A/N: Just when I think I'm drifting away from Hinny as a pairing, some person insults the pairing and I'm back with an AU filled with rage.

Written for:

Love in Motion: HarryGinny

Song Lyrics Challenge: They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce

Serendipity Day: Use the word


He's twelve years old and he's the boy from a family that's all dead, who's only relatives hate him for reasons he can't explain, who doesn't get why people pity him with their sad eyes, who doesn't get why this is considered a bad family life.

She's eleven and she writes in a diary because she has no other friends, because her brothers never include her when she wants to join, because she can't seem to even keep time straight anymore.

Really, they're doomed from the start but it's serendipity anyways.


He carries her out of the chamber like they're running from a war, broken and bruised and bloody, but breathing.

"It's my fault, isn't it?" She asks, bitter and sad.

He doesn't know how to explain that it isn't, that he out of all people knows what it feels like to be so alone that you'd take anyone's company. He wants to explain it: the silence of the cupboard, burning bacon until he wants to scream, his uncle's abuse, the way your demons never seem to leave you.

He doesn't know how but he tries.

She doesn't know how to thank him but, "I understand," may be as close as she can get.


"It isn't getting any easier," he says in fourth year, the books he's been looking at for the tournament scattered around the library table. "I'm going to die."

She doesn't want to think about it, about how fragile he looks in the light of the setting sun, about how inexperienced he really is compared to everyone e else.

She forces a smile instead. "You're going to kick everyone's ass, Potter. Just wait."

He knows she's lying but he smiles anyways.


"I've broke up with three people this year." She tells him, cross-legged on the Quidditch grounds.

He doesn't think she's ever looked prettier than she does now, the moonlight causing her hair to look silver, illuminating her.

"Oh, yeah?" He asks and pretends he hasn't been keeping track.

She shrugs, the gesture tired. "Dean, Michael, Luna. All done and gone."

"Luna's still around," he points out despite the relief he feels.

"Luna's always going to be around," she says firmly. "But she's my best friend, not my girlfriend."

And then, in the moonlight and in their favourite spot, she kisses him for the first time, and it feels like coming home, like safety, like I'll always have your back.