This is a fic I've been working on for a while. I decided though that I want to start posting it and see what you guys think. I hope you guys enjoy.

I don't own DP

Danielle smiled happily as she looked down at Vlad's mansion. She felt free. Freer than she ever had before. And she knew just who to thank. She turned, hugging Danny who looked at her surprise "I knew I could count on you cuz." she said softly.

Danny smiled at that, hugging the girl tightly "I'm so glad you're safe Danielle." he said.

Valerie couldn't stop her small smile at that "What about me?" she asked.

Danielle grinned at that, pulling away from Danny and tackling Valerie in a hug "Thank you. I knew you weren't a bad person." she said.

Valerie hesitated at that, looking at the ghost girl. She then glanced at Danny who gave her a reassuring smile but there was a resigned look in his eyes that made Valerie think twice.

She frowned, directing her hover board up to Danny who gave a pained grimace "Just let me send Dani off and I'm all yours as promised." he said softly.

Valerie's eyes widened as she realized he still intended on keeping his promise.

Finally she sighed, holding out her hand "Truce? And who knows. Maybe we can" she said.

This time it was Danny's eyes that widened as he stared at the proffered hand "I...seriously? Like a...tonight truce tomorrow game on?" he asked.

Valerie shook her head "Like a permanent truce. Partners?" she asked.

Danny gasped happily before shooting forward and grabbing her hand with both his, twirling around happily and disorienting the girl "Are you kidding? I've been wanting this since...well for a while now. Yes. Thanks! I won't let you down. Partner." he said.

He then turned to Danielle who was watching with amusement "What about you cuz? How would you like to join team Phantom?" he asked.

It was the third person to look on with wide eyes.

But unlike the other two Dani's eyes fell sad "I can't. I don't have a place to stay and if I stay here Vlad will come after me. As long as I don't have a home then I can't stay. Besides, I do like seeing the world." she told him softly.

This made Valerie's heart string tug sadly. This girl didn't have a home? But Danny wasn't ready to give up.

He grabbed Danielle's hands "But I can give you a home. Come live with me and my family." he said.

Danielle looked surprised while Valerie raised an eyebrow "You have more family? I guess it shouldn't surprise me. Do they live in the ghost zone?" she asked.

Danielle bit her lip at that, looking at Danny "They don't know about you though. I can't ask you to do that. Not for me." she said.

Danny looked thoughtful at that before glancing at Vlad's mansion, glaring at it darkly.

He then grabbed both Dani's and Valerie's hand "Come on. I need to talk to you both where the fruit loop won't over hear us." he said.

Both girls exchanged looks as Danny lead them through the town before setting them on a hill, landing next to them.

He then turned to Dani "'re right. My family has no idea. Not about me or you or any of this. But I am willing to tell them if it gives you a home. Please. Come home with me." he said.

Dani hesitated before looking away unsurely "I don't know. This is your biggest secret. Are you sure you want to do that for me?" she asked.

Danny nodded before turning to Valerie, looking serious "Yes. And to show you brings us to the other reason I brought you both here." he said.

He took a deep breath as he faced Valerie "I have been wanting to let you in on the secret for a while now. But I couldn't do it while you hated both halves of me." he said.

Valerie pursed her lips in confusion before glancing at Danielle and her face seemed to fall in resignation "'re not full ghost. Are you?" she asked softly.

Danny shook his head "No. And I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you. That dog wasn't mine. And I knew you weren't in the suit. And at first I admit I didn't like you. I mean, you were hunting me. But then I...I did begin to like you. A lot. I wanted to tell you but it seemed the closer I got to you as a human...the more you hated me as a ghost." he said. Valerie looked just as confused as ever until the rings split around Danny's waist, turning him into Fenton.

Valerie groaned at that "Of course. I should have figured." she said.

She then gave a feeble smile "You weren't kidding when you agreed the Fenton's couldn't catch a ghost living under their own roof." she said.

Danielle cackled at that "From what I understand they continue to mistake Jazz for the ghost. Because there was no way poor naïve and innocent Danny could be a ghost." she said in amusement.

Valerie gave a snort at that, turning to Danny "I see. Alright then. Well the truce still stands. It'll be nice to finally fight alongside you. You still have my cell?" she asked.

Danny nodded "Of course. I wasn't about to give it up." she said.

Valerie smirked at that before deactivating her helmet, leaning forward and kissing his cheek "In that case I'll see you later Phantom." she said before flying off.

Danny grinned at that, turning happily to Danielle before immediately frowning "And where do you think you're going?" he asked, seeing her tiptoe away. Dani gave him a sheepish grin before moving to fly off.

Danny however smirked, activating the thermos and sucking his cousin in "Sorry Dani. But this time I'm not letting you do this alone." he said in amusement.


Danny took a deep breath as he stood outside of the door to his home. He tightened his grip on the strap holding the thermos on his back before moving to turn the door knob. He flinched as he opened the door to reveal his parents glaring at him angrily. Danny shut the door quietly "I...I can explain this time." he said softly.

Maddie frowned but motioned to the couch "Start talking." she said firmly.

Danny nodded, removing the thermos "I...I don't really know how to start. It's really complicated." he said.

Maddie frowned, glancing at the thermos before growing concerned "Danny? Is there a ghost in there?" she asked.

Immediately Jack stepped forward "Here son. I can contain it." he said.

But Danny withdrew, keeping the thermos from his parents "No. She's not evil. In fact she's...she's a clone. Of me." he said. Both parents froze, looking concerned.

Danny gave a half hearted shrug "She was created by a fruit loop who wanted me to be his son. But I have refused time and again. So he tried to clone me and created several clones. But Danielle..." his hands tightened on the thermos "Danielle wasn't like those other mindless clones. She thought. She felt. And in the end she saved my life. And she was also unstable. But tonight I was able to stabilize her using dads ecto dejecto." he said.

Jack frowned at that "So she is part ghost? Despite the human DNA?" he asked.

Maddie frowned "That could be what made her unstable. Human DNA and ghost DNA aren't meant to mix. It's like mixing oil and water. And if it were forcibly bonded it could have had catastrophic results. Making her unstable." she said.

Danny's eyes widened as he understood the implications of what that meant "That's why he needed my mid morph DNA. He knew why she was unstable!" he said.

He then looked worried "Would you be willing to help make sure she is stable? If the DNA is that unstable of a mixture can you make sure she stays safe? Please. Danielle is more than a clone. If anything she's like a cousin or sister. She...she means a lot to me." he begged.

Maddie hesitated before going and kneeling next to Danny " may not be possible. Ghost and human DNA aren't meant to mix." she said softly.

Danny shook his head "What if I had proof it was? A half human half ghost hybrid. Would you be able to stabalize her with someone like that helping?" he asked.

Both parents looked at each other in shock "It shouldn't be possible son. That much ectoplasmic exposure would kill someone." he said.

Danny shook his head, holding up a hand "As far as we can determine it only half kills you." he said, allowing the energy to dance around his hand.

He frowned as he watched the green dance "I'm not alone either. The man who cloned me is one too. The ghosts call us halfas. Can you use me to help Danielle?" he asked.

Maddie drew in a sharp breath as she watched the energy dance.

Jack however was watching Danny curiously "Can we meet her?" he asked.

Danny hesitated before finally pressing the release button on the thermos, allowing Danielle to tumble out. The girl cried out in shock as she tumbled out, her messy black hair falling in her eyes as she stumbled to the floor.

She then scowled, turning on Danny with her eyes shining green "What's the big idea? Do you have any idea how...cramped..." she trailed off, her eyes flickering to blue as she took in the company.

Danny chuckled at that, standing and stepping forward "Of course. I swear Jazz loves stuffing me in there with the amount of times she's accidently got me. You thought a few minutes was bad? Try five hours." he said in amusement, offering his hand.

Danielle took it with a grumble while Jack looked surprised and a little hurt "Jazz knew? Why didn't you tell us? We're your parents." he said.

Danny nodded "Yeah. And I love you both dearly but you are also ghost hunters. I'm part ghost. And I wasn't sure how you'd react. Because the truth is I've also been fighting ghosts. And I really love protecting the town. I've been doing a lot of good and I don't want to stop." he said softly.

Finally Jack Fenton sighed and in an uncharactaristic show of support he smiled placing a hand on Danny's shoulder "Phantom. You're Danny Phantom." he said. Danny nodded, allowing the rings to change him.

He then nodded to Danielle who hesitantly did the same "I'm Phantom and Danielle was clones using both halves of me. Everything but my midmorph DNA. Can you help her?" he asked.

Maddie still looked hesitant but Jack gave her an excited look "Come on Mads. Look at them. Our sons a ghost hunter. Just like us. And Danielle? She could be another daughter. Look at her. She's obviously been living on the streets. Come on. Let's give it a shot. What do you say?" he asked.

Maddie sighed in resignation at that before giving a tired smile "Alright. But in the morning. Right now I think we all need some sleep." she said in amusement.

Danny cheered at that, hugging Danielle who smiled happily "Thank you. Thank you so much!" she said, leaping forward and hugging Jack and then Maddie.

She then transformed into human, Danny following with a grateful smile before yawning "Well I don't know about you cuz but it's been a long night. And as fun as kicking Plasmius' butt is I need some rest. I was up all night the night before fighting Skulker. You still remember where the guest room is?" he asked.

Danielle nodded at that while Maddie gave a tired sigh "I guess this explains the missing curfew." she said.

She then gave the two a reassuring smile "Get to bed you two. We'll figure it out tomorrow. But in the mean time...welcome to the Fenton family Danielle." she said with a smile.

line break

Clockwork sighed heavily as he watched the events "And time has been set. There is no escaping their paths now." he said softly.

Behind him he heard movement "This was not how it was supposed to turn out." the observant said.

Clockwork frowned at that "Yes. But while his future is inevitable I believe they can get through it." he said.

He watched, frowning as he morphed into a child. The images began to shift.

Maddie and Jack hooking Danielle up to a machine, Danny watching eagerly. It then shifted to more scenes.

Danny and Danielle fighting along side with the Huntress.

Danielle frowning in irritation as the ecto goop from Jack Fenton's latest experiment covered her.

Danielle meeting the man she would eventually marry.

Danny kneeling on one knee.

And finally the image shifted to one much different. And much more terrifying. Fire and lightning raced across the sky, destroying everything in it's wake. The chaos only increased as the ice joined the mix, attempting to quell fire and lightning's rage. Clockwork flinched as the energy shot out, even managing to affect him. He quickly cut off the image.

The observants frowned at that "This is not the future that should have happened." they said.

Clockwork nodded, changing the image "But better than the alternative where the girl went her own path." he said, showing a different path with both halfas laying on the ground, never to move again.

Clockwork finally turned to the observants, turning into an old man "A future in which the two Phantom's remain separate is bleak. But a future in which they are the family they should be in uncertain. I do not know what will happen in that fight. I do not know what the future holds. And neither do you. I am willing to place my faith that Danny Phantom can stand up to the challenge. I place my bet on this future." he said firmly.

The observants exchanged looks before finally looking at Clockwork "Very well. But if this future comes to pass and it destroys the world, both theirs and ours. The blame shall be solely placed on you. As we said, the being known as Danny Phantom is your responsibility. I hope your champion is up to the challenge." they said before leaving.

Clockwork frowned at that, turning back to the screen and once more looking at that future. That dark future that even he could not see past.

He once more flinched as the energy lashed out, this time leaving an icy chill "Good luck. Danny Phantom."