Third Person's P.O.V




As soon as Sam said this, everything escalated quickly from there. First, was the shock from everyone in the room, including Sam himself. The human, however, didn't deny it. He longed for them just as much as they longed for him. His body, which was currently on fire, proved this to everyone in the cave. He was theirs, and they couldn't wait to show him what they wanted to do to him.

Marko knew how Sam was feeling because the vampire was feeling the same way. He knew he couldn't go all the way with his submissive, at least not yet, but he could show him a taste of what he was in for.

Snapping out of the shock the smallest vampire had originally felt, he leaned into the human, his human's ear.

"Good boy." As soon as Sam heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Even though the human was somewhat embarrassed at the situation he was in, Sam found that he enjoyed being praised, especially by them.

"Tha-thank you," Sam stuttered, and Marko smirked, ready to correct the boy, but Sam figured out what he was going to say, and hurriedly fixed his response by adding on the simple title of "sir.".

Marko and Paul felt pride swell in themselves as they looked at their kitten. His head was bent slightly, showing them that he thought they were the more dominant ones, and he was correct. They figured that they wouldn't have to train him much, as Sam was already showing signs of being a natural submissive.

"Kitten, go stand by the couch." Paul ordered, his voice filled with desire, and if his pants didn't show how aroused he was, that did.

Doing as he was told, Sam couldn't help but feel a few twitches inside his stomach. He felt hot, and even more so when he walked by Dwayne and David. They were leaning against a wall, and their eyes were a dark black, showing their excitement. Both looked at him as though he were their prey, and they were the predator. It was as though they wanted to devour him.

Waiting by the couch, Sam stood still, anticipating the return of the two vampires, who went to grab something they needed, and when they came back, they held two scarves. One, a dark red, was being held by Paul, and the other, a midnight black, held by Marko.

"Take off your clothes. All of them." Marko ordered, standing in front of the boy. Sam, however, just stood still, gaping. When he had done stuff with David, the vampire didn't ask him to take off all of his clothes. He let him keep his boxers on, but now, Marko wanted them all off. He didn't know what to do, and so he just stood there awkwardly.

Marko, sensing the boy's hesitation, walked up to him, his gaze and walk were predatory in nature, along with the animalistic look in his eyes. Paul, being closer to the boy, peeled his over shirt from off of his shoulders from behind, leaving him in only his shirt and pants. Marko, who now stood infront of Sam, lifted his hands under the boy's shirt, and pulled it up and off, leaving him bare chested. Marko decided to tease him further, and he did so by dragging his cool hand and long lingering nails along Sam's chest, making sure to pay special attention to his nipples. The human boy groaned, arching his back for more attention, but Marko stopped, ready for the next step. Sliding his hands down, he reached the top of Sam's pants.

Sam, all of the sudden felt shy and nervous, so his hands quickly found their way to Marko's, stopping him from doing anything further.

Looking up at the vampire, he noticed that every single one of them had their eyes on him. They looked at him with such passion and lust that he didn't know if he could even finish a coherent thought.

"Kitten, we just wanna make you feel good. Do you trust us?" David spoke from the wall, his voice rough and raw from what he was seeing. All Sam wanted to do was nod, the lump in his throat preventing him from talking, but they seemed to want a verbal response.

"Y-yes sir, I do."

Marko took this as permission to continue his stripping of the boy, and he quickly popped the button on his pants and unzipped them, showing the vampires Sam's boxers.

Pulling his blue jeans down, along with almost ripping his shoes off, Sam stepped out, closing his eyes tightly, scared of what would happen, but also anticipating what was to come.

Marko noticed how tight they looked, and couldn't help but to lick his lips. Paul was standing behind the young boy, and to get him to calm down, he slowly kissed his way down his neck, causing the human to moan lightly. His heart rate slowed down and he arched his neck to give Paul better access. This made the rocker vampire grin.

While Paul was basically assaulting Sam's neck, Marko took the opportunity to reach his hand out and run it along Sam's clothed length. Sam's lower half jerked forward while his neck was still held by Paul. It probably looked uncomfortable, but Sam didn't even care.

Marko continued running his hand up and down his boxers, making Sam gasp and moan. Finally, Marko realized that the boy was about to cum, and so he stopped.

"Sam, take off your boxers." Marko ordered in a dark growl, ready to give Sam what he needed. Honestly, Marko didn't really care what he got out of it this time. Sam needed this more than any of them did. He needed to want them as much as they wanted him.

Sam followed his instructions, this time without any hesitation, pulling his boxers off, leaving him completely bare to every vampire in the room as they looked at him with hungry eyes.

Sitting on the couch, Sam felt vulnerable. Being in the nude in front of someone made him feel utterly defenseless, and he was. He was completely nude in front of four dangerous creatures that could kill him anytime if they wanted, but that didn't scare him. It actually excited him even more, knowing that they could hurt him, but they chose not to.

The human heard four deep inhales, and his face suddenly became the color of a tomato. If they were vampires, that meant they had a wicked sense of smell, and that they were smelling his arousal. They were smelling his need for them to touch him, to satisfy him. Sam lowered his head even further, ashamed at how he felt. Sure, they could see it, but he didn't think they would be able to smell.

"Don't be embarrassed, kitten. We love you being so ready for us, for you being such a needy kitten." Paul joked, trying to lighten the mood, but the way he whispered it in Sam's ear made the human whimper in need. He was their kitten, and he loved it.

Sitting down on either side of him, Paul immediately went back to his neck, kissing and sucking along his jaw before making his way to Sam's mouth.

Not even bothering to fight for dominance, as he knew the vampire would win, Sam let Paul push his tongue in his mouth, but not before the older man nipped at his lips, causing a drop of blood to rise from the skin.

As soon as Paul had fully taken over Sam's mouth, he wrapped the scarf skillfully around Sam's eyes, covering them and leaving him vulnerable to his other senses. Marko grabbed Sam's wrists and tied them together, binding him.

At first, Sam, who wasn't used to being bound and blindfolded at the same time, tried to break free, wrenching his hands, but Marko had skillfully tied it in a tight knot, knowing he would freak out. Marko knew Sam needed reassurance.

"Its okay, kitten. You can trust us. If you don't like it, tell us. Just say for us to stop, and we will." Marko whispered in his ear, and Paul just continued giving soft kisses and bites to their submissive, not bothering to say anything else as Marko had covered all of it.

Nodding, Sam seemed to relax at that, but it didn't last long, for Paul reached over slowly running his hand over Sam's hardness.

Hissing at the contact, Sam let out a cry of pleasure, but Paul quickly pulled his hand back when their kitten tried to move his hands around.

"Ah, ah, ah, no moving your hands. Wouldn't want to disobey us, would you?" Marko asked rhetorically, before he grabbed the human's bound wrists, handing them to the other blonde before he took over running his fingertips over Sam's throbbing cock. Paul wrapped his hands around the wrists in an iron grip while still kissing Sam, taking away all of his control. To be honest, he didn't really mind though.

With every kiss, every touch, Sam was getting closer and more anxious for what Marko was going to do, and when Marko finally slid his hand around Sam, he let out a gasp, jerking forward. He really did try not to move, but it seemed his body was completely against him, due to his hips bucking with every stroke Marko did. His body was only doing what it wanted to do and not listening to his brain. Marko used one of his hands to hold Sam's waist down while the other was running up and down.

"That's a good kitten." Marko purred somewhat sadistically, not being able to help himself. Having to smell everyone's arousal in the room was torture to the vampires, but they knew they couldn't take him. They didn't want to do it before he was ready.

Soon, Sam's breathing had become labored, and due to all of his pent up arousal and sexual need, he knew he wouldn't last long. So, without having to be told, Sam moaned out a question, one that felt right to ask.

"C-can I please?" He couldn't finish the sentence due to his gasping and moaning, and he was kind of grateful for that. Marko didn't stop what he was doing, but he did look up at the boy. He seen how the human was so lost in his pleasure, but it didn't matter to Marko at the moment. He wanted Sam to really ask him for what he wanted.

"Can you what, kitten?" The vampire asked, playing stupid. He didn't need Sam to simply ask him, he needed the human to beg him.

"Please, sir!" Sam continued to moan out, writhing in pleasure, making both vampires smirk, their eyes alit with fiery lust.

"What do you want, kitten? You have to be specific." Paul whispered in his ear, seeing the goosebumps rise on his skin. Satisfaction clouded his head as he nibbled harshly on the boy's skin, breaking the first layer of flesh. Paul licked lightly, not ready to drink until the time came.

"P-please, sir, ca-can I cu-cum?" Sam cried out in pleasure and agony, trying to prolong his orgasm for as long as possible. He didn't want to cum if they didn't say he could. He could get punished again, and while he liked it, he didn't want to disappoint them.

"Yes, kitten. Cum for us." As soon as Marko said that, he came, releasing all over Marko's hand. Paul and Marko, while he was still orgasming, bit into his neck, causing a bright white light to flash around him. Spasms and moans erupted from his sweet mouth as his whole body shook due to what he was feeling. It was the best thing he had ever experienced.

The vampires felt the same way as his blood filled their mouth. To them, it was undescribable. Nothing on this Earth, food or blood, had ever tasted so sweet to them. The monsters inside of them were relishing in the taste of his delectable virgin blood. He tasted of innocence, which made them crave him even more.

Slowly, he came down from the euphoria, realizing that he still couldn't see due to the blindfold. Groaning tiredly, Sam tried to take it off, only to have Paul and Marko unlatch from his neck and do it for him. Next to come off were the wrist restraints, which had slightly bruised him, along with Paul's fingertips.

As Sam took a look around, he noticed all four of the boys watching him like hawks. Marko and Paul looked at him with smirks, and their eyes were filled with lust. David and Dwayne were the same, but further away, less visible to him.

After looking down, Sam noticed that he was still naked, and his cum was splattered all over his stomach and Marko's hand. Sitting up, he tried to wipe himself off, but the boys stopped him.

"No, we'll clean you." David told him as he and Dwayne walked over, sitting in front of him. Without hesitation, Dwayne leaned his head towards Sam's stomach, licking up every bit of his release. His eyes never left Sam's wide ones, and if he hadn't been so tired, he would have wanted a chance to do something else, this time with David and Dwayne. Shaking his head lightly, he knew he would have to wait for another time as tiredness was taking over.

Looking at the two smirking blonde's in front of him, he noticed Marko sucking on his finger seductively before he bit on his now clean thumb. The tired induced fog in his eyes increased, but he could still make out the leader walking his way.

Sighing when David's tongue hit his stomachs along with Dwayne's, he relaxed even further. It didn't feel sexual. It felt like they actually cared, and he couldn't think of anything else that made him that happy.

After he was cleaned up, Paul lifted their dozed off human from the couch, pulling his boxers up to make sure he looked somewhat decent when he woke up. Laying him down on the bed to rest, they sighed, going back to the seats and waited for him to wake up.

A/N: I honestly have nothing to say about this chapter except that I was extremely pleased with it, never having done any of that myself. I feel I represented the vampires' animalistic natural well, and Sam's slight reluctance and skittish behavior. Just the chapter itself made me happy, all the way done to the name.Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did *smirk*.
