A/N: First of all, I was really impressed by the grand finale. I was kind of nervous, but I love that they had a sestra-get-together and that most of the storylines got wrapped up.

I like that in the series they didn't make Cosima and Delphine adopt Charlotte, I think they need to strengthen their relationship first and personally I'm glad that they made Cosima not want children. It's so often in TV shows that writers seem to think that every female character needs a baby in the end, as if their life couldn't be fulfilling otherwise.

Nevertheless I wrote this story to make sure Charlotte and Cophine get their happy ending :p

In this story Cosima and Delphine don't hunt down all the Leda's. It doesn't make that much sense to me anyway if Cosima has to stay hidden all the time. So let's just imagine that Scott does all the dirty work or that they've just sent the vaccin to the clones' GP's who will print it out on their biological 3D printers or whatever.

Cosima's clone phone starts buzzing. It's funny, Delphine thinks. The clone drama is over, but all of them have kept their latest version of the clone phone.

Art's name is on the screen.

'Cosima,' she calls. 'Ma belle, your phone's ringing. It's Art.'

She's sitting in bed, all naked and very satisfied. Cosima's gone up to the corner of the large room where she has hung her weed plants out to dry, telling Delphine that now that she's cured, she can finally enjoy smoking weed again, without worrying about ruining her lungs.

Delphine wants to tell her that smoking is still bad. That smoking one joint is equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes, that Cosima's lungs have been damaged, despite the cure. That Kendall Malone's predisposition to leukemia should be a warning sign. But she holds her tongue.

'You take it, babe,' her girlfriend yells back. 'I'll be there in a sec. We're gonna get super stoned.'

Delphine taps the green button on the screen of the clone phone and brings the device to her ear.

'Salut Art, it's Delphine.'

'Hey Delphine,' the detective mumbles. 'I'm really sorry to bother you, but look, um, my ex wife brought Charlotte and Maya back to me yesterday. Charlotte's feeling really homesick. She has been crying for over an hour and she keeps asking me to bring her to Cosima. I can't get her to calm down. Could you guys maybe come and get her?'

Delphine gasps. It's not that she'd forgotten about Charlotte, but clone club hadn't exactly discussed yet who would take her. The girl was supposed to stay with Art until the end of the week.

'Um, yes. Sure, Art.' She looks at her watch-less wrist and realizes she has no idea what time it is. Late in the afternoon, is her best guess. 'Uh, we'll-we'll be there in an hour.'

'Great. Thanks.'

She puts the phone down and gets up from the bed. She finds a tank top and pulls it over her head before making her way over to her naked girlfriend.

'Cosima?' Her delicate accent lifts the other woman from her task of mixing up tobacco and marijuana and placing the mixture in a leaf of rolling paper. Her experienced hands start folding a tip from a piece of paper, without taking her eyes of Delphine.

'Art said Charlotte is homesick. She keeps asking for you.'

'Oh.' The impassive tone of Cosima's voice surprises Delphine. She's usually so caring and empathic, especially concerning her sisters.

'Cosima...' she starts, but her girlfriend interrupts her.

'-Well, what does he want me to do? We haven't decided who'll take care of her, so she doesn't even have a home to be sick for. We aren't going to raise a teenager. Nor is Sarah. Helena is out of the question and I don't think Alison and Donnie are looking for another mouth to feed, considering Helena and the twins have moved into their garage.'

'I told him we'll pick her up in an hour.'

She expects the angry words before Cosima utters them, but still she cringes. 'What? Delpine... We live in a fucking basement! We don't even have a bed for her to sleep in. And if she stays here now, it will just make it harder for her to leave when we've arranged something else.'

The blonde sighs. 'Cosima...' She's thought about Charlotte for a long time, after Mrs. S. died.

Siobhan was the obvious choice for a guardian for the girl. But now that she's dead...

Cosima's hands stop fumbling around with her neatly rolled joint. 'You're doing it again, Delphine! You can't make these decisions without asking me what I want!'

'She has no one else,' Delphine exclaims. 'She's your sister. I know you two have bonded. She's been shipped from Marion to Neolution, to Rachel and Susan, to you, to Art. She needs some stability.'

Cosima's eyes grow big. 'What are you saying? Are you saying you want to like... adopt her? Like permanently? You don't even know her, Delphine! We have never even talked about kids. I don't want kids. Besides, we've been apart for a long time. We need to reconnect.'

'I'm not saying adoption,' Delphine hastens to calm her angry girlfriend down. 'It's... We can see how this goes. And decide later whether it would be a possibility. For both us and for Charlotte.'

If she thought that would calm Cosima down, she was wrong, Delphine realizes. Cosima looks at the ceiling as if she's expecting God himself to give her the answer and gestures wildly with her hands.

It reminds her of her mother, who would look up to the skies and ask "mon Dieu, déliverez-moi de Delphine" whenever she asked a difficult question as a child. It was an inside joke between them, but Cosima is not joking.

'She's not a dog! We can't just try it out for a few weeks and then give her back if it doesn't work out. Jeez.' Cosima puts a hand on her forehead in exasperation.

'What do you want to do with her then?' Delphine asks quietly. 'You said yourself that your sisters won't take her. Siobhan is dead. Are you going to put her in foster care? Let her get adopted by strangers who will never let you or your sisters see her again?'

'I don't know,' Cosima replies, in an equally quiet voice. 'I don't know Delphine.' She starts to cry. Her eyes become wet and when the tears overspill, they drip down her cheeks from underneath her glasses. Ever since the beginning of her relationship, it has physically hurt Delphine to see Cosima cry. She can't stand the thought nor the sight of her lover being upset.

She tries to pull the dark haired woman in for a hug, but Cosima's avoids her arms.

'I guess we should get going,' she mumbles with a sob in her voice. 'She's expecting us now.' She puts the tobacco, the rolling paper and her joint in a plastic container and grabs her tights and dress from the floor. She doesn't bother with underwear, Delphine can't help but notice as she stares longingly at the brunette.

'Are you coming or what?' Cosima snaps, clearly annoyed, and Delphine hurries to dress as well.

Cosima's very good at being passive-aggressive. Delphine has learned that much when her girlfriend started to work for Dyad. She never said so explicitly, but she made it very clear to Delphine that she wasn't exactly happy about working for what she considered the enemy.

That's what she does now, sulking in the passenger seat next to her. It makes Delphine feel sad herself. She wonders when she's become so dependable. When has her own happiness become so connected to Cosima's? Will it be like this from now on? She can't be happy when Cosima's unhappy?

They drive to Art's place in silence and make their way up to his floor. Cosima's out of breath at the top of the stairs, but her eyes tell Delphine that her lover will kill her if she dares to bring it up.

Art doesn't mention the tension he must feel between Delphine and Cosima, nor does he say a word about Cosima's red rimmed eyes or the remains of tear stains on her cheeks.

'I'm sorry I called you,' he murmurs, keeping his voice down so the girls don't hear them. 'I know you guys haven't decided yet who will take care of her. But she's been so upset. It has been going on for a few days now. Teresa and I tried to distract her, do fun things, you know. But she has started to eat less and cry more... She kept asking for you.'

'It's fine, Art,' Cosima mumbles, giving him a hug. 'You did good.'

'Come on,' he gestures and they step inside his apartment. Charlotte is lying on the couch in a fetal position, her leg brace is off. Maya is sitting next to her, stroking her hair.

'Look who's here,' Art says and Charlotte sits up.

Cosima kneels in front of the couch and wraps Charlotte up in her arms.

'Cosima,' the girl sniffles. 'You came.'

'Yeah. Of course I came, silly.'

Delphine feels herself tear up when she watches them. It's so obvious that Cosima feels affection for the youngest Leda. Maybe it's not that Cosima doesn't want this, maybe she's just afraid.

'You remember Delphine?' Cosima asks when she lets go of the girl. Charlotte nods shyly. 'She's my girlfriend. Would you like to stay with the both of us for a few days?'

'If you don't mind me.' Charlotte's voice is brave, but her lip quivers. Delphine has seen the same trait in Cosima and her sisters. It breaks her heart. This poor little girl has been through so much. Shifted around from fake mother to fake mother.

'No. Of course not,' Cosima's quick to assure her. Delphine's happy to hear the gentleness in her voice. She's not angry anymore, or at least she's not taking it out on Charlotte.

Charlotte's eyes have shifted to Delphine.

'You're very welcome to stay with us, Charlotte.' Delphine pronounces her name in French and decides she likes it.

'Come on,' Cosima straps the leg brace to Charlotte's leg. It makes Delphine wonder how much time Cosima and Charlotte have actually spent together. The action seems so familiar to her girlfriend.

'We'll go get your stuff.'

'Art,' Delphine asks, while her girlfriend and Charlotte are getting her things. 'Do you have a...' She can't find the English word. 'Merde. Un matelas gonflable? An inflatable matrass? How do you call it? We do not have a bed for Charlotte.'

'I have some camping gear. An air matrass for sure. Maybe a sleeping bag as well. Hold on.' He disappears from the room and Delphine sits down next to Maya on the couch.

'How come your girlfriend looks like Beth and Sarah?' the girl asks. 'Are they sisters?'

Delphine bites her lip. She has no idea how much Art has told his daughter about clone club. She decides to just let it go. 'Yes, something like that,' she tells Maya. 'You have very sharp eyes, mademoiselle.'

The girl giggles. 'I'm not a young lady. I'm just a girl. Une fille.'

After Charlotte has said goodbye to Art and Maya, the three of them make their way back to the car. Delphine is carrying the air matrass and a hand pump, Cosima has the sleeping bag and Charlotte has her own backpack and a small suitcase.

None of them says a word on the ride home. Charlotte has stopped crying, but Delphine can see that the girl is still upset.

When they arrive at the game store however, she sees a small smile appear on Charlotte's face.

'Can we play board games? When we came back from the island Scott taught me how to play Agricola, but I want to play the other games too.'

'Sure,' Cosima replies, squeezing the young girl's shoulder. 'Let's just get you settled in first.'

Of course Delphine gets stuck with inflating the air matrass while Cosima and Charlotte sit on the bed, talking quietly. She can hear them giggle and she takes a moment to admire Cosima's face. Her girlfriend is so beautiful when she smiles. Comme le soleil se lève.

'Delphine?' Cosima's voice calls.

'Yes, ma chérie?'

'If we order Chinese, will you go get it?'

'Of course, mon petit chiot. Anything that makes you happy.'

She means it. There is nothing she wouldn't do for Cosima. For her happiness. The feeling overwhelms her all of a sudden. How is it possible that she feels so much love for this woman? Sometimes her love for Cosima scares her, to be so dependant, to be so attached to another human being. Humans are so frail and brittle. If anything would happen to Cosima, she'd fall apart.

She finishes pumping up the air matress and covers it with a clean sheet and the sleeping bag Art lent them. Her vision is blurry with tears and visions of Cosima being ill and nearly dying as she makes her way to the small niche in the basement that serves as Cosima's bedroom. Cosima's lying on her belly, her feet dangling in the air above the pillows and Charlotte's on her side next to her, laughing about something.

She kneels in front of the bed, tears streaming down her face. She chokes down a sob as she hears Cosima's concerned voice. Her small hands cup Delphine's face.

'Delphine? Hey, what's going on?'

She can't voice it. She doesn't know how to explain it. Not even to Cosima. This sudden feeling of needing to be with her lover, to hold her, to be held. This overwhelming love that she feels for the other woman. The fear of losing her. The gratitude that she feels for both of them surviving. For being together.

Cosima sits up and slides down from the bed on the floor so she can hold Delphine in her arms. She showers the blonde's face with kisses. 'Delphine,' she whispers. 'It's okay. Everything's okay. We're okay. Ssh.'

Delphine doesn't say anything. She just cries and her girlfriend rubs her back until she finally calms down.

Cosima doesn't ask her what is wrong and Delphine doesn't offer an explanation. She just presses her face into Cosima's shoulder, inhaling her girlfriend's scent.

An even smaller hand strokes her back. 'You don't have to pick up the Chinese if you don't want to,' Charlotte says, eliciting a laugh from both women.

Delphine's head lifts away from Cosima's shoulder and watches the youngest Leda. Her eyes are cheeky, but she can see that Charlotte knows full well that this is not about the Chinese at all. The girl is too smart for that, but it endears Delphine how she tries to comfort her with a joke. It reminds her of Cosima.

'I'm sorry, Charlotte,' she says, pulling herself from Cosima's embrace. 'I'm not usually like this.'

'That's funny,' Cosima comments. 'I remember you telling me the exact same thing when we first met. I bet you say that to every pretty girl.' She sticks out her tongue and the three of them laugh.

'I guess I should really go pick up the food, non?' Delphine stands up and finds her coat on a chair.

'I'll come with you,' Charlotte tells her, scrambling up from the bed. She must really have missed Cosima, Delphine muses. She has perked up considerably and seems so much livelier than before, at Art's place. If the girl is already this attached to Cosima, these extra days won't matter that much.

It's dark and cold outside, but it makes her feel happy to walk past houses where the lighting is on. Families and friends being together in the warmth of their own homes.

Charlotte's hand is holding her own and she tries to adjust her steps to Charlotte's slower pace. For a moment she wonders what exactly is wrong with the girl's leg. She'll have to ask Cosima about that later. For now she just enjoys the feeling of the small, warm hand in her own, Charlotte is so sweet and trusting.

Delphine's never really thought about having children. Her career has always come first. She has known about Cosima's feelings about motherhood since before they met, every conversation on the issue well documented by previous monitors. She could live without having children, as long as she has Cosima. She knows that for sure. But she can't help thinking that Charlotte might not be such a bad addition.

They eat on the Persian rug in what Cosima calls the chill zone. Delphine is impressed with the amount of food Charlotte stuffs away. She must be making up for the meals she missed at Art's.

'Do you like it?' Delphine asks and Charlotte nods heartily.

'It's very good. I never had Chinese food before.' She smiles. 'I like eating with sticks.'

'Yeah, it's fun, isn't it?' Cosima asks. She's tied a hairband around Charlotte's chopsticks so they were easier to manouver for the girl. 'Did you know it's healthier to eat with sticks, because you eat slower? Your body has more time to digest the food.'

Charlotte shakes her head. 'No, I didn't. But I don't think I want to eat with them all the time. Eating mashed potatoes would be difficult.' She giggles. 'Can we play a game now?'

'Sure,' Cosima replies. 'Why don't you go up to the store and pick out a good one?'

Delphine starts clearing away the dishes while Charlotte walks up the stairs.

'She's a good girl,' Delphine muses. 'She's sweet and funny. She reminds me of you.' She pokes Cosima's side.

'Yeah, she is,' her girlfriend agrees, but when Delphine looks at her, she immediately becomes defensive. 'Which does not mean that I think that we should adopt her.'

'I'm not saying that,' Delphine shushes.

'Don't you know how easy it is to mess up a kid, Delphine? What if we turn out to be really shitty parents? What if she turns out to be really messed up from everything that's happened? Or if she grows up to be an insufferable brat? What if I get sick again? Or something happens to the both of us? What if she gets bullied or if she gets ill? What if somehow we don't give her enough love or enough space to develop into a healthy adult and she gets all fucked up, like Helena?'

'No one can foresee the future, Cosima. All of that could happen. Or none of it could not happen. No one knows. Look at you and your sisters. At all the Leda's. There are so many outcomes and possibilities, no one can know for sure. Insecurities are the same for every child. If we had a child of our own those things could also happen.'

'Yeah, that's why I never wanted a child of my own.'

Delphine palms her face and strokes Cosima's cheek. 'I didn't mean to push you, Cosima. I-I just wanted to let you know that I would be okay with it. But if you don't want it, that is fine too. It's your choice and I'll love you either way. With or without Charlotte. With or without children of our own. It doesn't matter to me. I'm happy as long as I am with you.'

Cosima nods and kisses her hands. 'I-' But before she can start her sentence, they hear the door open and Charlotte hobbles down the stairs.

'We'll talk about it later, Delphine.'

They play Descent: Journeys in the Dark for hours. Delphine has never played a lot of board games; just card games and dominoes and twister, but she has to admit that this is kind of exciting. Of course it also helps that Cosima and Charlotte are both very much into it. Cosima loves to play the dungeon master, adopting a new voice and personality for each monster that she controls and they all giggle like idiots.

It's only when Charlotte's eyes start to droop, that they decide that it's time for bed. It's past eleven and Delphine is really not sure what is an appropriate time to go to bed for a ten year old. Cosima shrugs. 'It's not like she has school or anything.'

When Charlotte has brushed her teeth and pulled on her pajamas, she crawls into the sleeping bag on the matrass in the corner of the room. Cosima squats down at her side.

'We're just behind that door.' She hears her lover tell the girl. 'If anything's wrong, just come around. Doesn't matter what it is.'

'I'll be fine, Cosima,' the youngest Leda replies. 'I never have nightmares and I haven't wet the bed since I was six.'

Cosima laughs. 'Okay then. Good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite!'

'Bonne nuit, Charlotte,' Delphine tells her. 'Sleep well.'