Mortal Kombat; Fragment's Tale

~A/N~ Eno-on: Hello everyone I'm Eno-on I'll be the host for this little side project No-one works on.

Eno-on: I know a lot of you are waiting the next chapter of 'Fell into Remnant' but No-one has been wanting to reattempt this story ever since it bombed when it originally came out.

"Speech" 'Thought' "Read Text"

Disclaimer: I don't own ~'Mortal Kombat'~


A blonde walked down the corridor with clear purpose, she had long blonde hair tied back in pony tail and blue eyes that commanded respect, she wore a short sleeve dark grey t-shirt with a black combat vest, she had armour plating on her forearms, she wore dark brown cargo pants and black combat boots to complete the look.

Turning round the corner to the observation room looking into the prisoner's room she approached the man on watch "How's our 'guest' doing?"

"She's been very uncooperative and aggressive to anyone who enters the cell" he answered "in short no change from when she was brought here initially almost a year ago lieutenant Blade"

"Well I'll be going in for interrogation soon" the lieutenant replied.

"Are you sure that is wise Sonya" a rather deep voice spoke up from the shadows, stepping forward was a tall man in white robes with a blue gi over it and a straw hat on his head, "Shao Kahn is dead after all, we do not know what she will attempt to do"

"I'm afraid we have no choice Raiden" Sonya replied "as you said yourself Quan-chi has turned our friends into his slaves, our guest here may have information because last we checked Quan-chi had ties to Shao Kahn"

"I see your point Sonya" Raiden conceded "and what of the possibility she has no information?"

"Then we learn more about Outworld's infrastructure and who is likely to take the throne now"

Nodding at her plan Raiden followed the lieutenant to the sealed door that led into the cell, after stepping past the boundary and shutting the door behind them, the two turned to face one of the corners of the room, occupying it was a woman wearing a straight jacket to restrain her.

The room was a bare white with no furniture with the exception of a plain twin cot bed pushed into the corner, with the room's main occupant sat on top of it.

She didn't react to the people entering and kept her head down, her dirty black hair covering her face, though you could slightly see a mask covering the lower half of her face, through the space between her hair.

"Mileena" Sonya said to the woman, receiving no response, Sonya took a step forward "Mileena, look at me"

At the demand, Mileena raised her head slightly, to meet the lieutenant's eyes revealing the hard material mask with a small opening in the front for food "What is it you want now?" Mileena asked, her voice raspy from lack of use, "come to gloat about father's defeat?"

"What was Quan-chi's involvement in Shao Kahn's plan" Sonya demands, ignoring Mileena's question, "and I want the truth of what you know"

"And why should I tell you anything, when I will receive no reward in return" Mileena snaps glaring at the lieutenant and god.

"You would do best not to antagonize us Mileena" Raiden replies sternly, a small spark flickering in his hand.

"Or you will do what?" Mileena asked "Kill me?, torture me?, deny me food or water? You have nothing to threaten me with thunder god"

"Enough!" Sonya yelled "if that is truly the case Mileena, how about this" the lieutenant sighed already regretting her decision "If you cooperate and tell us what Quan-chi's involvement was, I will answer any questions you may have"

"Are you sure that is wise?" Raiden asked, not taking his eye off the restrained woman.

"It is the quickest route to the information we need" Sonya replied "well Mileena?"

"How many questions will you answer?"

"That depends on how well you cooperate with us" Sonya answered "provide me with the answers I want and we'll see about doing the same"

"And how would I know you won't just change your mind, when you have what you want?" Mileena asked, clearly annoyed at her lack of power.

"You won't, just as I won't know if the answers you're giving are truthful" Sonya replied "now do we have an agreement?"

"I lack any other choice, so I accept" Mileena agreed reluctantly.

"What was Quan-chi's role in Outworld's plan?" Raiden asked, keeping up a stern look.

"The sorcerer's role was to resurrect Sindel in Earthrealm, so father could come to Earthrealm under the reason of retrieving her" Mileena answered, already annoyed by the deal she agreed to.

"And what else?" demanded Raiden, not content with the answer.

"I don't know any other objectives he was given" Mileena retorted "I last saw him the throne world before fighting the masked man from Earthrealm"

"What happened in the throne room?" Sonya asked.

"Father sacrificed that fool Shang Tsung to empower Sindel" Mileena answered, before looking at Raiden "He was angered by you killing Motaro"

"That explains why she was so powerful" Sonya muttered "so you don't know anything else about Quan-chi's involvement?"

"The only other thing I know about Quan-chi is that father promised the souls of the souls of killed Earthrealm Warriors to him as payment" Mileena answered "is that all?"

"Tell me, who would rule Outworld in Shao Kahn's absence?" Sonya asked after a second of thought.

"I am father's declared direct heir" Mileena answered with a sneer "there are no others such a strong claim, and we will crush you"

"Outworld suffered losses, in their invasion" noted Raiden "so continued battle would not do you much good"

"If you have no more questions" Mileena started "It's time you answered mine"

"Very well a deal is a deal" Sonya replied "you complied so I'll answer a few questions"

"What did you mean when you muttered about Sindel?" Mileena asked.

"Sindel attacked us in a temporary base, and killed our comrades" Sonya answered sullenly.

"Is that why sister's boyfriend is not here?" Mileena pressed with sliver of glee in her voice "Oh poor Kitana mourning the loss of that human"

"I will not stand for you mocking Liu Kang's memory" Raiden snapped "and Kitana is dead as well"

"You lie!" Mileena yelled immediately, eyes wide in shock, ignoring the sudden pain in her chest "Kitana would have not died so easily, father would not have allowed it"

"It's true" Sonya replied, reaching behind her, she revealed a slightly dinted and bloodstained battle fan.

"That cannot be real I refuse to believe it, when I see father next he will make you suffer" Mileena denied further.

"Shao Kahn is dead punished by the elder gods for his attempt to merge the realms" Raiden retorted.

"No lies, I refuse to except father or Kitana's death" Mileena shouted, her breath shaky "These tricks will not go unpunished!"

"Enough of this!" Raiden snapped, stepping forward, placing his hand over Mileena's head, his palm sparking.

"Raiden don't!" Sonya yelled, before the electricity left his hand, darting into Mileena's head.

Mileena screamed as the lightning impacted her forehead, burrowing through her skull and entering her mind, flashes of events she wasn't present for, played before her eyes, the elder gods refusing to aid, seeing the bodies of their fallen comrades, the shamen's sacrifice, Kitana dying in Liu Kang's arms, the accidental murder of Liu Kang, the elder gods decending and Shao Kahn's death.

Stepping back Raiden turned to face Sonya "I transferred my memories of what happened to her mind, she will be unable to deny the truth now"

"I didn't know you could do that" Sonya stated sceptically "but warn me next time"

"Very well, but I must go for now to gather our allies, I will be at the Sky Temple if need something" replied Raiden before disappearing in a flash of lightning. Turning back to the woman on the bed, Sonya was shocked at the sight.

Mileena was rocking back and forth, muttering to herself, her breath, short and rapid, "No it can't be true, it can't be" she denied as she tried to fight the facts, "Kitana is… dead" the thought caused a voice in her mind to cry in agony.

~A/N~ Eno-on: Hey everyone… and nobody's here, why didn't anyone get excited for this anyway?

Eno-on: Anyway this is a story No-one came up with that nobody got excited for but he decided to redo anyway, if anyone is interested after the prologue please leave a review to let him know.

Eno-on: I know this is the MKX design but Sonya looks better this way, yeah very few characters appeared in this but this is just an opening chapter.

Eno-on: Eno-on out.