Daily Schedule


-Wake up.


-Get dressed.

-Show Mother chosen clothing for the day.

-Change clothing.

-Show Mother new clothing.

-Eat breakfast (if time allows).

-Go to school.


-Get needed books and supplies.

-Speak to Mr. Vasilias. (Turn down date request)

-"Talk" to friends.

-Go to class.

-Eat lunch.

-Finish classes.

-Fencing practice (Tuesday-Thursday).


-Report to Father on the day's activities.


-Eat supper.

-More studying.


-Change into nightwear.


*Repeat process the following day.*

Such is the day of one Weiss Schnee. No new experiences. No trips or nights out with her friends. No choices. The only thing out of her day that she enjoys is the moments alone and her fencing. They are the only times she can be herself and not who everyone wants her or expects her to be.

Her days are organized by her parents and watched by those close to her. Her life has been chosen for her for as long as she can remember. Everything from her clothes to her meals to the one person she is to spend her entire life wife. All have been decided for her by those who were meant to guide her, not control. Her life is like that of a machine with the only moments for rest are at the end of the day and shall be for the rest of her life.

Every day is exactly the same.