You Complete Me

A/N Starts in the future and goes back to 2005. Mostly in canon through season 14; Ziva is alive and reunited with Tony. I will be posting updates on days that are multiples of 5: on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th of each month.

Chapter 1, Prologue: January 3, 2067

Two days ago, my parents celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Yesterday, they left this world, as they had been for sixty-one plus years, together. Earlier today, we said our goodbyes and remembered our Abba and Ima. Fifty years married and over sixty-one years on each other's six may not sound like any big deal, but for Abba and Ima, it was more than a big deal. They were each other's world, salvation, everything, and soulmate. Abba was ninety-eight at his last birthday in July and Ima turned eighty-seven in November. Both were still active and alert, although Abba was on oxygen enriched air due to an illness, from before he met Ima, that left his lungs scarred for life.

On New Years' Day, our whole family gathered to celebrate the milestone anniversary. Five children, fifteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren were just the start of the family who came together to witness the love of Abba and Ima and hear yet again how that love built a family. Many years ago, a very wise man showed Abba and Ima how to build a family that may not be related by blood, but had at least as much, if not more, love and caring as biological families. Abba and Ima had an extended family that included former colleagues, spouses of same, spouses of children and grandchildren and siblings of anyone in the family as defined by love.

That same family, minus the patriarch and matriarch, came together forty-eight hours later to celebrate the life and love of Abba and Ima.

I, Talia Elisheva DiNozzo Rubin, also known as Tali, will tell the story of my parents. I have photos, digital video and voice recordings, diaries and written accounts from which I will pull the details, especially those that happened before I was old enough to remember. Thank you, to Granducky and Aunt Abby for insisting on saving the family stories and events in pictures, words and recordings, and to Uncle Tim for carrying on the tradition.

I took the title of their story from a love letter from Ima to Abba, dated July 8, 2012, that one of my brothers found in Abba's safe. Anthony and I read it when he found it and neither of us had a dry eye by the time we finished. Ima was right; she and Abba completed each other. For all who knew them, they were indeed two as one. To tell their story properly, we shall start at the beginning.