A professional looking woman glanced at her partner "So what do you think of the relationship between Danny Phantom and the Red Huntress?" she asked.

Her partner, a man in a pristine gray suit, dusted some imaginary dust from his suit while sneering "I think it should be obvious." He said, pushing his glasses up.

He then shook his head "It's painfully obvious they hate each other. It's a hatred spanning possibly over lifetimes. I firmly believe Huntress knew Phantom when he was alive. And what had once been possibly a school rivalry gone wrong now gives credence to the fact that Huntress can attack with whatever force they desire. Taking their rage out on…" Valerie scowled as she clicked off the TV, glaring at it darkly.

Days like this she wished she hadn't taken Jazz's suggestion. That her and Danny become friends before Huntress and Phantom do. It's been a dance they've done for two years now. Off the battle field as civilians they were friends. But the moment they changed…they fought. Not giving their all. In fact they'd even had several scripted fights. But when she had to listen to this is made her angry. She couldn't help but glower as she headed out the door, briefly calling a farewell to her dad before running down the apartment stairs, ducking into an ally to transform. Once in the air she heaved a heavy sigh, wondering if maybe it was time to enact a truce. For the media of course. In all technicalities their fights weren't even dangerous for them. They played their part well.

She groaned as she landed behind the school, letting her suit recede. She then hefted her back pack on her back, marching into school. 'They hate each other. It's a hatred possibly spanning over lifetimes.' Well if there was one thing they got right it's that she knew Danny when he was alive. Still did.

Her scowl kept getting worst as she dug through her locker, placing her stuff in while pulling out her needed books. 'School rivalry gone wrong…Huntress can attack with whatever force they desire…' Valerie slammed her locker shut, furious.

"Everything okay Val?" someone cut in.

Valerie jumped, seeing Danny looking at her in concern. She groaned again, leaning against the locker "Saw Tiffany Snow's interview with Dr. Johnson this morning. It ticked me off." She groused.

Seeing that Danny relaxed "Oh is that all?" he teased.

Valerie scowled at him "I'm guessing you didn't watch it?" she griped.

Danny chuckled "Well they were onto the fact Huntress knew Phantom when he was alive." He said.

He then gave her a reassuring smile "I saw it on the way in. But you shouldn't let it bother you. They are wrong. And someday they will see just how wrong they are." He assured.

Valerie however still gave a sad smile "Yeah. Someday." She whispered.

Seeing that Danny grasped her chin gently, directing her to look at him, giving her a serious look "Valerie…do you trust me?" he asked.

Valerie sighed heavily before giving him a small smile "Of course. You know that I trust you ghost boy." She said softly.

Danny smiled at that "Then trust me and follow my lead. Alright?" he asked.

Valerie sighed before offering him a tire smile "Alright. I'll follow you're lead." She said softly.

Danny smiled at that, brushing her hair from her face "Thanks." He said before motioning with his head "Now come on. Time to get to class." He said.

Valerie sighed but this time it was with amusement as she followed him "Lead the way ghost boy." She teased.

Line break

The rest of class went smoothly. Valerie was able to keep a level head. And for the most part there was no ghost attacks with the exception of the Box Ghost which Danielle managed to nab. Or at least it was smooth sailing up until the last class of the day. Valerie could only thank her luck her scanner didn't pick up something until five minutes till the end of class. And even better it was PE so she was already done changing and ready. She smiled smugly as she slipped out of the locker room before quietly slipping out of the school to activate her suit. She then looked down at her tracker before frowning "Skulker? Already? Well in hindsight I guess we didn't trash his suit this time." She muttered before following the signal, wincing when Danny's signature appeared near Skulker before immediately converging.

For a moment she hesitated. She was getting so tired of this. She didn't want to fight him. Not any more. He was quickly becoming one of her best friends. And if she was honest she was hoping someday they'd been more. But then she took a deep breath, steeling herself. Last time Danny had been attacked by Skulker Lancer had gotten into it. And while Danny wasn't being forth coming about what had happened she knew it had to be more. Either way she didn't want a repeat. She put a false smile as she approached "Hey! You spooks ready to get trashed?" she asked.

Danny shot her a small relieved smile before turning quickly back to Skulker "Well now you did it. You brought the hunter. You know, the real one? Who actually succeeds at her job?" he asked in amusement.

Skulker growled angrily, doubling his attacks on both of them "I will have your pelt on my wall! There will never be a way away from me! Mark my words, one day!" he shouted.

Valerie scoffed "And let you steal my prey? Forget it!" she said in irritation.

Phantom smirked at her "How bout a truce Red? For old times sake?" he asked.

Valerie started at that before smirking "Yeah, alright. You're on Phantom." She said with a smirk.

She flawlessly changed tactics, moving to Danny's side "Let's show this spook why I'm the only hunter around." She said.

They then immediately lunged forward in tandem, using a team work built from two years of being partners to take down the hunter without a shred of mercy. They both knew he could bounce back. It took only minutes before they had weakened enough to suck Skulker into a thermos. For a moment Valerie let herself bask in the victory. Sometimes even she forgot just how effective a team her and Danny could be. She then blinked as she noticed something…or rather some one right in her face, invading her personal bubble. She recoiled, floating back while watching Danny warily, not liking his smug look. "What now Phantom?" she asked dryly.

For a moment Danny looked even more smug before his smile turned sincere and he held out a hand "Thanks for the help today Red. We make a good team." He said lightly, offering her a smile.

Valerie looked at him searchingly. She couldn't figure out what Danny was aiming for. But then his eyes briefly darted to the side and Valerie quickly followed his gaze, seeing a news van. But she still didn't understand. Why was Danny acting like this? But then Danny offered her a small, sincere smile "So I've been thinking. We do well when we hold a truce. And I know…I'm a ghost and you're a ghost hunter but I was wondering if instead of a temporary truce you'd like to form an alliance. A permanent alliance. Please." He said softly, his hand still outstretched.

Seeing that Valerie's eyes widened as she realized what he was doing. He was giving her what she wanted. They wouldn't have to fight in public. But how safe was that? "My benefactor might not be to happy about that." She said softly. Vlad might suspect she knew as well.

But Danny just gave her a reassuring smile "What if I said I could get you a new benefactor? I'm sure you've heard I work with the Fentons now." He said. And Valerie understood. He was giving her an out from Vlad and hunting him.

She smiled as she finally relaxed, taking his hand "Alright. But we'll have to go over details later." She said.

Danny nodded, shaking her hand "I agree. But for now I've got to take care of this fake." He said.

He then released her hand, floating forward and kissing her cheek, pulling back with a playful wink "Later Red." He said before disappearing.

Valerie froze, her hand slowly moving up to her cheek as she felt her face light up. She was distinctly aware of the news cameras. And what was more she knew exactly who watched every news broadcast that involved her.

She felt her cheeks light up more as she realized her dad had seen this. "Phantom! You're lucky I already agreed to a truce other wise I swear I'd chase you down and stuff you back in the ghost zone myself!" she shouted, hearing Danny's chuckle in the distance.

And despite herself she smiled as well. He really was a goof sometimes. But he was her goof.


Tiffany Snow smirked as she looked at DR. Johnson "So it looks like you were incorrect about Phantom and Huntress. News records them creating an alliance. What are you're thoughts?" she asked.

Dr. Johnson looked like he was swallowing a lemon but he looked at her "I personally believe this alliance may only be temporary. Phantom and Huntress have far to much built up hatred to be able to stay this way for long. They simply clash far to much with Phantom's flirting and Huntress's more serious personality." He said.

Valerie snorted at that, flipping off the TV. But this time she had a wry smirk on her face "They have another thing coming to them. Never last. What a joke." She said.

She then looked down at her phone as it buzzed with a text. 'Wonder what they'd do if you flirted back. Almost worth it to try one of these days.' It read.

Valerie laughed at that "Maybe some day ghost boy." She said, storing the phone.

She then looked at the TV, a soft smile on her face "An alliance huh? Gotta hand it to you Phantom, ya really know how to manipulate the crowds." She said. But she was fine with that.

An Alliance.

That was a good cover if any. And now they could start fighting together at long last.