Outsider Chronicles: Mythology Science

Getting reborn as a Hero destined to save the world can put a real crimp in your existence. I expected to end up facing down Monsters and Gods before I was old enough to drink, but I wasn't expecting to meet a splatter-happy girl and her crazy, overeager commander. This is gonna be a weird summer...

So we're back. Frankly, it was only a matter of time before I did a story where the OC is Percy Jackson, but this will be a little...different. Because Buso Renkin is fucking awesome and I want to experiment with this idea. Oh, and thanks to Glassed Gamer for the death. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

My death involved a man in speedos, a beach, seagulls and about a truckload of various species from the far east. Draw your own conclusions. Now take any mental image of my 'death' out of your mind and focus only on the fact that I died. I'm doing you a favor, trust me. Anyway, getting of the subject of my rather scaring death, I'm sure your all wondering how I can be telling you this if I'm a doornail, right? Well, the answers relatively simple. I got reincarnated. Yep, I was reborn as a baby and let me tell you, there is a bloody good reason that you don't remember that!

I have to say though, when it comes to getting reincarnated, I can't decide if I'm incredibly lucky or if I'm being punished. What makes me say that? Well, the only memory I had of my Dad was when his face appeared over my crib. Literally. I mean, he appeared as a cloud with green eyes and a beard. That was fucking scary. What was scarier was when I realized that my Mum was named Sally and I'd apparently been reborn as a certain half-blood hero. Not getting it? Well then you're an idiot, but let me spell it out for you anyway. I had been reborn as Percy fucking Jackson!

Growing up was...odd to say the least. I don't know if it was because I already knew or something else, but the Mist didn't seem to affect me, allowing me to see everything exactly as it was. That included a Satyre bus driver, a baby hellhound rooting around in the rubbish (who was still the size of the dumpster it was sniffing at) more than one baby cyclops on the street and the Brooklyn House. You know, the 24th Nome? Yeah, that.

Oddly enough, despite the fact I was well aware of the supernatural, I didn't seem to be attracting Monsters. I never once received a second look from any of the nasties that stalked the streets, even when walking right past them. I don't know if it was because I was still young, but it didn't change as I got older. I'm pretty sure that Demi-gods, especially the offspring of the Big Three, attracted Monsters like bees to honey, so the fact I wasn't was confusing. There was no doubt I was the Son of Poseidon considering the big guy had appeared over my crib with the smell of brine, so why wasn't I attracting Monsters? To this day, I have no answer.

Still, its not all bad. As soon as Mum realized that I wasn't attracting Monsters, she gave Gabe (who she'd been dating for about three months at this point) the boot. That had been immensely fun and the celebratory meal she'd cooked afterwards was equally awesome.

Time continued to march along. Thanks to not having to pay for a thick headed moron's gambling and drinking habits, Mum had managed to save up enough to enter college and was now well on her way to getting her first book published (with a little help from me since I had been a published Author last time though, although I hid my good advice behind the image of a loving son helping his Mother) and I was about to enter 6th grade at the Fleming Private Academy, a private school that I'd managed to snag myself a scholarship to by acing the entrance test. It was a boarding school with dorms off campus far enough out of the city to be surrounded by nature while still being close enough that it was possible to get the bus in on weekends. Unfortunately, it also seemed to attract the biggest set of nutballs I'd ever met. Still, at least it was fun!


I sat bolt upright in bed, gasping for breath as my hand grasped at my chest. That dream...flashes of movement and blinding pain, a massive shadow looming over a smaller figure...I sighed.

"Just a dream…" I muttered.



I nearly jumped out of my skin as the door slammed open and Liam, one of my classmates and friends thundered into the room in his PJ's and sleeping hat perched on the tip of his physics defying pompadour.

"Are you OK Percy?" another friend, Darryl, a bespectacled boy with light brown hair and a set of extremely odd skills.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, "Just a nightmare."

"Are you sure?" asked Keith, my last male friend and a gentle giant, "You were making a lot of noise."

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine guys," I said with a smile, "Seriously. Go back to bed."

My friends did as they were told, leaving me to flop down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling as my fingers absently rubbed my chest. That dream...it felt so real. I could still feel the pain as my chest was pierced from behind. But it had to have been a dream, right? Even Demigods couldn't survive having their hearts destroyed. I sighed and turned on my side. I'd think about this more in the morning.

The next day dawned bright and way too early to be legal. I was nursing a headache as I walked to school from the Dorms, inwardly cursing the fact I'd probably get in trouble for having misplaced some of my textbooks. They had been in my school bag, but I hadn't been able to find it this morning. I really wasn't looking forwards to maths. One of the missing books was my maths book and the teacher, Mr Silverstone, was incredibly strict and really had it out for me, especially lately.


I stumbled as a body slammed into my back, sending me stumbling forwards a few steps as I instinctively hooked my hands under my 'attackers' thighs. I sighed.

"Hey Red," I said to the red-head currently hanging from my back.

Red, or Rachel Elizabeth Dare (yes, that one) was my best and oldest friend, going right back to when we were just kids. We'd met in Kindergarten and had immediately hit it off thanks to our shared sense of humour, love of pranks and similar tastes in...everything. While her parents were wealthy, they were also fairly grounded. Her father, unlike how he was depicted in the books, was a good man and very successful in his business. What was that business? Well, it was drills of all things. He was part owner of a large business that made and distributed drills and had offices and holdings all over the world. Her mother on the other hand was a doctor and very good at her job. She was a very kind woman, but took no shit from anyone.

So yes, very different, but if your suggesting that theres another girl called Rachel Elizabeth Dare with red hair, green eyes and paint smeared across her cheeks, I'd ask what your smoking. Plus, the fact she kept painting pictures that looked a heck of a lot like stuff that was coming in the future and could see through the Mist if her reaction to seeing Monsters out and about was anything to go by was also a pretty big indication that it was the right Rachel.

But I'm getting off track.

"So, rumour has it you had a pretty bad nightmare last night," said Rachel.

"Let me guess, Liam?" I asked.


I sighed.

"Yeah, I did," I said, "I woke up some of the guys too.

"So, what was it about?" she asked, "Surprised Maths test? Being on stage in your underwear? Doing a Maths test in your underwear?"

"Actually no, I got killed by a giant monster snake," I said.


I nodded. Rachel pouted.

"Aww, I was hoping it had something to do with you in your underwear. I know I dream that."

I nearly tripped.

"Rachel, we're 12! Why the hell are you dreaming about me in my undies?"

"What? You should take it as a complement Mr," said Rachel, jabbing me in the sides with her knees.

"I repeat, WE'RE 12 GOD DAMN IT!" I shouted.

"Your point?" asked Rachel.

I opened my mouth, but then closed it again as I realized that I genuinely had nothing to say to that. Rachel snickered and patted me on the head.

"Good boy," she said and slipped off my back.

I grumbled and crossed my arms. No, I was not pouting, no matter what Rachel said!

"So, you claim to have lost your books?" hissed Mr Silverstone as he glared down at me.

"Umm, yes sir," I said as I squirmed under his glare, "They were in my bag and I couldn't find it this morning."

I'm pretty sure the guys Human, but his glare is fierce enough that I'd believe that theres Gorgon in his heritage somewhere.

"Is that so?" said Silverstone, "Where did you go after school yesterday?"

"Hmm, I think I went…" I started, but trailed off when I suddenly realized I had no idea what I'd done the night before.

"I see," said Silverstone, "In that case, its detention for you tonight. I want you to pull the weeds in the courtyards after school."

"Huh? But…"

Silverstones glare upped in intensity and I quickly backpedaled.

"G-got it sir!" I said.

"Sit down," he said, "Share with Keith for today."

I scuttled back to my desk before he decided to pile on more punishment.

"Hey, anyone else think Silverstones been acting strange lately?" asked Liam later as we ate our lunch on the roof.

"I guess so, but hes always been a hard ass," said Darryl.

"I thought that was just a Maths teachers default setting," said Rachel, "Miserable and evil."

"Ouch, burn," I said with a smirk as everyone else cracked up.

"In all seriousness though, are you sure you don't want us to help you?" asked Rachel as the bell rang.

"Nah, I don't want to get you lot in trouble," I said, "I can manage just fine."

"Fair enough."

We started to head back inside to go to class, but as we did I paused as my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and saw I had a new message from an unknown number.

Take Care of your new life.

I froze, a horrible weight settling in my gut. That message...I spun around and looked up at the water tower on the roof, expecting to see a long haired silhouette stood there. However, no one was up there. I shook my head and breathed a sigh of relief. Percy Jackson was one thing, but that? Nah, we weren't even in the right country for it. Even so, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling for the rest of the day.

Two hours after school saw me collapsing on my ass as I finally tied up the last of the bin bags that held the fruits of my labour. I was exhausted, not to mention starving.

"Finally done," I groaned, "Time to go home."

I got to my feet, grabbing my bag from where it was leaning against the wall and heading for the gates.

"The school sure is creepy at night," I muttered.

I paused as I made my way through the courtyard by the gym and caught sight of an ominous shadow on the hill behind the school. It was an abandoned factory that was supposedly haunted. No one ever really went there because of those rumours and I certainly wasn't about to test if there was any truth to them. I may not attract Monsters, but I was willing to bet that that wouldn't stop one from eating me if I stumbled into its lair. I shuddered and turned to leave.

"Where do you think your going?"

I twitched at Silverstones voice. I turned to see the teacher heading towards me with something in his hands.

"Are you done with the weeds?" he asked.

"Yeah, the bags are with the rest of the rubbish," I said.

"Is that so?" asked the teacher, "Well, it doesn't matter. What I'm more interested in is this."

He tossed the item in his hands at my feet and I was surprised to see that it was my schoolbag, books included.

"Hey, thats my bag," I said, "Where'd you find it?"

"In the abandoned factory," hissed Silverstone, making me freeze in horror, "The same place where you interrupted my meal last night."

I swallowed. No way, this couldn't be happening! I slowly looked up at the teacher, my eyes widening even further as I saw that his skin was turning white and his body seemed to be coming apart.

"I don't know how you're alive," growled Silverstone, his voice rapidly distorting, "I was sure I pierced your heart."

My gaze was drawn the the mark on his forehead, although it was quickly drawn elsewhere as his body seemed to explode and transform into a gigantic, biomechanical snake.

"No matter, I'll just have to kill you again!" he roared.

I didn't respond, instead I turned on my heel and ran.

"Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck!" I thought as I sprinted around the school with the snake Homunculus on my tail, "I'm so fucking screwed! How the fuck is this even possible?! We're not in Japan and I thought this was the Percy Jackson world! Am I dreaming?"


I yelped as I jumped over Silverstones lunge.

"Not dreaming!" I yelped as I turned around and ran back the other way, leaving the snake to twist itself in knots, "Definitely not dreaming!"

My phone chose that moment to ring and I hastened to answer it.

"I'll be there in three minutes," said a female voice down the line.


"Calm down," said the voice, "Anger will just wear you out faster.


"At least your honest," said the voice, "Would knowing what your up against help?"

"OH FU…"

I was cut off as I was forced to jump over Silverstones head as he burst from the ground under my feet.

"Alright, I'll give you the cliffnotes version," said the voice, "That thing is a Homunculus, a monster created by Alchemy that hides in Humans and eats Humans. I was sent here to kill monsters like that, but I accidentally got you involved last night. In order to hide themselves among Humans, they always kill any witnesses. It will never stop chasing you until your dead."

"So that means I need to kill it first?" I asked.

"You won't be able to," said the voice, "The only thing that can hurt that thing is the power of Alchemy. Just keep running, I'm nearly there."

There was a click on the other end of the line and I suppressed the urge to swear violently.

"Gods damn it, I need to figure out how to use this damned Kakugane quick or I'm gonna…" I muttered as I skidded around the corner, only to stop as I nearly slammed into Rachel who was coming the other way.

"Whoa Percy, wheres the fire?" asked my friend, "And whats that look for?"

I stared at her uncomprehending for a moment, before the blood drained from my face. Judging from how this night was going, Rachel would be taking Mahiro's place. That meant… My head snapped down as the ground under Rachel cracked and a pair of massive jaws slammed shut on her. I went completely still, my eyes widening as the world seemed to fade until the only thing I could see was Silverstone swallowing in slow motion.

"Ahhh, thats much better," said the monster as its Human head emerged from the depths of the snakes mouth, "Its hard to move around on an empty stomach. Now then, lets continue."

I didn't really hear what he was saying however, his words drowned out by the thumping of blood in my ears as my fear rapidly changed to rage. I could feel my heart beating a tattoo against my ribs as my rage spiked even more. No, thats not right. Not my heart, my Kakugane. The Alchemical alloy that now served as my heart seemed to heat up at that thought as my hand slowly moved up to my chest.

"You...monster," I hissed.

"Hmm? What was that?" growled Silverstone.

"You have no idea what you just did, do you?" I continued, "Now...I'm pissed. And rage makes a great fuel for ones fighting instinct. Lets see what form mine takes."

I fixed the snake with a glare so intense that it actually recoiled slightly as my fingers clenched over my heart. As I did, my mind decided to throw out a suppressed memory I somehow had of the night before when the girl on the other end of the phone (who looked a heck of a lot like Tokiko) implanted the Kakugane in my chest to save my life. I bet my Uncle is pissed. Still, now really wasn't the time to be thinking about that. I had a monster to kill and a friend to save.

"ENOUGH STALLING, I'M STILL HUNGRY!" roared Silverstone.


The snake-like monster swallowed me whole, but that was its worst idea of the evening. It barely had time to regret it however before my hand closed around the hilt of my weapon and the blade carved the monster into scrap.

"GAHHH, WHERE THE FUCK DID A BRAT LIKE YOU GET A BUSO RENKIN?!" roared Silverstone as his head clattered to the ground.

"Tch, none of your business," I said as I landed lightly, an unconscious Rachel under one arm and my Buso Renkin in the other.

The weapon was a sword with a long, curved white blade with a hexagon shape where the blade met the guard with a bronze trident in the centre and a green wrapped hilt.

"A sword type Buso Renkin huh?" said a voice as its owner stepped in front of me with a Kakugane in her hand, "Thats oddly fitting for you. Buso Renkin, Valkyrie Skirt!"

With a flurry of movement, Silverstones head was pierced by three blades.

"The Death Scythe Buso Renkin!" he howled, "Then your an Alchemist Warrior!"

With one last scream, the Homunculus' head was ripped to pieces and began to dissolve with the rest of its body. I stared in no small amount of awe as the Alchemist Warrior turned to face me, the four scythes of her weapon framing her perfectly. She was a Japanese girl, shorter than me, with orange eyes, blue shoulder-length hair and the horizontal scar running across the bridge of her nose and across her cheeks. She was even wearing the exact same uniform she did in the series. Yep, no doubt about it, that was Tokiko Tsumura. My shock and awe quickly changed to horror however as I suddenly realized that, if Tokiko was here and Buso Renkin was a thing, I'd have to deal with Papillon in the not too distant future. I think I was looking forwards to that even less than fighting the Titan of Time!

And done. A long chapter and a bit of a flat ending, but it is appropriate. Papillon is a cool character, but I don't think I'd be willing to deal with the crazy bastard.

So, how will the addition of Alchemy affect the future of the Percy Jackson story? Probably quite drastically, especially considering some of the things I have planned for the characters.

Speaking of the characters, Percy's friends are obviously based on Kazuki's and have the same first names as their english voice actors. Since I couldn't be arsed to come up with them myself, I decided that was a better option. Silverstone got the same treatment, as will the rest of the westernized characters that will be appearing.

The changes I made to Rachel's backstory were not random, but rather a nod to something that I MIGHT include in the future. If I decide not to, they'll be a clever little nod. I wonder if you can decode them? Heres another clue. In this universe, Sally works at a bakery that was opened in 1927. I'd give you the founder's name, but that would be to much of a clue.

Speaking of Rachel, she seems to be getting away from me slightly. I have no idea why she randomly turned into such a pervert, but its fun to write her nonetheless. Oh, and no, thats not an indication of a future paring! And neither is the canon Buso Renkin one!

And with that, I'm done. Don't forget to leave a review on the way out!