Enjoy! toodles.

The nighttime world was buzzing with life. The lights of the buildings lite up the large river running through the heart of the city giving the city a soft hue glow.

Lifting a glass of whiskey to their lips a set of eyes looked out of its window watching the buzzing of the nightlife below them.

A cry came up from behind them as they slowly turned around scanning hotel room for whoever was making the noise.

A woman sat up against the bed her shoulders rising rapidly as she was trying to breath. Her body was shredded of her clothing as fresh wounds were sliced into her chest and stomach. Her body shook leaning up against the bed as another movement caught their attention as they glanced towards a door opening as someone walked out of the bathroom a towel at his hands stained red from blood.

"Paul just called saying he wants us to meet downtown." The man said towards the one standing near the window.

"He's hell bent on going to see that cover band play isn't he?" the one by the window snickered as he walked away from the window stepping over other bodies that littered the floor staining the tan carpet red. He moved towards the bed as he sat down slowly on the bed next to the girl who was hanging onto life by a strand. Lifting up a hand he ran it over the woman's head wrapping his fingers in her hair as he yanked her head back in a violent snap.

The woman eyes went wide in fear as she tried to open her mouth to say something but a cut across her throat keeping her from able to utter a word. Her lip quivered as she began to let the tears fall down her cheeks as he leaned down to her face running a tongue up to cheek to catch the blood stained tear.

Shaking with fear the woman pleaded with her eyes for him to let her go, to let her live unlike the rest of her ladies friends that both of these men had slaughter earlier this evening.

He stood up hands still wrapped in her hair as he yanked her up onto the bed in one painful motion. His hands slipped from her hair as he climbed to the bed quickly to straddle her to the bed as she began to toss her head from side to side for one final fight. He grabbed the woman around the throat tight as she franticly grabbed at his wrist to try and pry off his tightening grip her mouth gasping for air.

A ringtone came up within the room as the one who was standing by the bathroom buttoning up his shirt reached into his back pocket pulling out his phone to see who was calling him.

"We are on our way. Fucking chill out, Man." He said with a laugh holding the phone to his ear as his listened to the one on the other end talk fast.

'Woah slow down man, what did you find?" he asked pressing the phone between his shoulder and ear to finish buttoning up his shirt. As he paused for a second listening to the yelling coming from the other end.

"You sure it's one of us?" he asked as a voice snipped back at him on the other end. "Fuck not saying I doubt you. Just asking. We haven't come across our kind in a while man. Yeah, we will hurry down there. Screw you too buttercup."

He hit the screen ending the phone call as he looked over to the bed seeing his buddie was in the middle of feeding on the girl as her body shook violently under him as he sucked the last drop of blood from veins.

"David, Paul says there another vampire at the bar he wants to go too." He said stuffing the phone into his back pocket once more to finished cleaning up. David sat up from girl his head falling back as he took a deep inhale of air letting it out slowly as his eyes shut riding the feeling of the bloodlust. He slowly opened his eyes finally registering what his friend had said as he slowly turned towards him. Blood ran down his chin in a thick coat dripping to his chest as he blinked a few time to try and replay what his buddie had said lost in the moment.

"What the hell did you say?" David asked in a deep husky voice still riding the bloodlust rushing through him.

"Paul said he found another vampire." He repeated as he turned from David to run his hands through his long brown hair to pull it back up out of his face. David sat there thinking for a moment as he let a wide smile began to grow over his bloody lips.

"Well," he said with a dark laugh. "I think we should go welcome this guy to the neighborhood."

"He claims its a chick." he added.

David brows shot up shocked as he rolled off the dead girl as he walked away from the bed towards where the bathroom was.

"Well this should be interesting." He said with a deep laugh.


The door swung open to the front of the bar as a man was suddenly catapulted onto the hard concrete. He rolled a bit until he tried to push himself up to a kneeling position as he turned his eyes towards the doorway the one who chucked him like a rag doll standing above him arms crossed.

"I fucking told you if you grabbed any more lady's ass tonight you'd be sorry." A harsh voice came out.

Billie-Jean stood outside of the bar her arms crossed as she glared down at the drunk man on the ground. She wore a shear flowy tank top with a tighter thicker one on underneath. Her tight black jeans pants ran down her long legs to her high heels shoes she wore. Billie thick black hair ran down her back in waves just passing her butt cheeks. Her ears were gauges with large green snake eyes and hooped earring pierced all the way up her ear. Her crossed arms were covered from wrist to shoulder in colorful tattoos. Her whole body was covered in tattoos hidden by her clothing.

"Come on Billie.." the drunk man wined trying to get up to his feet.

"Don't make me sick the wolves on you." Billie snapped. "go to someone else's bar to get frisky, I don't tolerate fat ass pervert stocking my bar like a fucking hunting ground for your most likely tiny dick."

The man finally got to his feet stumbling slowly towards her.

"I wont do it again! I'm sorry!" the man slurred as Billie rolled her eyes shaking her head at the man.

"Get lost. Your eighty-sixed from my bar. I see you take one step back in here tonight I will string you up a flag pole next time by your fat ass Tighty whities!" Billie snapped. The drunk man was almost to Billie as she grabbed his arm swinging it around his back before shoving her heel into his ass sending him flying to the ground again.

"You just wont take no for an answer huh?" Billie snapped as she stocked towards the man cracking her knuckles ready to teach him a lesson.

"I'm sorry!" the man said getting to his feet as he staggered drunk down the sidewalk to get away from the crazy woman. Billie stood her ground watching the drunken bastard trying to run away as she let out a deep sigh running her hand through her long hair as she waited for the man to be a good distance from her bar before she went back inside knowing he would try to come back.

He stopped looking back seeing Billie still watching him as she made a shooing motion with her hands to keep him moving.

"Poor Ricky." Someone laughed from some tables sitting by the door. Billie turned see a bunch of older people sitting around the table all sporting leather riding gear.

"Poor Ricky my ass." Billie snapped towards the table. "That bastard grabbed four girls ass including mine. He's lucky I didn't fucking break it."

"Calm down Billie, you know how he gets when he drinks." A older woman laughed. "He gonna be pissed he missed his brothers band playing again."

"yeah let him come back! We will watch him!" another man joked.

"Not even if he came back with a silver tray full of chocolate covered strawberries and the best Weed in town." Billie hissed as she turned walking towards the door once more.

She threw the door open walking back into the packed bar. The place was roaring with voices and drunk people howling towards the stage for the band to start. Fuck she hated when bands played here. Even more on a damn Saturday night. She shoved herself past the many people blocking the only route to the Bar as she grabbed dirty glasses on the way towards it. Walking around to stand behind the bar she didn't even have a chance to dump the dirty glasses when people began to fire off drink orders.

Billie grabbed a bottle of 44 north as she poured it into a glass mixing it with some no alcohol as she moved behind the bar fast to get all the drink someone had ordered at the bar out fast.

"Billie! Whiskey coke please!" someone yelled.

"yeah yeah." Billie said sending a wave at them. She grabbed some shot glasses pouring out some Fireball shots before she slid them towards some girls sitting at the bar as she snagged their money walking to the register punching in drinks into the touch screen before she grabbed changed turning back to the girls setting their change down.

"Keep it Billie." One of the girls said as Billie tapped the bar with the dollar bills giving them a smile as she turned around dumping the change into a metal bucket for tips.

"In coming!" someone said behind her as she ducked out of the way of her co-worker Jessy as he held a try of clean glasses. Billie grabbed a clean glass from the tray as she grabbed the whiskey from above the bar pouring it into the glass as she grabbed a dispenser that had six buttons hooked up to soda and water somewhere below the bar. Pressing the one for coke she filled the glass up before walking to where someone had called out for the whiskey coke.

"Get us a round of miller light!" the man said after Billie set the glass down in front of him.

"Sure thing. How many?" Billie said turning around to walked to a large cooler behind the bar sliding it open to looking back to the man.

"Five!' he yelled over the music. Billie grabbed the beers quickly pulling her bottle opener from her back pocket taking the caps off quickly.

"seventeen all together with the whiskey." She said as the man tossed her a twenty.

"Keep the change Billie!" he said as the group of people turned leaving with their beer to go find a place to sit.

Billie was used to this crazy speed. It made her feel alive and slighting crazy. She worked in a dive bar right in the middle of downtown Portland and it was a shit show almost every night here. Billie grabbed dirty glasses off the counter running around doing a dance with Jessy who was helping take orders from all the people swarming to the bar for drinks before the show started.

Shoving the dirty glasses into a tray she walked over placing the tray to a little hole in the wall sliding it back to where the kitchen was cooking and cleaning the extra glasses they had.

Walking back to the bar someone called out to her.

"Hey Billie-Jean, when you going to marry me?"

Billie gave a laugh making a drink as she looked to the man who called out to her.

"I don't think your wife would like that Bob." She said to the older man who turned getting a playful dirty look from his old woman as he turned back to Billie with a wide goofy smile. Billie slid the beer towards him as he tossed some money back to her. Billie turned around to the register to punch in numbers to keep up with what drinks went out.

She was busy counting the money when someone called out to her over the music.

"Hey gorgeous!" she slowly turned her head as he eyes locked onto Greenish blue eyes. A wide cheesy smile formed over his lips as Billie could almost feel her heart give a little flutter as cupid fired off his first arrow. His hair was long and curly past his ears but tucked up into a baggy grey beanie. He wore a long sleeve v neck shirt that was rolled up to his elbows and a jean vest. He had a bunch of string bracelet with random crap hanging from his left wrist and a large watch on his right wrist.

Billie only lifted a brow to the newcomer as she turned to the register shutting the drawer after counting the money walking back to where the Boy stood leaning up against the counter watching her. She didn't have to ID him knowing that Manny, the bars bouncer on these crazy night had already done it for her at the door.

"What can I get ya kid?" she teased. He tossed a few 20's onto the counter as he leaned on his elbow looking at her intensely.

"Four whiskey cokes, four PBR, and four shots of fireball." He said over the music. Billie only nodded grabbing glasses to make them quickly to get his order done to get to the other people piling up to the bar to get their drinks.

She was quick to make the whiskey cokes and then snagged four PBR bottles from the cooler behind her setting them down on the counter before the kid. She turned grabbing four shot glasses setting them down and grabbed the fireball bottle from the cooling shelf below the bar to pour the shots fast for him. She slid the shots towards him as he held out a the twenties between his fingers for her.

Grabbing his money she turned to the register to get his change as fast as she could when she turned back around finding someone else had joined him to help grab the drinks.

She was met with a cooked smile that made cupid fire his second shot through her damned heart. He had long hair pulled up in a messy man bun. Billie hated the man bun…but god damn this guy could pull it off. His face had high cheek bones and strong looking. He had one earing hanging from his left ear. His wore a red flannel lone sleeve shirt that was rolled up to his elbows as he sported a bunch of bracelets as well as few rings on his long fingers. His shirt was opened up showing off just a bit of his chest but Billie bet her bottom dollar was muscled.

He was relaxed up against the bar next to his friend leaning in close to the side saying something into his ear that Billie couldn't hear over the music as the Curly blonde turned to see what he meant as he shook his head laughing at something.

"Six bucks is your change!" she said setting the money back down on the counter in front of the curly blonde who flashed her his wide smile as his friend turned around his baby blue eyes locking onto her.

"Holy shit you are fine." He said over the music as he leaned over the bar to get a full look at her letting out a whistle.

At that he lost his brownie points for just looking hot.

"Why thank you, not bad yourself stranger." Billie said flashing her own wide wicked smile sending him a wink. She heard someone else call for her as she turned to get the next round of orders.

She leaned over the bar to hear the orders being shouted by people as she went on autopilot for the next hour until Jessy told her to take a break. The band was in full swing as everyone was watching it as she decided to sneak out back for a smoke and a drink for herself.

Yanking at her braid she had done an hour or so ago letting it unravel her long black hair as she ran her hands through it to give her head a good itch. Settling down on a chair she tossed her feet up onto the table as she pulled a smoke out from her pack placing it to her lips as she opened up her bag to fish out a lighter.

"God damnit he took it again!" she hissed five minutes later knowing Jessy must have stolen her lighter once more. She was able to find a pack of matches as she tried to light one. six failed attempts later Billie tossed the matches to its doom off the side of the patio for some Homeless person to try his luck at it. She needed a fucking smoke. Something to get calm her down. Her body was on fire and she was about to snag the next person to drag into the shadows.

The curse of being a Vampire was the thirst for blood was a bitch. She lifted a hand to her neck to try and itch away the bubbling burning coming up her throat as the monster within her bitched and complained that it was not fed before she got to work. She had been a vampire ever since she left her home seven years ago. The funny thing was she couldn't remember turning into a vampire. She had just woken up one night on her bedroom floor. She remembered the burring need for something. After staggering out of her house in the middle of the night she could barely remember the first night but the memory of her bloody soaked hands as she killed many people. Her body was on autopilot killing people to quench a bloodlust.

She was about to get up when the sound of lighter snapping next to her head made her flip around. She turned quickly looking up. Her eyes traveled Way up from where she was sitting as a tall dark drink of water stood over her. Billie felt her ciggy slipping from her lips as she caught it quickly to recover from her dork move to lean into the flame to light her smoke.

"Thanks stranger." She said to him. His dark eyes staring deep into hers. He said nothing, no emotions on his face for her to read as He only nodded to the empty seats next to her.

"They open?' he asked. She glanced to the empty seats at her table and could only nod while she took a drag. He moved two short strides with his long legs to pull a chair away from the table settling down relaxing back. Billie pulled her feet off the table not to be rude as she watched this new comer across from her.

Was it hot guy awareness night or something? Billie asked herself. She looked over this new comer quickly and found herself intrigued that he just showed up out of no where. She never even heard the old metal door creek like it always did when it opened. She glanced behind her seeing there was some older folks sitting in the corner of the patio keeping to themselves as she looked back to the guy.

He had a bottle of PBR in his hands as he stretched out his long legs under the table. He wore faded grey jeans and a nice dark grey button up shirt rolled up to his elbows and grey vest. The button up shirt was opened around his neck low enough to show off his collar bone. A bunch of silver necklaces strung across his dark colored chest. Under his sleeves Billie could noticed his muscles moving with the movement of his arms lifting his beer to his lips. his face was strong with high cheek bones and a strong face as well. His eyes were dark brown that seemed to suck her in seeing a hidden mystery behind them.

His hair was dark brown almost black and like the other tall drink of water she saw earlier at the bar was pulled up into a messy man bun. Again she hated them…but fuck where did these men come from!?

"You're new around here." Billie said taking a swig of her drink she had made before she left on her break.

"To this bar yes." He said with a nod. "Haven't been in a dive bar in years."

"Well welcome to my little hole in the wall." She snickered.

"How long you been working here?" he asked before he took a drink of his beer.

"Um…" Billie had to think as she lifted up a hand to tap her chin. "I think about seven years now. Snagged this job when I moved here."

"where you from?" he asked.

'Damn you get right into the personal question and you don't even know my name?" she asked with a laughed.

"My bad." He said leaning forwards holding out a hand towards her. "Dwayne."

Billie placed her smoke to her lips as she leaned forwards taking his hand to give it a shake. She felt something shoot up her arm like she was shocked by him. His fingers were strong wrapped around her hand as she tried to keep herself calm feeling this strange current rushing up her arm not understanding what it was.

"Billie." She said with a smile back as she pulled her hand out of his grip to lean back. "You here for the show?"

"You could say that. A friend of mine been bitching about coming to see some 80's cover band all fucking week. Came here to shut him the hell up." He said leaning back in his chair once more his eyes intensely on hers. She felt the hunger bubble up more into her throat as she placed her ciggy to her lips to try and clam herself down before she body slammed this guy to the shadows. She did a look around spying a few other people still sitting out on the back patio knowing she wouldn't be able to get away with killing someone at the moment.

"You look like your in pain." He said suddenly. Billie turned to look at him eyes slightly wide at his comment.

"Just hungry." She said with a sigh shaking her head. "I forgot to snag someone-I mean something eat tonight."

He didn't say anything as she reached for her drink with the awkward silence.

"Do you even realize-" he began to ask as the door swung open behind them causing the loud roaring voices inside the bar to echo out.

She glanced towards the door after hearing it open as another man walked out and Billie felt cupid decided to hit her one last time for the night. Her eyes met the most intense blue eyes she had ever seen. This hot fella walked towards her table with tight fitting black shirt on under a black sweater. He sported black jeans and leather boots. he wore a dark grey beanie as she could see almost white hair sticking out from under it behind his ears and down his neck.

Dear lord the heavens wanted to fucking tease her with look and can't touch tonight. She was about to quit just to test her luck at getting lucky with one of these handsome son of a bitches. He came to a stop near the table as he move between her and Dwayne setting his beer down on the table.

"Paul started bitching about another failed cover band again, couldn't handle it anymore." He said. Billie shuttered at the sound of his voice. What the hell was wrong with her? Dwayne only chuckled shaking his head at his friend comment.

"He's got to realize not every cover band is going to sound as good as the original." Dwayne laughed taking a drink of his beer. His friend reached into his sweater pocket pulling out a pack of smokes placing one to his lips as he lit it looking down to Billie as he did so. A wicked smile formed over his lips as he pulled the ciggy away from his lips blowing out the smoke looking her over.

"And who is this lovely lady keeping you company?" he asked.

"Billie." She said with a smile as he held out a hand towards her. she looked at it before placing her smoke to her lips to hold out her right hand to him.

"Names David, Darlin." He said. Billie about melted at the tone of his voice. It was like honey and she was a fly that did a kamikaze head first into it. She took his hand as his fingers circled around hers tightly as it sent more shock waves up her arm just like with Dwayne.

"Do you believe love at first sight?" Billie muttered out before she could stop herself. she quickly turned away giving his hand a shake inwardly cussing herself to hell and back.

David smile only widened as he let Billie pull her hand out of his quickly.

"Sorry…don't answer that. Long night so far." Billie muttered shaking her head as she grabbed her phone seeing her break was almost up.

Just then the door slammed opened again as laughter flowed out of it. David turned to the back door as Billie couldn't help but turn as well seeing the two hot boys from before walking out onto the patio. She caught sight of three blonde girls following fast behind them.

One was under the taller blonde arm giggling at something he was whispering into her ear.

Lucky bitch.

Billie shook her head as she stood up killing her ciggy in the ash tray grabbing her empty glass.

"Hey you're that Crazy bartender!" one of the girl said right into Billie face as she turned to walk back towards the door.

"Um..yeah I am. I'm not crazy just assertive with dumbass's." Billie said with a short laugh. The girl sudden opened up her purse pulling out some money as she shoved it right into Billie hands.

'Get us all another round of whatever they are drinking!' she demanded from Billie. Billie only took the money shoving it back into the girls arms.

"Between my breaks you aren't the boss of me." Billie said as the girl made a face at her. Billie glanced at her phone seeing it finally saying her break of over as she turned snagging the money back out of the girls hands.

"Now that I'm working again. I will gladly get you guys some more drinks." Billie said waving the money as she shoved past the girl making her way towards the door.

"What a bitch!" she heard the girl snap as Billie swung the door open looking back to blow the girl a kiss before walking back into the bar. She rounded up the drinks as she came back out onto the patio as she swung the door open with her foot as she spotted the group was still sitting at the same table she was at moments ago. One of the annoying girls was now straddling the first boy she met that night lap as she was giggling about something he was whispering into her ear. The bitchy one that ordered the drinks was sitting on the taller blondes lap as well her eyes heavy with being super drunk. Billie knew that her night was about to come to an end every soon.

"Another round of liquid fire boys." She said with a song in her voice as she stopped at the table and began to take the drinks off the tray to hand them out. She set the bottles of beer on the table followed by the mix drinks and shots.

These boys must not have had livers.

"Marko quit sucking off the girls face and take this fucking shot!" the tall blonde snapped. Billie snickered as she walked around the table setting the last of the whiskey cokes down in front of the one called David. As the one called Marko pulled away from his girl to reach for his shot.

"Fuck you Paul!" Marko laughed. "I had to stop you from humping your chick up against the wall a minute ago."

"You guys need anything else?" Billie asked rolling her eyes tucking the tray under her arm.

"How about you join us?" David asked up to her. Billie only shook her head with a smile.

"Kidnap me on one of my nights off. Maybe I will take you up on that offer." She said patting him on the shoulder playfully as she turned to leave. A strong hand grabbed her wrist flipping her around fast to suddenly find herself sitting on David lap. He leaned in quickly to whisper into her ear harshly.

"I'll hold you to that." He said. Billie felt a jolt of electric currents flow through her body at his hot breath on her ear as she leaped up from his lap David not stopping her as she glared down at him.

"You keep up that grabby shit and I will bite it off before you can stick it anywhere and shove you in dumpster." She said pointing a finger between his legs. He only smiled up at her in a way that send a shutter up her back. It was like he was daring her too.

"Billie-Jean!" her name was suddenly being yelled over the speaker. "Billie-jean get your ass back to the bar and do your fucking job! They are swarming me like starving mad animals!"

Billie looked to the speaker shaking her head at Jessy pleading help but she knew it was a shit show inside with the band here. Looking back to each of the boys.

"Till we meet again. And hopefully not when I'm hungry." She said sending the one called David a wink. She turned walking to the door swinging it open to walk in. she shut the door as she brought her hand to her forehead as she tried to push the hunger down. She felt her fangs beginning to force themselves out of her gums wanting her to go back and make a quick snack of one of them.

"BILLIE! SAVE ME!" she looked towards the bar seeing Jessy waving his arms franticly as people swarmed the bar.

"GET THE HELL OUT FROM BEHING MY BAR, GOREGE!" her voice boomed as a man jumped back from leaning over the bar. She grabbed her rag as she twisted it up and began to snap it towards the people.

"Back you crazy animals! Back!" she joked as everyone began to fire off orders towards her.


"Night guys!" Billie said as she walked away from the bar.

"Night girlie see you tomorrow!" Jessy said as he locked the door. Billie walked down the sidewalk of downtown towards her car as she rubbed the back of her neck. Looking down at her phone she saw it was almost five in the morning. The sun would be up in a few hours and she would be dead to the world.

She needed to find someone to eat before her nasty side came out and she ate the first person she found. She stopped at a cross light as she glanced around her eyes scanning the dark world trying to find someone to quench her satanic needs. The light changed as she walked across the street towards the other sidewalk to get closer to her car. It was then a speeding heartbeat came up behind her as she slowly glanced behind her. She saw someone was indeed following her.

He had a hoodie on covering his face as he was keeping a good distance from her but she could feel him moving closer to her with every step. Billie threw a swing into her hip as she walked to bait in the man who had other plans for her. Coming up to her car she stopped opening her purse as she searched for her keys taking her sweet time.

Just then someone grabbed her around the chest as a knife was pressed up to her neck.

"What the fuck!" she screamed as she played a weak human trying to get him off as his free hand came up to slam over her mouth.

"You scream I will slice your fucking neck open!" he hissed into her ear as he dragged her backwards. Billie still struggled in his arms as the man dragged her into an alleyway. He shoved her up against the wall as she could hear his disgusting panting in her ear. He still held the knife to her neck as she could feel it cutting her. He let go of her mouth as he reached down to try and rip her pants down.

Billie couldn't help but laugh then. A deep thick laugh at echoed around them. The man paused behind her before hissing into her ear.

"Whats so fucking funny bitch!?" he snapped. Billie was completely calm now as she slowly ran her hands up the brick wall her long nails dragging against it leaving a carved trail.

"Here I thought I would have to go hunting for my dinner." She said as flipped around so fast it startled the man jumping back. "But your brought me take out. Thank you honey, I'm too tired to chase down someone."

"What the fuck is wrong with your eyes!" the man barked holding up a knife as her.

"Oh are they glowing?" Billie tilted her head. 'they only do when I'm hungry."

The man jumped forwards with the knife as Billie let him slam it right into her gut. She gasped out at the pain as she looked down at where he had stabbed her before rolling her head back up.

"This was a new shirt!" she snapped before she grabbed his wrist holding the knife to yank it out of her gut. The man cried out in pain as she twisted it hard back. She felt him trying to get his arm out of her grasp but his strength was no were near hers. She grabbed him around the neck suddenly cutting off his air supply as she leaned down smiling at him.

"I bet you taste so good baby." She cooed down to him. she moved her hands up to grab him where his jaw and neck met to yank his head to the side as she leaned down to run a tongue over his flesh feeling his heartbeat going crazy under it. Her fangs grew long and heavy in her mouth as opened her mouth to slam them into his neck to feed.

As soon as her fangs broke the skin the sweet taste of blood flowed into her mouth as she moaned in happiness to the feeling of it. Like a drug that made the burning need in her throat subside. She swallowed a few good amount of blood as the man tried to scream out unable to due to her hold around his neck. Billie fed from him feeling the prickling feeling of what seemed like a body high rushing over her skin. The man began to shake under her as she drained him of every drop of blood as he stopped fighting her as she listened to the beating of his heart stop in his chest as she yanked her fangs from his neck letting him go as his body fell backwards in a heavy thud hitting the ground.

She lifted up a finger slowly running it over her lips as she cleaned off the blood that has escaped from her mouth while she fed. She cleaned off her lips and chin as she brought her finger to her mouth cleaning it off. She felt the wave of pleasure from her kill running over her skin as she slowly opened her eyes looking down to the dead man at her feet.

She had long gotten over feeling bad for killing people. She needed this to survive. Even though she did not understand fully on what she was, she pretty sure she got the idea of the do's and don'ts of a vampire.

Sunlight bad, feed when awake. Don't tell anyone what you are.

Billie turned noticing her purse laying on the ground as she walked over to it bending down to grab it as she fished out her smokes. Placing one to her mouth she lit it with the lighter she had finally gotten back from Jessy. She took a few deep drags blowing out the smoke slowly as she glanced back down at the dead man. She needed to hide the body. She noticed a man hole sitting right behind him as she walked over to it kneeling down to hook a finger through the hole as she picked the heavy thing up with one finger.

Walking back to the man she grabbed him by his jacket dragging him towards the whole. Placing her ciggy to her lips to free up her other hands she drove her clawed hand into his neck above where she bite and ripped his neck open to hid the fang marks. Lifting the man up she let him go as he dropped into the darkness of the manhole to the sewers.

Using her foot she knocked the manhole cover back into place as she looked around her ears and eyes searching for any homeless person who had witnessed it and would be her next meal. Tossing her purse over her shoulder she walked towards the exit of the alleyway as she glanced around down the long sidewalk not spying anyone as she pulled her ciggy from her lips letting out a heavy cloud of smoke.

"Bed time, sleepy time. I'm gonna cuddle my pillow so good.." She muttered to herself as she walked to her car to drive home and get some sleep before she went on a killing rampage.

Please let me know what you think!