A/N: New story! Yaaay! I haven't really been doing other things aside from my continuous story, 'Closest Friend I've Got', which I highly recommend you read if you haven't already. :) But, I've had a lot of one shot idea come to me lately, and I needed to get this one out and published. I hope y'all like it! :D

"Are you ready, babe? I don't wanna get all comfy only to have to move when you get in bed."

Alex's voice carried through the bathroom door, and I quickly spit of my mouthwash. I ran the towel across my face, banishing any water droplets from my ever-growing stubble. Checking my teeth in the mirror once more, I opened the door.

"Yeah, darlin', I'm ready." I answered, striding across the room. I stopped at the edge of the bed, pulling my shirt off and throwing it over the nightstand. I opted to keep my boxers and socks on, it was too cold without them. This damn winter will be the end of me if I don't get to spend a single night wearing nothing in bed this season.

I glanced at Alex while I half-heartedly combed my hair with my fingers. A wide grin fills his face as his eyes move up to meet mine, and I can't help but grin back. That's it, I'm gonna do it.

I'm going to propose. Right now.

"Well, hello, Mr. Almost-Have-A-Beard." He waggled his eyebrows, shoving the blanket next to him away and patting the spot. "Care to cuddle?"

"Of course." I nervously laughed, unsure as to how I would do this. Do I just outright ask him? Or… do I wait until the morning, when we're both dressed and not about to go to bed?

Why the hell didn't I ask Peggy for help? I remember she had all these fairy lights wired around the tiny garden on the balcony of her little studio apartment. She had written out 'Will You Marry Me?" on a little piece of cardboard and stuck it in a new potted plant that she'd gotten for her girl. Maria had absolutely adored it, and had Instagrammed the whole set-up the morning after. It was fucking beautiful.

Would Alex like something that cute? I have no clue, I can barely focus on just standing. Oh my god, I'm still standing!

Alex was staring at me, his brows furrowed. "You okay? I think you spaced out there for a minute, hon."

"Yeah, sorry, I'm good." I hastily replied, taking his earlier signal and sitting down in the space. I pushed my legs under the blanket, pulling it up to mid-chest. Our internal heating unit was broken, so it was colder than usual, resulting in us buying more blankets and constantly sleeping like the grandmother in Little Red Riding Hood.

I sighed as I settled in, rubbing my head against the cushy pillow. I heard a small chuckle come from Alex, something he always did when I would get into bed. He'd always tell me I looked like a puppy on a new bed, rolling and rubbing by body against the blankets and pillow. I never disagreed, just quietly accepted it, since I thought it was adorable that he saw my nightly ritual like that.

"Hey, uhm, Alex?"


"… Uh, nothing, I just…" I stumbled over my words, snapping my eyes shut. "Goodnight. I love you, Alexander."

"Goodnight, John. I love you, too, babe." He mumbled, curling closer to me.

His head nestled in the crook of my neck, his calm breaths heating my skin. My eyes stayed wide open, focused on the ceiling as I began my task. I counted as the minutes ticked by, and finally reached the magic number; fifteen minutes.

It always took Alex fifteen minutes, exactly, to fall asleep. He needed the time to create new stories, or think of brand new arguments against something before he succumbed to his usual tiredness. He always thought as though tomorrow wouldn't arrive, and the same applied to his writing.

As he fell into deep sleep, I slowly shifted my body. I moved an inch or two to the left, in an attempt to reach my nightstand. Alex's head was nearing the mattress, so I had to bring my hand up from his waist to cup his face. After his cheek was secure in my right hand, I steadily inched away, careful not to move too quickly. I did not want him to wake up while I was in the middle of a very important mission.

I stretched my left arm as far as I could, careful to keep my right arm near Alex. His breath caught, halting my movements immediately.

I stilled, watching for any signs of waking on his end. His face scrunched up, and he released a small sigh before falling back into his breathing pattern. I sighed as well, relieved he hadn't woken up.

My left hand reached the nightstand, my fingers grazing the surface. I internally groaned as I felt around for the drawer handle, my hand crawling down the side of the table. I made it to the side, and successfully got a grip on the smooth handle. Pulling it open, a grin snuck onto my features.

With the drawer open, and Alex still out cold, I grabbed the final piece of the puzzle. My fingers dipped into the drawer, feeling around for the small velvet box.

The grin didn't leave as I pulled the soft container out of the nightstand. I could barely keep my breathing calm and collected, I was too nervous and excited. At least Alex isn't awake, he would've had both of us crying if he'd seen my face and the box curled in my fist.

I took a deep breath, ready to finally do this after saying 'my boyfriend' for seven years.

I rolled onto my side, facing Alexander's fluttering eyelids. They always flickered, because he's usually arguing ardently with someone and, when he argues, he blinks a hell of a lot more than normal.

"Alexander you-don't-have-a-middle-name Hamilton," I began, my voice barely a breath through my grin. "Will you marry me?"

His snoring never ceased as I quietly opened the velvet box and retrieved its contents. His snoring never ceased as I whispered 'I love you' over and over as I slid closer to him. His snoring never ceased as I carefully took his hand in mine and slid the simple gold band onto his left hand.

After I put the ring box back on the nightstand, I wrapped Alex up in my arms and sighed out of comfort. Content with my work, I gradually tipped off.

"Mm, morning, Alex." I mumbled into his chest, reluctant to pull away.

"Morning, Joh-" Alex stopped mid-greeting, immediately sitting up and leaving me to fumble onto the mattress. "What the hell is this?!"

A/N: YAY ONE SHOTS! As always, please read and review! It makes my day when my readers let me know whether or not they like a piece, or they request one! Hope you liked it, leave a comment below. :)