Malia, he was aware and for some reason he didn't at all like the fact that she seemed to be running away every time. Stiles had noticed and asked him if Malia was okay. He had wanted Scott to sniff her aura and inform him. Yes, Scott had sniffed but hadn't given the accurate report.

Lydia had asked too. Perhaps it was guilt that came from dating your friend's ex but that wasn't his to worry about. What was his to worry about, is Malia. Malia who is so used to handling things on her own, Malia who was right now handling whatever she was feeling, alone. Malia.

"That's not true." She whispered after a time of silence. Scott had even stopped hoping she will respond to his words.

"Which part? Because I think there's an element of truth in there." He probed. It was the same thing everyday but perhaps one day Malia will open ip to him. Trust him. A part of him wondered why he even cared but he bottled that and shelved it somewhere in his subconscious.

"I don't." She replied again, eyes looking straight ahead. The skies had a pink glow to them as the sun set, beautiful rays spread across tge sky in a farewell that made her smile.

"Why are you denying it Malia?" He whispered, turning his head to watch her from beside her. The luminous glow in the skies was reflected on her features and made her look...beautiful? Yeah well.

"I'm not." She replied stubbornly.

"Sure. I'll let it go. For today." It was their everyday cycle. He says, she denies it several times and he gives up. He didnt even know why he was botherig her about how she was spending her summer when he wasn'tdoing much himself. He coached the lacrosse team a few days in a week and did... nothing else. Absolutely nothing. Except worrying Malia, that is.

"Why do you even care?" Malia asked again after several moments of silence. The colourful skies were giving way to darker ones and a few lights were starting to pop up in town.

Because we're pack." Scott replied without much thought. It was the fundamental truth. He wasn't going around trying to make everyone's summer perfect.

"Bullshit." Malia said with a scoff.

"Pack stays together Malia, pack handles the shit together." He heard himself say, noticing his choice of words and not caring. Foul language crawled out of his mouth when he was with Malia. He doesnt even get shocked about it anymore.

Whatever, Scott." She rolled her eyes and lowered her back onto the ground, folding her hands behind her head.

"I also do it because I care." Scott added as an afterthought, looking down at the wrrecoyote who had her eyes closed as if wanting to be free of the world. So far he hasn't smelled distress on her, or weariness at his insistence so he figured she wasn't as against the company as she lets on. "Believe me I've been through enough breakups to know even if it ends on a mutual note it's painful. I'm just saying you don't have to do it alone." He offered again, folding his arms on his elevated knees.

"Stiles is happy and that's all that matters." Malia whispers, less still closed.

"No. No Stiles' happiness matters but it's not *all* that matters. You matter. Your happiness matters and I won't let you think otherwise." Scott corrected sternly.

"Are you doing this because Kira left and you're lonely?" She peeked out from one eye, a snirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

"I'm doing this because I care about you." Scott replied.

"D'you wanna fuck?" This time both eyes opened just to watch his reaction.!" Scott stammered. This wasn't the first time she's teased him in that manner do he beat himself for letting her get to him again.

"Eeh your loss." She chuckled, closing her eyes again. Scott watched her for a while, eyes tracing her features. He knew she wasn't sleeping but he didn't want to talk anymore.

Something she had said had stuck with him. Perhaps Malia believed she was an insignificant member of the pack. Perhaps he had done something to give her the idea.

He felt it was his responsibility to change that.