Alrighty folks, here's the last chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Chapter 3- Sally, He's Home

As Paul pulled the car onto the parking lot of their apartment, Sally looked wistfully in the general direction of Long Island. Not long after the call from Percy, Annabeth had stopped by to tell her that she was leaving to find the Roman camp. Sally hadn't heard from her since, and Camp Half-Blood hadn't had any updates to offer.

Paul, in an effort to keep both of their minds off the constant worrying for the absent demigods, had taken her out to dinner at a new Italian restaurant that supposedly had the best garlic bread in the state. Sally and Paul had agreed that they'd both had better garlic bread, but it had been sweet and had managed to distract her for a few hours. Now though, she was back to worrying.

As she and Paul got to their apartment, the first thing that Sally noticed was that the door was unlocked. Sure that she had locked it on her way out (she always did), Sally exchanged a look with Paul who eased the door open as quietly as he could. He went in first, Sally following close behind. They got to the living room, and then Paul stopped dead. Sally froze, and opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, but before she could he turned around so that Sally could see the huge smile spreading across his face.

"Sally," he said, months of worrying lifting from his suddenly ecstatic face, "He's home."

Sally pushed past her husband to see the two teenagers out cold on the couch. One was blonde and curly haired, Annabeth, and oh gods, Percy! Her son had one arm wrapped around the daughter of Athena, his head resting on her's which was on his shoulder. He had new scars, and the gray streak in his hair was gone, but there was a small trickle of drool trailing from the corner of his mouth, which was just so Percy that a happy tear slipped down Sally's cheeks. her baby, as promised, had finally, finally come home.

More happy tears welled in Sally's eyes as Sally gently eased herself onto the couch in between the two teens. Wrapping her arms around them both, Sally rested her head on top of her son's head, which was now on her shoulder, and on her other she could fell the welcome weight of Annabeth's. Giving a tired but joyful smile to Paul, who smiled back and quietly shut the lights of as he went, Sally drifted off to the best sleep she's had since three of her son's best friends had appeared at her door to deliver the news of his disappearance.

Yes, Sally's baby was home. And she'd be damned if she was ever letting him go like that again.

Whoo! First story I've finished in a while, I shoud probably get back to my other one's now, *laughs sheepishly*. Well I hope that you guys liked it, even if the chapters are kind of short!


MusicalsandMordred- Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it. Here's another short chapter, and I hope you liked it too!

nerdycook24- Oh my God, I know right? Sally so deserves a palace and endless supplies of her blue cookies without having to bake them :)