Hey everyone how's it going?

Well here's the next chapter of the forgotten evil awakens.

Now as I stated in the last chapter there will be a one month time skip.

Now on with the story

I don't own any of this

Chapter 20: getting the layout and making some friends part 1

(1 month later)

It's been a month since Ichigo arrived in the other universe with Drake, he was part of an advance team to locate Arkham and stop him before he releases Vader but it was already in motion.

After establishing a forward base Ichigo's team did some recon and also got the layout of the 5th universe's Earth but finding Arkham is hard since he's cloaked and his allies as well.

Luckily they were able to laid down several plans memorized it in case shit hits the fans and they know it will.

Right now everyone was resting and some were planning their next move.

As for Ichigo he was sleeping cause he had to go to the academy to maintain his undercover and also keep an eye out for anything strange.

However he felt something on him under the sheets.

He lift them to find it was Yoruichi naked and giving him a hand job.

"Really Yoruichi?" said Ichigo.

"Oh come on Ichigo, it's been a while and this cat needs to be tamed." She said with a purr in her voice.

"Damn you, you sexy cat." Said Ichigo as he kissed her.

He squeezed her dark chocolate breasts and also sucked on her nipples.

Yoruichi then flipped Ichigo on the bed and now's she's on top of him.

Yoruichi started moving her hips against Ichigo rubbing her pussy against his hardening cock.

"Come on Ichigo you know you want to." She said.

Ichigo lifted Yoruichi up and was about to put his cock in her to start the fun when they were interrupted by a loud honk.


That cause Ichigo to stand up and knocked Yoruichi off of him and on the bed.

Annoyed Ichigo threw on his sleep pants and went to the window.


"Sorry it's one of my friends he has arrived and he send me his location and I got so excited I honk my horn." Said Bumblebee.

"Well next time keep it to yourself and not make so much damn noise in case of emergency!" said Ichigo as he shuts the window.

"Damn Bumblebee nobody likes to get interrupted like that it's not cool." He grumbled.

"Sorry Yoruichi but the mood's ruined." He said to her.

"Oh come on Ichigo we can still fool around." She pleaded.

"Maybe later but right now I'm going to train to vent my anger so no one disturbs me." He said and closed the door leaving a pouting and annoyed Yoruichi.

After an hour of training and firing some shots at some targets, Ichigo calmed down and showered and got dress and got a bite to eat and headed towards Bee.

"Look Bee I was upset because you did kind of cock blocked me, but I'll let it slide if you text me next time instead of honking." Said Ichigo.

"Ok Ichigo." Said Bee.

"Come on let's go meet your friend." He said as he got in.

Bee started up and drove to the location.

They drove to a part of the city near some warehouses and waiting for them was a silver Chevrolet Corvette stingray concept car.

The vehicle transformed into the fastest bot on wheels and blades Sideswipe.

"Damn I'm good." He said.

After getting introduction done, All 3 headed back to Ichigo's house.

Along the way there Ichigo heard someone screaming for help.

"Bee stop! I heard someone calling for help from the alley." Said Ichigo jumping out and ran to the source.

In the alley was a girl about 17 with dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, wearing a blue vest that was opened showing a light blue bra holding her DD size breasts and wearing a blue skirt and boots and she was covered in scrapes and bruise and there were some blood on her and a black eye.

She was surround by some punks that weren't fully human they show some fangs and have red glowing eyes and they had a lustful and greedy look in their eyes.

Ichigo got there and sensed some strong evil aura coming from them and when he saw the girl he was full of rage and decided to interfere.

Ichigo jumped over and landed between them.

"Are you ok?" Ichigo asked the girl without looking.

"Yes." She said hesitantly.

Ichigo then took off his shirt and threw it to the girl.

"Now listen I want you to not look or hear for the next 10 minutes for what I'm about to do understand?" said Ichigo and the girl nodded and she closed her eyes and cover her ears after putting the shirt on.

"Out of the way scum!" said one of the goons.

"Yeah that was our next meal!" said another.

"I take it you are vampires?" said Ichigo gripping his sword hard.

"That's right we're servants of master Arkham." Said another one.

Ichigo took a deep breath and sighed "Drake forgive for I'm about to do." He thought.

Ichigo channeled about 13% of his power into his blade and then leaped at the vampires and played the game hack a vampire.

Ichigo cut, sliced, slash and chopped the vampires down that came at him and show no mercy.

After cutting the last one in half Ichigo was stand over a pile of dead vampires and shook his blade to get the blood off.

He walked to the girl who still had his shirt and was still having her ears covered and eyes shut.

Ichigo placed a hand on her shoulder and she removed her hands over her ears.

"It's ok its over." He said.

Ichigo helped her up and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you ok?" he asked in concern.

The girl look in his eyes and then ran into Ichigo hugging him and crying, Ichigo wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her close.

Ichigo felt sorry for her, no-one should ever be put in a situation like that.

"Where are my friends?" she asked.

"Don't worry they're safe I called in some friends of mine and they're safe at my house." Said Ichigo.

(That statement is true before Ichigo rushed in to stop the vampires Bee detected some others being held hostage in another building and he called in Fox's squad to come get them after sending Sideswipe to deal with them. It took 6 minutes for him to lure the other goons out and kill them and then transmit a signal to Fox's ship and collect the others and take them back to Ichigo's house for treatment.)

"Do you have a name?" ask Ichigo.

"It's Alexis Rhodes." She said.

"Well Alexis I'm Ichigo and let's get you out of here." Said Ichigo.

Ichigo then picked her up bridal style and told her to close her eyes as he channeled some power in his legs and jumped over the dead bodies and landed next to Bee, he put her in and got in and they headed off with Sideswipe following them.

When they got back they enter through a secret door to the garage and Ichigo took Alexis to the med bay where her friends were being treated, after getting her into a room, she was then being treated by Sakura who took care of her and her friends.

Ichigo then went to the training room and cleaned his blade of enemy blood.

"What were those vampires? I thought nothing like this happens until Arkham made his move, looks like he has been busy and send them out as a way to scout and also recruit." He thought.

Just then Orihime came in.

"What is it Orihime?" he asked.

"Just coming to check on you." She said.

She walked over to Ichigo and saw he was finishing up washing his blade clean and then made the blade vanished.

Ichigo then got up and headed towards the door.

"Where you're going?" she asked.

"To shower and get ready for 'class' in 2 hours." Said Ichigo.

Ichigo showered, dried off and got dressed and got his stuff and got in Bee and sped off.

On the way there, Bee saw an '09 model of his vehicle mode parked and scanned it and become that form and got some perks along with it.

They soon arrived, Ichigo told Bee told remain in incognito and only act when there's trouble.

As he enter the building he saw that it reminds him of thing back at his school and some things hasn't changed.

"Same old crap." He whispered.

He soon arrived at room 3-A and enter the room.

The teacher told everyone that they have a new student and asked Ichigo to introduce himself.

Ichigo can sense some vile aura coming from the teacher but push it down so not to blow his cover.

Ichigo introduced himself but he did say that his hair is natural and not dyed and also not to get on his bad side or else.

Ichigo then took his seat and things moved like clockwork.

After school ended Ichigo went down to where Bee was parked and was about to leave when someone came up to him.


It was a high school student of average height with brown eyes, spiky black hair which have a brown hue with brown eyes and a slender yet reasonably powerful build and wears the school's uniform.

"Hey." Said Ichigo.

The young male came up to Ichigo.

"Hey there I'm Takashi Komuro." He said introducing himself.

"Ichigo Kurosaki." Said Ichigo.

The two stared at each other without a word when Takashi spoke.

"Say Ichigo want to hang out?" said Takashi.

"Uh sure let's hang at my place." Said Ichigo.

So both got in Bee and they drove off unaware of 3 certain girls that watched them drove off.

It took about an hour before they arrived at his house.

"Whoa you live far away." Said Takashi.

"In a way." Said Ichigo as they headed inside.

They went to the living watch some TV, play some video games and listen to some music.

As they hang out Ichigo can tell that Takashi was the indecisive type and sometimes doesn't want to express his other emotions and he can understand that since he was once like that.

They hang out for about 2 hours before it was time for Takashi to head home and Ichigo and Bee took him home.

After dropping him off they returned back to base and in time as Drake was calling them.

In the living room and on the TV Drake was on after waking up and when Ichigo arrived he scolded him for using a bit of his powers but relented when Ichigo said that they worked with Arkham.

"So Arkham has gotten busy and send some grunts to scout and hunt. This is most troubling." Said Drake.

"Indeed so any progress?" asked Ichigo.

"No it's going to take a while, but I think it's time for the soul society to help and go find the blue sword." Said Drake.

"Really?" Ichigo said surprised.

"Yes we need to find them before Arkham does and the key needed to free Vader." Drake continued.

"But Ichigo remember you can't use more than 25% of your powers otherwise they'll be on to us." Drake warned.

"Got it." Said Ichigo.

"Since you went one month without causing trouble and you found Sideswipe I'll send 2 more clone squads to come join you in 1 weeks' time." Said Drake.

"Ok Drake." Said Ichigo.

"Good now if you excuse me I got to make some calls." Said Drake and the call was cut.

"Well that went well." Said Ichigo.

Just then he turned around to find both Orihime and Yoruichi wearing some sexy lingerie.

Getting the message he followed them to his room for some dinner and fun.


At their base Arkham was sitting on his throne thinking up some new plans when suddenly a rift opened and out comes Soundwave.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I have found something of interest for you." Said Soundwave.

He then project something and show Arkham who had a grin forming on his face.

"Well I'm listening." He said.

To be continued

Well that ends this chapter.

Sorry it took so long had to deal with personal problems.

Now Ichigo has met up with Sideswipe he has two autobots on his side and the numbers will grow.

Also Ichigo has met Takashi and they'll get along fine and also they'll kick some ass when Z-day happens.

Also you notice that Ichigo rescued Alexis Rhodes and two of her friends well in this they are Tea and Akiza but not the dueling versions but they did came from another universe by accident and that'll be explained in ch31.

Also Arkham and his allies don't know that Ichigo is there yet so Ichigo has the element of surprise for now.

Also Drake has decided to let the soul reapers find the blue sword as for the red one it's hidden well as for Drake he's trying to remember where it was but it won't be easy.

In the next chapter Ichigo will meet Rei, Saeko, Saya, Shizuka and Hirano but not in any order.

Now Soundwave has found something for Arkham but won't be explained until ch24.

Now that's all I'm going to say for now I got some other stories to finished.

Now if you excuse me I got to help Trevor kill some night creatures again.

So R and R no flames and no insults.

Until next time

This is darkboy18 logging out
