Day 1: Past

"Char! I'm here! Where are you?!" Croix yelled out into an open field.

The lilac-haired prodigy had found a letter telling her to meet the red haired trouble maker in this field at one o' clock.

And unfortunately for Croix, she was incapable of denying the girl, the only student in this school that means anything to her, any request.

"Chariot! I'm serious! Where are you? We have to go to the assembly in an ho-"

Croix was frozen by the sound of a broom flying overhead. By the sudden breeze flowing through her hair.

Her hair that was supposed to be under her hat.


Croix looked up and was met with shining red eyes and a playful smile...

The infamous troublemaker.

Her best friend.

Chariot du Nord, hanging upside down on her broom, Croix's hat in her hands.

"Char! Give that back!"

"You'll have to catch me first!"

"We're supposed to open the assembly Chariot. We can't be late!"

"If we're opening it, then we can show up whenever we want!" Chariot giggled as she twirled higher up in the air, Croix's hat now placed clumsily on her head. "If you want to be there quickly, you'll need to catch me!"

Croix smirked.

So she wants me to catch her?

Croix pulled her broom out of her bag and straddled it.

I hope you know what you're in for Char.

"Tia Freyre!"

"Was that really necessary Croix?" Chariot whined.

"You said you wanted me to catch you. I only did what you told me to do." Croix answered, her blue sashed hat firmly placed on her head.

"You didn't need to pull my broom from right under me."

"You should've known better than to challenge a broom relay champion."

"I'm a champion too!"

"Only because I wasn't allowed to enter." Croix smiled smugly.

Chariot huffed. "I was just trying to help you feel better."

"Help me feel better?" Croix asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I know you've been feeling stressed about presenting your research in front of the whole school. You've barely gotten any sleep recently worrying about it. I just wanted to help you relax."

Croix laughed.

Of course that's why Chariot pulled her little stunt.

Unlike all the other students, who saw her as some recluse, unapproachable genius, or the professors, who saw her only as the prodigy she, admittedly, kind of was, Chariot saw her for the person she actually was.

The kind of person who could get stressed. The kind of person who could get worried, who doesn't have it together all the time.

The kind that needed to have fun every once in a while.

Everyone else expected her to be this genius.

Chariot expected nothing but for her to be herself.

And Croix loved her for it.

"Thanks Char. I really needed that. It was fun." Croix smiled towards the lively witch walking alongside her.

"No problem Croix! I'll always be there for you." Chariot gave Croix one of her brightest smiles in return.

The bespectacled witch could swear that smile would shine even in the darkest night.

Croix placed her hand on Chariot's head and rustled her hair.

"And I you, ma chérie." Croix teased.

"C-Croix!" Chariot shushed. "Not heeeere."

Croix laughed as the shorter girl's cheeks began to redden.

As the two witches approached the door to the assembly, Croix nudged Chariot's hand and opened up her palm.

"You ready, Char?" Croix asked.

Chariot looked down at Croix's hands and saw them sweating and shaking.

She then looked at Croix's green eyes.

Her brows were furrowed, and her eyes seemed to lack the clarity and confidence that were usually there.

Chariot quickly grabbed Croix's hand, holding it firmly, hoping to relax the taller witch.

She looked right into Croix's eyes.

Chariot had no doubts that they'd do wonderfully.

"Of course Croix." Chariot said, voice brimming with confidence. "After all, we're in this together right?"

Croix smiled, anxiety fading away, her shaking stopping as she felt the trust and belief radiating from the red haired witch beside her.

"That's right. Together."

If they were together, there was nothing they couldn't do. After all, like Croix had told Chariot, a believing heart is magic.

And there were no students or teachers in this school who could match the belief that both girls had in each other.

So I heard that there was a Charoix week going on? I've always wanted to try my hand at these two, and what better place to start than right now! Please tell me how I'm doing lol.

I really like these two (they're like, just a smidge below Diakko for me), and I want to get better at them.

Also how the heck does tumblr work.

Anyway, these are... intended to be short. Key word intended. Let's see how long I keep that up.

I'm not sure if I can do something for every day of this week, but I am definitely going to try! (I probably should have prewritten these weeks in advance now that I think about)