Disclaimer: I don't own HTTYD or any familiar characters or dragons or places or none of that jazz

Also, sorry about any mistakes I made. That might be why I'm not professional.

Raegan was devastated.

She didn't know where she took the wrong turn. She shifted around in her place while her heartbeat picked up. It was suddenly freezing now, not at all like the late summer of Georgia she felt that morning. All she knew was that she had just stepped off of her bus and then. . .

Well, she was in the woods now. Freezing woods.

She was normally excited when she could see her breath in the cold air in front of her as mist, but that was when she had friends and her mom to experience it with her. She was alone.

Her mom was going to be so mad at her for getting lost like this! Raegan could feel her face heat and her lips tugged in an uncontrollable and quivering frown. It felt even worse when her tears fell because it made the chilly air amplify.

She wrapped her arms around to rub each other and hold across her chest. She really didn't like the way the air felt through her school uniform. She hadn't brought a jacket to school with her so all she had on was her white polo shirt and the maroon-plaid skirt that reached down to her knees.

She stood in the same place for several minutes, looking around in a circle as she tried to peer through the trees to find a glimpse of her home. Or neighborhood. Only after doing that, she lost track of which direction she came from. She was as lost as lost can be.

She was cold, hungry, terrified. She wanted her mom. Her mom would be safe and warm and nice. She needed her mom.

But she didn't want to move. She didn't want to go look for her mom because she always said if she ever got lost to just stay in one place and that her mom would find her. She had been told to not to talk to strangers, not that there were any strangers around right now, and to stay right beside her big brother Jeremy on the walk home from the bus stop.

She had tried to do that, but now she was in the middle of the forest and, was it getting darker?

She let out a cry, looking around her little circle again, and shook on her toes. Her little feet trampled the ground, getting her perfectly clean black shoes all muddy and getting her legs even colder and wet. She was almost throwing a tantrum with herself. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her mom.

She didn't like this; she didn't mean to get lost.

She was doing everything right!

Raegan didn't know how long she stood there. Her mind just rolled over the thoughts in her head again and again, and eventually she let her arms fall down to her side. When she finally snapped out of her troubling thoughts and looked around again, it was almost pitch black, and she felt numb all over. Waiting wasn't working. Why hadn't her mother found her? She had stopped feeling the icy tears on her red cheeks and her stomach was making constant sounds at her to feed it.

She walked forward, though the forest in the direction that seemed most passable, fewer brambles in the way, no spiderwebs in sight. The trees above her showed a dark gray-blue sky and her eyes were getting heavier. Her feet were tired from constantly standing, and her chest was feeling shaky and cold from being alone so long. She wanted her mom, but it was dark and scary in the woods. She couldn't call out.

She might have walked for a few minutes or an hour or two, but she came across a little stream and had to stop. She looked up both ends, but it was too wide for her to step across and the frost at the edges of the pool made her rethink wading through it.

She moved up the stream where it was coming from, tripping here and there and accidentally slipped off the side and ended up calf-deep in the icy water. All the hair on her body stood on end and she immediately cried out. In her haste to pull out her leg from the water, she lost her balance and fell backwards (thankfully not in the stream).

Her whole uniform and new Tinkerbell backpack were covered in mud, freezing, tired, and now crying again.

She didn't spare a thought as she started howling in her misery. This was the worst day of her life; she wanted her mom!

She would years later look back on it as casual as can be and point out all the reasons things happened the way they did. After she ended up in the archipelago (somehow (she never got as far as to figure that one out)), she cried and shouting in the woods and catching the attention of every predator and critter that lived there. It was a wonder they hadn't come to inspect her sooner. Maybe they didn't care, or were preoccupied, or maybe they didn't see her as a threat worth investigating. Or prey worth eating.

Then she shambled through the brambles, making all the noise possible with her nonexistent experience in nature like that, and showed up at the one place every creature had to cross paths at one point or another. A source of fresh water.

So when she heard the rumble behind her, her heart froze in her chest and dropped to her belly. Her head lowered down over her shoulders and she shrunk to make herself smaller while her howls and hurt cries dimmed to stuffed-but-trying-to-be-silent sniffles and scared breaths.

She wasn't sure she'd heard it or not, so she held her breath for eight seconds, listening directly behind her.

Then she heard the plants rub across something as it pushed its way through and stomped about behind her. It had to be huge! Crunching the earth beneath powerful, lumbering feet.

She couldn't help it when she spun around to look at the beast in the near pitch black darkness of the night forest. She could hear a great rumbling sound and just make out the jaws of something much, much bigger than herself.

She screamed and jerked back, falling right into the stream of ice, where she screamed even more. Her loose Tinkerbell backpack slipped off in her haste to get out of the stream on the other side so she could run, but was surprised when she was pulled from the stream by something else.

The monster.

In its mouth.

The saliva of its mouth was burning next to her icy skin. It made her bare legs prickle and shake as they stuck out of one corner of its mouth and her head and arms hung from the other. It was like all of her needed appendages conveniently slipped between its humongous teeth as it held her entire body in its rounded jaw.

Raegan shuffled around in its mouth, trying to roll over so she wasn't on her belly, before trying to kick her legs out so she could push her way from the monster's mouth before it started chewing. She was crying even more now, screaming so much that her voice hurt, and banging her arms around in the beast's mouth. She cut them on its teeth a few times.

The beast didn't seem deterred at all. It shook its head around a second, like it was getting a bug off, and waded through the icy stream without a care in the world. As it walked around, it bumped into stuff occasionally, like it had nearly as bad vision in the dark as she did. Not that Raegan could tell this. She was doing her best to curl up once she realized escape was futile.

The walk wasn't very far at all, really. The monster stopped at the mouth of a cave to plop down on its round bottom, then scratched its ear like a dog. In doing so, it held Raegan almost completely upside down, but it didn't seem to mind.

Then it waddled its way into the freezing cave and spat Raegan onto the cave floor. She cut her knees as she landed, but scrambled up and pressed herself against the nearest wall as she tried to get away. Her breathing was quick and shallow as she drew her knees in and watched the outline of the car-sized monster that had abducted her.

She could feel it move more than see it. The sky outside was near black now and the temperature was dropping lower and lower while she panicked. Her eyes were no good, so she relied on feeling the vibrations as it clumped around the room in a heavy and slumped mess. She could hear its breathing now, and she hadn't noticed all the background noise of chirping animals and wind moving trees and plants until she was sheltered from it in the cave.

It left her alone for a few minutes, but was still between her and the mouth of the cave.

She should have listened to her mother! If she had stayed put, none of this would have happened! She might even have been found by now!

She was crying again as much as she could after running out of tears from the whole exhausting day; but almost as soon as she started, the big beast trampled over to her and plopped down right beside her, so it was almost laying on her.

Though, if it really put weight on her, she would be dead almost instantly.

So the oven-like, rough skinned, bigger-than-a-car monster snuggled its face and jaws right by her legs and torso and just about pinned her to the wall. She tried her best to not touch it any more than necessary, but it was so warm. Her clothes were still dripping wet from her spill in the stream and then the heated saliva of the abductor. Her arms were shivering and her neck was cold, and she knew that all she had to do was press back and she would be warm.

The thing had about fallen asleep as soon as it hit laid its head down. It didn't seem to plan to eat her right then. . .

And she was sleepy.

Raegan didn't find it in her to fight her eyelids to stay open. She couldn't, not when she was so emotionally exhausted by it all. Her eyelids dripped, and she listened to the monster's breathing. It was black all around her now. It's not like she could see anything anyway. . .

I'm going to be naive enough to believe that if I write a funny enough joke, someone will review just to tell me that its crap. So, *ahem*

"What rock group has four men that don't sing?"

"Mount Rushmore!"

Now just imagine me doing finger guns at you *pew, pew*