===================Chap 3==================

Within a week after the events that passed, Diana had decided that Akko needed to visit home. To visit her family and to gather her belongings that she had left in Japan. Diana had purchased two tickets to Kyoto. Even during the flight Diana never let up her tutor mentality. She had brought along spellbooks and educational material for Akko to study while they sat together in first class.

Once the girls landed they took a cab to a large apartment complex. Scaled three or four levels before stopping in front of a door with a nameplate that read "Kagari". Akko took a deep breath and turned to Diana. "Miss Cavendish, please don't mind my parents." She turned and rang the doorbell. Diana waited a moment only hearing the sounds of the summer crickets chirping. Then as if someone awoke a horde of bulls footsteps ran to the door, the hinges creaked as the wood was thrown open and Akko was pulled into a hug from two people. A balding man possibly in his late thirties or early forties wearing a t-shirt and shorts and a young woman who at the latest was in her late thirties her black hair contrasting against her daughters. She was dressed in a summer dress. Akko pulled out of the hug and tried finding her words. "Mom, Dad, this is Diana Cavendish my friend and rival."

Diana awkwardly smiled and waved to the japanese girl's parents. "Hello?" The rest of the night was a blur for both Diana and Akko they ate a full course convenience store dinner then they talked for awhile with Akko's parents before heading to Akko's room for the night.

They laid down for awhile in the dark before Diana decided to ask Akko a question. "Akko? Are you still awake?"

"Hmmm Diana?" The sleepy girls said in rough english. "What's the matter? Gotta use the restroom?"

The English girl lay there for a moment before replying, "No… not quite. I actually had a question to ask you." Akko waved her hand in the air as if to either say go ahead or ask me later. "How do you feel about me?"

Akko shuffled in the sheets for a minute and started talking. "I love you of course." This made Diana redder than a cherry. "I love you and all the things you've motivated me to do and shaping me into the witch I am today. What do you think about me?"

Diana though on this for a few minutes but was only greeted by the snoring of the japanese girl and decided to sleep herself.

The next morning Diana woke up before Akko and went to use the restroom and groom herself. When she came out of the restroom Akko's mother was in the kitchen cooking a delicious smelling breakfast. She turned to Diana and smiled. "Morning dear. I hope the spare futon wasn't to uncomfortable?"

Diana shook her head, "No, it was actually quite comfortable." She said as she took a seat on the floor near the chabudai. "I never realized how refreshing it was to sleep on a stiffer surface until now." Diana stretched her arm up in the air.

Akko's Mom put a hand to her back. "I suppose it is comfortable for awhile." She turned to Diana and lightly bowed her head. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

Diana put her hand in front of her. "I'm fine Thank you for the offer Mrs. Kagari."

Mrs. Kagari smiled and giggled a bit. "You can call me Kyoko dear."

"Well I see where Akko got her contagious giggle from Mrs. Kyoko." Diana said chuckling to herself. Not long after she had finished her sentence Akko herself stumbled out of the room, her hair in all manner of directions, drooling barely able to open her eyes. Seeing this Diana and Kyoko held back their chuckles and gave each other a look."

=================Chap 3 End=================

Sorry everybody, I know I have been away for almost a year now and I'm really sorry. But I do want to keep working on this story and maybe starting a few others. Now that I'm out of school and I need a way to keep my mind sharp, this is a perfect way to express creativity and keep my writing skills decent. So keep yourselves ready for another update. (maybe a mini AU for them?)

P.S. Sorry about that French mistake everybody. I had always believed that she was french and I'm sorry I hadn't checked before. But thank you for correcting my mistake :P

=================End Personal=================