A/N: This is my first fanfiction writing and publishing, so please let me know if I need to improve on or fix anything. Thank you, and I hope y'all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Also, the lyrics used in this chapter belong to The Chainsmokers and their song "Something Just Like This".

I love checking on my princess. Besides Ladybug, she's the one person I feel the most comfortable with and am genuinely happy to be around. I've been visiting Marinette Dupain-Cheng since we worked together to defeat the Evillustrator. I come so often that she leaves her sky roof door unlocked for me; however, I still knock to be courteous. Tonight, though, she doesn't hear me knocking, so I let myself in. I sit on her steps waiting for her to see me, but it doesn't seem like that will be anytime soon. She's currently singing and dancing around her room with what looks like a picture of my civilian self? That doesn't seem right… She can barely say two words to me as Adrien before getting flustered and running away. As I listen to the lyrics of the song, I wonder if maybe she doesn't hate me after all…

"But she said where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts. Some superhero. Some fairytale bliss. Just something I can turn to. Somebody I can kiss. I want something just like this."

Did she just kiss my picture? Ok, I have to interrupt her now. I have to know what that's about.

"Hello princess. Whatcha doing?"

She screamed and tried to hide the picture. Too bad I had already seen it.

"Chat Noir! Where did you come from? You almost gave me a heart attack! I didn't hear you knock or come in."

"I let myself in during your purrfect performance. Are you absolutely sure you're not looking for a superhero? I know a really good one if I do say so myself."

"Haha. Very funny Chat. I bet you say that to all the girls. Besides, I have my eyes on someone else…"

"All the girls? You wound me! I only have two girls I visit regularly, you and Ladybug. Yes, I see, the handsome model. He's got a nice face, if you're into that, but not much else. Me, on the other hand, I am fun and exciting."

"How dare you say that about him! You don't even know him! He's the kindest, nicest guy I know. He's always willing to help out, even when that person was nothing but mean to him, and will do anything for a friend. He doesn't need powers to be a hero in my eyes. So don't you dare talk about him like that again! He's way more than handsome face…"

Whoa… I've never seen Marinette get upset before, and it was on my behalf. I didn't even think she even liked me. She's really cute when she gets fired up. Focus Chat!

"Why haven't you told him how you feel?"

She deflates instantly at the question. Am I that terrible to talk to without this mask?

"Because… I can barely get any words out around him… I've tried, but I fail each time. I made him a scarf for his birthday, but somehow he thought his dad got it for him. He looked so happy that I couldn't tell him the truth. I wrote him a poem for Valentine's Day, but I think I forgot to sign it. I even tried to ask him out over the phone. I ended up leaving an embarrassing voicemail, so I stole his phone to delete it. I can't be around him without embarrassing myself and messing everything up. Besides, I don't want to ruin our friendship, and he's way out of my league. I'm just the awkward klutz who can't talk in front of my crush. He'll never go for me."

Does she not see herself clearly? She's amazing. Any guy would be lucky to have her affections, and I'm that guy! I know love Ladybug, but there's something about Marinette. After all these nights visiting her after patrol, I think I might be falling for her as well. Is that even possible? Can I be in love with two girls at the same time? I can think about this later. Right now I need to focus on her.

"You shouldn't sell yourself short Mari. You're more than just an awkward klutz. You make amazing clothes, always help others, and keep your cool with Chloe. That in itself is nothing to scoff! If this guy can't see that, then he's not worth it."

"Thanks Chat. I'll keep that in mind. Anyways, it's getting late, and we should be going to sleep. See you next time. I'll have cookies for you then! Good night."

With that, she pushes me out of her room and out the sky roof. I stay on her roof for a little bit thinking. Ladybug is always pushing away my advances, and Mari is really cute and likes my civilian self for me, not for being a model. Maybe we could see where something went. I'll think about it later becasue right now, I do need to be heading home.

A/N I hope y'all liked it! At the moment, I have this planned out for at least three chapters, but we'll see where it goes. I don't know when I'll update next as my best friend just had a baby, and there were complications, so I might be with her in the hospital as much as I can. Also, my sister is coming to visit, and her husband is stationed in Hawaii, so we don't see each at all anymore. I don't mean to over share, but I wanted to let y'all know in case you liked this story and are waiting for the next update. Till next time! :)