Update: State of the Story

May the Fourth be with you, guys. As it is Star Wars Day today, I thought that it was high time for me to give a long-awaited update on this story. I'm sure that many, if not most of you, have given up on this story continuing in the year and a half's time that it has taken me to post anything here. But nevertheless, it pains me to say that the story more than likely will not continue in the future.

There are many reasons as to why the story has not continued, and why it sadly has ended prematurely, but I will talk about the three biggest reasons surrounding that decision:

First, for around a year now I have been in the process of creating my own fantasy universe, from which I plan to write original works of fiction. Writing fanfiction sadly does not advance my possible career as an author, and it's not something I can make a living out of.

Second, due to my efforts in trying to become an actual writer, I have come to realize that the style in which I wrote this story is just not up-to-par in quality with some of the known pieces of literature. Obviously I don't think that I could become as famous or inspiring author as some of the most well-known writers out there, but I've spent months reading a lot of different books and trying to change my writing style to something that is more similar to the styles of writing that have garnered a lot of recognition. With that in mind, I cannot see myself being able to continue this story with the writing style that I used before, and changing it so drastically in the middle of it all would just do more harm than good.

Third, I've lost a lot of my passion for Star Wars over the last two years. I'm still a fan of it, but the recent films and whatnot have just not really been to my liking, and it has uninspired me a lot when it comes to writing SW fanfiction. Furthermore, now that the final season for The Clone Wars happened, I was worried that they were going to introduce a romance subplot for Ahsoka in one of the story arcs, as before the cancellation of the series that had been the plan for her moving forward. Now thankfully that evidently didn't happen, but it was for a long time a big reason for me to not want to continue this story, because I was so very sure that they would ruin her character with an awful and unnecessary romance plot.

Now, what will happen moving forward? I honestly don't know for sure. Since nothing outrageous or stupid happened in the final TCW season, I might end up writing a new AniSoka centric story, one that is mostly just about the cute and fluffy romance stuff, and not really a big and expansive plot involving tons of characters and subplots.

I'm not entirely sure yet if I'll end up writing that new story, but I'll definitely upload it here or some other website (which I would tell you guys about here) if I do decide to make it. But for now, I'm mostly busy with trying to improve my writing skills, and creating that original fictional universe.

I thank you all for bearing with me and supporting the story for as long as it ran, and I do deeply apologize for each and every one of you who wanted this story to continue and reach an actual conclusion. I'm sorry that it had to end this way, but I really just can't see a way for it to continue after everything that has happened and changed.

In any event, I hope that some of you will still read stories that I'll write in the future, whether they're other fanfics or legitimately published original works. I hope that you all will stay safe and take care, especially during these difficult times dealing with a global pandemic.

May the Force be with each and every one of you, and Keelah se'lai!

- Jou