For some reason, I decided to watch Escaflowne- A Girl In Gaea the other day and couldn't stop thinking about Van and Hitomi. They are one of my favorite fictional couples, although they never had the chance to be together in the series or the movie. I like the movie because it focuses less on the Allen-Hitomi-Van love triangle and the characters are so much more primal and raw.

This may or may not be a one-shot. I have a lot of studying to do, so I may come back at a later time and add to it.

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own Escaflowne. I am making zero coin off this story.


Hitomi stares out of the window in the small room that has been assigned to her. The gentle rocking of the rolling crusade ship puts her at ease, and yet she can't find sleep on the hard, wooden cot next to her. Her hand closes around the pendant hanging from the chain on her neck. Was this the end? Was Escaflowne sealed in the precious stone forever? She lets out a gentle sigh and her thoughts drift, like so often, to Van.

He had asked her to come with him to Adom for the time being. Not knowing what else to do, she had agreed. When the fighting ended, the crew of the rolling ship was free to go wherever they pleased, but out of habit, they stuck together. Hitomi turns and slowly wanders out of her small room. Her feet carry her aimlessly through the ship where the crew had been busy drinking and celebrating for hours. Now, in the early morning hours when it was still dark, most everybody is passed out propped up randomly against walls and enjoying their alcohol-induced slumber.

Her feet take her all the way up to the main deck where the bowsprit pierces the dark air. She walks over to the side and leans on the wooden railing. Her thoughts never leave Van. She wonders what he is feeling right now. What are his plans upon coming back home to Adom? He is the wild king of a broken country destroyed by war and drenched in blood. She shivers at the thought and gently hugs herself. Then, out of nowhere, a warmth. She knows it's him. He had come up behind her ever so quietly.

Oh, Van, you are still so reserved and quiet, even though your mission is completed. "I couldn't sleep. Everything is so fresh in my mind, and I'm not used to this hard cot." She looks into his maroon eyes and he wordlessly takes her hand.

He gently pulls her with him as he walks through the ship's hallways, down and up several flights of stairs, passing a few snoring crew members along the hallways. She lets him guide her. As they slowly walk through the ship, she observes his back. Two dark, jagged scars line the inside of his shoulder blades. His wings... She wonders if it hurts when they break the skin.

Van pushes open the door to his cabin. It is just as bare as hers, devoid of any personal items. There is no cot on the side of the wall. Instead, half the room is taken up by a pile of straw and a makeshift comforter of a dark green fur she can't place with any animal she knows.

Van releases her hand and slips out of his shoes. He walks over to the far side where he takes off his sword and puts it gently in the corner. He removes the armor on his arms and the leather strap that fastens it to his body. Next, the fur around his hips falls to the floor. She is mesmerized by his undomesticated beauty. It is the first time she notices all the other scars, most prominently one that extends all the way from his lower abdomen to the right side of his hip and down into the low riding hem of his knee-length shorts. How did he get this one? He swiftly takes off the cloth wrappings on his legs and turns around to look at her with his gentle eyes.

Slowly, he walks over to her and reaches for an end of the sash that decorates the collar of her school uniform and with a tug, it slides to the floor. Hitomi blushes as his hands carefully undo the buttons of her blouse. He places his hands on her neckline and pushes the garment off her, brushing his calloused hands along her shoulders and arms. She shivers under his touch and locks her eyes with his as she is left standing in a thin, white camisole.

Van slides his hands around her and pulls her close. His heat rushes through the thin fabric - the only thing that separates his warm, naked chest from hers. Hitomi's hands find their way around his back where she gently runs her fingers along the scars that his white, downy wings create when they break through the skin. He groans softly and the gentle puff of air that escapes his mouth tickles her temple.

She feels his hands wander down her back and gingerly unzip her pleated skirt. He works slowly, giving her enough time for resistance. When he feels none, he releases the skirt and it lands on the floor with a quiet rustle. She slowly runs her hands down his abdomen to trace the long scar. Her fingertips dip into the hem of his shorts and she slowly traces along it to the V that his muscles from on either side. Her touch makes him gasp slightly. A ticklish spot?

The air is cool against her backside and thighs, but soon Van's warm hands trail the lacy rim of her undergarment on either cheek of her backside. His gentle fingers ever so slightly slip under the soft cotton and allow themselves a feeling of her smooth skin. Her face is pressed against his hard chest, and the side of her mouth is burning against his collarbone.

He releases her, only to take her hand in his and carefully pulls her down onto the dull furs as she slides out of her shoes. He locks his gaze with her mossy green eyes and kneels between her legs. Calmly, he devotes his attention to her legs. He carefully runs his thumbs along her knee and pulls down the tall sock, brushing his fingers along her calf. The fingers of one hand softly run over her heel and the skin of her foot as he tugs off the garment. A stifled shriek escapes her mouth. Ticklish there? He repeats the actions on her other leg, this time earning more of a small moan when his fingers graze her bare foot.

Van gently places a hand on the inside of her knee. The feel of her soft skin is mesmerizing. He ever so slowly slides his warm, rough hand up the inside of her leg. Pausing on the soft skin on the inside of her thigh, he squeezes gently, fascinated at the feeling of her firm, soft flesh. Hitomi gasps quietly and her eyes tell him all he needs to know. I have never… A corner of his mouth rises ever so slightly in a reassuring gesture of understanding. He releases her thigh and brushes the back of his hand against the warm, damp fabric of her underpants. This time it is him who feels the heat. His fingers trace the moist outlines of her womanhood. Her body wants him even more than she may think.

Leaning in more closely, he carefully trails his fingers across the front of her underpants and slides the tips of his fingers under the elastic hem. He follows the fabric and traces the line across her soft stomach, watching it rise and sink under her deep, steady breaths. He lifts his hand up and flattens it against the pale skin of her abdomen. His tan skin is a stark contrast to hers. Slowly, he slides the hand under the thin camisole, working his way up between her small breasts where the pendant rests. She is not wearing any of the complicated undergarments that he knew well-endowed women on Gaea to prefer.

As he slowly slides his hand to the side, his fingers brush a perky nipple, and she involuntarily arches her chest into his touch. Her mouth is open in a silent gasp. He leans down, lightly pressing his face against her chest and nuzzles the fabric of her camisole. She sighs as he slowly takes her scent in through his nose. Her hands find the sides of his head and small fists tug his hair as she firmly holds his head in place. Van had moved his body closer to hers and was languidly pressing his hips against hers, so she could feel the hard bulge in his shorts pressing against her.

He stays still for a minute, enjoying her feel and scent. When enough time has passed, he feels her grip loosen and lifts his head. Her soft green eyes catch his gaze. He removes his hand and places it on the side of her face, with his thumb gently tracing the lower lip of her soft, gaping mouth. Finally, his face draws closer to hers and for a moment, they share a breath before his lips barely brush hers.

Hitomi gently runs her delicate fingers along his cheeks and around the back of his head. She deliberately pulls him closer and the kiss is sealed. She marvels at his gentleness. His kiss is warm and full of reserved desire. She can feel his longing. He tries to pull away slightly, but she does not let him. The kiss feels like it lasts forever, but eventually, they break apart and look at each other. His amber eyes stare into her soul and the half-grin is back on his beautiful lips.

Quietly she says "You know I'm not really the Wing Goddess, right?" Van chuckles as he carefully moves his body next to hers, pulling her into his arms and holding her head possessively close to his warm chest. His soft voice responds "You are to me." Hitomi feels his strong, steady heartbeat under her hand next to her head. He gently rubs her back as they both slowly drift into sleep.