Full summary: After Clary is thrown of a cliff by a demon, everyone thinks she is dead. But instead, Sebastian holds her captured and makes sure no one knows it. But what is Sebastian planning on doing to Clary? Why does he need her?

So, I suddenly had inspiration for this and I wanted to write this. I know that I am still busy with Unexpected Guests, and don't worry, I almost have chapter eleven finished, so the next update will be soon. So, this is the prologue. I hope you enjoy!

This is my first TMI fanfic, so I hope it turns out alright.


"Clary, NO! Clary!" Jace voice echo's while he stands at the top of the cliff, looking down on my lifeless body. I want to move, I want to scream his name back, I want to cry at the pain reeling through my score body. I want to do something, something to let him know that I'm alive, that I'm not dead. One thought flows through my body: I hate Sebastian.

I can see Jace stand, as he proceeds to call my name and beg for me to be alive. 'I am!' I want to scream. 'I'm alive!'. But my muscles won't move. I see Alec and Isabelle both appearing at a side of Jace, grabbing his arms and carefully leading him away from the cliff. I hear him cry.

I've never heard Jace cry.

Isabelle looks down at me one last time, and I see her eyes sparkle while big water droplets fall down. Her tears match the rain that is pouring down from the sky. She then turns around, and together with Alec she helps Jace to walk away from the height. Away from me.

Finally, my muscles move.

"Jace." I whisper, just before everything goes black.

Please let me know what you think. Would you read more? Do you want me to update this often?