Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Harry stared at the locked door from the far corner of his small room. Much too weak to get up, he sat there wishing his agony gone. He wished he never caught his brother. His mind wandered to why he was imprisoned in his own room.

Jason Evans Potter was the Boy Who Lived, Chosen one, Golden boy… ect. He was also the younger brother of Harrison James Potter. Both had the same birthday, July 31st. Harry was born in 1980 at the stroke of midnight. Jason was born in 1982 at 11:56PM.

Before Jason was born, Harry lived in the Potter manor with his parents, Lily Evans Potter and James Charles Potter. They were a very happy family of three, and it couldn't be better. Every morning there would be a prank war, giggling, tickling, and full-blown laughter.

Lily would carry little Harry downstairs and James would turn into Prongs and start prancing all around the manor. Lily would scold him, but when they saw Harry giggling softly, she'd let it go with a smile, promising retribution later. And, when Sirius arrived… there would be hell. Then, Remus would arrive and Peter later, because Harry always cried around him, and the pranks would commence.

Everything changed when Lily and James were called to Albus Dumbledore's office. Harry saw more looks of worry than happy ones. His Mommy would rub her palms on her belly with a worried expression. He'd see his Daddy comforting Mommy when she was sad. He would usually crawl into Lily's lap and wrap his tiny arms around her torso. Lily would giggle and wrap her warm hands around his whole body and rock him to sleep singing a soft lullaby, happy that she had such a sweet, caring son.

Then, suddenly there was four. His little brother. Harry loved him at first sight. He was so tiny and cute. He had beautiful, wide hazel eyes. He had the same untamed messy black hair as James and Harry's, as well. Yes, Harry loved his baby brother Jase. Immediately after Jase was born, the family moved to Godric's Hollow. Over there, there was always a tense atmosphere, and his parents did not pay much attention to him anymore.

Harry was fine with that and was usually seen playing with Jase or crawling around with Sirius. Sirius and Remus cared a lot about Harry. Sirius more because Harry was his godson. Remus was usually reading a book to the boys, but the baby got bored soon and slept. Harry loved listening to Remus's calming voice and the interesting books he brought to read to them. Seeing Harry's interest in books, Remus chuckled at the thought of James son as bookworm and brought a bunch for the child to look at. Just moving picture-books, with a few words though.

With his parents paying more attention to Jase, Harry got bored and began looking at his books for long periods of time. He soon learned to read, as he was an unusually bright child. Sirius amazed after Harry read a small book aloud to him, immediately went to tell James and Lily. That was when the first argument started.

"Lily, Prongs! Merlin, look at Harry!" Sirius jumped excitedly.

Lily was cuddling Jase and James was tickling his small feet, while making hilarious faces making Jase laugh hard. Lily was the first to look at Sirius. "Hi Siri. What's wrong?" she asked. Sirius took a deep breath and controlled his emotions. With a huge smile on his face, Sirius said, "It's Harry! Come on you've got to see this. Our Harry is amazing!" Lily however stopped listening when she realized Sirius had no bad news. She took Jase away from her husband and stroke his soft black hair gently. "Oh that's great Sirius," she said absentmindedly. Tears were almost brought to her face when she thought about the prophecy again. Sirius was saying something, but she was to preoccupied thinking about the such burden Jase held. James had wrapped his arms around both of them. Suddenly she was jerked back from her thoughts as Sirius yelled. "Are you both even listening! Do you guys not even care about Harry! Merlin… Harry!" Sirius called more gently.

Harry appeared near the staircase, and walked towards the couch. "Padfoot?" Harry asked in a clear voice not seen at early as three years old. James opened his mouth to say something angrily, but Lily cut in. "Sirius! You know what Albus says. Who knows how long Jace will.." she broke of in sobs. James gently hugged her as Jase slept soundly in his mother's lap. He glared at Sirius. "What's your problem?" He growled.

Sirius stared flatly back at both of them. "I know you two have a lot going on, but you can't just ignore your other son," Sirius said firmly. "We are not ignoring him! Don't tell us what to do with our son, Sirius," James nearly shouted, but kept it down glancing at Jase. Sirius narrowed his eyes. "Harry what did you eat today, other than the pastries and pumpkin juice I gave you?" "Nothin' Padfoot," came the soft reply. Sirius softly growled in anger. James glared at his older son, unhappy that he was lying.

Harry meanwhile was confused. Why was Daddy mad at him? And why did Sirius call him from while he was reading his book? It was very interesting and was called the Children's and Household Tales.

"He is lying," James replied softly still glaring at Harry. "No Daddy. I'm not lying," Harry told him calmly. James got enraged. Lily put a calming hand on his his shoulder, finished crying. She handed Jase carefully to James and stood up. "Harry don't lie. You had breakfast and lunch with us. Since you lied to your father, go to your room until I call you. Sirius I think you should leave too. You might wake up Jase. He needs rest."

Sirius was beyond mad. Harry never lied! He was a sweet, mature little boy who understood his parents did not always have time for him, no matter how unfair that was. He couldn't believe the child didn't eat anything. He had thought that Harry hadn't had any snacks, that's all, as he used to have them in the Potter Manor, where Lily always had some ready in hand to force the boy to eat, since he ate so less. He thought this would show them how much things had changed, but Harry not getting any food other than the few pastries that Sirius got him? It made his blood boil to see his best friends neglecting his godson. Prophecy or not, they had no right to push Harry away.

Sirius opened his mouth to yell, just to show he didn't give a damn about waking up Jase or not, when Lily took his hand and pushed him to the door. "Leave Siri," she said wearily. Knowing that saying anything else would make matters much worse and that he couldn't defend his sweet godson today he left, making sure that he definitely brought a week's worth of food to his godson the next day. And books.

After that they didn't raise their voices, but their was a lot of glaring all around the house to show that everyone was unhappy about the situation. Only Jace did not seem affected and merrily drank his bottle of milk.

After a few months, Halloween came by and James and Lily decided to have a break. After Peter and Sirius forcing them to leave, they finally agreed. Remus was missing though. Sirius suspicious about Remus, because almost all the werewolves they heard about joined Voldemort, and sheepishly told James about his worries. James agreed to keep a look out and Remus only came in once in while, still not knowing where the Potters were located.

Peter's nerves were frayed, and he was filled with nervous energy. Almost crying, because he truly was fond of Harry after the child stopped crying around him and didn't want him dead. He didn't want Sirius or Jase to die either, but had no choice. Voldemort would torture and kill him mercilessly if Peter didn't let his Master in. With a weary heart he sat on the couch listening to Sirius, Jace, and Harry laughing. Observing Harry, Peter realized what a genius the young toddler was. The child was simply astounding. Thinking about the incomplete prophesy his Lord talked about, he realized Harry was a perfect match to the one made for his Lord. He told his Lord that and surprisingly his Lord agreed. He told him that he didn't think a baby would be equal to him and if he had to pick, it would be the older Potter child.

Peter heard the gate open. The door creaked and his Lord entered. "My Lord," Peter bowed. "Wormtail," Voldemort rasped. All the laughter stopped from upstairs. "I will reward you Wormtail… after I finish my little business of course." Peter could feel his Master's amusement, and shivered.

Sirius chose that exact moment to storm downstairs. The shock on his face would have been comical in any other situation. He looked at Peter with murder in his eyes and screamed, "You bastard!" With his wand in his hand, Sirius began casting any spell he could think of at the terror of the Wizarding World and stunned Peter. Voldemort gracefully began dueling with Sirius. After a minute, Sirius sent a nonverbal dark spell that hit Voldemort's arm. Voldemort hissed in fury, livid that someone hit him with a spell, and cast a powerful blasting curse at Sirius. The young man's Protego barely stopped the curse from hitting him and he flew hitting the wall hard. He fought to stay conscious but the world went dark. His last thought was to pray the boys were safe.

Voldemort said, "I'll deal with him later. He will be subjected to torture once I finish off the Potter boys," the Dark Lord hissed, still miffed that he got hit by a curse, a dark curse that too. He stormed upstairs to the Potter brothers. He first saw the most greenest emerald eyes he'd ever seen on anyone's face. Even the mudblood's. The boy had the eye color of the killing curse. The exact color. He was staring at the Dark Lord with curiosity even as his arms wrapped protectively around his baby brother's. The Dark Lord for the first time in many many years felt fear. The boy had power. Next to his brother, he was like a glowing angel. He would be powerful, maybe even powerful than Voldemort himself if he grew up.

Voldemort raised his wand and pointed it to the toddler's eyes. Sad that such a powerful wizard was going to die, even though a foe, (he did love challenges) he said in a whisper, "Goodbye Harrison Potter." He whispered the deadly curse's name and watched to fly to touch the toddler's forehead. As if in slow motion, Voldemort watched his curse touch but then suddenly fling back with such a force, the room trembled. It hit his chest. He screamed in pain and the last thing he saw was the killing-curse eyes.

Harry passed out from exhaustion. Later he found out that Jace got a cut on his forehead in the shape of a V. He got a cut as well, on the left side of his forehead shaped as a lightening bolt. But his was an ordinary scar, he was told. His was cut by a jagged piece of glass and Jase got his by the killing curse hitting the right side of his forehead. Though, Harry knew different.

Sirius recovered in less than a day, and cried openly when he heard the boys were alive. However things went bad for the young man very quickly. After being put with dementors for an hour through all the confusion, and everyone thinking he was the Potter's secret keeper, James and Lily rushed to get him out.

The reunion was tearful, and Sirius was seen hugging Remus, sobbing apologies.

He and Remus got into more fights with James and Lily about ignoring Harry. Sirius left the Potter's when James threatened to send Sirius out of their home if he didn't stop his 'nonsense'. Remus was saved, but just because he was Jace's godfather. Remus always tried his best to help Harry as well, as his family never paid any attention to him. They were much to preoccupied by their younger son's fame and their worry for him because of a few Death Eater's on the loose.

He told Harry funny stories about Sirius and replayed messages told to him by Sirius to Harry. He watched the young boy laugh with a smile. He was amazed that Harry had such a good heart, even when he was ignored.

Sirius said that they should just kidnap the little boy and bring him into the Black Manor so they could both raise him properly the way he deserved. Harry still cared for his younger brother, happy that at least Jace himself paid attention to him. Though, he rarely got time with him because Jace was always away with his parents.

2 years had passed since that day, and the little attention his parents paid to him before that Halloween Day was gone. They decided to stay in Godric's Hollow and only going to the Manor at summer. Only this time with very powerful wards.

Any accidental or controlled magic Harry did, the praise was given to Jase. If he tried to show any of his talents to his parents, he was ignored. The day Jace said Pron's, his parents celebrated. They told everyone who were unlucky enough to be in reach, how smart their little savior was. Which was sadly the whole stupid Wizarding World.

One afternoon, Harry was walking to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich because he was starving. He didn't eat much yesterday and was upset at his carelessness.

His parents were in his mother's potion room, talking about something he had no care about. He saw his brother on the fourth stair trying to climb down by himself. Harry rushed to him and got their right on time, because Jace fell backwards. The little boy landed in Harry's arms, but his foot banged the last staircase. It began bleeding, and Harry tried to put his brother down to help the boy. He was much too heavy for Harry, for he was only 5 years old and could not carry the toddler. Jace slipped from Harry's desperate hold, and that was exactly when his parents entered. To them, it looked like Harry purposely dropped Jace.

When they saw Jace's injured foot, each parent had different reactions. Lily raced toward her younger son to help him. James grabbed his oldest son's collar and yanked him up, as Harry fell down from the weight of carrying his brother, since he was already so underweight and weak. He was suddenly faced towards his red-faced father. "What did you think you were doing?" James asked dangerously. He shook Harry's thin arm, hurting the little boy by how hard he squeezed him. "Dadd-" Harry was cut off from his explanation as his father pulled him up the stairs. "You ungrateful brat. You know that you are still alive because of him. How dare you hurt Jace. He carries such a burden and you make everything harder for him!" James walked upstairs, dragging his son behind him. Harry kept tripping as he tried to keep up with his father. James pushed his son into his small room given to him when they entered the Potter Manor with Jace. "I wish you never were my son!" James yelled and his magic locked the child's room from the outside, from anger. His magic was boiling out of control.

For the first time since he was very young, Harry cried. Tears rolled silently down his tiny cheeks as he stared desperately at the door for his father to come back. To tell him it was all a big misunderstanding and hug him and tell him he was very sorry. But his father or mother never came back. They never came, so why now. They would never hug him or kiss him like they did when he was little.

Harry remembered Sirius telling him why his parents stopped paying attention to him, when Harry asked. He remembered it was his last time crying, because he had a photographic memory. Sirius gently wiped his tears and hugged him hard. He told Harry that Lily and James truly loved and cared about Harry but were very upset by some news about Jase. He said that they would come around and see what a great son they had right before their eyes. Then he made Harry laugh and clap his hands as he turned into Padfoot. All Harry's worries were wiped away.

But Sirius was not here anymore. He didn't wipe away Harry's tears, as he did last time. He didn't take away his fears. Harry cried harder when he finally realized his parents would never again look at him with love as they did with Jase. He curled up into a tiny ball and fell asleep, feeling so alone.

It had been three weeks. They forgotten him. They forgot he existed. Their own son. He couldn't care anymore. He felt nothing for them. They were not his parents, they didn't deserve to be. He was exhausted. He couldn't live any longer without food. His magic was running out. It couldn't keep him alive much longer.

Harry didn't really care about dying. He just wanted to say bye to Sirius. Really what else did life have. Everyone were incompetents, other than Sirius. Sighing and using up last of his strength, the 5-year old slowly wrote in huge letters on the wall with a quill: Goodbye Padfoot. Then, the child no longer, leaned and relaxed on the wall. He thought about what after-life would bring. He didn't expect much from life if his own parents left him to die. His last thoughts were about a big black dog wiggling his tail and jumping around in excitement. Harrison James Potter died with a smile.

Hi everyone! This is my first fanfic, and an idea just popped into my head, so I decided to write this story. Hope you like it!