AUTHOR'S NOTE: It's been a while - I've had major writers block...Happy New Year!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Walking Dead or its characters

Apologies in advance for any spelling and grammatical errors. Thoughts in Italics

Touched by an Angel

Chapter 9

Beth sat in the booth that had the best view of the town, enjoying a banana nut muffin and cup of coffee in the warmth of the bakery as she watched tiny snowflakes come down.

She had planned to get into work extra early to begin preparation for the late night unveiling of the next season's stock but the smell of freshly baked bread lured her into the bakery. As well as her mama's baking, the baked goodies at Baker's Delights were the best she'd ever tasted, she couldn't resist the detour.

Sitting there in her booth, she hadn't realised just how much she missed this place as memories of her childhood come flooding back to her; dropping into the bakery with her daddy when they ran errands across town early Saturday mornings, hanging out with Tara and Noah after school when they were allowed to run into town. Drinking coco, scoffing doughnuts and cake as they talked about everything and anything, and then there were the times when she just liked to sit there in her own company and watch the comings and goings of everyone as she penned down her thoughts, poems and songs in her journal. Those memories were just a fraction of some of the happy times she had spent there. It felt like a life time ago, yet somehow like it was only yesterday sitting there reminiscing.

Glancing around the bakery; a couple of the bulky pillars had been knocked down, a wall pushed back allowing for more seating space and a refrigerator filled with sandwiches and baguettes made from the freshly baked breads stood to one side of the shop. Apart from those extractions and minor additions, the bakery hadn't really changed all that much from when she was a little girl. Even the pictures and warm pastel colours on the walls remained the same. A fresh coat of paint every couple of years kept the place looking fresh and inviting. It was comforting even on the days when she at her lowest. After all the hustle and bustle of the city life where nobody had time for anyone and where there was a Starbucks on every street corner - it was great to be back home to the friendlier familiar faces and surroundings that were unique in their own ways.

The noise of laughter interrupts Beth's thoughts. She looks back out into the picturesque street which resembled a scene from one of those magical Christmas Cards you receive. She sighs contentedly because the view was spectacular and breath-taking.

She takes in the last of the twinkling lights and displays of the shop front windows before they came down. Christmas was nearly over and everyone was gearing up for new year's and she was ready for it. 2018 is going to be a good year. She like many others was going to set herself goals and work towards reaching them. Embracing this new positive outlook, she mentally lists her New Year's Resolutions whilst sipping her coffee and enjoying her muffin. She was going to get involved with charity work, there were a couple of worthy causes that she was interested in and she wanted to get better acquainted to the changing faces in town. Getting to know the local tradesmen and women was certainly a priority, they were a community and it was only right she communicate and interact with them.

Drumming her fingernail nails on the table, he pops into her thoughts.

"He is a part of the community and works in the garage down the street. Can't exactly avoid him, it would be childish to because I had a teeny tiny crush on him." Beth says quietly to herself but admits she still likes him just as much as she did yesterday.

"We could be friends and there are other men out there to date besides Daryl Dixon?" She looks out hopefully into the horizon and as if on cue, she spots Ben and Jimmy walking up across the street.

Ben had been in her year in school and Jimmy a year above. From visits and regular updates from Maggie and her mama of what was going on back home, she learnt which lucky girls Jimmy and Ben had been dating over the years and from the last update, both guys were freshly single and focusing on work. Her mama reckoned they'd finally grown up and were taking responsibility of their lives. Ben's a junior mechanic at the local garage and Jimmy's running the family grocery store which sold mainly produce from their farm and some of her mama's homemade jams, pickles and sauces.

Thinking about the past, Jimmy had always been sweet on her but she just didn't feel the same way. She liked him as a friend and couldn't imagine them anything but friends. He was sweet but too simple and timid. She needed someone who was challenging, interesting, stimulating, adventurous and spontaneous. And Ben was your typical lazy village clown who loved to flirt relentlessly with a pretty face and blatantly leered at a girl's cleavage any opportunity given. Leaning forward, she takes a closer look at the guys as they draw closer. Neither were the scrawny boys from high school anymore, they were taller and seemed to have filled out well.

"...It would appear Jimmy and Ben have matured into men and don't look half bad now that their pimples and acne have cleared up! They may have even grown up?" She smiles at the notion but her smile disappears just as quick as it appeared.

Jimmy and Ben were pushing and shoving one another across an iced up puddle. The inevitable happened - Jimmy's foot suddenly broke through the ice and disappeared ankle deep into the puddle. To heighten the fact their bodies may have matured but their brains remained the same pea size from high school - Ben grabbed Jimmy's hat and was swinging it around in circles like a cowboy, laughing like a hyena whilst Jimmy screamed blue murder and had a mini sulking session that he should have listened to his mama and wore his boots on the way to work instead of his fancy work shoes.

Beth just rolled her eyes "Same silly boys!" she mumbled returning her attention back to her coffee. She could strike those two off as boyfriend material.

The door burst open, a blast of chilly air rushed in and immediately made for Beth. She quickly releases her mug and places her warm palms against her cheeks just as her teeth begin to clatter.

"SORRRRY!" The familiar voice sang out and Beth smiles.

Tara was stomping her way over in her snow boots, waving to Old Mr Baker behind the counter as she moves. She slides into the booth opposite Beth or rather slips into her seat having lost all feelings in her feet as they were stone cold frozen from walking the ten minute walk from the Sheriff's Office.

"DDDamn! It's cccolder than a witch's tits out thththere!" Tara stutters yanking off her gloves, stuffing them into her pockets and rubbing her hands together.

"It's deffo freezing out there!" Beth agrees leaning forward trying to heat her face from the steam coming up from her mug.

Seeing her friend distracted, Tara swipes Beth's muffin from out of her hand and takes a whopping bite out of the side.

"Er, hello?!" Beth laughs in disbelief, snatching back her muffin. It was a rookie mistake to get distracted with uneaten food when Tara was around.

With a mouthful of muffin, Tara mumbles an apology. She unzips her jacket and looks over at the menu's board to decide what tickled her taste buds this morning. She knew there would be a basket full of Deputy Grime's wives' low calorie cardboard muffins and rock-hard gingerbread men in the station's kitchen so she decides to go for the full fat real stuff to keep her going til mid-morning break.

"Two of your extra-large savoury breakfast muffins, one triple choc chip and a cappuccino in a cup to go please!" Tara orders when Mrs Baker appears with the coffee decanter to top up Beth's mug.

"It's a good thing your young and active!" Mrs Baker stuts with envy as her eyes narrow in on Tara's slim frame in uniform and then to her own, her protruding hips catching the corners of her eyes. "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips and don't I know it!" she sighs miserably.

Beth looks up to find a disheartened look on the sweet old lady's face. She liked the baker's wife very much, she's known Mrs Baker longer than she can remember and Mrs Baker regularly consoled her when Tillie and Mille teased her after school.

"You've a lovely figure Mrs Baker, a lovely hourglass figure."

And Beth wasn't lying. When Mrs Baker gets dressed up in her gowns to attend the ballet or opera, her figure reminded Beth of the Organza by Givenchy perfume bottle on her mama's dressing table. She and Tara once commented they'd love to have shapely hips and bottom like Mrs Baker. Her eyes dart over to Tara for backup but when she hears a small scoff escape from Tara's mouth, she kicks Tara under the table.

"HOLY FUDGE YOU DO!" Tara exclaims trying hard not to curse from the pain shooting up her leg as her eyes begin to water. "You do! You do! Seriously you doooo!"

Unconvinced, the older lady frowns. "Marrying a baker was bound to catch up and now that it has," She breaks off wishing she hadn't spent forty years scoffing bread and croissants, "I'm practically all dough." she complains poking her finger into her side.

"Oh Mrs Baker," Beth reaches out "I'd love to have the curves that you have, there are a lot of women who would die to have the shape you have. You always look so good!"

"Really?" Mrs Baker searches her cardigan sleeve, she usually kept a tissue tucked up there.

Beth nods reassuringly as she reaches for a serviette. It was that time of year a lot of women scrutinised their bodies and appearances, compared themselves to other women and sometimes she was one of them.

"She's right, ya have that 1950's look. Just like Marilyn Monroe and not many people can pull that iconic look off."

Hearing the gravelly voice from behind Mrs Baker, they all look up startled to see none other than Daryl Dixon holding out a red bandanna. Tara's scrunched up face un-scrunches in surprise and Beth just stares in awe.

Mrs Baker takes the offered bandanna confused and dabs beneath her eyes. It had been a while since she's received any flattering comments. Receiving such comments at her age and from someone whose not her husband completely throws her. And seeing the younger man staring back at her with genuine sincerity in his eyes, she was all of a sudden flustered and blushing. She was sure her cheeks were redder than the strawberry jam in the doughnuts she helped make this morning. Feeling weak at the knees, she needed to take a seat.

Smiling at Daryl, Mrs Baker takes a seat "You're just humouring an old lady!"

"No ma'am. My ma would roll in her grave if I lied ta a lady! She'd cut out ma tongue if she were alive and," Sensing three sets of eyes staring at him, Daryl's lips stop moving. He was never one to butt in with his thoughts or opinions and he wasn't sure why he had.

Daryl's eyes flick from one woman to the next and he freezes when his eyes land on Beth staring at him. He wasn't sure whether he should stare back or look away. She was just staring at him in a way he couldn't quite decipher. She hadn't blinked in all the time their eyes had locked and he had to slowly look away otherwise she would have seen right through him, seen how much he liked her, seen how much he was attracted to her even with that silly bobble hat she was wearing. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest, swears he can hear it. He begins to fidget awkwardly, he needed to get out of there. The beading of sweat forming at his temples told him to take off but his feet seemed to have fallen asleep. He was squirming, he can't remember the last time he squirmed, but it was happening beneath all three gazes fixed on him.

You could have heard a pin drop in the silence until the door bursts open again and a rowdy Ben and Jimmy stumble in.

Tara searches for something to chuck at the duo and Mrs Baker bounces in her seat to see who was letting the cold air into her bakery and allowing the heat to escape out of it.

"It's ccccolder than a witch's tits out thththere!" Ben announces loudly and makes his way to the counter with Jimmy limping closely behind, greeting an apologetic Mornin' as he went.

Internally, Daryl cringed and rolled his eyes. Ben was just as bad as Merle. Yet, for the first time, he was grateful for Ben and his stupidness because it allowed him to make a quick exit from being observed the way he was being observed. He dove onto the stool at the end of the counter and busied himself staring up at the menu board.

Mrs Baker huffs at Ben's behaviour, fills the remainder of Beth's mug to the top and marches towards the duo to reprimand them before taking their orders.

Daryl takes a quick glance over his shoulder. He never imagined seeing Beth so soon, especially when he took off before she finished up with the jerky customer. He sits there playing with the sugar shaker wondering whether he should apologize and explain he had somewhere important to be. If Lori and Judith hadn't planned to throw him a surprise party, he'd have waited for her. He sees Jesus's pickup truck parked up across the street. He tenses up and then slouches forward when he remembers Jesus's advice. He tips the shaker upside down and watches the sugar spill into the cup of coffee that appeared out of thin air. Gambit had politely reminded him Beth was a sweet girl who didn't need any cause of stress or any trouble. And he had to agree with Jesus, he was trouble with a capital T and if she was smart like he knew she was, she'd stay clear of him. He felt stupid for thinking, maybe.

"Daryl Dixon ey?!"

"Wh..what?" Beth jumped in her seat looking guilty for being caught staring at Daryl.

"Don't play dumb with me Missy!" Tara smirks wagging her finger. "You can't take your eyes off of him and it seems he's having the same trouble!" Tara confirms in the worst French accent she can put on. She casts Daryl an appreciative look, she couldn't help but roam her eyes all over him. "He's a total HOTTIE!" She sings "If I weren't a lesbian, I'd definitely without a doubt fu-"

Before Tara could finish off what she was so graphically going to elaborate, Beth stuffs her muffin into Tara's mouth to shut up but Tara being Tara just makes out with it.

"Oh Darrryl! Kiss me! kiss me! Owwww…ahhh...muwahhh!" Tara moans in that dreadful French accent she enjoyed teasing Beth with.

Relieved to see Daryl following Mr Baker into the kitchen, Beth hisses for Tara to stop. "I can't believe they actually let you into the Police Force, the Sheriff has met you right?" She was trying hard not laugh but fails miserably when Tara hugs herself and pretends to be making out. "You're such a jerk you know that!" She says once she catches her breath and wipes the tears off of her face. Tara pouts in thought and cheekily nods agreeing.

"But you know ya wanna so badly!" Tara winks with a smirk as she dusts off the muffin crumbs from her shirt. "

"Beth Greene?"

Beth's brows crinkle, she had hoped he wouldn't come over. "Benjamin!" She greets up at him with a smile and doesn't miss the grin nor the look of approval as Ben checks her out.

"So the rumors are true! You are back, for good I hope?" Ben asks.

"Yup, I'm back." She smiles back hoping he would leave her in peace but if she knew Ben like she thought she did, he wouldn't.

"Interesting!" Ben just grins slipping down next to her, making her scoot up to give him space. "Still not bitter are you Bethy?" He asks tipping his head to the side, Beth turns her head with a questioning look on her face.

A mischievous smile takes over Ben's already mischievous face "About me turnin' ya down back in High School? Did ya ever get over me?"

"Ha!" Tara laughed out loud "If memory serves me correct, it was the other way round Benjamin Shit-stirrer!"

At that, Ben throws Tara and Beth a sheepish smile and holds up his hands for being called out on his bullshit. "So, is there anyone currently keepin' ya warm between ya sheets?" He asks leaning dangerously close to Beth waiting for her to answer.

Just as Daryl returns to his seat, his eyes shoot up to look into the mirror behind the counter to see Ben leaning into Beth and asking her a very private question that was none of Ben's or anyone else's business besides Beth's. Daryl squishes his doughnut, custard oozes out everywhere. He didn't even think whether or not Beth was seeing anyone, and felt like he was going to barf if Trout Pout's lips touched any part of Beth. To his relief, he sees Beth reaching out and pushing Ben's face back in its place. Daryl shakes off the custard smothered on his hand and the custard flies off and splashes everywhere.

What sort of question is that Crapbag?" Tara asks not surprised but still irritated that Ben still asked the most silliest questions.

Beth gestures to Tara it's ok. "Yes, as a matter of fact I have!" She answers Ben with a dreamy smile.

Ben's mouth falls open just as Daryl's doughnut falls out of his.

"Yup, he only ever seems to want one thing and what's a girl to do, but oblige?!" Beth continues with her playacting.

Not expecting to hear what he just heard, Daryl chokes on his doughnut and swats it across the counter, the crumpled mess smacks the back of Ben's neck.

Ben shrieks and when he wipes Jam off his neck, he almost gags and makes a dash for the bathroom but slips on his way on the lumpy slimy custard. "Gross a bogger!" He wrenches as he goes.

Beth was in a fit of giggles getting down to help clean the mess.

"I need to visit the ladies." Tara announces as she jumps up and makes her way to the ladies.

She decided to take matters into her own hands because Beth deserved some happiness but more than anything fun after the year she had. She wanted Beth to count in the new year with someone who clearly seemed to be smitten with her just as she was. Daryl Dixon needed a little push to get things going.

"She's super cute and totally single! She likes you and you like her, you could make sweet music together so just ask her out already before some other guy does and trust me - there are many who would love to ask out Beth Green!"

"Surprised, Daryl looks over at Beth "...She likes me?"

Feeling a cold blast of air hit her again, Beth looks up to see Daryl stepping out of the bakery. Disappointment shoots through her. She didn't get a chance to speak to him and if she hadn't gotten waylaid by Ben's shenanigans, she may well have had the opportunity to. She lets out a resigned sigh – she missed her chance.

Just as Daryl walks towards the garage, he looks into the bakery and catches Beth staring after him. He holds her gaze and just as he passes her window, his lips twitch up into a smile and Beth can't help but smile back. She sees the red bandanna on the table and before Mrs Baker sees it, she snatches it up and finds a folded piece of paper beneath it. Taking her seat, she quickly unfolds the piece of paper and her face lights up with a big smile.

Sorry for not waiting for you the other night.

Let me make it up to you?

Meet me here for lunch at noon, I'll be waiting.


Beth's eyes race across the note again and when she's finished reading it for the second time, she scoots up close to window and presses her nose up against it. She watches Daryl walk until he disappears out of sight.

"I have a date with Daryl Dixon?!"

And with that thought in mind, she slips down her seat and disappears under the table.