I just like to say sorry to the few people that click this a expected a story and got my test chapters. I felt really bad when I open and saw your comments today.

I will update normally from now on (like on every wednesday).

Once again, super sorry!
~ PJ

"Hey Marinette?" asked the little Kwami "Are you still awake?"

"Mhm?" said the sleepy teen. Marinette was sitting at her desk with her history book open. She had just came back from a patrol with Chat Noir and had a test tomorrow.

"Okay that good. I wanted to tell you something." said Tiki.

"Mount Kilimanjaro." Marinette said and her head slipped of her hand and hit the desk table "Ouch!"

The little Kwami giggle as Marinette rubbed her head where she hit the table.

"Oh Marinette, you so silly."

"Oh no!" Marinette said "I only have four hours till school start! I need to get my work done."

Tiki watched as the Ladybug Miraculous Holder dashed around her little room getting her classwork done.

"Oh Marinette." the little Kwami said "You really need to calm down. You're acting like it the end of the world."

"It is you see if I don't pass this test I could fail the grade and if I fail the grade then I will not graduate on time and that means I will have last time to hang out with Adrien." and when Marinette said the famous teen model name she sighed and relaxed and a small smile came to her face.

Tiki rolled her eyes.

She understood that Adrien was hot but Marinette should be more concerned on falling in love with or at least find Chat Noir.

She wanted to bring this up to Marinette but it seemed like now was a bad time.

"What is it you want to tell me, Tiki?"

"Oh, it nothing." she said with a smile "Remember to get some sleep tonight, or you will fall asleep in class tomorrow."

"Okay, Good Night Tiki."

"Good Night, Marinette."


Sorry for the short chapter.