Thank you for all the reviews. I've been working on this story for a while. I rewrote this chapter about seven times and came back around to my original outline. . hopefully I can have the next chapter out in the next few days. The boys think they are going to have control over our little Billie-Jean...but they got another thing coming in next few chapters.


Dwayne hands trailed up her skin nails digging in deep as she grabbed at them to try and stop him. Dwayne grabbed her body twisting her around fast to slam her against the cold wall of the shower not yet heated up by the water. His heavy body pressed hard against the wall as his head ducked down to her neck she her hands went to his shoulder to try and shove him away.

"Dwayne please stop!" she begged as he ignored her biting down hard on her neck causing her to jump in his arms. She didn't feel his fangs as he bit and sucked at her neck. She felt the butterflies go bonkers in her gut as she tried to think of the worst possible things in the world not to get turned on by this monster. One hand wrapped under her butt as another reached up grabbing the wet hair at the base of her neck jerking her head to the side more as his teeth raked over her skin harder.

She felt him grinding himself between her thighs causing things to tingle that She didn't want to feel.

"OLD PEOPLE. BROCCOLI! KITTEN GETTING RAN OVER!" she hissed out. Dwayne paused biting at her neck pulling back to look down at her with a crooked smile.

"those are some odd things to get turned on too." He chuckled down to her.

"I'm trying not to get turned on!" she hissed up to his face. "let me go!"

Dwayne only let out a deep laugh as he stepped back letting her legs fall to the ground. He still had a hold onto her neck as he grabbed her arm with his free hand flipping her over to shoved her back up against the wall. Billie face was pressed up against the wall hard by his hold on her neck as she lifted her hands up quickly to try and push herself off. Before she could even try the sound of a hand slapping wet skin echoed over the shower as her ass suddenly stung like hell. She gasped against the cold wall as she felt the stinging pain from Dwayne slap on her ass tingling up her back.

"How dare you fucking spank me!" she hissed. By the force of it she knew if she was human her back would have broken in half. Dwayne free hand roamed her backside sliding down between her butt to find the opening to where her mind begged him not to touch but her body shook with excitement. His fingers slide hard up into her causing her to jump trying to move away once more only to get herself another hard slap on ass in the same spot making her hiss out to the pain.

Dwayne fingers slid between her legs once more and began to inflict their torture as she fought to keep herself still knowing Dwayne would hit here again is she tried.

"Quick learner." He laughed from behind her. Billie wanted to tell him to fuck off but she was more concerned about her body betraying her again enjoying Dwayne playing with her. And what was fucked up was the spanking were turning her on more than she wished they did. Dwayne fingers invaded her twisting and turning and rubbing just the right spot.

"Fuck you and your long fingers!" she hissed out. Dwayne said nothing to her as he forced two then three fingers inside her. And to Billie horror she was spreading her legs farther for him. She couldn't tell if he was controlling her or if her body just flat out betrayed her.

His fingers began to move fast within her causing her to moan out her finger nails digging into the granite walls. She felt a familiar warmth beginning to build up at the pit of her stomach as she fought to think of anything else that would turn Her off quickly to fucking fight back. Dwayne pulled his fingers out of her quickly running a hand over her butt cheeks as another hard hit came to her flesh. Billie hissed out knowing that she wouldn't be able to sit right for the rest of the night. She was ready for Dwayne fingers again but something else Pressed up against her.

Billie fought to get free of this hold this bastard had on her mind. She needed to get away. Her mind wasn't ready but her body fucking was. Dwayne forced himself into her willing body as deep as it would let him. Quickly pulling himself out to slam against her again. Billie gasped and cried out with ever thrust until her body gave into it. With ever thrust she was pushed harder and harder against the granite walls as Dwayne let go of her hair to wrap his hands around her waist to pull her hard against him.

Over the downpour of water in the shower you could hear Billie moaning and the slapping of wet skin. Dwayne kept a hold onto her. Forty minutes later and coming for the seventh time Dwayne let her go as Billie dropped to the ground of the shower her legs shaking her as she sat in the warmth of the water on the floor. Dwayne stepped back letting he hot water run over him before reaching up to push his wet hair out of his face as he glanced down to where Billie still sat head resting against the wall.

Her body was tired, satisfied beyond hell and ready to fall asleep right there in the warmth of the steam. She felt arms slide under her body as she was lifted from the stone wall head falling backwards as her mind slipped into darkness. At this point she gave two shit on what was going to happen to her. She just wanted to sleep.


Canting and songs being hummed flowed around him. He felt weak. His body had lost so much blood. The pain of his wounds burned and pulsed all over his body. He could feel among the dead bodies that someone was walking towards him. In their silent step he could feel their eyes on him. Gripping his sword tight his face hidden Under the dark hood he wore he glanced upwards towards the one standing before him. He was ready for who ever it was to attack him. But by the blurry shape of the body he could tell it was a woman. A pale hand reached out for him as he felt his breath hitch in his throat. Slowly on shaky hands he rose from the battle ground. The smell of cooked flesh was everywhere as the heat of the fires raged around him billowing black smoke to the dark sky. His eyes traveled up to a woman standing over him hands held out waiting towards him. His legs shook in the pain of death coming to him as he reached out with blood soaked hands to grasp hers.

Her gold covered fingers wrapped around him as she pulled him up with little effort to stand up. His legs almost gave way from the blood lost from his wounds as the woman reached out griping his shoulder with her other hand to keep him standing. He could not understand how such a small woman could hold up his armored body so easily.

"Rest at ease, Warrior." She said in a soft voice. Even though she was not speaking English he could understand her perfectly. "I have heard your call for help."

He looked up to the woman who face was blurred by the dream, he never saw her face. Her voice was like a calming wave of relief over his burning skin. She stepped closer to him letting his weak body lean up against her as she reached up pulling his hood off his head. He could feel the blood from a wound on his head trickling down his face as she lifted her hand to the wound then slowly running it over his head as he could see through the blurriness a soft smile on her lips. Reaching to lift his chin to look at her better she ran a thumb over his burse and swollen lips from fighting.

"I will give you a gift, one where you can be free of this war. You can be free from slavery for all time." She whispered to him as she watched her open her mouth. Something that didn't belonged in a human mouth stood out to him in his weak vision. Long fangs came out of her mouth as she dug them deep into her own wrist. A trail of blood trickled down her pale skin as she pulled her wrist away from her lips.

"Drink, you will heal." She said. He looked to the blood trickling out from the wound on her wrist as his body moved on its own to leaning towards it as a shaky hand reached up gripping the wrist tightly as his mouth fell over the wound. The blood tasted bitter and sweet, the moment it touched his tongue his body instantly begged for more. Drawing the blood into his mouth he felt his legs give out under him as she wrapped her free hand under his arm to help drop him slowly down to his knees. He gripped her wrist tighter as his mouth began to greedily suck in as much blood as he could.

The woman kneeled with him as he fed from her. She moved her free hand from under his arm to lightly run it over his head as she let him feed from her. When she knew he had had enough she pulled her wrist away from his mouth as he fought to place his mouth over her wound once more finding the blood no longer flowed and the wounds had healed. His body begged for more as he drove his teeth into her wrist getting a bark of laughter from her as she stood up over him once more.

His drugged eyes turned upwards to the woman standing over him as she pulled her hood off her head as well. As soon as her face was coming into view the dream began to shatter and fall away one broken piece at a time.

"WAIT!" he screamed reaching out for the fading woman. He was so close this time to seeing her. To knowing who she was.

David eyes flew open quickly as he sat forwards in his chair forgetting he was at his desk when his Knee hit it hard making the whole thing jump. Letting out a curse he dropped back into his chair as he felt his whole body on fire for the craving of blood. He let out a hiss in anger looking around his study trying to remember how he got there. The sun was high above the earth at the time as his body felt weak as he remembered he had to get some work done before he slept. Lifting a hand to his face he realized his face had shed it human mask as he bared his teeth at the thought of what he just dreamed.

"Son of a bitch!" he cursed slamming a fist down onto the desk as the wood made a slight cracking sound. Leaning forwards on his elbows he pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose as he took in a deep breath to came himself down. He felt his face slowly shifting back into its human mask as he thought about the dream.

Fucking hell. It had been years since he had a dream about Her. He had all but given up on unlocking his dreams and figuring out just where the fuck he came from. Where they all came from. Her voice echoed in the back of his mind as he felt a deep growl bubbling up in his chest. He could almost feel her blood running down the back of his throat again. But fuck he wished he could remember her face and what her damn name was. It always felt like it was on the tip of his tongue. A buzzing sound drew his attention back to the real world as he dropped his hands down from his face looking over to his cellphone as he picked it up seeing it was someone he wanted to ignore but knew they would just keep calling.

Thirty minutes later David still sat at a large desk finger pressed to the bridge of his nose as he listened to the person on the other end of the line. He was sick of having this stupid plastic and glass technology to his ear and for once in his long life he was getting a fucking headache from the person chatting away at him. He was mentally counting backwards in his brain to keep himself from reaching out with his power just to strangle the person on the other end fucking Jedi style.

"I don't fucking care if there is a chance to save it." He finally answered. "I know this business we invested in going south. Drop them and Fucking sell the stocks. And don't call me back until you do."

Pulling the phone away from his ear he tossed it to the desk letting out a sigh. A moment later a slight knock came to the old wooden door to his office as he ignored it picking up some papers on his desk. The door swung open as a man with long dreadlocks stuck his head in looking around the large study until finding David.

"I thought I heard your displeased voice." Leon smiled. David said nothing to him as Leon threw the door open walking into the room. David didn't pay attention at first as he was reading something on a paper as he grabbed his pack of smoke placing one to his mouth. He was about to light it as he paused hearing heels clicking on the wooden floor as he turned his head slowly towards where Leon was walking around the study with a feather duster in his hands.

"Fucking hell." David muttered as Leon paused dusting some book shelves turning around to face David with a wide smile doing a curtsy grabbing onto the skirt of the sexy maid's outfit he was wearing. His long legs sporting fishnet stockings and six inch heels.

"You like? I had this special ordered for me last week." Leon said doing a quick twirl like a happy little girl sporting her best Sunday dress to her parents as David turned his head trying to get the man in a maid's outfit out of brain.

"I fucking woke up at wrong time." He said pulled the unlit smoke from his lips to rub his eyes trying to wash away the image of what was standing in the room.

'Oh hush!" Leon said in a playful voice waving the feather duster at David direction. "I always dress up when you boys are sleeping. You should know this."

"At least you're dressed this time, I still have nightmares of that naked parade of men from a few years ago." David said placing the smoke back to his lips to light. Leon walked quickly to the desk placing his hands on the edge to toss up one leg playfully.

"You are not going to believe the outfits I found that foxy little Minx downstairs." Leon said with a giggle tossing one leg up into a happy swing again. "I have been waiting for the day you boys brought home a little lady for this family. Hell, I was hoping for four new doll's but I understand not wanting to share this one. She got the spunk and ass to fit the boot."

"Take the clothes back." David said after a drag going through some more papers before turning to the computer to type something in.

"Why?" Leon asked tilting his head. "You doubt my taste?"

"She is not going to need them." David said. Leon shoved off the desk to walk around to the front to stand before David.

"Why not?" Leon said before he brought a quick hand before his mouth letting out a gasp. "Oh dear Mamma Mia and my gay pride. YOU KILLED HER ALREADY?" he shrieked at the end causing David to wince at the volume of it.

"WHYYYYYY!?" Leon yelled dropping his body to the desk dramatically causing papers to fly off the desk as he pounded his fist against it. "She was my dream come true! My beauty queen of death! What am I going to do now!? I spent almost two thousand dollars! Oh Billie! you poor thing! Smile at me from above baby girl. Say hi to my Aunt Margret. She put the Queen in Drag queen till that damn bus took her away!"

Leon hit his fists on the desk like a toddler before letting his body slid off the desk slowly to drop to the ground as he let out another wail of agony.

"God damnit take your drama drag show to the library or something." David said placing a finger to his ear to get rid of the ringing of volume of Leon voice.

"HOW COULD YOU KILL HER!?" Leon cried from the floor. Tossing his feather duster up onto the desk trying to hit David but failed. "She was perfect… her body made by the gods! Oh Billie, OH BILLIE!"

"She not dead, you fucking dumbass. So shut up and take your OCD cleaning ass someplace else." David said as calm as he could flipping open a file to read what was in it. Leon head shut up above the desk with a loud gasp of horror. He jumped to his feet slamming his hands onto the desk making everything raddle on it again.

"Then why do I need to take the clothes back!?" he snapped. David didn't answer as he picked up Leon feather duster throwing it at him and waving his hand holding the smoke towards the doorway. Leon stomped his heeled foot crossing his arms angrily waving the feather duster at his side.

"IF she is not dead yet I can still give her the wonderful clothes I bought her. I am not taking them back. I bought a damn dress that I want to lather her up with aloe oil and try to shove her in." Leon said. David let out an annoyed sigh rubbing his brow once more trying to keep his cool around this man. But with every word that came out of the Drag Queen was pushing his patience button rapidly.

"She will be soon. Just get out I have shit to do so I can go back to sleep for a bit." David said.

"Why do you have to kill her?" Leon said leaning up against the desk with one hand waving the feather duster at David. "You boys need someone like her. I always said so. Especially you! These one-night stands are driving you boys into loneliness. I saw how happy you four were when you found out there was another female vampire. And the shit eating grins on your faces after hanging out with her. She is exactly what you boys need."

"Leon!" David snapped looking up at the man in the dress with yellow bleeding eyes. "Get the fuck out and leave me alone before I break your fucking neck." David said turning back to his paper work.

Leon pushed off the desk turning quickly with a huff walking with a dramatic strut to the door. He waved the feather duster around for a moment before he came to a quick stop looking over his shoulders fast sending his dreadlock flying around him. He quickly walked back to the desk heels clicking against the wood as he tossed his body up onto the desk to toss his legs across the whole desk crossing them at the ankles.

"Fuck, please tell me your wearing underwear under that costume." David said trying to keep his eyes on the paper before him. Leon slowly shoved his body against the wooden desk as that sound of flesh sticking and rubbing against the wood echoed around them.

"I will rub my nuts all over this desk unless you hear me out." Leon said waving the feather duster at him. David dropped the paper glaring up at the man rubbing his bare ass across the desk like a dog on a carpet.

"Do I need to kennel you?" David asked.

"Let her live." Leon said. David only raised a brow sitting back in his chair once more.

"That's all?" he snickered. "I can get this desk restored again."

"Zip it! You good-for nothing swine and listen." Leon snapped. "I want to make a bet with you."

"Well I don't think you have anything good to offer to the table. Since we fucking own you." David laughed as Leon grabbed his skirt lifting it up quickly as David turned away quickly.

"Fuck, I'm listening!" David hissed covering his eyes with his hand quickly. Leon dropped his skirt smiling at the man.

"My challenge is simple. You let her live. All four of you. You play NICE David and treat her like a lady." He said in dead serious voice. "You cannot hurt her, you have to show this little lady what it's like to meet a real gentleman."

"I'll pass on that." David let out a deep chuckle shaking his head as he placed his dead smoke to his lips lighting it again.

"Don't you think it is Kind of sad that she is in the same boat as you not knowing who created her?" Leon asked tilting his head as David eyes snapped to Leon laughing ones as he pulled his ciggy from his lips blowing out the smoke.

"Oh? Now I have your real attention, Huh?" Leon laughed as he slid off the desk to stand before David. "HOW dare you kill this woman who is suffering lost in this world just like the rest of you? Wouldn't it only be fair that you help her try to unlock her memories? Maybe it would help your stubborn ass's find out how to break that wall in your minds?"

"How am I not fucking surprised you would be listening in on what we talk about?" David snapped in a low voice. "Do we need to only talk through my minds again?"

"Shut it and listen you fucking devil horse shit." Leon snapped hitting his feather duster down on the table quickly like a teacher with a ruler to get the students attention. "You are to help that beautiful creature downstairs. At least give her a chance to figure out who she is, HE shows you how to help each other unlock your minds but you all have been four stubborn Rosters without their nuggets to even do it. Practice on her. Help her."

"So that's the bet?" David laughed in a mocking manner to Leon. "You want me to help her figure out who she is? Then kill her? Now that is harsh."

"Yes, maybe after really getting to know her you might even take a liking to her. You guys already have." Leon said with a wicked smile.

"We don't fucking give two shits about her. Just another fucking Bunny on the menu." David said looking back down at some papers killing his ciggy in the ash tray to grab another one.

"You didn't kill her the first night you met her like all the other vampires." Leon said tilting his head placing a playful finger to his lips. David paused picking up some papers not looking at Leon.

"Oh, I've seen it David. Tell me, why didn't you kill her the first night you all found her?" Leon said walking around the desk smiling wide at David. "And don't tell me you were just doing it for the climax of the reveal. There is something about her that you just can't bring yourself to kill her right now."

David leaned back in his seat bringing his smoke to his lips as he thought about what Leon said.

"Just think about it. You boys have been playing nice, I know somewhere within that twisted satanic mind of yours you want to help the lovely fallen Angel out. You want to unlock her. You can't turn down a challenge like that." Leon said. David didn't say anything for a minute as he rolled his smoke between his lips before taking a deep drag pulling the smoke away slowly to exhale out the thick cloud.

"And what the hell do we get out of it?" David asked a long moment looking up to Leon.

"I bet my human soul on it." Leon said in a matter of fact voice as David only raised a brow to him.

"You're cutting the time you have left as human in half for her?" David asked with a laugh.

"I told you I see something in her that you just don't see." Leon said with a cocky grin.

"How long do I have?" David asked.

"Let's say three months." Leon said shrugging his shoulders. "You give her three months to figure out who she is."

"And if we can't keep ourselves from killing her. What the hell do you want?" David asked with hooded eyes taking another deep drag of his smoke.

"To die an old wrinkly man with my fifty kittens I've already named and knitted booties for." Leon said. David only smiled up at the human wickedly.

"I knew you were going to use her to your advantage somehow." David laughed darkly. Leon held out his hands towards David for him to shake it. David looked at his for a second thinking over what Leon wanted.

"Challenge excepted." David said finally shaking Leon hands. "though it's kind of hard to agree to a man's handshake with you in that outfit."

"Do I need to prove that I am a man again?" Leon said dropping David hand to reach for this skirt once more as David looked away quickly.

"No, I already know." David hissed turning back to his computer.

"Remember David," Leon said walking away from the desk still looking at the vampire. "You are to play nice, all of you, if I catch word that you fuckers have hurt her anymore or do anything stupid to cause her pain the bet is over."

"Well since you are betting your human soul over this chick, I suggest you tell the rest of the guys. They had some fun things planned for her this evening." David said hitting a few buttons on the computer not looking at Leon walking away. Leon came to the door as he paused before closing the door as he called out to David one last time.

"You told me once HE didn't want you boys to wonder this world Lost forever. Maybe she is the one he meant for you to find." Leon said as he went to shut the door before opening it again once more to glare at David. "And if I can't put her in those five hundred dollar heels I promise I will make the orgy you woke up to three years ago kids play to the next one I have planned."

Leon slammed the door shut as David just pulled his dying smoke from his lips crushing it into the ash tray. He sat backwards in the chair as he rubbed his face. The sun was still high in the sky and he felt weak and fucking tried as hell now. Now Leon just added a fucking headache to the pot. Damn that Queen.


Billie sat on the bed just staring at the ceiling counting the specks of paint sticking out farther than the others. What fucking else was she to do? Not one of the monsters keeping her here had come to see her. Last one was Dwayne and his idea of a good time in a shower.

That was three days ago. Leon would come every so often bringing her food and force her to play Barbie doll with all the clothes he had been buying. Billie about shit a brick when she saw a price tag. Leon told her the clothes were from the boys. Not that she cared or believed Leon that they were from the Boys. She was getting tired of sitting and waiting for them to come see her.

Her body was beginning to freak out wanting to sink her fangs into someone. Was this torture to vampires? Starving them of the one thing they needed most?

After casing the joint once more to find a way out of this room hoping there was a secret entrance like on the game Clue she had given up again. Sitting up on the edge she bed was braiding her hair humming a tone to keep herself from going fucking bonkers. She braided her hair into a very difficult French braid as she kept humming a bunch of random songs.

"I'm going fucking nuts." She said after a moment. Looking back to the door she could still fell the unholy power at the door as she let out a dramatic sigh falling backwards on the bed. She just laid there listening to the world around her not hearing anything outside of the doors. Fuck she didn't even know if the boys were here in this hell hole.

Just as her body was beginning relax and fall asleep a loud crash and yelling took up outside of the door making Billie sit up quickly to look towards the doors.

"NO! Someone save me!"

Billie could tell by the volume of the voice the person was not having a good time. She let out a sigh in anger listening to the woman scream her head off. Welcome to the little house of horrors she thought. The smell of blood soon flowed into her room once more as she felt her body start to feel like it was on fire. A low groan came out of her throat as she laid back on the bed pressing her hands to her face. She could feel her fangs growing at the smell of the blood. Her body ached to taste it. A need that was beginning to cause so much pain in her body she was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to walk a straight line.

The screaming was echoing to and from the room next to her. Or was it both sides? She couldn't tell anymore. She felt the pain of thirst rage through her as she begged them to stop in her mind. Begged them to either just kill her or let her feed. Why were they doing this to her? She had no idea she was breaking any rules. She had no fucking idea there was head vampires here, or any other vampires in general.

Billie just laid there trying to think of any other place besides this shitty place. How was her home? How were her tools? Fuck she knew she was way past her time to return to the bar. Where they wondering just where the hell she was? Or if she got kidnapped? Fuck she was so losing her job if she returned.

Just then she heard voices rumbled through her door as she listened.

"You Son of a bitch!" a voice yelled as some banging and slamming of doors echoed.

"Don't fucking look at me!" a deeper muffled voice yelled back.

"I fucking told you it wasn't ready!" the first voice yelled.

"how the hell was I supposed to know?" the second one yelled back.

Sitting up she looked at the door listening to the argument on the other side as she jumped off the bed tiptoeing to the door as she listened to the fighting that was going on outside of it.

"How about the big fucking sign saying, 'DON'T FUCKING TOUCH PAUL!' strapped to the front of it?" she heard someone yell back sounding like Marko. "I even wrote it in clear fucking English for you."

"I thought it was just a suggestion." Paul laughed back. Just then an animal growl came up behind the door as crashing and banging rumbled behind the door echoing in the hallway. Billie just listened taking whatever entertainment she could even if it was from the monsters themselves.

"Fuck you man!" Marko roared sounding like he was walking away. "Took me weeks to build that thing and you fucking break it in a night. Who the hell did you shove in there? Big Bertha?"

"Fucking chill, Man." Paul laughed echoed back. "Let me Kill this Bunny and I will come help you fix it."

"Going to have to wait on that. Leon cooking that fucking dinner party tonight." Marko said voice echoed back. "I really don't want to wake up to another damn 'Surprise' from him."

Billie stood there listening at the door. This was the most entertainment she had in while and was taking every last second of it.

"Hurry up and kill the Bunny." Marko voice echoed back. "and stop taking my fucking ties you have your own!"

She could hear Paul only laugh back as a door slammed shut.

Bunny? Paul was going to kill a poor little bunny? Boy these bastards were monsters. After a few more minutes she heard a screaming coming from a room as she just stood there waiting. She began to think. If two of them were busy and the other two were busy with a party maybe she could sneak out. And with this party maybe she could sneak out through the people. She walked to the bed grabbing some flats Leon had brought her as she pulled them on. She waited a few more minutes as she walked back to the door placing her ear to the door. Billie began to think of a way to get out of here. To get home, grab her tools and book it from Portland. she grabbed the handle thinking for a moment as she thought maybe this was a trap. Maybe they knew she was going to try and sneak out.

"All or nothing." She whispered to herself as she turned the door handle peeking out into the dark hallway. She could still feel the unholy power moving around her as she pushed the door open more sticking her head out. Slowly sliding out of the room and she pressed her body against wall. She kept looking back and forth down the hallway making sure none of them would sneak up on her again. Slowly she slid down to where the hallway wrapped around that she didn't make it to the other night.

Peeking around the corner slowly she listened and inhaled deeply to try and pick up on the Boys scent. She walked down the hallway trying to find a way out of this hell hole. She began to walk slowly down the hallway as she kept looking over her shoulder ever once and while to make sure that Paul or Marko didn't show up again.

She heard music bumping now down the hallway as she saw stairs going up into the darkness. She was about to book it to the stairs when she passed a large metal door sitting slightly open. She did a half glance at it as something caught the corner of her eye. Pausing against the wall she turned back to the door as she looked back and forth again in the darkness before tip toeing across the hallway to the door. She was able to see through the crack of the door as she caught sight of a wooden table. She pushed the door open wider, it making a loud creek as the metal rubbed together.

Her eyes scanned the large room as her mouth fell open.

It was like she walked into Heaven. A horror Heaven.

There were tools of torture everywhere. Her eyes scanned around the room, her mouth hanging open as she tried to take it all in. Her body began to move on its own once more as she turned her head left and right to try to name everything she saw.

"Oh my god…it's an Arm chair of Inquires!" she said spying a chair lined with spikes all over it. Her body was moving to walk fast through the maze of items as she could not believe was she was looking at. She felt like a kid in a puppy filled petting zoo, she wanted to touch them all just to make sure they were real.

"Dear holy Neptune!" she yelled spying another item she had never seen in real life. "it's a Cradle of Judah!" she yipped out reaching out to touch the old wood of the torture device. She had only seen pictures of this thing. Never thinking to see it in real life. She kept turning her body around to go back to all the items in this room. She had to touch them. Love them! Of all the shit to get happy about in this fucked up house. She hit the fucking jackpot of tools.

She tried to count all the torture item in the room losing count. Some of this shit she had been searching for years and never thought she would find them. Her eyes fell onto a wall full of tools as she walked towards them stopping before them.

"Holy Vice." She said trying to count out all the different Vice. They were tools used to crush finger, limbs and legs even heads. She had seen pictures of half of these. If this was Marko collection he fucking beat her at the collecting game, she was beginning to think he was just pulling her leg on her tools. Billie reaching out to slowly touch the old metal of a Vice as she began to study it on how it worked.

She began to walk down the dark painted wall looking at all the tools as she slowly came to a door. Looking behind her to the other metal door she reached out pushing the door open as she peeked inside the next room. She was shocked to find a bedroom. In the middle of the dark room was a large bed with dark sheets scattered all over the place. There was a large table in the middle of the room with candles burning in the middle of it. The candle sticks stuck in place from the previous candles that melted down them to the table that had stacks of book and papers everywhere. Her eyes scanned around the dark room seeing a large fireplace blazing with a large flame. No other light besides the candles and fireplace lit up the room. Near the fireplace was a bunch of cushions, pillow and blankets spread out. a cozy little sitting area with a bunch of books sitting around it. she walked into the room her eyes scanning the walls finding old art and tones of shelves packed full of books.

Walking deeper into the room her eyes began to scan the book titles on the shelves to see just what Marko liked to read. She came to stop near the wall closer to the fireplace as she reached up pulling a book out of its home as she flipped it open. She began to read the intro to it seeing it was a book about medieval medicines. Flipping a few pages in she tilted the book towards the fire for more light as she began to read the worn pages. This book obvious older then dirt as she handled it carefully turning the pages.

Billie was so lost in the words on the pages getting sucked in to authors writing she never felt someone coming up behind her. she flipped another page quickly reading new information she never knew about some of the practices back in the dark ages as someone tapped her shoulder.

Billie let up a squeal in surprise jumping like a startled cat as another squeal came up behind her. flipping around she found Leon hyperventilating behind her holding his chest.

"God damnit Leon." She hissed slamming the book shut. 'You don't fucking sneak up on a god damn vampire!"

Leon held up a finger asking for a few more seconds as he was able to finally get some air into his lungs.

"For Christ sakes you should have heard me coming!" he hissed at her. "I did call out your name like five times!"

"No you didn't!" she hissed back.

"YES I did!" Leon hissed waving a hand before his face as he saw the book in Billie hand. He quickly snagged it walking past her to shove it back in its home. 'What the hell are you doing in Marko room in the first place?!"

He grabbed her wrist dragging her towards the door.

"If any of them catch you in their room they will freak!" leon hissed walking to the door peaking around the corner of the doorway into the room holding all the tools. "Even more so Marko, he doenst let anyone into his room! Not even me to clean it!"

Leon dragged her quickly through the room around all the tables and tools as they came to the metal door. After making sure the coast was clear he dragged her out of the room shutting the metal door behind them.

"Sashay that sexy ass back to your room!" he said slapping Billie hard on the ass to get her moving. "I've got a dinner planned for everyone and you are going to need help getting into the outfit I bought you!"

Billie felt Leon hands on the back of her shoulders as he pushed her back the room. Her body was weak from the lack of feeding so she had really no strength of fighting him. she looked down the long hallway where she should have kept running and not stopping to let her curiosity get the best of her.

"I don't think I am invited to this party." She said. "I was beginning to think they had forgotten about me."

"No this is a party just for you!" Leon said from behind her. "And believe me they haven't forgotten about you. I'm the one that's been keeping the boys from you."

Soon Billie was standing in the middle of a room as Leon was zipping up the short black dress. It was form fitting and cut just right to show off every curve she had. She was yanked from where she was standing to be dragged across the room to a chair as Leon had control over everything shoving her down as he walked to a large dresser and began to go through all the make up on it.

"Where the hell did you find this hoard of goodies? Like Sephora exploded in here." Billie laughed looking over the vase amount of makeup.

"When the boys kill a woman I'm always the one that has to clean up the mess." Leon said picking up a few things of makeup turning back towards Billie. "So I usually have to get rid of their belongings and I always snag whatever jewelry or makeup in their purses. All I have to say if I ever need to host my own drag show with ten queen. It would be five years before I even got close to running out of make up."

Leon put a finger under Billie chin to turn her towards him as he began to go to work applying it. he told her to close her eyes as he went to work on them.

"You are by far the most beautiful vampire I have come across." He said. "and your going to make those idiots drop dead when they see you!"

"I wish they would drop dead." She said with a sigh. "Maybe I can get the hell out of here."

"Oh the Boys are not as bad as they seem." Leon laughed working on her eyes make up as Billie opened her eyes to give Leon a look raising on brow to him.

"I challenge that statement." She said. Leon just rolled his eyes waving with a finger for her to close her eyes once more. "I'm so fucking hungry sitting next to you is driving me crazy."

"I've know the Boys for years." Leon said ignoring her pointing out she basically wanted to eat him. "In fact I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for David and Marko."

"What they do save you from something horrible?" she asked.

"Yep!" Leon said in a happy voice turning to grab some more make up from the dresser. "I was in a really bad spot and they saved me from a horrible fate. Well me and a few others. The day the Boys took over this city was a blessing all its own."

"A blessing?" Billie laughed like it was a joke. Leon turned around with some more make up as he stood before Billie with a weak smile.

"You might not see the boys like I do. But you are seeing their good side." Leon said down to her running the makeup brush over she cheeks as Billie huffed at the statement. "I promise you they are not always monsters. But I think they are mostly monsters and assholes to the ones they care about most. They don't wear their mask around us like they do to everyone else."

"I've seen so many sides to all of them I don't know what to believe." Billie said. Leon finished with the make up as he went to play with her hair. It was at that time neither one talked as Leon went nuts on her hair with hair spray and the curling iron.

"By god if I had the will to scalp you I would steal your hair." Leon said running his hands through her hair.

"Well you will get your chance once they kill me." Billie said.

"I don't think they are ever going to kill you." Leon said stepping back from Billie as he walked towards the bed as he grabbed a shoe box. Billie was wondering when this man had sneaked all this shit into the room.

"Um, I think they made it very clear on their plans." Billie laughed turning the chair she was sitting in as Leon opened the shoe box pulling out the fancy tissue papers.

"Not if I have anything to say about it. Besides the last vampire girl who came walking into this town like she owned it didn't last five minutes with David. Poor girl. I couldn't tell what end was what when he was done with her." Leon pulled out the shoes turning them towards Billie.

"What do you think of these beautiful babies?" he said waving the heels at Billie. Her mouth fell open seeing the beautiful heels before Leon. It was like golden rays of lights came from behind them as Billie had to lift a hand to her lips to stop herself from drooling.

"Right?!" Leon said with a girl squeal doing a little dance with them. "If I was a fairy god mother I would turn them into men and fuck them to hell and back!"

Billie jumped up walking over to the heels in a trance at them.

"Pretty please let me hold them." Billie said holding her hands out.

"No!" Leon said dropping to one knee before her holding the heel out like he was proposing to her. "Will you please wear these in my honor?!"

Billie laughed rolling her eyes as she placed once foot into the heel he held for her as she slipped into the other one like a pro before walking around the room a bit looking at them. They were six inches with a inch and some platforms. They were closed toe with a velvet touch and silver chains hanging from them backwards to a skull on the back side of shoe. The skull mouth was open as the silver metal of the heel stuck out from its mouth. Billie walked around the heels feeling whole. She loved her shoes almost as much as her toys. Almost.

"Now…spin" Leon said as he lifted a hand spinning his finger in the air for Billie to do a little swirl for him. She did roll her eyes at the same time stopping to look back at Leon. He held a wide smile as he clapped his hands together.

"Oh I'm happier than a gay winning the Thunder down under season tickets in Vegas!" he said before his face became serious pressing a finger to his lips to think. "But you need one more thing."

He walked to the ne more thing. the Thunder down under season tickets in Vegas!". Billie waklee a pro before walking around the rooanother desk with a chest on it throwing it open to shower a glittery world of jewels and sparkly metals.

"I snagged this off a gold digger that Marko was humping like crazy weasel five years ago. This will go perfect with your body unlike hers." He said pulling out a long chain necklace. He walked over to Billie reaching up to wrap it around her neck before pulling the long chain that looked like a spider web in a way to drape down her open back.

"alrighty let's go! I can't wait to see who going to jump you first!" Leon said happily clapping his hands together like an excited child for chirstmas. "it's going to be a bloodbath!"

"I think you have hung out around them too much." Billie said with a laugh shaking her head at him.

"My little Minx," Leon said to her with a wide smile but Billie could see the dark message in his eyes. "I dressed you to kill tonight!"

Billie watched as Leon walked closer to her leaning in.

"We both know that they all have a hard on for you. And I think David has one for you just a tad bit more." He said almost in a whisper. "And I know the predator in you can suck any man down human or vampire. Tonight we are switching the game on the boys. That's why I planned this party. They think they are just going to toy with you some more, that they are going to keep your attention on them. But that's not going to happen. I want you make their dick suffer with sexual need that they are not going to get from you."

Billie looked downwards at herself as she glanced back up to Leon smiling eyes.

"Is there going to be other men up there?" she asked tilting her head at him.

"Many." Leon said. "Big party. Lots of fish."

"Challenge excepted." She laughed.

It was time to get even with them.