Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine.

Please note that these stories may/may not all take place consecutively. There will be alternating chapters, so we started with Penelope and next will be Luke. If you have any thoughts that you would like for me to write a chapter around please let me know. Please indicate if the thought should be Penelope's or Luke's when submitting it. I'll try to get to them all. Lastly, please enjoy!

1. Oh. My. God. - Penelope

Everything stopped moving the moment she saw him. Better yet, she stopped moving, and the world collided to a halt around her. No, that's not right either. She stopped moving and everything else around her kept going, and in all of her years on this earth, she had never stopped in her tracks at the sight of a man before. That is until today, until now, until him.

Oh. My. God.

This thought continuously ran through her mind as she stared openly at him.

Oh, God, I can't tear my eyes away from him. Stop it, Penelope, stop it.

But right now, right in this very second, she was a train wreck. She kept looking at him, looking at the side of his face, and wondering how exactly it would feel to run her lips across his chin. She wondered if his beard would leave red lines across her face, across her body. She shuddered, but it wasn't cold in the office and she realized that she was shuddering at the thought of this stranger's hands on her body.

"Garcia!" She blinks several times, tearing her eyes away from the man whose name she still didn't know, and focuses on JJ who had been yelling at her across the bullpen. She still can't move, and she wonders where this heat on the back of her neck was coming from. She moves forward slowly, taking small steps and shaking the fuzziness from her head.

"Yeah Jayje, what's up?" She asks, finally reaching the desk.

"You were staring and blocking traffic." The slender blonde says in explanation before turning back to her paperwork.

Penelope turns back around to locate the person she was looking at and locks eyes with the most beautiful shade of honey she has ever come across and her legs grow weak. She sinks into the nearest chair with a small groan that elicits laughter from JJ. Penelope turns back to her co-worker with her mouth open, gaping like a fish.

"Who…who is that?" Penelope inquires softly, or so she thought because this time she didn't notice that the bullpen had literally stopped moving around her. It wasn't just her this time that had stopped, and suddenly she felt more than one set of eyes on her. She turned a shade of red that she wasn't sure could be achieved by a single human being, but here she was.

"Nothing to see here people," JJ announces, waving her arms to dismiss the eyes. She turns back to Penelope, reaching out to place a hand on her arm. "That is Luke Alvez. He's helping out with the escaped Serial Killers." She says quickly before turning back to her paperwork. "He's on loan from the Fugitive Task Force." She continues. Penelope sits there nodding her head, clutching her tablet to her chest and doing everything in her power to stop herself from turning back to look at him.

"Good morning, Ladies." The gruff voice washes over her like a bucket of cold water and she stiffens in the seat near her co-worker.

What is he doing over here? Why is he talking to me? To us?

Oh. My. God.

Penelope turns in the chair, not trusting her voice, and locks eyes with those of Luke oh my god Alvez.

"He…Hello." She says, extending a hand out to him. "I'm Penelope Garcia, and you are?" She continues, not able to tear her eyes away from him. She's straightened her back, choosing instead to face this man with confidence, even if she has to fake it. And fake it she will in order to not look like a fool around this man.

"Alvez, Luke rather." He says laughing, clasping his own strong hand in her own. She could feel the callouses that had grown there, and she shivered at the thought of what those hands would feel like on her body. She shakes her head to clear these thoughts from her mind. But the image is still there as she looks into Luke's eyes, and she wonders what his muscles would feel like under her delicate fingers. Not like computer keys, that's for sure.

"Okay, newbie, if you're sticking around we have a case." She replies, standing up on shaky legs at the feeling his hands on her own had given her. Breath, Penelope, breathe. She chastises herself. Stumbling as she walks away, she doesn't turn around to look at him, but she can feel his eyes on her. She rushes into the conference room, slamming the door closed behind her and leans up against it, taking a deep breath.

"Not again, Penelope." She says aloud, before moving from the door and walking to the table realizing that she doesn't have the files that she needs in order to brief the team.

"Looking for these?" Someone asked from behind her and she stiffens at the sound of his voice again. She doesn't look up at him but continues to stare at the table. She's nodding her head.

"Yes, can you place them on the table?" He chuckles at her.

"Sure." He says and she can hear him place the folders on the table. "So does everyone get pet names from you?" He asks. She nods her head.

"I hereby knight you as Newbie." She says, still not turning around to look at him. She can feel that he's taken a step closer and visibly relaxes when she hears the voices of the other members of the team walking into the room. She finally turns around and sees him again, and his eyes are so expressive that she can't manage to tear herself away from looking at him.

"It was nice to meet you, Newbie, but we've got work to do." She says turning back to the TV and bringing up the newest case. "Take a seat."

"Yeah." He says, sitting down nodding his head at you. "Right."

Oh. My. God. She takes a deep breath, not being able to remember the last time she's ever left a man speechless.