Just havent been in the mood to write recently. i dunno. much unfortunate. im sorry.

Raegan woke what felt like every half hour that night. Fishlegs had flown with her to the Dragon Academy, blabbering one long stream of consciousness that Raegan could only really understand half of. It took him a few minutes before he left for home and Raegan could finally choose one of the nests to sleep in and call it a night.

She did not have a very restful sleep, choosing instead to turn over every possible snibbit of knowledge she had about Gothi and what she would be training Raegan to do.

From what she could gather, Gothi was the tribe's healer and the eldest elder. Based on everything Fishlegs had told her, she was here long before anyone else was born and would probably be here long after they were gone.

He made it sound like she was Berk's age.

Every time Raegan woke she would sit up straight and stare out from the small bundle of furs she had made for her bed and look out into the sky. Every time it was pitch black, and she would roll over and try to sleep again.

This happened, it felt, a hundred times.

Until finally, she woke to the sounds of Terrible Terrors singing into the palest of blue skies, and she hopped up, any and all signs of sleep gone, and straightened the new coat farther around her body. Her tongue swiped over the front of her teeth, and she briefly considered what she could do about her breath, before shaking it off by getting ready to leave.

She woke Mowgli by putting his saddle on over his back and beginning to tighten the straps. He let out a large yawn, revealing every single one of his teeth in his large purple mouth. Shiny white pearls reminding Raegan of a certain blue alien from her childhood. When it closed, he left several of his teeth poking up from his lips and his eyes were lazily clinging to his dream. He watched her without amusement.

He was not in the same hurried excitement that she was.

In fact he didn't seem like he cared much at all.

Not that it mattered. Her first day of 'work' wasn't exactly what she was expecting.

She arrived on time, just as the sun peeked its way over the horizon and the sky turned its pale egg shade. The entire village had a blue twinge to it, and Raegan could spot a few vikings beginning their morning routines as she flew overhead.

Gothi was already awake, seeming content with just sitting on her large porch overlooking the sea. She was hunched over, hands wrapped around her old staff and her eyes shut. Mowgli's large wings left a wind that pushed her hair back fiercely before he landed with a large creak. Raegan slipped from his saddle, one hand lingering on his head as he gave the old woman a curious snort.

The elder's eyes opened, and Raegan's shoulders stiffened. Her heart was heavy in her stomach, and she quickly stepped forward.

She arrived on time, right? Was she supposed to bring something? Maybe Fishlegs told her and she forgot. What was she missing?

Raegan's hazel eyes watched silently as the elder stood from her place of relaxation, shuffling over to the small shack on the other side of the landing and quickly returning with a small bundle and some parchment.

Turning the objects over in her hand, Raegan let her eyebrows furrow in her confusion. Was she supposed to make something? Now would probably be a terrible time to inform Gothi that she didn't know how to read.

But looking closer at the paper, there weren't any of the uniform, mysterious runes she knew the vikings to use. There were more simple drawings, a sort of map. Or at least it could be.

Surprisingly, recognizing what it was did not make following it any easier.

In her other hand were a small assortment of plants. A few soft leaves with sharp jagged edges, a drooping bright yellow flower, and some thick dark green oval shaped leaves.

At the clear confusion plastered on the young girl's face, the elder woman wordlessly picked up her staff and pointed swiftly over the edge of the tower. Raegan followed the end of the staff to stare at the vast forest on the edge of the village.


Finding these plants proved to be about as difficult as you can imagine. She found the dark oval leaves just fine enough, with no help from the map. Pure dumb lick lead her to land in a sunny little plain of grass with a few pale white flowers scattered about.

It only took a moment of examining them for her to realize the leaves were the same, filling her with excitement and a sense of relief that maybe this task wouldn't be so difficult.

That was where the good feelings ended.

And her partner offered her little to no support on this.

Her Mowgli was not at all excited by the work she was doing, huffing and getting distracted and often flying off to wander for several minutes before returning. He would stumble (purposefully) though the undergrowth and make noise to try and distract her.

The sun had well traveled across the sky now, blasting more heat from above. Her back and underarms were beginning to feel sweaty from all the climbing and searching she was doing.

She'd never taken the time to really examine the plants she passed in the forest before. Some of the more brightly colored ones were recognizable, like the dark purple flowers that grew down by the stream.

But combing the forest had so far left her with nothing.

The map did little to help her. Full of unreadable squiggles and drawings. One of the few recognizable figures was a large mountain, but this didn't help her very much when she didn't know what the mountain was for. Was it for the jagged leaves or the bright flowers? Were they found on the mountain or at the foot? East of the mountain or West?

Combing the woods was far slower, but more methodical and precise. She found many plants here and there with similar atributes, but none of them seemed exactly right.

Now it was past noon and Raegan's stomach was complaining for the lack of food in it.

A break would do her good.

So she made a note to where she was, so she wouldn't have to start all over, and climbed on Mowgli's back to fly back to the village.

Hopefully she could find something to eat.

the reason so many people died in infinity war was because they all went to secondary locations where their chances of coming back were slim to none