Disclaimers: I do not own Fruits Basket, or the sexy-kitty Kyo. This fic's and AU and is in Kagura's POV, read and enjoy.

My December

By: Reiya

This is my December

These are my snow covered dreams

This is me pretending

This is all I need...

-Linkin Park
I reach out my hand and knock on the door before me. I quickly pull my hand back into my pocket where it's warm. I forgot to bring my gloves. "Welcome! I'm glad you could come!" you smile cheerfully and compliment the Christmas cake I made. It's spice cake. With little red and green sprinkles on top. My eyes wander, searching for him.

"Kyo and the others are in the living room." you say knowingly. I smile and proceed. As expected, he doesn't notice I came in, or maybe he does and just doesn't want to acknowledge my presence. I lay my cake down on the table that's covered with all kinds of delicious-looking treats. Tohru really is a good cook.

I take a seat next to Kyo. It looks like they've been watching movies and having some of the treats. I guess I'm kinda late. I didn't mean to be, I just wanted to look nice. I got a new dress, just for him. But he didn't even turn around to see it. I want to hit him, but he doesn't like it when I'm violent.

So, instead I hug his arm and watch the movie. I feel him stiffen. He still refuses to look at me, but at least I know he feels me. I gently lay my head against his shoulder. He shifts a bit, but doesn't try to pull me off.

The movie ends and Momiji suggests we should open our presents. He picks up a sack and begins handing the gifts out to everyone. He skips towards me and places a bright red box in my hands. I open it and thank him for the pale blue scarf neatly folded inside. I reach down into my bag and withdraw a white box with a rabbit-shaped nametag. He tore the wrapping paper off and wadded it into a ball that he stuffed into the sack. His brown eyes widen and a smile stretches across his face in response to the stuffed bunny inside. He hugs it and thanks me for it before skipping off towards Haru to give him his gift. I continue to give out gifts and receive them until I have one left. Kyo had left when we stared handing everything out. I wish he had stayed close, I still had to give him his present yet. I glance around the room and see him and Tohru standing on the far side.

Kyo handed her a gift and said something, Tohru blushed in response. She looked down and then held out a beautifully wrapped box for him. He seemed shocked because he didn't take it right away, but then, slowly his hand reached out for it and he smiled. I had never seen him smile like that before.

Shigure smirks at them. "Hmmm, do you two know where you're standing?" he asks mildly. He points upward and their gaze follows to see a small branch of mistletoe. No, please don't Shigure, please, don't do this I scream in my mind. But he doesn't hear me. "You know the rules." he grins and turns back to handing out gifts. They both lean towards each other and softly kiss. Kyo's hand reaches up and gently holds her face next to his.

I want to yell. I want to hurt Kyo, but I can't. I want to cry, but I hold back my tears, they wouldn't do any good. There's nothing I can do. There's nothing I could ever do. He'll never kiss me like that. He'll never love me like that. And so I realized how pathetic my exsistence was. I thought he was just playing hard-to-get and that if I wished hard enough, my wish would come true. I search my memory frantically for something, anything, from him that showed even a sliver of affection for me. There was none.

It felt like tiny needles were stabbing me in the heart. Tohru. How could she do this? Wasn't she my friend? No, how could I ever get mad at Tohru. She's always been so kind and nice to me. She always thinks the best about everyone. She's the greatest friend anyone could ever hope for.

My mind latches onto a memory. This wasn't the first time I had realized them. We were on a field trip somewhere. I came along for Kyo. We were hiking up a small mountain-like rock when she slipped. Tohru's feet lost hold and she fell about four feet to the ground. She let out a small whimper and grabbed her ankle. Kyo slid down the giant rock next to her.

"Is it broken?" his eyes reflected concern. She shook her head abit, "I-I don't think so..." "Can you walk?" he helped her to her feet, but she favored her right ankle.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'll be able to get back to the bus." she nodded her head assuredly. Kyo, however was not convinced. "No, you'll make your injury worse if you walk on it." he carefully lifted her up in his arms and began to carry her. "I'll take you back to the bus." he stated. Tohru's face turned bright red. "Oh, no! I'm all right! I really am, you don't have to go through all this, I'll catch up with everyone! I can walk perfectly fine on my-" "Just shut up and let me carry you, okay." he interrupted. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't want to be a problem." she whispered quietly. He stopped and looked down at her. "Tohru, you could never be a problem." their eyes locked and he quickly looked away. He scaled the rock carefully, so she wouldn't get hurt. Her friends Uo and Hana helped her to her seat. I beat him up afterwards, of course. It made me feel better. I had known then, but I told myself that he was just being kind. Nevermind, the fact that he had never shown kindness to anyone.

I had lied to myself for so long that I actually believed it. But that wasn't the part that hurt the most. For the first time, I was able to see with eyes unclouded by my denial and I saw the horrible, painful truth. They looked beautiful together. So serene, so simple. Like they had always belonged together. Like they had always fit together. I can't take it... I have to get away from here... from them.

My nails dig into my palms as my hands are kept in fists at my side. Warm tears ran their way down my face. No, I can't cry, not here, not now. I wipe away my foolish tears away and try to get away as quickly as possible. I weave my way through the small crowd and head for the door, but Shigure stops me.

"Kagura, are you alright?" he asks. I swallow my sobs and smile. "Yes, I just forgot something at home and I have to leave a bit early." I tell him. "Okay, just be careful." He says. He didn't know. It wasn't his fault. Shigure didn't see my tears, he didn't see what I saw, he doesn't know that it's more than just a simple kiss. I want to blame somebody, I want to yell and get angry at somebody, but the only one who's at fault is me. I was too naive to see how everything really was. I was the fool, but everyone still treated me kindly. I wish I hadn't come. If I hadn't I'd still be living a lie. But which would I rather have...?


~*~*~*~*~*~*~* What do you think? I'm using wordpad to write this, so excuse my grammatical errors. Please review, this is my first Fruits Basket fic and I'd greatly appreciate your feedback!
