Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Naruto or Percy Jackson franchises. Comments/Criticism is fine as long as it isn't straight up hate or flaming. If you do not like No one is forcing you to read and you can just leave.

Thank you and please enjoy

From the Other Side

-Chapter 1-


Atop a blackened mountain, several figures could be seen locked in combat as a massive dark fortress seemed to be slowly building itself around them. A young girl with pitch black hair, wearing punk clothes, and wielding a spear and shield fought against an older teen boy with sandy blonde hair with an odd dual-colored sword.

Another girl with similar black hair, a silvery hunting outfit, and a silver circlet on her brow was crouched next to an injured and bound blonde girl, shooting an expertly made silver lined hunting bow towards our main focus.

A seemingly young girl with auburn hair, silver eyes, and lightly tanned skin littered with cuts that oozed golden blood struggled to support two silver hunting blades as they blocked a massive bronze javelin. Said javelin was wielded by a tall, excessively muscular man wearing golden Greek armor with an arrogant smirk.

These were Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, chastity, and the moon and Atlas, the titan of strength and endurance respectively.

"Do you now see the futility of your actions now little goddess?" Atlas asked in a mocking tone as he slapped away an arrow that got close to his head and began to slowly apply more pressure. Artemis didn't verbally respond, instead she broke the blade lock and used the momentum to slip past his guard and slash at his back, withholding a groan as her weapons barely cut into his armor. "Soon you and your little companions shall be nothing more than a memory, a really bloody memory!"

He emphasized this with a grazing blow of his spear, making a long shallow cut along Artemis's arm. 'Damn it, I don't have enough time! I doubt Poseidon's son can hold the sky for much longer.' Artemis thought, briefly glancing behind the titan to see a boy with spiky black hair and seafoam green eyes as he struggled to literally hold the sky in the air.

She knew that it was only a matter of minutes before the weight became too much for him and he was crushed. The goddess of the hunt was snapped out of her thoughts as she instinctually dodged out of the way of a jab that would have skewered her torso. "Ah, ah, ah, don't you know better than to get distracted during a fight. But of course, what would a pathetic woman know of real fighting anyway, hmmm?"

"Oh my, did I hurt your feelings? Ahhhhh, are you gonna cry to daddy now?" Atlas said in a mocking sad tone as he smirked at the suddenly immobile goddess.


Faster than the mighty titan could even blink, Artemis was right in front of his face with her now brightly glowing blades lodged deep into his shoulders, her face set into one of cold fury as she then proceeded to slash and hack at every bit of exposed flesh she could reach.

"GAAHHH! Damn bitch! Get the fuck off me!" Atlas screamed as he tried to pry the pissed goddess off his face only for his hands to get repelled with wild stabs and slashes whenever they got near. Finally having enough, he changed tactics and barreled straight through several walls and then body slamming head first into the floor, creating a moderately sized crater.

Slowly getting back to his feet with a sneer as the wounds across his face swiftly healed shut, the 'General' raised his weapon high to strike at the dazed goddess. "Enjoy the taste of oblivion you little bi-GAHH!" Atlas was cut off as a single silver arrow lodged itself into one of the still healing wounds on his hand, causing him to lose his grip on the javelin as it fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Grrr… I was going to save you for last my traitorous offspring," He growled out as he slowly turned towards the bow-wielding girl with a snarl. 'But now I'm gonna rip you limb from lim- AAAAHG GAIA DAMN IT!" He howled as Artemis lodged her blades deep into his back.

Caught by surprise, he was unable to resist in time as she shoved him towards the struggling boy. Realizing what she was doing, the titan's power flared as he tried to stop himself before it was too late. Having none of this, Artemis funneled her energy into her arms and pushed.

"Lady Artemis!" "Look out!"

Head snapping in the direction of the two shouts, the goddess was just in time to see the blonde boy just a few feet away with his odd sword descending towards her head with a sickly yellow glow. Pulling one of her knives free, she raised it up just in time to block the blade a mere inch from her head.

"You shall not stop us! Olympus shall fall!" The boy yelled as the glow around his sword brightened dramatically. Artemis's eyes widened dramatically as she got a good feel of the energy that the blade was giving off. 'K-Kronos!'

Knowing how dangerous her grandfather's power could be, the goddess was about to pull her blade back when a bright light suddenly blinded everyone in the vicinity.

When the light cleared, Atlas was lying face first in the ground with the sky on his back, the boy that was just in his place not too far away gasping desperately for breath, and the blonde boy stood with his blade embedded into the ground.

…Artemis was nowhere to be found.


"Today sucked," A short boy with spiky blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes, tanned skin, and three whisker-like markings on each cheek groaned as he marched into a small apartment. Slamming the door shut behind him, he shuffled across the room and flopped into a small recliner with a tired sigh.

This was Naruto Uzumaki, twelve-year-old orphan, prankster king from hell, self-declared future Hokage… and current failure of the ninja academy. For the second time now, he had failed the final test because he still couldn't preform a Bunshin no Jutsu, the most basic of clone techniques.

"Stupid jutsu, why doesn't it ever work for me?" He wondered aloud. No matter how much he practiced, no matter how long he trained, that jutsu would always turn out a flop whenever he attempted the technique. The best he had ever gotten was a single dead looking clone that would collapse immediately after forming.

The worst part for him was how all the other students would laugh like crazy each time he failed, mocking and teasing him while he just stood there with a fake smile, declaring he would prove that he would be the best. He loved the attention, hell he practically lived for it… but just once he wanted someone to pay attention because they were proud of him.

'Well, there's always tomorrow.' Naruto thought with a smile as he stood back up. His apartment was small, only consisting of a living room with attached kitchenette, a bathroom, and a bedroom. It never bothered him though, it was his home and he was happy with the way it was. Right now, he was shuffling around the kitchenette, looking around for his favorite comfort food.

Opening the cupboard, his smile turned to a frown as he saw only a single package of instant ramen sitting all by it's lonesome. *Groan* "Great, have to go shopping later," Naruto grumbled as he grabbed the solitary package and set it on the counter as he got to work boiling some water.

Five minutes later, he was back in his recliner with a steaming cup of ramen in hand and a rare relaxed expression on his face as he watched a cheesy action movie on his small TV. Gently blowing on the ramen to cool it down, Naruto used a pair of disposable chopsticks to raise the noodly goodness to mouth.

Just as he was about to take his first bite though, he was blinded by a sudden flash of yellow and silver light as a sudden weight fell onto his lap. When his vision cleared, he found himself looking straight into the silver eyes of a visibly stunned unknown girl as she straddled his lap.

'Pretty…' Was the last thing he thought before he felt a sudden jolt of pain in his neck and everything went black.

Artemis looked down at the unconscious boy beneath her, she had knocked him out purely by reflex, but not before she had seen the surprise and confusion in his eyes as he looked at her. He had clearly not known who she is, so was likely not an enemy.

That being said…

"Where in Tartarus am I?" She wondered as she looked around the small apartment with confusion. Attempting to focus her power into her senses, Artemis suddenly collapsed due to her exhaustion having caught up with her. Re-lifting herself off the blonde beneath her, the goddess's equivalent of adrenaline finally wore off and she felt her numerous injuries ache.

Her breathing became uneven, her vision started blurring, and her entire body trembled violently as realization finally hit her. She was almost completely out of energy, only having enough to barely keep herself conscious. With this came the harsh truth, she was entirely defenseless, badly injured, and in an entirely unknown area.

'I need to get somewhere safe to regain my strength before making my way back to Olympus.' She thought as she tried to climb off the boy only to collapse again. 'Yeah, how in Tartarus am I supposed to do that when I can barely move?' Artemis knew she didn't have the time to waste, it probably wouldn't be long before Kronos's followers sent someone or something to hunt her down while she was weakened.

'Think Artemis think,' She said to herself as she took a deep breath. 'You're wounded, exhausted, and probably being hunted… huh, so this is what my prey feel like, Gah! Focus! I need somewhere to hide, somewhere to rest, somewhere nobody would… think to… look." Her thoughts ground to a halt as she looked down at the boy she landed on, an idea slowly forcing itself to the front of her mind.

As a goddess, she had many abilities, most of which were linked to her respective domains. However, there was one that all gods she knew of could, but almost never did, use. 'Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess…' She thought with a sigh while leaning down until she was face to face with the unconscious child.

"You should be honored, as you will be allowed a privilege that no man has ever had." She told him despite knowing he couldn't hear, before doing something that would make every one of her hunters have a heart attack.

She kissed him.

The moment their lips connected however, her entire body glowed a bright silver and dispersed into particles that soaked into the boy's body. The only proof she was ever there being a few drops of golden Ichor.

-End Chapter-

AN: New story up and going. Love it? Hate it? Thank you for reading and please review.