I looked up at the home of my new adopted family. It was a simple Japanese house. Nothing that would make it stand out from the houses lining up the street and, yet it felt almost wrong to enter this house.

"Melanie dear, please do come in." My blue eyes looked over at the women who was standing at the entrance of the house. I gave a small smile and nodded.

"Hello Mrs. Higurashi. It's been quite some time."

"It's been three years since I last saw you. You've grown up to be so beautiful." I smiled at the compliment.

"Thank you and you look as young as always."

"Oh, dear what I would give to be young again." She gave me a small smile back as she pulled me in for and unexpected hug. "I'm sorry about your parents. You know you're welcome to stay here for as long as you want." As quick as she gave me that hug she let me go and wiped away her tear-filled eyes. She stepped away from the doorway and motioned with her hand to come in.

I took off my shoes and since I didn't have my slippers with me I went inside with just my socks leaving my shoes at the door. And taking my suitcase in with me.

"Is Kagome home?" I asked not sure at what time she got out of school since I had been homeschooled almost all my life.

"She left on a small vacation with some friends before exams started."

"Oh, I see. When is she getting back?"

"Next week." I raised my eyebrow at how vague she was being, but I didn't question it since it wasn't my place to.

"Wow in the middle of February? That's some school being lenient like that." She gave small nod.

"Which reminds me dear would you like to stay homeschooled?"

"Yes mam, I'll continue to be homeschooled I only have one more year to go and with what my parents left me I should be okay."

"Well I'll leave you to unpack some of your clothes. I moved over Kagome's clothes in the closet, so you can put yours in there."

"Thank you for everything I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you."

"Nonsense your mom was a dear friend of mine. And I always thought of you like my own daughter with how much time you and Kagome spend together."

She let me go upstairs as she went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for tonight. As I made my way towards Kagome's room I became more nervous. Now I was alone in the world with my grandparents gone and now my parents. I was the last of our family tree to be standing.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to peek into her room and I couldn't help to smile. I pushed my luggage to the corner of the room and slowly stood back up feeling lightheaded from not eating since yesterday morning. I slowly walked over to the bed and stretched as I could hear some of my bones pop.

"Well mom I made it I'm still here kicking and breathing. I promised you I would make it here safe." I talked out loud not caring who was hearing as I looked up at the dark sky. Not one single star out.

"Kagome!" I stood up from the bed when I heard a guy's voice from the bottom. I slowly stood up from my position and looked out the window. When suddenly, the window was pushed opened and in jumped a guy wearing a suikan and Kagome in his arms bridal style. To say I had a heart attack was an understatement.

"What-" I was about to say before the guy was in front of me holding his hand on top of my mouth.

"Who are you and what are you doing in Kagome's room?!" The guy yelled out loud as he created a barrier between me and Kagome. The sad thing is that he didn't realize I couldn't speak since his hand was still preventing me from doing so.

"Sit !" I heard a Kagome's voice say before he smashed down to the ground. Before I knew it, I had another person jumping at me this time it was friendlier as I could hear a squeal.

"Mel! How I missed you. But what are you doing here?"

Are we just going to ignore what just happened here? I asked myself as I managed to give a small smile at Kagome's excitement.

"My parents passed away a week ago and your mom offered to let me stay here until I graduate." I said slowly as I brought my hands up to return her hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. If I would have known I would have been right beside you."

"It's alright Kagome no one could have seen It coming it was too sudden." I said back not really wanting to go into much detail and thankfully she didn't press me for answers.

"Why would you do that?! I was only trying to protect you." The guy who had been smashed to the ground yelled out as he finally pulled himself together.

"From my friend?"

"Well how would I have known that?!"

"Well maybe if you-" by this time I was just slowly backing away from the screaming duo.

"Listen I don't want to interrupt your lovers quarrel but what the hell is going on? And why do you have a bunch of glowing jewels around your neck Kagome?"

There blushing only lasted a couple of seconds before they both looked at Kagome's chest where she pulled out from underneath her shirt to look at the jewels.

"You can see them?"

"Of course."

" I mean the glowing underneath my sweatshirt." I nodded my head slowly not understanding their confused faces.

"I'm not sure if you'll believe me when I tell you the past couple of months have been hectic but I-"

"Kagome, you can't seriously tell her!"

"Well why not?"

"Because- there's not point she can't cross to the other world."

"Well it looks like she can see shards like I can."

"Just because she can doesn't mean she has to know. It better to stay ignorant in some cases."

"We need all the help we can get, and you know it."

"You have two days Kagome!" She gave out an annoyed sight as she rolled her eyes and flopped down on her bed.

"Well it all started in the Bone-eater well-"

And I officially ended the day in the most interesting way possible. Knowing time travel was possible was a huge accomplishment for a teenager after all. But it quickly simmered down when I found out you couldn't pick when in time.

"...and well we're trying to find Naruku so we can eliminate him and get the Shikon Jewels before he can. "

"Well Kagome at least you didn't tell me it was about aliens I would have probably lost my last screws." I spend a few seconds really looking at Kagome. Noticing how her bright and innocent eyes were shining like the stars now had an edge to them.

"I believe you. But do you think I'm a Miko as well?"

"Well why else would you be able to see the shards and make them more polish and brighter than I can." She stated as I got off the bed with the Jewels in my hand" Plus you're not tempted to their power like other are." I shrugged my shoulders and went over to my luggage before pulling out a white summer dress with shorts underneath and some boots. I quickly changed while Kagome looked out the window looking like she was trying to convince herself.

"Well I don't know what happening but whatever it is it sounds like you need all the help you can get."

"Ha-ha I suppose we do. But are you sure you want to come along? It can get dangerous and everything we though was only in fairytales will come to life on the other side." I smiled at Kagome as she showed concern.

"Listen I need this. I need to get away and I'm all up for it so tell me what I should pack."

"Ramen. And maybe some snacks for later and-" she began to list things off as I just felt like I got myself into lots of trouble. And that's how the next two days went by with Kagome catching me up with her adventures and all the people she has met since she crossed over.

Note: I'm sorry it has taken so long to update but I had no plans for this story and going back and rereading it I didn't like where it was going. So I changed a few things here and there and have some chapters already made. I will be updating on Monday and Thursdays so look forward to the new chapter and I hope you still down to follow Melanie on her Adventures.