Disclaimer: I don't own Roman Reigns. He and the WWE do. But if I did I would never let him out of my room. Any who on to the story and enjoy.


February 14th 2006

Today was Valentine's Day and Roman wanted to make it special and memorable for Lexi because he knew that after tonight nothing would be the same. He hoped that Lexi would understand. He checked over everything to make sure that everything was perfect. The limo with Lexi would be arriving soon so he lit the candles on the table and put the music on. A few minutes later Lexi arrived and choked up as she saw the candle light dinner and Roman standing by the table she felt herself falling in love all over again with Roman. She walked up to him and gave him a passionate kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. When the need for air became necessary they broke apart.

Baby it's beautiful and so romantic, I love it but you didn't need to do all this. Said Lexi as she kissed him again.

I know babe but I wanted to its Valentine's Day so I had to go all out and make it special for my special girl. Said Roman as he pulled up a chair for Lexi to sit.

Lexi sat down as Roman pushed her seat in and then sat down himself. Roman called for the waiter to serve their food. The waiter served them each Garlic Butter Shrimp pasta and garlic bread sticks. After that the waiter opened the Pinot Grigio wine bottle that Roman asked for. The waiter filled Roman's wine glass then went to fill Lexi's when she stopped him.

No thank you sir none for we I'll take a sparkling water instead please. Said Lexi.

Roman was confused that Lexi had turned down wine seeing that she loved wine. He hoped she wasn't sick or not feeling well.

Babe are you okay? Asked Roman with concern in his voice.

Yeah I'm fine babe why? Asked Lexi hoping she didn't upset Roman for turning down the wine but she had a good reason for it and she couldn't wait to tell Roman.

You turned down wine and that's not like you. You love wine heck you even call yourself a wine diva. Said Roman as he put his hand on hers.

Oh I'm just not in the wine mood today is all a girl has got to have a break every now and again you know. Said Lexi.

Right well then you will have to make it up to me later. Said Roman even though he knew in his heart that there wasn't going to be a later or anything ever again.

You know I will babe. Said Lexi as the waiter brought her , her sparkling water she asked for.

Roman kept spacing off thinking about the immense heartache that he was going to cause Lexi. He hated himself for what he was about to do but there was no other way. His football career meant everything to him and he couldn't let anything or anyone get in the way of making it happen. It was just the way it was and if Lexi truly loved him she'd respect his decision and be selfless.

Baby what's wrong you keep spacing out and poking at you're food? Is everything okay? Asked Lexi as she put her hand on top of his.

Yeah everything is fine babe just making sure I didn't forget anything. Said Roman as he adjusted his tie.

Everything is perfect babe I love it. It's so romantic I will treasure this day forever. Said Lexi.

No not forever it will be the day you will always hate and hate me for. Echoed Roman in his mind as he continued to eat his dinner.

A while later they finished their dinner so the waiter brought them their desert. He served them a cappuccino souffle for two and gave them each a spoon. Lexi couldn't wait to dig into it. It looked so good.

Lexi and Roman dipped their spoon into it at the same time and brought it to their mouth. Lexi couldn't believe how good it was. It was the best souffle she ever taste she was surprised that it sat well with her and the smell didn't make her sick. Once they finished their dessert Roman stood up and asked her to dance. She gladly accepted as 'When a Man Loves a Woman' by Michael Bolton started to play.

Lexi wrapped her arms around Roman's neck as they slow danced to the song. Lexi wiped some tears away as her and Roman stared at each other as they danced.

When a man loves a woman

Can't keep his mind on nothin' else

He'd trade the world

For a good thing he's found

If she is bad, he can't see it

She can do no wrong

Turn his back on his best friend

If he puts her down

Lexi couldn't help but cry as her and Roman danced. She felt like the happiest woman in the world dance with her soulmate her everything. Roman wiped her tears away as he kissed her knowing that those tears of happiness would soon turn into tears of hurt and anger.

When a man loves a woman

Spend his very last dime

Trying to hold on to what he needs

He'd give up all his comforts

And sleep out in the rain

If she said that's the way

It ought to be

I love you so much babe you have no idea how happy you make and what this means to me. Said Lexi as she passionately kissed Roman.

Roman was hurting because he knew that all of that was going to change soon. He leaned in and gave her a love filled kiss making sure he put all his love and feelings into it so that he would keep it imprinted in his heart and mind.

When a man loves a woman

I give you everything I got (yeah)

Trying to hold on

To your precious love

Baby please don't treat me bad

As they danced all these memories came flashing through their mind like how they first met. Lexi remembered it so well. She was a freshman in college and he was a sophomore. That day she was so nervous she had no idea where her class was. As she was looking for it frantically she bumped in to Roman causing her books to fly all over the place. Roman felt so bad for her so he bent down and helped her pick up her books. When they locked eyes it was an instant attraction and connection.

What are you thinking about babe? Asked Roman as he rubbed his nose against hers.

I was thinking about when we first met and how I knew after that , that I had found the love of my life and soulmate. Said Lexi as she kissed him.

Roman remembered that day so well his heart was beating a million miles per minute or at least that was how it felt.

When a man loves a woman

Deep down in his soul

She can bring him such misery

If she is playing him for a fool

He's the last one to know

Loving eyes can never see

You know what I remember our first date. I thought I had it planned out so well bet it backfired a storm came and we ended you drenched in water. The good thing was that we didn't get sick. Said Roman as he held her tighter.

That's because we stripped down quickly and got in front of the fire place. Said Lexi as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Yes when a man loves a woman

I know exactly how he feels

'Cause baby, baby, baby

I am a man

When a man loves a woman

Once the music stopped Roman took Lexi by the hand and walked her out to the balcony so that hey could gaze the stars and moon. Lexi wrapped her arms around Roman's arms and laid her head on his shoulder as she gazed at the stars and moon with him.

It's so beautiful and romantic babe thank you. Said Lexi.

You're welcome babe this is all for you and to show you how much I love you and will always love you. Said Roman as he kissed the top her head.

They stood there staring at the star filled night taking in it's beauty. They silence finally got to Roman he knew that he couldn't delay the inevitable anymore. He just had to rip the bandaid off and it get it over with the faster the better. They could move on with their lives and Roman could focus on his football career without anything getting in his way.

Lexi you I love you right and that I will always love you no matter what. Said Roman as he looked down into her eyes.

Yes I know I love you to why what's going on? Asked Lexi as she turned to face him.

I'm so sorry Lex but we can't be together anymore it just can't be. Said Roman as he held her hands in his.

Wait are you breaking up with me? Asked Lexi as she felt her tears well up.

Yes I'm breaking up with you. I can't be in a relationship while trying to pursue my football career. I have been offered a football scholar ship to Georgia Tech in Atlanta next semester and I have accepted . Being with you will hold me back and I can't have anything get in the middle of that. Please understand this is important to me and I can't let this opportunity go I just can't. Said Roman as he stared at Lexi hoping that she would understand.

You son of a bitch I hate you , I hate you. I don't ever want to see you again I hope that you're football career is worth it. Don't worry I won't get in the way because you won't be seeing me ever again. Said Lexi as she took off running in tears out of Roman's life forever.

Roman dropped down to his knees in tears as he watch the love of his life leave. He made a vow that he would never ever celebrate Valentines ever again…..