
This was probably the worst thing that has ever happened to him-aside from that one time his mother walked in on him looking up things he didn't wants his mother to see-and it just keeps getting worse. Wile E. Coyote was forced against his will to move to another town; to a different school; to a whole new life. In school Wile wasn't very social, hell he wasn't social at all. That shaggy haired boy never had done anything social, actually or at least not unless he was absolutely forced too. Wile was a very shy person and barely spoke to anyone. It was extremely rare for a single word to pass his lips. That just was how Wile was, he was the definition of anti-social. And now he has to start at a new school where he will have new people trying to get him to talk unaware of how futile it would be to try to get him to talk.

The idea of moving absolutely petrified him but he had no other choice as his father, who worked for the company ACME as an engineer, was required to move because his job needed him in Los Angeles to work. The whole move sucked as Wile had to pack that unpacked everything, but Wile at least has a new room to enjoy which is on the second floor of there house. The room has a sunroof which gives a perfect view of the stars at night, and he absolutely loves the view.

Wile has only lived in his new home for a few days and tomorrow he must attend his first day at his new school, Looney High. His mother has forced Wile to go outside so he is currently outside sitting on the lawn with his earplugs shoved in his ears so he may listen to some music. Wile is usually adorned with a gray hoodie which he always has pulled over his to hide from the world but the sunny afternoon weather caused him to pull it off for once as he layed in the shade under a tree in his backyard. The peaceful atmosphere of course didn't last as Wile music was drowned out by the sounds of yelling, and Wile suddenly found himself scrambling to get out of the way as a kid with short blonde hair ran towards him followed by a very angry and also drenched teen with shaggy black hair.

"Tweety just wait til I get my hands on you!" the taller teen (now that he's closer Wile can see that the blonde is older than he first thought and is just extraordinarily short) asked as he watched the blonde or Tweety climb up the tree and soon followed.

Tweety just giggled as he climbed further, "you're going to have catch me first you, putty cat!"

The teen who clothes were soaked with great agile that was similar to a cat followed Tweety closely, ''I already have," a smirk on his lips as the shorter teen was now stuck near the end of the branch with nowhere else to climb too.

The blonde ignoring the smug teen looked down just noticing Wile, "hey you, I didn't realize someone actually moved into that house otherwise I wouldn't have come onto your yard. I'm Tweety and that's Sylvester he's just mad because the pussy cat is afraid of water"

"I'm not a pussy cat and you sprayed me with a hose," Sylvester yelled which only seemed to brighten Tweety's mood who jumped down from the tree and fell on his butt. He was followed by Sylvester who landed on his feet.

Wile looked at the two now that they were still and not in a tree he could get a better look at them. Sylvester was wearing a soaked white t-shirt and black skinny jeans; it was quite impressive that he was able to move up a tree so easily wearing skinny jeans Wile noted before seeing Sylvester bright green eyes which he had to admit were quite stunning. Tweety was wearing a blue football jersey for Looney high with numbers the number five on it and shorts that were held up by a belt. "...I-I'm Wile," he said though he didn't want to but yet still did. Wile despite his shyness and constantly avoiding people he still desired to have a friend.

Sylvester smiles softly, "well it's nice to meet you Wile. You can call me Sly, it's a lot shorter. I'm guessing you're going to go to Looney High . If you ever need anything you can always find me. Hey!'' Tweety who suddenly seemed upset at the lack of attention tugged on Sylvester's or Sly's hair and ran off. Sly glared after the blonde, "I got to take care of something. I will see you around Wile!'' And he was gone running after Tweety.

Those two are quite strange Wile thought now that he was alone or so he thought because the next thing he knew he was being spoken too by blue hair.

"Those two fight all the time, you will learn to ignore it," the hair that now revealed to be a face said to him. A teen that looks about his age was leaning over the fence that separated Wile's yard from his neighbor's. This must be his neighbor, his blue mullet of hair was the least surprising part of him. The teen had vibrant purple eyes-there was no they were real-which were adorned with his perfect smile and muscles. The teen wore a tank top which gave Wile the opportunity to see the muscles in his arms as the teen leaned against the fence. Wile was speechless as he looked at the teen who already managed to get his heart racing and make his mouth dry. "I saw you moved in but I didn't really get a chance to say anything yet. You're Wile right? Your mom came over the other day and mentioned you," he spoke looking down at Wile.

Wile should say something, do something but he's frozen. He never done well around others and already managing to form a crush on this teen was making things worse. The universe decided to end Wile's as a women from the blue-haired teen's house calls out, "Randall come inside!''

The teen frowns, "I gotta go. I will talk to you later Wile." He's gone after one last smile at Wile.

First chapter is up and there is more to come. The next chapter will feature Wilde meeting the rest of the gang at school and Baffy will start making its appearance.