Disclaimer: I own none of the Miraculous Ladybug Universe

The feeling made sense-the first time. Chat had been in love with ladybug for half a year now. Of course he felt jealous by Theo Barbot's obvious infatuation with his lady. It would have been confusing if he didn't feel the need to subtly hint that their relationship was more than platonic, even if it was a bit of a fib. The Copycat had been an unfortunate consequence to his actions, but he couldn't bring himself to regret it, especially when it resulted in the artist giving up in his pursuit of her.

The second time he felt jealous, Adrian was able to convince himself it was a simple misunderstanding. He had agreed to help Nino ask Marinette to the zoo, and then act as a behind-the-scenes wing-man for his best bud. The slight pain in his chest was because of some ludicrous idea he may lose the relationship he had with Nino. The only reason he felt relieved when Nino ended up with Alya was because his mind had rationalized with him that Nino's relationship with others wouldn't affect theirs. What other possibility was there?

The third time took Chat by surprise, and left him confused. Ladybug had asked him to protect Marinette while she handled a secret mission. Everything started off normal enough. It wasn't until he was watching the date that his heart throbbed. His bewilderment only intensified when he felt the familiar butterflies in his stomach while holding her that he felt when Ladybug was the one in his arms.

"To be fair," he reasoned, "the two are very similar. The same caring nature. The same friendly demeanor. The same fierce determination and strong leadership skills. They even look alike, with hair as dark as night and pretty bluebell eyes." Adrian quickly shook the thoughts from his head. Marinette was a friend, and he couldn't help feeling like he was betraying Ladybug, even by simply considering another girl's beauty, however undeniable it was.

It wasn't until months after the Evillustrator incident that he felt jealous yet again. As far as he and Ladybug went, there had been no progress made whatsoever. He continued to flirt and she continued to turn him down. Tired of the never ending cycle, Chat decided to bring up the topic of romance during one of their night patrols.

He waited for her to finish her half of the city atop the Eiffel Tower. When she arrived, he automatically sent her a blinding smile.

"Welcome back My Lady. How was your purr-t of the city tonight?" he asked.

"No problems on my end, how about yours?" she replied.

"T'was paws-itively lovely. It did make me wish I had some company however. The lights were the purr-fect backdrop for a romantic encounter." He smirked before continuing. "Tell me, are there any lucky young lads mew wished to spend this evening with?" He was able to catch a faint blush peeking out from beneath her mask. "That's a yes then," he thought as his smile faltered before he schooled himself.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean Chat."

"Oh come on Bugaboo. You can trust me. I promise not to let the cat out of the bag."

A contemplative look crossed her face before she gave an almost imperceptible nod. "Actually there is Chaton. He's a boy from my class. Unfortunately he doesn't even know I exist."

"Idiot," he thought with annoyance. "Don't give up M'lady. No one in their right mind could miss someone like you."

She gave a disbelieving laugh before smiling at him "Thanks Chat. Anyways, I should really head back. I'll see you tomorrow."

She scratched him beneath this chin before pulling out her yoyo and leaping away. He watched silently as she left, feeling like a snake was slowly constricting his heart.

"She loves someone else," he thought. He punched a metal beam in frustration before running off blindly. "I always knew it was a possibility, but hearing her actually say it..."He continued to run until his lungs burned with the need for oxygen. He stopped on a small balcony. Looking around he saw he was across from his school. The balcony itself was filled with beautiful potted plants. There was a makeshift table made from a large wooden spool with an oddly shaped kettle and two cups on it. A pink and white striped beach chair sat in the corner beneath a white canopy and small colorful lanterns were strung up.

"Wait a minute, isn't this-" Chat's thought was interrupted by the sound of a trap door opening.

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See y'all next chapter,
