I do not own Kuroinu, or Overlord, or any of their characters. They all belong to their respective owners. Don't forget to leave a review on what you think of this crossover.

Chapter 1 - A New Overlord

The lands of Ostia were once a place of peace and harmony between its people and their kingdoms. That was until the monsters in the north, which came to be as the legion, waged constant warfare against the south. Everywhere they go, they pillage and burn, defile the flesh of innocents, slaughter people, and many other crimes that they had committed, and they rejoiced in it. Every time the kingdoms would fight them, the legion would always be pushed back to the lands of the north, but without any religious reason nor strategic resource of value present there, there was no reason to invade such a wild and untamed place. This system is repetitive, being kept on a constant cycle.

But everything changed when a beautiful dark elf queen assumed absolute rule over the Legion. With her own dark powers, she subdued the Legion to her bidding and now wage a constant war against the kingdoms of the south. From her castle, dubbed the Black Fortress, she ruled the north, and thanks to the residue of dark magic from the castle, corrupted the lands around it. The North soon became known as "Dark Queen's country"

To counteract this threat, a grand alliance was created between the 7 kingdoms of the south, and seven fortresses were erected along the borders of the Northland. There was a reason for such action. It was due to a high elf's action, who was considered to be a goddess reborn. Revered as a holy symbol by the church, she had been having visions about the constant threat of the Black Citadel. Since the prophecies have been proven true in the past, the authorities of the kingdom took them seriously.

This was the birth of the Seven Shields Alliance, comprised of seven kingdoms. Its army consisted of 7 battalions, each stationed in the seven fortresses, and despite protests from both the church and the national leaders, the goddess remained in the seventh fortress. There a White Citadel is created where she could pray for the conclusion of the war.

And yet, despite the prophecies being true, the goddess herself had failed.

She had failed to envision the coming storm, cloaked in shadows. A new power is coming, one from ancient times. These lands were never theirs, they were once under the ownership of an ancient ruler that existed here once. Although he was forgotten by many as the years passed, his name, when spoken, would instill fear to all those that hear it, whether it be man or monster alike.

The lands in current time, may not be the same as before, but that would not stop the line of Overlords from rising once more, and take back what was once originally theirs.

Now, after many years, a new Overlord has returned, and the Line of Overlords will begun anew

In the days of old, in the time of the third Overlord, there was a cave that existed, in an area that was once called the Wasteland Sanctuary. It was comprised of a large elf town surrounded by the forests and dwellings of various magical creatures. The Sanctuary was destroyed by the Glorious Empire in an attempt to break through to the Netherworld. Even with the sanctuary desecrated by this empire of old, the cave still existed.

As time went by, the lost lush green that was sundered by the empire grew back, and a large and lush green forest grew around the area where the cave is located and it was here that a wounded soldier found himself at. He is a young man, aged 20 and stood at a height of 5'10, with messy red hair and light green eyes. He wore the standard armor of the alliance. He was a soldier of the Seven Shield Alliance, deployed to the Dark Queen's country along with many others as part of the main assault force to defeat the Dark Queen herself, but during a march, his company was ambushed by members of the legion and were slaughtered except himself, who survived at the cost of his wounds.

To say it was his first time being in the Dark lands of the north, yeah that's what he is going to call them. Around the border of the marshes, were still lush green, but go beyond them and all you can see is a barren wasteland where not much grows any more, lifeless trees dotted much of the area, the rivers were corrupted, and the skies were blood red. An intimidating presence, perfect to intimidate the weak minded.

He had his fair share of battles, with each battle they pushed back the Legion, and with each victory they suffered from many losses, maybe because of the fact that the entire legion of made up of monsters, ranging from Orcs and Goblins to Trolls, Minotaurs, Cyclops, Harpies, Wild Satyrs and many more monstrosities.

Due to the heavy losses, the armies of the alliance had to rely on mercenaries to bolster their forces, and no other mercenary force would be better than the Kuroinu, or the Black Dogs themselves. There are those that question as to why the alliance would hire them, and he was one of those few, but the higher-ups deem that it was necessary, as their skills were needed, but he and a few others didn't see that otherwise.

Mercenaries in his opinion, are never loyal, always changing sides in a flash. The more a power or person has in terms of the largest amount of gold or rewards, the more likely they will fight for that particular person or power.

Now, only a few days in these lands, at least 15 days, and he is about to bleed to death here, in the middle of nowhere, and right in front of this cave.

Before he could take another step, he fell down to the ground unconscious

Something stirred, in the deep darkness of this cave, waking it from its thousand year nap

It could feel it, a human presence, outside

Normally, he would ignore such a presence, but since the presence was beginning to disappear rapidly, he wanted to find out for himself

Letting himself up, he moved forward, till he was outside the cave, and it was at the entrance, that he saw a young man on the ground, bleeding from his wounds, maybe from the wild animals? No, the wounds are clear enough that they were inflicted during battle and not by animals

Normally he would have just left him to die, but something told him that the boy would be useful, maybe for his contingency plan of course, that he never once had the chance to tried in case the current Overlord would fall, and there would be no one else to take the throne

Hmmm, perhaps this might work, maybe if he helped guide the boy in the right direction and the rest all depends on his decisions as an effective ruler of evil alone, the plan might be a success

Besides, he has no hidden agenda, he's but a consciousness of the fourth, placed in an orb to help the future generations of Overlords, almost like a Holocron…

Wait, what's a Holocron?

That doesn't matter right now, right now he needs to get this boy inside and have his wounds healed.

Summoning forth his minions, he had them bring the boy inside to get his wounds healed quickly

The young man groaned slightly as he slowly opened his eyes. He was met with a dimly dark place, that reminded him of a dimly lit corridor. He slowly got up from whatever he was lying down on to have a look around. Due to the dimness of the torches on the walls, he couldn't see stuff properly, only that he was on some form of cushioning as a bed.

Next to him was a small wooden table, with a glowing candle and a large orb on it. In front of him were two entrances that seem to lead to somewhere, and near to the entrance on the left, was his armor.

His own dirty silver armor, the standard uniform of the seven shield alliance

He looked down to see that he no longer wore his old armor, instead, he now wore polished and ebony steel armor, the color almost like obsidian. The pauldrons on his right side had a roaring dragon present on it, with its eyes seemed to be glowing a menacing orange color, with his left gauntlet having multiple ancient runes on it that also glowed the same color.

Now this is a fine upgrade, he thought in his mind

"I see that you are awake" a voice spoke out, cutting him from his thoughts.

"W-who said that" the man muttered looking around, seeing no one. Well, you can't blame him cause the lighting isn't that good.

"Sigh….I'm over here" spoke the voice once more. He turned to his right to see no one there. He continued looking around and still, he couldn't find anyone.

"Good god" the voice sighed once more "see the beeping orb thing"

He nodded, staring at the small glass orb

"That's me, I am the one talking to you" the orb announced, surprising him "Surprised? That a piece of glass is speaking to you?"

"S-sorta" He answered back. Of all the things he expected in the world, he had not expected a now floating piece of glass speaking to him.

"What is your name?" The orb asked him

"Nero. Nero Argyros"

"Nice to meet you, I am the Fourth Overlord, well, the consciousness of the fourth Overlord anyways"

"Never heard of you" Nero responded

"As expected due to the fact that I am thousands of year old, and I am pretty much forgotten anyways" The Orb responded. "Now, I know you have many questions right now, please one at a time"

"Where am I, what am I doing here, What am I wearing not that I don't mind-"

"I said one at a time," The Orb said annoyed, shutting the young man up "As to what you asked; you are in a cave in the wasteland sanctuary, you limped your way through here, and the armor is a sign"

"What do you mean Sign?"

"Normally, that armour should have killed you" The Orb answered, making Nero become uneasy wearing the black armour "But it had accepted you as its rightful wearer, it didn't, well it is part of a test anyway and not to mention after that, you accidentally touched me in your sleep-"


"Congratulations, Nero Argyros, you are now the anointed Seventh Overlord of these lands, well what remains of them anyways"


After a while of explaining….

Nero, who was holding the small orb found himself in a small cavern in the cave that he is, where a large pool is located in the middle of the small cavern.

The Orb had explained to Nero pretty much everything he needed to know about being an Overlord, and the history behind the line of the Overlords. To Aurelius, he was pretty much astonished and amazed by the history and power of the Overlords from the time before the monsters in the northlands appeared, that the Overlords had ruled over a vast empire before their fall by the sixth Overlord.

Since the Orb explained stuff to him, it was only fair that Nero explained to his predecessor, the history of the land and what he had missed during his thousand-year nap in exile, and to say the orb was mad that someone has taken the Black tower and made it her fortress, and not to mention he was also interested in the new races of monsters that had appeared in the lands, monsters that he had never heard of, or seen in his lifetime.

"The Sixth Overlord basically fucked us over" The Orb spoke "He screwed us with having no heir and not to mention that he made too many enemies to deal with, thus bringing an end to the line of Overlords"

"I see" Nero nodded, looking at the pool "and this pool is?"

"The spawning pool, where your minions spawn from, normally minions of the last overlord are Imps, and due to me taking the mantle for temporary reasons, the Imps are still here, but since you were anointed the new overlord, it seems that they are now replaced by these armored warriors"

As the orb said this, a figure emerged from the pool. The figure stood at a height of 6'0, his body covered entirely in pure black armour; the armour's design was greek, but the greek helmet was of a combination of Corinthian style and a great helm and had a red hair crest on it, and the shoulder guards are buffed up and the right guard has horns on it, like a bulls.

"Impressive" Commented Nero "but don't you think that being spawned with armor already is kinda like, broken or something?"

"Firstly, the armor is like a layer of skin and, it's not my fault I didn't think of him like that, it is your fault since it is your thoughts of it, that spawned your creation in front of you"

"I created him with my own imagination?"

"Yes, it is your mind alone that created the perfect warrior, as your mind thinks" The orb explained "I tampered with the spawning pool so that whoever becomes the new overlord, their envisionment of a perfect minion, as you can say, would be the basis for all minions that are spawned from the spawning pool"

"I see" Nero nodded in response "It is my imagination that these minions were born" He then smirked mischievously "So If I were to think of them as sexy women with huge tits and ass, they would become like that yeah?"

"Ye- I mean, no, that's not how it works" The orb groaned at the end "It's something like that, but if that would help you yeah, but please don't try something like that"

"Yar, yar" Nero responded "So do these minions have a name? Like a type or anything?"

"As a whole, no, not really. As for the type, these are your standard warriors, able to be equipped with almost any close combat weapons they can get their hands on"

"I see, well I can't just call them minions all the time," Nero said, looking at the warrior in front of him. It took him a minute to think of a name for his new minions, but when he did think up one he smiled.

"I think I will call these types of minions; Myrmidons" He declared

"Interesting choice of name," The orb said "I like it"

"Thank you, master," The Myrmidon warrior said, bowing his head to his new overlord and master.

"How many minions can we spawn from this pool?" Nero asked the Orb "Surely there has to be a limit as to how many I can command"

"Excellent question. Unfortunately due to our infrastructure, and the lack of stuff here we can only spawn up to 300 Myrmidons at max. Until we take back the Dark Tower a.k.a the Black Fortress, as you described it, then there's nothing we can do, except getting some of those monsters that you mentioned to ally with us"

"Yeah, was thinking of that" Nero told the orb

"Intending to build an army, are you, Overlord?"

Nero said nothing back as he watched more and more warriors emerge from the spawning pool.

"I am no stranger to ambition"

"Is there anywhere where I can test these new warriors combat skills?" Nero asked the Orb

"There is a halfling village not too far from here," The Orb told Nero "These Halflings are descendants of those who originally occupied the Mellow Hills. Unlike their southern brethren that you told me, they are fat, taking pleasure in the stuff taken from others, all thanks to the constant raids by the Legion, their lazy lifestyle has made them weak"

"These halflings are with the Legion?"

"Yes, not only that but have a sick perversion in selling slaves to the members of the legion like cattle, according to one of my minions before your arrival here"

"Their village is where I'm going first" Nero declared making up his mind, he turned towards the entrance "Gather your weapons, warriors, we are going to raid some halflings"

"Understood my lord" one of the Myrmidons, whose crest is white instead of red nodded as he began gathering the other warriors for the raid. Nero walked to a nearby table and picked up a black helmet with horns. Picking up the helmet he had a quick look at it, impressed by its fine design. Before putting it on, however, he turned to the orb, which hovered beside him.

"I want to make things clear, and I should have told you this earlier" Nero spoke to the Orb "I am no evil Overlord, like you or any of our predecessors, and I have no issues trying to act like one, but that doesn't mean that I would become one, I take the mantle of overlord, because of one purpose; the destruction of the Legion and the Dark Queen herself. If you have any objections, now is the time to say it to me"

"None," The orb said "Your choices and the path that you walk, are yours to make. I made mine when I was Overlord all those years ago. I will help you in advising and planning though since you have a lot of learning to do"

"Thank you for understanding" Nero thanked the orb "Now, that is cleared up, let us begin" He put on the helmet and turned to his assembled minions "To the halfling Village we march!"


Few things to clarify before the criticism settle in.

1) First of all, there will be lemons here obviously, it's a smut story anyways, it won't appear in the story until a few chapters in

2) The minions are different, as you have read in the chapter. I want to symbolize that a thousand years had passed and that if the Line of Overlords would continue to exist, then they'll have to change things, and one of them is changing the minions, the fourth Overlord knows that's, and reason being will be revealed in time. Besides, imagine a minion going against a Minotaur. The minion won't stand a chance.

3) As well as smut around the corner, there will be humor present too, since the Overlord games are known to have humor in them.

4) The Story will have three main arcs. The first one will concentrate on the rebuilding of lost power, to help strengthen the Seventh Overlord's own power. The second will be the war against the Kuroinu, and the third will be the end game kind of thing, which I'm not spoiling yet.

5) More world building with each chapter. I know there wasn't much, but the next chapter will have more of it.

Minion encyclopedia

Myrmidons - Created by the Seventh Overlord, they are similar in appearance to Greek hoplites. They are the personnel minions for the Seventh Overlord.

Warriors - Main Infantry, they can use almost any close range weaponry at their disposal. Their preferred weapons are swords, a spear, and shields