Amy Graham had never seen an episode of Riverdale in her life. The extent of her knowledge came from the internet and the people talking about someone named Bug Head (?) at her school.

So you could imagine her surprise when she gets hit by a car and wakes up in the hospital to the face of one Archie "Ginger Troy Bolton"… Last Name.

She blinked up at him in confusion and took in his concerned yet relieved expression. "Uh…"

His face crumpled and he hugged her. "Ames, I was so worried."

Amy went stock still and waited for him to release her. When he didn't, she patted him awkwardly on the back. "There… there…? Please get off of me."

He pulled back and looked at her oddly. "Amy, are you okay? I mean, obviously not, you got hit by a car, but you never turn down an Archie Hug?"

Amy stared at him, getting more freaked out by the second. "No offense… Archie, but I have never met you before in my life."

He looked at her in disbelief. "What? Ames, this isn't funny."

Amy scooted back in her bed, wincing at the slight tug from her IV's. "I'm not joking."

Archie looked like he was going to say something else but he was interrupted by the entrance of a doctor and two nurses.

The doctor walked over and smiled at her kindly as one of the nurses began to check her vitals. "Miss Andrews, how are you feeling? Any pain, nausea, discomfort?"

Amy could feel the beginnings of a panic attack and looked up at him. "Um, wh- I'm sorry, what did you call me?"

His smile dimmed a bit and Amy spotted Archie shaking his father (?) awake behind him, glancing back at her before speaking to him in s hushed voice.

She refocused on the doctor, who exchanged a glance with the other nurse before turning back to her.

"I called you Miss Andrews, Amelia Andrews."

Amy blinked rapidly and found it hard to take in a breath. "That's… that's not my name."

He gave the nurse another look before turning back to Amy, pushing his glasses up his nose with a serious expression. "That's what's written on this chart."

Amy shook her head rapidly, blinking furiously. "No."

Suddenly Archie was in front of her, taking her hand familiarly and placing it on his chest. "Ames, breathe with me."

She felt herself shaking but tried to follow this stranger's breathing anyway.

To her surprise it actually helped.

Archie sat next to her on the bed, keeping hold of her hand.

She tried to let go.

He held on tighter.

She scrunched up her face before electing to just let him take whatever comfort he needed for now. "Um, so."

"Yes, miss Andrews?"

She flinched. "Amelia is fine."

The doctor and Archie's father shared a look. "Right. Amelia?"

She smiled quickly. "Um. Why am I here?"

The doctor looked at his clipboard. "It says here you were the victim of a hit-and-run. Your injuries were relatively minor, though you did suffer some head trauma. We may need to do an x-ray and a CAT scan just to be safe."

"I don't remember that. I feel like I should remember that. I got hit by a car."

Archie squeezed her hand.

Amy pulled away, thoroughly freaked out at being in a hospital room full of strangers. "Okay, seriously, who are you? I don't know you! Why do you keep touching me?"

His father left the room.

She ignored it and glared at Archie, who looked like someone just murdered his cat. "Well?"


"How do you know me?"

"I'm your brother, why are you doing this?"

They both started crying for very different reasons.

She wiped her face and decided to set things straight. "My name is Amelia Graham. I live on 3245 Donahue Avenue."

"Amy, what are you—?"

"My mom's name is Mena Graham. I have no father. I have a dog named Bender, because I love the Breakfast Club."

"Our mom is named Mary, what are you—?"

"I watched the Powerpuff Girls until I was thirteen and I don't have any siblings."

Archie buried his face in his hands. "You stopped watching it because Cheryl made fun of you at school."

Amy wiped her face and tried to push him off the bed. "I don't know who that is, Archie!"

He hugged her.

She tensed up and tried struggling until he spoke. "I'm gonna help you remember, Ames, I promise. Jug and Betty will help. You probably don't remember them, but they're our friends, okay?"

She felt more tears fall down her face and very slowly and tentatively hugged him back. He didn't seem to be lying. "Are you, um. Are you supposed to be my older brother or my little brother?"

He hugged her tighter. "I'm your younger brother by one year and four days."

She let out a tiny laugh. "Ew. Joint birthday parties."

He chuckled wetly and let her go, keeping hold of her hand. "You said that every year until you turned thirteen. You didn't even want a party then."

She smiled at him tentatively. "Because of Cherry?"

He coughed. "Cheryl."

"Close enough."

Archie's father came back in with red eyes. Amy looked at him cautiously. "Um. You must be my father?"

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, pumpkin. Um. Amelia."

She smiled at him weakly. "Amy. Amy's fine. Um. You wanna hug? Archie already took, like, five." She spread her free arm. "He's pretty good at 'em."

His (their?) father came over and crushed her in a hug. Archie let her hand go so she could hug him back.

She patted his back in what she hoped was a soothing gesture. "This hospital gown has so much snot on it now, it might need to be burned."

Mr. Andrews choked out a laugh and hugged her tighter. "We're gonna get you back, pumpkin head."

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Archie. She mouthed, 'What did he just call me?'

He looked uncomfortable as he answered. 'Childhood nickname.'

She made a face. 'That's flattering.'

He gave a cautious little grin.

When his father let her go, she let Archie take her hand again and sat up straight in her hospital bed, trying to ignore the IV's. "Did I hate needles before, too? Because I fucking hate needles."


She shrunk. "Sorry, Popsicle."

They all froze.

Any blinked at the suddenly hopeful expressions on everyone's faces. She nodded toward Archie's dad. "I'm assuming I call you that?"

He nodded slowly.

She pushed down the panic and looked at Archie. "Do you also have a food related nickname?"

He nodded. "I'm not telling you, though."

She shrugged. "I'll find out eventually."

The doctor, who she hadn't noticed leave, came back into the room. "Judging from this clipboard, the amnesia should be temporary. However, it could take up to six months for all of your memories to come back."

Archie's father stood up quickly. "Six months?!"

Archie laid a hand on his shoulder. "Dad, don't yell at the doctor."

"That's my baby!"

Amy raised her voice in discomfort. "At least its temporary!"

Her father (?) calmed down at that.

A woman who looked like an adult Molly Ridgewald burst into the room. "Amy! Oh my god, I came as soon as I could, pumpkin, are you okay?"

Amy looked from her to Archie and his father. "Um?"

The father cleared his throat as Amy was hugged by the woman. "Amy, this is your mother."

She froze. I already have a mother. Stop stop stop stop.

The woman leaned back and looked at her in shocked hurt. "What—she knows I'm her mother!"

Amy stared at her and tried to reconcile the woman with her actual mother. It didn't work. "I…"

The woman stumbled backwards and into the father, who steadied her. She spoke in a faraway voice. "Fred, why doesn't our daughter recognize me?"

He pulled her closer. "Amnesia, Mary."

Amy passed out while the woman cried.

When she came back to awareness, the hospital room was empty but for Archie, a boy with black hair, and a blonde girl.

She looked at Archie. "They let visitors in when I passed out last time?"

Archie nodded.

Amy glanced at the other two and back at Archie. "Where's Dad…?"

"Dad took Mom out for a walk to fill her in."

Amy nodded and turned to face the other two fully. She smiled briefly. "I'm assuming the brunette is Betty?"

The dark haired boy snorted. "The girl has amnesia but still makes jokes about my gender."

Betty elbowed him. "Jug."

He rubbed his side. "She started it."

"She's in a hospital bed."

"She can also still hear you."

Betty looked at her sheepishly. "Sorry, Ames."

She smiled at her before sighing and leaning back in her cot. "So, when can I blow this antiseptic lemonade stand?"

Archie ducked his head and avoided her eyes. "Three days."

She groaned, surprising him and the others. "That's annoying. I've had worse, though, so I'll deal."

Archie looked pained and the other two looked confused. "No, you haven't."

Amy closed her eyes briefly and then stared at the ceiling. "Let's just pretend, for the sake of my sanity, that whatever I say happened that you don't think happened was a fever dream."

He nodded reluctantly.

She grinned and turned her attention to the Betty and "Jug". Wait. Was this Bughead? "Are you two dating?"

Archie choked on air, Jug(head? Jughead?What the fuck, honestly) looked really uncomfortable, and Betty started stuttering out something that sounded like a denial.

Amy waited until they were done and stifled a laugh. "Well, that was an extreme reaction."

Betty glanced quickly at Archie before turning to Amy firmly. "We're not dating."

Amy nodded. "Shame."

They didn't know what to say to that.

Archie cleared his throat. "Ames, do you remember anything?"

She pursed her lips. "Archie, it's been, like, two hours."

"It's been eight."

She rolled her eyes. "For fuck's sake, Archie, that's not much of a difference."

Betty and Jughead (Jesus Christ, she's gonna need to ask about that, it's so weird) looked at her oddly.

Jughead spoke. "Sorry, I have to clarify a few things."

Archie sighed. "Jug…"

Jughead ignored him. "You don't remember anything from before the car crash?"

Amy did not roll her eyes. She didn't. "I don't even remember the car crash, Jug—you."

Betty looked at her in concern. "Nothing at all?"

Well. "Not from here. I do, however, remember a completely different life in which Archie's life was a TV show that I never watched."

Betty huffed out a laugh and Jughead snorted. "Same old sense of humor."

Amy glanced at Archie, who looked away. "Right."

Betty looked at her speculatively. "Well, since we appear to be starting over, I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Betty Cooper. We've been neighbors forever. You're one of my best friends, besides Archie… and Jughead."

Amy glanced at Jughead at the hesitation. His face was unreadable.

She turned back to Betty and nodded. "Nice to meet you. I'm Amy Gr—Andrews. Amy Andrews."

There was a pause before Jughead cleared his throat. "They call me Jughead Jones. We're friends."

Amy nodded at him, her name theory confirmed. "Please tell me that's not your real name."

He sighed in a way that suggested this was a frequent occurrence. "It's the name I go by."

Amy pursed her lips and nodded again. "In that case, hello, Jughead Jones. God, it sounds like an insult, I'm calling you J."

He made a face. "No, you're not."

"Okay." Another pause. "So, what's your first name?"


She cringed as Archie stifled a laugh. "Jughead it is!"

He rolled his eyes and gave her a sarcastic salute. "Thank you."

Archie and Betty smiled at Jughead and then at her. Amy decided then to think of all of this as a dream, because that's what it was, right? Right.