Shinobi of Ice Chapter 1

Disclamer: I do not own Bleach or Naruto or any characters mentioned in this fanfiction



"Demon Talking"

"Demon Thinking"

0ooo0o0o0o0o0 – Time Skip/Author's Note

Toshiro Hitsugaya was horribly tired, stressed, and emotionally hurt, and to tie it all up, he was being called to the Soutaicho's quarters. He had just been doing some paperwork after getting yelled at by his friend, Ichigo, and had gotten into a big fight about something stupid. Not to mention that he'd been doing paperwork and interviewing people and watching over spars for the past week without rest. It was unfortunate that he also knew he probably would never be able to make up with the big idiot too, as people notoriously went missing after being called to their leader's house in the middle of the night. Not to mention it was almost time for graduation in the Shinigami academy, and that called for added stress on the whole division, but most namely the captain of the division, with paperwork and choices swirling around him in one big mess. It wouldn't be good if a captain disappeared, especially for the tenth division, who'd had a rough century and was already being spread thin with all the hollow attacks.

This meant that when the tenth division captain walked into the room, he was already annoyed and even more grumpy than usual. Opening his eyes after yawning, Toshiro found himself alone in a room with only the soutaicho sitting in his chair. The old man had his eyes closed like usual and had his cane leaning against the front of his chair.

"I'm glad you could make it, Hitsugaya. I know it's been rough with graduation coming up and the increased paperwork. I'm sorry to say that I will be adding even more stress onto your division's back," the old man paused to take a deep breath. "You are being assigned on a mission to take care of a boy by the name of Naruto Uzumaki. Unfortunately, you have no choice in the matter, for this is a mission of utmost importance and a direct order from the Soul King himself."

Toshiro blinked once, sighed, and then muttered, "I understand…"

The Soutaicho then cleared his throat and proceeded, "You will be gone as long as you are needed. Naruto Uzumaki will be treated horribly and will be hurt. Currently he is not even born yet as we are sending you four years till he is born where you will have a chance to integrate into society. It is up to you to raise him and keep him from being harmed. You will have to become a shinobi -the military of the place you are going to- to have any say in what happens to Naruto. You will not be told why he needs to be protected by you specifically or someone of such high rank. Starting now, no questions will be answered; you have two hours to show up here again bearing new clothing and supplies. Other supplies will be provided for you once you arrive here again. Only tell your lieutenant and name a temporary captain. Now, go!"

In a flash, Toshiro was out of the building and shunpoing over to his division, the only thought on his mind was of how Rangiku was going to take it. Rangiku was asleep when he got to the division only a minute later, and he decided he would leave a note. He found some casual human clothes and put them on, even putting on some leather boots. After grabbing some supplies and putting them in a messenger bag, Toshiro slung it over his shoulder along with Hyorinmaru. He stood in front of his office door one last time and then opened it, taking a piece of paper and the bottle of sake that had been given to him by the soutaicho when he became captain and wrote down, 'Congratulations on becoming Temporary Captain, Rangiku! I know you can become an actual Captain if you try hard enough. Sincerely, Toshiro Hitsugaya.' After writing it down, he gave one last glance and headed over to the soutaicho's.

A few minutes later, he was standing in the middle of the room. After being handed another bag with supplies in it, Toshiro entered a swirling black portal of death.


Toshiro found himself standing in front of a large open gate where two guards stood in between them, blocking his path. Beyond that was a landscape of buildings and a large cliff, where three faces had been carved into the cliff. It was a magnificent scenery and it was surrounded by a tall wall which in turn was surrounded by a dense forest that was so big he couldn't see the end of it.

"Who are you and what business do you have in Konohagakure?" One of the guards asked, his black hair coming up wildly in a halo around his head.

"Uh…" Toshiro hesitated.

"Come on, give him a break! He's just a kid!" The other guard yelled at his teammate.

"This is war! Anybody could be the enemy!" Said the more aggressive of the two.

At his comment, Toshiro looked down and realized he was so much younger than he should've been and said in a pretend meek voice, "My mommy and my daddy were killed… and-and my uncle sent me here so that I could get away! Please don't make me go!"

"I can't believe that I have to act like this…" Toshiro inwardly scowled.

The friendlier one saw that the little boy was about to cry and once the tears started falling, he rushed over and picked him up as he tried to calm him down. They took his sword away and tried to ask him his name, although he just kept crying. It irked the proud captain to have to act like such a child, but he had had to do this before and he was remarkably good at acting. Even the more aggressive one softened up and apologized for acting so mean, talking like he was talking to a child -he kind of was- and then they went to their station.

After a few minutes they walked out of 'earshot' of him and left him playing with a bobblehead on the desk. While the captain silently seethed and listened, the two talked.

"What do we do, Gen? We have to take him to the Hokage but we can't leave our posts!" The kinder one said in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I know… Maybe a shadow clone?" Gen asked, scratching the back of his head.

Deadpanning, the unnamed guy just said, "You know both of us are too exhausted to do that!"

"Do what?" A new voice asked.

Toshiro restrained himself from looking at the newcomer, but still heard Gen speak, "A shadow clone! This kid just appeared with a gigantic sword and two bags and he said his parents died and he was sent here to escape from the war."

After they moved a little further away and out of actual earshot, they came back a few minutes later and once they were close, Toshiro looked up. The newcomer was a tall man with medium length spiky blond hair wearing blue clothing under a dark green flak vest. A headband was tied around his forehead with a weird swirly symbol etched in the metal part of it, and he had sandals strapped to his feet, along with having pouches scattered across his person.

The man knelt to be at eye contact with Toshiro, who looked at his cerulean eyes, "My name is Namikaze Minato! Nice to meet you! What's your name?"

Minato seemed friendly enough and the 'child' really had no choice so he said, "My name is Hitsugaya Toshiro! It's nice to meet you too, Minato-san!"

"Well, Shiro-chan, want to go someplace with me so you can go off and explore?" Minato smiled warmly but Toshiro was irked about the nickname he'd just been given but kept up the act.

"Yeah!" The captain yelled excitedly.

After creating some sort of doppelganger and had them hold his things, Minato picked up Toshiro piggy back style and they ran across rooftops, which forced Toshiro to whoop and yell out in excitement as that was what a child would do.

A few minutes later they slipped through a window of a large red painted building and walked into a spacious half indoor half outdoor balcony like space. There were five table in a sort of semi circle with four younger looking people on the outer table, while the center table was seated by an older man wearing white and red robes. Minato's doppleganger stayed outside of the room and once they stood in front of the man, he put down Toshiro.

"Ah… Minato, who have you got there?" Toshiro genuinely smiled at the old man, as he hed smiled kindly at him and got out of his seat.

As the old man knelt in front of the captain, he asked, "Well, what's your name?"

"I'm Toshiro! Nice to meet you ojiisan!" Toshiro said happily as his hair was ruffled.

The man laughed, "Nice to meet you Toshiro-chan! My name is Hiruzen Sarutobi but you can keep calling me ojiisan if you want!"

After a slight hand twitch, a boy came through the door and Sarutobi said, "How about you go with Karu-san for a little while Minato and I talk, huh?"

Toshiro nodded and then walked out the door with Karu. The boy was good natured and he liked to tell jokes. He had straight brown hair that went to his shoulder and he wore a dark green vest similar to the one Minato had been wearing, but wore black clothes under the vest instead of dark blue. A little passed before the doppelganger went inside the room and didn't come out. While simultaneously keeping up the whole child act, he examined his surroundings and connected the pieces of information in his head about this world.

Clearly, the old man named Sarutobi was the leader of the village and people respected him a lot; he didn't rule on fear as he acted kindly when he saw him as a small boy. Another thing, this world was currently in a big war that would merit thinking children where enemies, although it appeared that it was an unpopular opinion. Pointing that out though, Toshiro guessed that he had been turned into a kid of six years and was drastically shorter than he had been when he had the appearance of a ten year old. He could only guess that he would age normally as he felt that his reiatsu had switched into something else similar to it but still different. Not to mention that Hyornimaru's voice was always very faint, when it had always been a roar in his head before. Although it worried him, he knew it had to be ignored for now as he had other things to worry about.

Sighing internally, Toshiro snapped his head in the direction of the office, where two people were coming out. Sarutobi and Minato had come out with the younger of the two now carrying his things instead of his doppleganger. Karu got up and bowed formally although he still had a goofy smile on his face, and he was dismissed.

Minato knelt in front of the 'child', "Since you don't have anywhere else to stay… how would you like to stay with me for a while?"

Toshiro's eyes lit up at the opportunity, "I'd love that!"


This is just an idea I had one day and got bored so I decided to post this. I'm almost finished with a new Sake Induced Dream Chapter so that should be out soon. If you didn't realize, this is set after the Blood War with the Quincy's and four years before Naruto is born and the Nine Tails attack, and Toshiro had the appearance of a twenty year old like how he did when he used his Bankai. This is just for fun so it isn't as refined as some of my newer works and it might be a little clunky.