Note: As Obsession , a fanfic I'm currently writing, has reached a turning point, I'm reluctant to stop writing the cute Uchiha moments so I created this fanfic. I may not be able to update this as regularly as Obsession but I'll try my best.

Warning: Touch of incest from overprotective Itachi, OOC because I'm actually unclear of Shisui's personality.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Uchiha brothers. Do support Masashi Kishimoto and the official anime/manga releases.


Chapter 1: Me

My name's Shisui. As you can see from the name of this book, this is my compilation of the times I spent with my best brothers…. At least I think of them as my brothers. They are more like my cousins but I think we're close enough to be brothers.

The two brothers I'm talking about are the sons of the head of the Uchiha clan, Itachi and Sasuke. Itachi is around my age while Sasuke is a lot younger. Enough of me talking…writing, I'm sure you're more interested in the stupid things we did in the past. Let's start off with the thing I love most about our adorable little brother, Sasuke.

When we were younger, Sasuke was the most adorable little squirrel in the world. With the way he pouted, he was like the squirrel with stuffed cheeks. I always felt like pinching his cheeks just like how mom would do to me when I was younger.


A red mark was left on my hand as I held it close to my chest. Standing behind the pouting squirrel was his protective older brother. Despite his longer slender fingers that seemed ready to snap at the slightest touch, Itachi hit as hard as the passionate martial artist, Guy. I could feel the stinging pain on my poor hand. Seeing my agony, Sasuke grinned and stuck his tongue out to me. Such a brat! I grabbed the kid and ruffled his hair, turning the chicken butt into a bird nest. Ah, the way the boy pouted was just too cute. As my hand reached out to the chubby cheeks once more….

"Gah! Stop that! My hands are delicate, Itachi!"