Lila Rossi couldn't believe the day she went through. Ever since the day that her lie about being close friends with Ladybug has been exposed and being akumatized as Volpina, she went from popular to unpopular. In fact, everyone in the school now hates her, including the boy she had a crush on: Adrien Agreste. Now that school is over for the day, she decided to vent her frustration at a nearby club for the night.

"Hey, everyone," she called to her audience. "Why do you think Ladybug is a villain? Because she ruins lives, like mine!"

As usual, no one is buying that rubbish since everyone adores Ladybug, much to her disappointment.

Just then, she heard clapping sounds as if she is being applaud.

"Jolly good, love. Jolly good," an old man with a British accent applauded from his seat in the darkness. "You know, I was thinking of that, too. Ladybug is nothing but a troublemaker."

As he stepped into the light, his appearance is revealed. He wore rectangular sunglasses and clothes that might anyone expect what an old man should look like; a baggy brown sweater and long black pants. Also, he is carrying a ruby handled cane.

Lila widened her eyes as she recognized this man.

"You... you're..." she tried to speak even with fear written on her face. It doesn't help the fact that one of the people who was present ran away in fear of him.

"You know who I am?" the sinister elderly man asked, getting close to her face.

"Yes, I know who you are," Lila responded. "You're Mad Mod, the British criminal."

"Correct you are, my dearie," Mod confirmed with glee. "As for the last statement, don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you. I only wanted to hurt those who are clearly troublemakers and expose things that we better off kept it as secrets. I bet your lies have been exposed, haven't you?"

"Yes, they have," the brown-haired girl explained more. "I got detention for one week as a result."

"See, you got detection, while I got sent to jail. For what? Trying to use illusions to make things right?" the old man leans an arm on her shoulders. "Lila, isn't it? If you're looking to get back on Ladybug, maybe you should work for me as an apprentice."


"Yes, apprentice. After all, you're just a beginner, but if you trained hard, you could stoop up on my level."

Afterwards, Mad Mod reached for his pocket to give Lila his card to know where he is.

"I've taken temporary residence in Paris, so that I could take a break for a while away from my duckies."


"The Teen Titans."


"Anyway, I'll be going. Think about my offer, would you?" the old man said before leaving the club. Lila looked at the card, wondering what should be her answer.

The next day, Lila is in school being placed in detention as usual. Then the school bell rings to indicate it's over for the day.

"Same time tomorrow, Lila," Ms. Bustier stated with disappointment. "You're going to learn more about the consequences of lying."

As the Italian girl stepped outside, she happened to notice a groundskeeper nearby sweeping the floors. She stared until it's revealed to be Mad Mod in disguised. He shushes the girl as he has a trick on his sleeve. Just then, Chloe and Sabrina went out of the school, and the Brit places a hook from behind the blonde girl's belt. After this, Mod pulls out his cane and presses on the ruby with his thumb. In fact, this was no ordinary cane, but a technological one and with it, he can control his technology. As he pressed on the ruby from the top of his cane, a lifting crane nearby pulls its hook back to where it belongs.

Suddenly, Chloe gets pulled by the hook that is catching on her belt and placed her on the top of the crane. Everyone who saw this is laughing at her since they all hate her. Even Marinette, Alya, and Adrien couldn't believe what they have just witnessed.

"Put me down, put me down!" she demanded. "Get me down!"

Meanwhile, Mod and Lila run to a nearby alley while laughing on what the former just did.

"Nice one, Mod. Really nice," the Italian girl said.

"Please, just call me Moddie," the British old man grinned. "Now that you saw what I can do, what do you think of you working as my apprentice? It would be fun, especially if you want to get revenge on Ladybug."

Lila smirked at this, accepting this offer.