Author's Note: Many thanks to Plague and a few others for their initial beta on this chapter. I was hoping to get this chapter out earlier, but it still took longer than expected. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via reviews, DMs, or Discord.

Pain was a regular outfit, one that never left my wardrobe. Maybe I need a change, but I doubt I could afford anything else. Not with this job.

Sweat dribbled down Issei's arm as he ran his fingers against his forehead. He squinted at the dust clouds, hoping to catch any signs of activity. Once he heard the crackle, he rolled to his side, tumbling across the coarse ground as red lightning scoured the earth, sundering it apart and spewing flames in its wake. He pushed himself back to his feet, heaving in the singed air, caring not if the heat pinched his lungs.

Clarent beckoned, and Ascalon stumbled to meet it. His arms quivered under the weight of his opponent's sword, and his footing shifted backwards when he saw her feral and toothy grin.

"What's wrong, Master? You're getting a bit sloppy!" Mordred taunted him as she kicked him in his stomach. His back writhed when he landed a good distance away, but it wasn't far enough to give him a reprieve to her onslaught. Just like her father, Mordred was an avid user of Mana Burst. While Artoria was controlled and precise in her usage of that skill, Mordred held no such inhibitions — her flurry of strikes were wild, brutal, unrestrained.

It was similar to fighting against the alternate, darker version of Artoria back in Fuyuki. He wasn't going to mention that to her though.

His fist bashed the ground with his own Mana Burst, using the rough expulsion to push him back on to his feet, but he wasn't fast enough — Clarent smashed Ascalon away from his slippery grip, sending it flying and spinning across the air where it landed blade first into the dirt.

The force of Mordred's slash knocked him back onto the ground, but she straddled his waist before he could even get up. Once her sword kissed his neck, he sighed and accepted his defeat. "I lost."

She snorted, "I mean, what did you expect when facing me?"

He laughed, and she joined in — the way her smile met the crickles of her eyes, it was these brief displays of emotion that she was more like her father than she believed.

"Alright," he paused for breath, "can I get up now?"

She shook her head, and the laughter stopped.

"Why?" Issei frowned. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy having a girl — especially an attractive one — on top of him, but he had more important things to do.

She dispelled her sword and leaned forward, trapping his head between her arms. "Not without answering some questions."

"Couldn't I answer them off the floor?" Issei asked, struggling to lift himself up, but Mordred wouldn't budge.

She rolled her eyes. "Well, it was either this or tying you up. Which do you prefer?"

"Why are those the only options?" Issei groaned, lulling his head backwards.

"Because," she leaned closer, soft breaths tickling his nose, but her eyes petrified him, "I don't want you to ignore this and run away."

"What?" Issei spluttered.

"Mast— , no," Mordred corrected herself, "Issei. Don't you think you've been pushing yourself too hard?"

"Too hard? This is normal training, well, until you showed up — "

" — Normal? It's only been a few days since you and Ritsuka returned from the battle against the Lion King!" Mordred growled, baring her fangs. "Both of you were suffering from magic overuse when you returned!"

"Yeah, but I've recovered. We don't have much time until the next one, so I might as well —"

" — Recovered my ass. That Doctor told you to rest for a week, didn't he?"

"That was only a suggestion," Issei disagreed. "I know the limits of my body."

"Do you really?" Mordred murmured; the tension easing from her arms but not her mood. "Issei, just because you can fight, you're still just human. You aren't like us Servants."

Issei frowned, unsure where she was going with this, "And?"

"If we die, it's not the end. Chaldea has recorded our Spirit Origins, so in the worst case scenario, we can return in time. But for you...," Mordred averted her eyes, but Issei could read in-between the lines.

"I'm doing this because I don't want people to die, Mordred!" Issei snapped, gritting his teeth.

"What good is that if you're the one to die?" Mordred yelled back.

"Better me than someone else," Issei murmured, turning his head away.

Mordred crushed the ground besides him, snapping his attention back to her. "I'm positive that I didn't hear that right. What did you say again?"

"One of the very first scenes I remember was the carnage of Chaldea — nearly two hundred people died in that wreckage. Then that same day, after witnessing the aftermath that was Fuyuki Grail War, we lost the Director that day," Issei shut his eyes, but it brought him no reprieve. The darkness only illuminated the lost more so. "It's frustrating to see better people than me die, and there's nothing I can do about it, no matter how hard I try."

They had the most casualties in the last Singularity; each one still fresh within his mind. He could remember the fear in the eyes of Rashid's mother as she protected him from the culling of the Selection. How Arash walked up to the cliff to meet Rhongomyniad, wearing a calm smile on his face despite knowing that it will be the last time he'll shoot an arrow.. Or even how the timid Xuanzang finally gathered up her courage in order to shatter the doors of Camelot, so that she could finally journeyed down the path that she could believe in.

If he could do more, could he have done what they did? Self-sacrifice...was it the true path of all Heroes? Then would the time comes: can he make the right choice?

"So your answer is to train yourself to the ground every day, disregarding your own health along the way?" Mordred snarked, gnashing her teeth.

Issei shrugged, eyes settling on Ascalon in the distance. He still remembered the oath he made that day. "It's the only thing I can do."

"You know what I hate the most about you, Issei? How little self-worth you have. You think it's frustrating to be unable to do nothing? How do you think we feel about you when you're like this!" Mordred grabbed his lapels and hauled him up to her eyes, and he flinched at what faced him. Rage flowed from her mouth, but it was disappointment that tempered her gaze.

"Don't you realize how you and Ritsuka are special amongst Masters? With so many Servants summoned, it's a damn miracle we haven't decided to kill off each other. It hasn't happened yet because we all trust you and her. But now I..."

Mordred released him, and he slumped back on the ground. She stood up, but her sighs kept him down. "You and Father are the same. He never told anyone his true feelings nor did he understand those around him. And here you are, doing the same shit he did."

She called forth Clarent and brandished it towards him. "You don't have to be a perfect Master. No one, not even the dead, expects that from you. So I'll just beat the shit out of you until you understand it."

Issei winced as he scrubbed his face with soap. It sported new bruises, courtesy of Mordred. He paused, hands gripping the rim of the basin as he studied his face in the mirror.

If Issei Hyoudou had his memories, what kind of Master would he be?

What face would stare back at him instead? Perhaps not one riddled with wounds and eyes tinged with lack of sleep. At the very least, they would be able to express authentic feelings.

It wasn't that he didn't feel joy whenever they had victories, nor he didn't feel sad when someone dear to them passed away, but he had to wonder — if he regained his memories, would he view the world with the same lens?

Mordred was right: he didn't tell anyone his true feelings but only because he couldn't. How could his current feelings compared to the ones before his memory loss?

He was helping Chaldea because he assumed it was the right thing to do, but what if Issei Hyoudou wasn't that sort of person?

It was a question that he did and didn't want the answer for.

Issei fell into his pillows, letting the softness of the bed seep away his soreness. There was just one more major singularity left, and they would be close to stopping the mastermind of the incineration of human history: King Solomon.

He shuddered at the very thought of confronting that monster again. In their first encounter, Solomon single-handedly wiped out all of their allies in the Singularity in London. They had only survived because Solomon didn't care enough about them.

Solomon had absolute confidence that nothing Chaldea could do would change the outcome. Deep down, Issei feared he was right, and he hated himself for doubting.

He tussled around, resting his hand against his forehead while he stared into the darkness above. The end was near, but he wanted more time. It might not be the answer to their problem, but he didn't know what else to do.

He settled into a comfortable groove before his breathing slowed.

Soft laughter stirred him from his stupor. He budged his eyes open, only to squint when bright light met them. He was thankful when a shadow loomed over, and crimson colored his view instead. He found his pillow was warmer than he was used to, but the softness was familiar to him, more so than since he came to Chaldea.

Perhaps he finally broken it in after all these months.

Sleep became more appealing, so he settled down once more. Another giggle. Maybe he had turned on the television in his sleep. He reached around, hoping to shoo away the noise, but instead, he buried his hand into something soft.

"Sheesh, Issei, I see that your love for breasts haven't changed after all this time."

That wasn't anyone he knew, but it was familiar.

He peeped an eye open and glanced around. The crimson shade was a brilliant luster for voluptuous hair, long and silky enough he could lose his fingers running through them. His hand froze when he saw that he was playing around with someone's breast.

His first reaction was that it was a marvelous sensation. Embarrassment soon followed, coloring his cheeks. "I'm sorry! I didn't know, I thought I was still in my room —-"

Her finger tapped his lips, hushing him with her sly smile. She hummed, "Even on a stormy day, the Breast Dragon is happier when he presses breasts."

"What?" Issei gaped; it sounded like nonsense, but nostalgia resonated within him. He fought the sudden urge to recall the sizes and shapes of the breasts of every woman he met.

"Just something from a more carefree time," she laughed, and he loved how it sounded. It chimed away his worries and tension. He felt less like a Master and more of a normal teenager — he wondered what that life would be like.

"This is a dream, isn't it?" Issei whispered as he reached towards her cheek, but he was afraid to touch, to shatter the fragile hope.

She leaned into it, strands of her hair tickled his palm. It was warm and soft; a tingling reprieve that skittered down his fingers. He wanted to indulge in more, but he knew — it wasn't real.

Her hand ran through his hair with an ease that avoided all the knots and tangles. "It's fine to dream, Issei."

"Is it really?" Issei croaked. "I have no memories still, no idea who I once was, not even one single clue! How can I dare dream without knowing what my original one was?"

She framed his cheeks with her hands and leaned forward, close enough that their noses could meet. "Without the past, there won't be a future, but Issei, don't let that stop you. You may not have your memories, but what do you have right now? They aren't fake as long as you believe in them."

He didn't have the courage to do so. "Who are you? Why do you trust me so much?"

Hair draped over him, and red faded into black when tender lips kissed his forehead. "I'm always watching over you. Even if you restarted from nothing, there are infinite possibilities for your future as long as you continue to dream."

But if you aren't in this dream, then how do I wake up from this nightmare?

"Let me tell you beforehand, far away from the peering eyes of Chaldea," Sherlock Holmes began as they walked within the underground hallways of the Atlas Institute, "I do not trust Roman Archiman nor Issei Hyoudou."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ritsuka murmured, keeping her eyes out for any signs of the defense mechanisms: golems, floor traps, and barriers. Atlas wasn't stingy with their weapons research, it seems. They entered a wide expanse where sunlight peered through from the sky. It was impossible, Ritsuka thought, for sunlight to reach them this deep underground.

Holmes directed them towards a series of tall, blue obelisks. "One of the reasons I came here was to use the Atlas Institute's greatest recording medium: a Pseudo-Spiritron Calculation Engine known as Tri-Hermes. Chaldea's Trismegistus was based off of this."

"We use Trismegistus to help with the Rayshifting, so this was the original?" Mashu asked.

Holmes nodded, "Yes. Tri-Hermes contains recordings of all events. Not everything can be understood since we aren't alchemists of Atlas, but the simplest truths will do. What I wanted to know was the details behind the 2004 Holy Grail War in Japan. Ah, I see Tri-Hermes has finished with the results: the winner of that War was Marisbury Aminusphere. He killed the other six competitors and won the omnipotent wish granter known as the Holy Grail."

Ritsuka's lips pursed up, "Animusphere, you mean the Director's father was the one who won the Grail?"

Holmes perused through the rest of the readings. "Correct. The records indicate that Marisbury brought his assistant to the Holy Grail War, and after that, the assistant was invited to join the staff of Chaldea. Now he's currently the top of the medical division despite his young age in the early twenties."

"The top of the medical division — you don't possibly mean Doctor Roman?" She frowned, nails biting into her skin.

Holmes directed his attention back to her. "Yes, and the story becomes stranger. The personal life of the man known as Romani Archaman is unknown, nor are there any records of him before the Holy Grail War either. For this reason, I do not particularly trust him."

"But even so, the Doctor hasn't done anything to harm us!" Ritsuka exclaimed. "And you even brought up Issei! He's been working hard as a Master as well!"

"All I can say is Doctor Roman is hiding something extraordinary. Until we know that is, I cannot trust him yet. As for Issei Hyoudou, his circumstances are just as strange as the Doctor. A teenage boy, possessing a draconic core, but also wielding a Noble Phantasm of a well known dragon slayer?" Holmes shook his head as he raised an eyebrow. "The possibility of such a person appearing in the middle of Chaldea right before the sabotage is near a miracle, but there's another possible explanation for that."

"...That he was sent here on purpose," Ritsuka completed the deduction. It was the one of the multiple theories that the Doctor, Da Vinci, and she came to when they discussed about Issei's arrival.

Holmes smiled before turning back to Tri-Hermes. "I see that you were able to come that possibility as well. Then the last thing I shall ask of Tri-Hermes is this: who is Issei Hyoudou?"

Issei Hyoudou is affiliated to the House of Gremory, one of the 72 Devil Pillars of the Underworld.

"Looks like you've recovered fairly quickly, Ritsuka," Roman smiled as he flipped through the pages on his clipboard. "Your vitals are fine, and your lab results are normal. You are clear to resume normal operations."

Ritsuka's eyes widened, jumping to her feet from the bed. "Really? That's a bit faster than I had thought."

"Well, it's not that strange with proper rest and care," Roman sighed, sinking into his chair. "I only wish I could say the same for Issei."

Her excitement faltered, and she settled back down onto the bed's edge. "He's been pushing himself again, isn't he?"

"His recovery rate always astonishes me, but still," Romani pinched the bridge of his nose and scrunched his eyes in frustration. "I did recommend for him to rest, but the first thing he does is hit the training simulators."

"It's not like I don't understand how he feels," Ritsuka chewed on her lower lip. Even with the amount of help they had received, the fight against the Lion King was very close. Too close. Her confidence had taken a pounding, and there was no doubt Issei's had too. "I'll go check up on him then."

Roman spun around back to his computer and waved his farewell. "Alright, he should be in his room. Apparently, Mordred forcibly sent him back there."

"No matter what she says, she fusses over Issei as much as Artoria does, huh?" Ritsuka giggled for a moment until she reached the door. Her hand rested on the frame before she turn back to Roman. "Say Doctor…?"

"I'd rather not have this discussion of ours revealed to the Doctor, but it is ultimately up to your discretion Miss Fujimaru and Kyrielight."

No matter what they had discovered in Atlas during the Singularity in Camelot, Ritsuka ultimately trusted Romani Archaman.

Sometimes Roman had a vibe that made people think he wasn't dependable. Perhaps it's the way he wasn't fully confident with his words, or maybe it was his lackadaisical mannerisms that made him easy to bully. But Ritsuka knew better — even if she had her fair share of teasing the doctor — he worked just as hard, enough to have his fair share of restless nights.

If he was hiding something from them, then it needed to be kept secret until the time was right.

Roman didn't look up from his computer when he answered. "Hmm?"

Perhaps, it wasn't the right time to mention anything yet. Not before she can confirm a few things herself. "Make sure to take a break every now then too, ok?"

"Yeah, yeah," The doctor rolled his eyes as he groaned, "I'll get some after I finish with this report. Da Vinci would've come in to nag at me if I didn't."

"For not completing the work or for not resting?"

"Knowing her: both."

Ritsuka knocked outside the door to Issei's room. There was no answer for except for a loud noise from inside. It took a short while for Issei to open the door, rubbing his back.

She gave a sheepish smile. "Ah, sorry, did I disturb your sleep?"

"No, it's alright, I was about to get up anyway," Issei yawned, standing aside to let her in.

There was only one free chair, so Issei sat back down the edge of his messy bed. She ignored it, preferring to sit right next to him so she could examine his face.

She was amused by his surprise; sometimes, he acted so innocent at times. She would've thought he would be used to closeness with how bold some of the Servants were with their affections. Still, his wide eyes only illuminated the dark pallor underneath them more so, and that casted a shade over her heart.

"Doctor wanted me to check in with you. I heard Mordred ran a number on you," Ritsuka laughed, but it was hollow.

Issei sighed, "Perhaps I owe her an apology for worrying her."

He winced when Ritsuka flicked the bruise on his cheek. "She isn't the only one who's worried, you know?"

"I'm sorry," he rubbed the back of his head, "I didn't think that it mattered a lot if I just —- "

" — No," Ritsuka shook her head, "if anything, you're not the only one at fault."

Issei tilted his head, but he waited for her continue.

"We have worked together for several months now. I've gotten used to your recklessness, but sometimes I just want to slap you around like Mordred did," Ritsuka began.

"Thanks," Issei said, rolling his eyes.

Ritsuka stuck her tongue out, but her merriment faded away, her fingers drumming against the bed's frame. "You're a capable Master, Issei. Far better than I am in a lot of aspects. But that was the problem — I began to think that you didn't need help. That you had everything under control. I had forgotten that you were just a civilian when we drafted you. I relied on you so much when it should've been the other way around. I failed as a leader, right?"

It was hard to compete, as childish as it was, with someone whose mana supply several times larger than hers. But it wasn't just that. He took very well to the battlefield, not once faltering at the forefront nor was there any hesitation in his decisions.

It was a confidence that was only forged after harrowing experiences. Experiences that she clearly lacked.

Ritsuka could barely call herself his senior in those regards, and she was ashamed of it.

He shook his head to deny it, but she reached out for his right hand, grasping it in hers. The rough feel of their calluses rubbed each other, but it was more comforting than any other. "There's one thing that we never got to talk about, but we should have done it a long time ago. Issei, are you troubled by your amnesia?"

"It wasn't anything I couldn't handle," he whispered, averting his eyes. "We had so much work that it never mattered. But I guess, that's an excuse I told to myself."

Holmes may have found his circumstances as suspicious, but the pain in Issei's eyes told her the truth.

Issei swallowed, struggling to turn back to meet Ritsuka's gaze. "I had always asked myself why ever since we came back from Fuyuki. Why did I have a draconic magic core? Why did I have Ascalon? Why did I appear in Chaldea? I had looked for anything that could tell me who I was."

He conjured Ascalon onto his lap and traced its edge with a finger. "When we summoned Saint George, I was excited. Perhaps a wielder of Ascalon could possible give some idea to my past. But he didn't know, and he couldn't: it wasn't the same sword as his."

"Issei, I'm sorry," Ritsuka sniffed as her grip softened, but her fingers still rubbed his knuckles tenderly. "I didn't know about that…"

"No, I never really talked about it to anyone," Issei shook his head. "There wasn't any other clues to follow. Doctor Roman and Da Vinci-san tried to search for any information with my name, but that came up empty."

The bed springs groaned under his clenched fists, but the tension slowly eased away with his long sigh. "I had always related to how Mashu felt, when she didn't know who the Heroic Spirit she was bonded to was. When she found out it was Galahad, I was happy for her, but at the same time, I was envious. It's really petty, huh?"

"No, it isn't," Ritsuka denied as she brushed aside the tears from his cheeks. He had never seem so lost, so vulnerable — but maybe she never really looked deep enough in the first place. "It's not wrong to feel this way, Issei. Everyone deserves to know their past."

"Perhaps," Issei shied away from her, "I wasn't meant to know my past."

Ritsuka frowned, "What makes you say that?

Still keeping his eyes on the floor, a whimsical smile wrote itself on his face. "I arrived on the day of the first Rayshift mission. As slow as I am compared to everyone, I can still connect the dots. Whatever sent me here made sure I only needed to know how to fight, and that's all I can do."

"The House of Gremory," Holmes had murmured, "while Gremory is indeed one of the 72 Demon Gods said to have contracted with King Solomon, it's strange to me that Tri-Hermes would state it like this."

"Do you mean there's a connection between Issei and a Demon Pillar?" She had gaped, unable to comprehend as disbelief riddled her thoughts. Did the Director also feel this terrible, sinking feeling — a constricting pressure grappling her heart, tightening it so hard that every of her breath was labored — when Lev Lainur had revealed himself to be Flauros, one of the Demon Pillars?

"I did not expect a comprehensive answer, but this is both too little yet too much to deduce a proper theory."

If Issei was right, and what they had found out in Atlas was correct, then perhaps, Gremory had sent Issei to Chaldea. But for what purpose? If it was to aid Lainur in Chaldea's destruction, then amnesia wouldn't have helped him in that regards. Perhaps his arrival had unforeseen complications.

There were too many possibilities, and none of them made enough sense with the information they had. There was also the other problem: should she tell Issei about this revelation?

He searched for an answer all this time, but did he deserve to know this? Would he be happier knowing that he was connected to their greatest enemy? It would only add more questions, and none of them will be reassuring.

But those were just excuses she had told herself. It wasn't that she didn't want to hurt him, she realized, she didn't want to hurt herself. She feared the possibility that he would betray them, just like Lainur did.

If she lied to him, wouldn't she be the betrayer instead? Had she such little faith in him, to think he would do so?

No, she was afraid of losing him — just like the others she had lost. She didn't want him to leave her when the truth came out. When was she so attached to him, she didn't know, but nothing can remain the same forever.

Whatever lies at the end of this path, she will see it through. Together or not.

"No, you can do more than that," Ritsuka reached out to hug him, his body stiff in her hold until it eased away into her grasp. "Issei Hyoudou is more than just a Master. No matter who he was, it doesn't matter. He's now my reliable partner, my irreplaceable comrade, my dearest friend."

They sat there, deep within each other's embrace, their heartbeats the only measure of time that neither cared for — they were here now, and that's all that mattered.

In the end, I will always choose the path that leads to Ruin.

When the call came out, Issei and Ritsuka rushed to the main control room, where they found Roman, Da Vinci, and Mashu sitting at their stations. "What's going on?"

Roman twirled around in his chair and gave a small smile. "Ah good, you're both here. I hope you enjoyed the brief reprieve as an abnormality emerged on SHEBA."

SHEBA was the near future observation lens of that CHALDEAS used to observe singularities for them to rayshift to. Issei frowned, noting a giant red blip marked on the representation of Earth. "Another singularity in Japan?"

Roman highlighted the date, "Correct, but the location isn't as important, compared to the fact that SHEBA cannot get an accurate observation of the singularity, even though it's close to our own time period."

"Japan in the year 2009, huh?" Ritsuka cupped her chin. "Did anything happen during that time period? Another Holy Grail War?"

"Nothing magic related historically. At least in our timeline," Da Vinci piped in as she brought up bar charts to their attention. It appeared to be a measure of something in various locations. "What's really interesting is the mana reading is way higher throughout the world here."

"But how could that be? Is this the cause of a Holy Grail?" Mashu asked.

"No, these readings are more natural to the leylines of the world," Roman scratched his head as he slumped in his chair. "It's almost akin to the levels we've seen during the Camelot Singularity, but on a much wider scale."

Da Vinci laughed, "In other words, this Singularity is harboring mana levels that could only imply the involvement of Divine Spirits and similar beings."

"Great," Ritsuka sighed before slapping her cheeks to perk herself up. "As long as we're not caught between a giant pyramid and a castle again, right, Issei?"

Issei jolted when he felt her nudging his side with her elbow. "Ah, yeah, we're good to go."

"Is something the matter?" Ritsuka asked, concern furrowing her brow.

"It's just that it feels familiar to me for some reason," he began, pointing on the map right next to the mark, "as if I've been here before."

Roman sat up in his chair, tenting his fingers. "Familiar? Granted we had other Singularities in Japan before, but maybe this one is closest to where you came from?"

"Maybe," — An image of a school building seared itself across his mind — "but it's still vague to me."

"Hmm, we'll make a note of it," Roman twirled back to his keyboard, "but in any case, for this deployment, the two of you will have to go incognito since it's the 21st century. Well, I guess this applies more to Mashu and any other servants on the first Rayshift."

"Also, Ritsuka, Issei, come over here. I have something for the two of you," Da Vinci beckoned with her gauntlet as she fumbled around in a box on her desk. She pulled out two scarves and gave it to them. "I've been working on this prototype for the final Singularity, but it's best you have it right now. It's to help the two of you deal with the mana concentration, like in Camelot."

"It's a bit surreal to hear that about Japan in this time period, but thanks Da Vinci!" Ritsuka wrapped hers around her neck, and he followed suit.

As they approached the Rayshift Coffins, Issei noticed Artoria at the side of them. There were occasions where she didn't don her armor, but this was the first time he had seen her wear a white blouse with a long blue skirt. She wasn't the only one in casual clothing: Mordred skulked in the shadows, wearing her leather red jacket and jean shorts.

"Ah, Issei, Ritsuka," she greeted them with a slight nod while sparing Mordred a slight glance.

Mordred stomped over, hands in her pockets, and glared at him. "I'm coming along."

She left without saying another word. Artoria laid a hand on his shoulder as she looked into his eyes. Her expression softened, mouthing a silent apology before leaving to follow after Mordred. He knew both of them were worried about his behavior as of late, and apologies wouldn't solve anything. Only actions would.

"Alright then, everyone, prepare to enter your Coffins," Roman announced over the loudspeaker. "Like with all other Singularities, our objective is to find out the source of the disturbance. This time, you'll be entering in the year 2009. We don't want to risk exposure of magic to the general public, so it's best to maintain covert operations until needed. Be on your guard, and good luck."

Issei could hear the sound of water flowing before his vision oriented itself. His hands rested on cold stone, with the occasional droplet splashing him from behind. He was sitting on the rim of a large fountain with a gentle breeze caressing his cheeks.

Ritsuka stirred besides him and stretched her arms behind her back. Mashu ran towards them, her red tie frailing to the side. "Ritsuka-senpai and Issei-senpai, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Issei stated, but his heartbeats disagreed, pounding a tantrum against his ribs. The sound of leaves rustling echoed longer than expected within his ears, and the symmetry of brick and mortar of the path in front of him only brought forth unease.

"The same," Ritsuka confirmed as she peered around her. "Looks like we're in a park?

"That's correct," Artoria reported with Mordred following behind her. "We found a sign that says this park is called — "

" — Kuoh Park," Issei whispered, his legs shaky despite sitting down.

"Kuoh? I don't think I've heard of here before. How about on your end, Doctor?" Ritsuka asked.

"We don't have anything on a 'Kuoh', nor does this city match the geographic records we have on hand," Romani explained. "That being said, Issei, are you feeling okay, your vitals are — "

There was a girl in front of him. Nothing but thin straps of black leather covered her breasts and bottom. Daring. Sexual. But not arousing. Dangerous. Black feathered wings blotted out the light, trapping him under heavy winds and eternal darkness. He needed to know, but he needed to run. Purple lightning danced within in her hands, and he knew the thunder will soon follow.

"If you want to blame someone for your death, then blame God himself for giving you that Sacred Gear —-"

She thrusted it right into his stomach, and he could only scream. He collapsed onto his knees, clutching at his stomach. His heart was sluggish...his breaths were blurry...if only the pain would stop...easier to give up...his hand dyed crimson red.

Crimson as that beauty in his dreams.

Didn't know her name...didn't accomplish anything...regrets...nothing but regrets...if only...he could have another chance…

A wish... set things right.

" — Issei, what's wrong!"

The crimson daze fractured, and light shined through —- what lied at the end, would it be heaven or hell?

"Doctor, what's going on? Is it an enemy Servant?"

He could hear frantic typing. "I'm unable to find anything on the sensors!"

"We don't feel any presences either."

"No, it wasn't a Servant," Issei rasped, finally able to open his eyes. He gulped down as much air as he could. As he examined his hand again, an afterimage of crimson red flashed before clearing up.

"And what could it be that had you flailing about like that?" Mordred snarked.

"I think it was a memory." Issei nodded his gratitude to Ritsuka as she supported him back to his feet.

"Your memory! Did something act as a stimulus here, Issei?" Roman asked.

Issei stared at the path in front of him. "I've been here before with someone."

"With someone? A friend?" Ritsuka asked as they both settled back on the rim of the fountain.

He shook his head, "I doubt it. She stabbed me and left me to bleed. I can still feel tinges of pain in my stomach from that."

"That's probably not something you wanted to remember," Ritsuka frowned, clutching the hems of her sleeves. "Do you know why she did that?"

Issei shuddered remembering her sadistic smile."I can only remember her last words: that if I wanted to blame someone for my death, I should blame God himself for giving me a Sacred Gear."

"God himself? Don't tell me the reason for the high mana readings is," Roman murmured to himself. "No, it's too early to make such conclusions. Issei, do you remember anything else about that person?"

"She had black feathered wings, so I'm not sure she was human. She conjured a spear — " his stomach lurched, and he felt nauseated " — of purple light to stab me."

Mordred grumbled as she crossed her arms together, "You got attacked by an angel?"

"If she was an angel, then what kind of being are we facing here, Doctor?" Ritsuka asked.

"Modern Magecraft has worked around the concept of an 'angel' as a 'vessel of power', but in actuality, we don't know much about them," Romani explained. "While there are records of angels with the appearance of humans with wings, they are normally depicted with white wings though. It's possible that she could've been a tengu instead, a supernatural being native to Japan mythology. That would be more in-line with the black wings."

"What about the 'Sacred Gear' that Issei-senpai mentioned? I don't think I've ever heard of that before," Mashu added.

Frustration crept into Romani's voice. "Da Vinci told me that we haven't any records of Sacred Gears in any mythology before either. It's really troubling at how much we don't know, so gathering information will be your primary objective after finding a suitable place to establish a leyline connection to Chaldea. Proceed on with caution."

"Sorry, if only I could remember more," Issei frowned until Ritsuka flicked his forehead and pointed down the path.

"But we do know that you're connected to this place. If this park triggered a memory for you, then you'll be able to recall more when we explore the city?"

Issei got up to his feet with wavering gait, but the looks of worries on everyone steadied him. "Let's go then."

As they exited the park, they came across what appeared to be a shopping arcade. In contrast to the quiet park, it was filled with the rowdiness and bluster of passerbys. However, one detail stood out to Issei.

"Those people," Issei pointed out to a group that was walking together, "Their uniform… it's the same as what I had when I first came to Chaldea."

"Then it's like a school uniform then? Do you think one of them could be your classmate?" Ritsuka asked, eager to talk to them, but the Servants rushed to stand in front them.

"Master, people are moving away from this area," Artoria whispered, and he watched as everyone else was walking in directions other than where they were.

Everyone but the group of students.

Ritsuka sighed and whispered back, "Possible hostile party then?"

"Only one way to find out," Mordred snarled, "Hey you lot over there, do you want something!"

The group of three — two boys and one girl — walked towards them. Short blond hair shadowed the lead boy's face as he clenched and unclenched his fists. He raised his head, revealing a haggard face. Deep bags didn't diminish the fury within his sharp gray eyes.

"We've detected unknown powers entering Kuoh, but it turns out to be you. So you've returned back here, Hyoudou." He spat out Issei's name as if it was a curse.

Issei motioned for everyone to stand aside in order to reply back. "You seem to know me, but I don't remember who you are."

"Stop screwing with me, Hyoudou," he shouted; his arm flailed at Issei in rage, "We'll give you one chance to tell us where you took her."

"But I really don't know! I have no idea what you mean!" Issei pleaded.

"You have some nerve to give us that bullshit, Hyoudou!" The boy snapped, rushing forward with his fist raised before the other boy raised his hand to stop him. A scar ran down his left eye.

"Saji-senpai, I understand how you feel, but please calm down for now. Hyoudou-senpai, you were once our friend. So please, tell us where you took Sona Sitri-kaichou."

"...Sitri?" Ritsuka murmured, calling everyone's attention to the name.

Romani exhaled sharply, "Sitri, one of the 72 demon pillars of Solomon?"

"We haven't encountered that Demon Pillar before," Issei frowned, shaking his head.

"Why are you acting like you never heard of the name Sitri, Hyoudou! Did you forget that you were a Gremory as well?" Saji snarled.

"I was what…?" Shock hammered his body, leaving him trembling and wavering. Was he just like Lainur, a host for a Demon Pillar as well?

But something inside, an inexplicable calming force that steadied his heart and limbs, told him that it wasn't correct.

Saji punched his fists together, channeling black energy through them. Black snakes formed from the power as it crept along and encircled his limbs. "It's no use, Nakiri. If he isn't willing to say anything, then we'll just force it out of him."

The snakes meld together, encasing Saji in a dark shell before it formed into a suit of black armor. "Balance Breaker: Malebolge Vritra Promotion!"

Mashu, Artoria, and Mordred manifested their battle attire in response, but Ritsuka raised her hand to stop them from moving. "Wait a moment, we don't want to fight you guys! You are Issei's friends, right?"

"Until he betrayed us," Saji growled.

"Saji," A deep voice emanated from within Saji, "I can sense Ddraig's power within those two female swordsman alongside with his host."

"...Y Ddraig Goch," Artoria breathed, placing her hand on her chest as she gazed upon Issei. "So that is how I was summoned...the Element of the Red Dragon that runs through my veins is the same as my Master's."

Sitri, Gremory, Y Ddraig Goch —- all names that he couldn't understand yet they felt so right to him.

"Saji-senpai, if those three are those 'Servants' we heard about, then fighting them isn't the best course of action," Nakiri said, keeping his eyes on them as he took a martial arts stance.

"Listen," Issei started, raising both his arms up to show his goodwill, "Like Ritsuka said, we didn't come here to fight. We're just here to investigate."

"And why would you need to investigate Kuoh after what you've done?" Saji spat.

"Because I don't even remember who I am!" Issei cried. "Tell me who Issei Hyoudou is supposed to be!"

"Something is incoming real fast towards you all, be on your guard!" The Doctor blurted in right when a blur crashed in between Issei's party and the trio, and the earth trembled, forcing him to down onto a knee into the ground to steady himself.

Yellow eyes gleamed through the clouds of dust. A brilliant luster of white coated the newcomer's armor, and metallic wings with panes of blue glass-like material spanned outward. He retracted his helmet, in a similar fashion to Mordred's, revealing untamed silver hair and cold hazel eyes.

Issei's arm throbbed as the new party surveyed him. "We meet again, Issei Hyoudou, my rival, my enemy."

They were my everything, and without them, I am nothing.