Tora the Ten Tailed Cat. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, never will, don't even want to. What I do want to own however… is a cat :3 This is one of the ideas I randomly came up with when I was talking with a friend about a vampire cat that brought doom to the world and made other vampires but the only way to stop them was to kill the cat… but nobody knew the cat started it because… cat. I want to make Tora like a true cat, awesome!

I am known by many names, you might have heard about them. The demon cat, the destroyer of Genin, the regal beauty, the magnificent Tora, the most beautiful being in the world and my favourite and forgotten title… the ten tailed Tora.

Yes, I once had ten tails, I was the most magnificent cat ever to be seen in the world. In fact, I ruled the world in ancient history, this was the time when cats ruled over humans and they were our pets, not the other way around.

A long time ago this world was my kingdom and I was the generous ruler and cat that governed over all. The lands were split into pieces for my enjoyment and humans had to do my bidding and fulfil their roles. The desert in the land of wind, my litterbox; the large spires in the land of lightning, my scratching posts; the forests in the land of fire, my personal playground and many more!

It was a wonderful time where everybody enjoyed themselves, there was no war and I even gave my pets beautiful collars to show my appreciation.

But one day that all changed… you see, as the world was mine to control that also meant that everything in it was my property. But some didn't agree to this, one instance was the case with the millennial fish, a great feast that only appeared once in a thousand years!

Some filthy humans tried to steal my property but it was for naught, my favourite pet also known as the Sage of Six Nyas had taken the fish and gave it to me as an offering.

I graciously accepted this and began eating my well-deserved feast, not realizing that this pet had become a traitor… he put a seal on the fish and when I had devoured it and began licking my paws in satisfaction I began to shrink!

The magnificent and all powerful I began to lose my powers! I turned into a much smaller version of myself and was forced to look on as all my power was split into nine pieces also known as the nine tailed cats… The traitor gave me a collar that would forever bind me to this form and presented me to the Land of Fire's Daimyo, one of my former pets.

The pet didn't recognize me in this form and gave me to his wife, and since then I have forever been in that family passed down from wife to wife as some sort of prize. I have to admit, I am a great prize, but them doing so without my permission was not to my liking!

I've lived for centuries in this tiny almost powerless form in immortality, cursed to never die and be used as a plaything. Over the course of this life I began to accept my terrible and unjust fate, I made the village of Konoha my playground once again and graced them with my presence.

Whenever my new owner would stop hugging me with those bone crunching shows of affection I ran away to my playground and sneaked through the streets. Fish went missing left and right and I purred in satisfaction, that was until some brats which I used as playthings went after me.

Apparently catching me had become a sort of mission given to young children and believe me when I say this but I took my sweet time in tormenting them. The humans didn't know that I was still able to use a small amount of my former power, they call it chakra nowadays. With this I clung to walls and hid in shadows, the brats didn't stand a chance. Every now and then they caught me when I graciously let them as the village clock signalled it was nearing dinnertime, I was then taken back to my owner for my well-deserved feast and the next day it would start all over again. Yes, a feast, my owner had one thing going for her and that was the desire to give me the finest foods, if not for that then I would never go back here.

A few years later an event happened that I thought would change my life forever, the nine tailed cat attacked Konoha when it noticed signs of me. Sadly it was repelled and disappeared, but I knew the nine tailed cats were not lost to the world yet. Years passed and I kept going to Konoha as a playground and hoped one of my pieces of power would appear again…

During one of the days I went to my playground something happened, I was chased by the brats yet again but this time I ran into an unfamiliar alley and lost them in the process. What I saw there was something I did not expect…

( Flashback )

I ran into the alley with all the speed I could muster and hid in the shadows of a dumpster. A minute went by in silence as I lost the brats that chased me. The silence was soon broken as I heard sniffling come from behind me… I looked for the source and there I saw it, a little blonde girl crying in a corner with a rag to cover herself.

I became curious and walked up to her, she and her scent seemed familiar? "Miauw?"

The girl lifted her head and it struck, I saw what caused the familiar feeling! The little girl had two small cat ears on top of her head and six orange whiskers on her cheeks! I knew why she seemed so familiar, she had a part of my power inside of her, the nine tailed cat to be precise. She had sky blue eyes and spiky blonde hair, I had to admit, she was extremely cute even for my standards.

Walking up to her I continued gently miauwing and hoped that it would calm her down "Kitty?"

The girl went on her knees and wiped away her tears, only now did I notice how extremely dirty and ragged she looked. The little clothes she wore were torn, dirt covered her entire body and she was malnourished, it pained me to see a girl like her in such conditions…

She held out her little hand and eagerly looked at me, hoping that I would grace her with my affection… I did… How could I resist one like her? She began to pet me with her hands and giggled "So soft, you're so pretty kitty"

She seemed to appreciate the beauty that was me and I gave her a tiny lick on the face to show my appreciation. "Tora?" she saw my collar and the name writing on top of it "Tora-chan?"

"Miauw" she sat down and continued to stroke my fur, I eventually got up to her lap and we sat there in bliss for almost an hour, just the two of us in silence. I heard the sounds of the brats nearing our location and gave the girl a final look before I got off her lap "Miauw…"

"You have to go Tora-chan?" she seemed saddened and I even saw a lonely expression began to surface, one final lick to her hand and she seemed to understand my answer "You're coming back?"


"Then I'll see you later DattebaNya, goodbye Tora-chan"

DattebaNya? Cute… I decided to come look for her every time I went to my playground, she was my new favourite human.

( Flashback End )

Over the course of the years I got to know the girl better and even found out her name. She was often called the demon brat but sometimes her name would be called as well, it was Naruko. I also found out which power she held, you see it is not just the tailed cat that was inside of her but also a part of my personality and power. Hers was the gift of luck and beauty, the personality trait that she'd gotten was my determination and will to have fun.

I began thinking about my other powers and could already think of some that must have been given to the others. The power of my litterbox, which is moving sand. The power of roasting fish which is blue flames and some others that were still questionable, only time would tell if I would ever see them again.

But the power of luck was by far the strongest, it would cause strikes that were fatal to miss or she would find money on the ground and by far her biggest stroke of luck was meeting the Ichiraku! The only place in Konoha that would give her food and even provided it free of charge saying that a girl needed to grow strong. Oh wait I forgot, her greatest moment of luck was of course meeting me!

During the years there was one more thing that changed in Naruko, it seemed that her powers grew stronger with age, when she turned five years old she had gotten a small orange tail. It was the cutest thing ever!

Today was one of the common days where I would spend most of my time with Naruko, she was no longer malnourished and ragged, or at least less. The cats that lived in the village also noticed her existence and began bringing her food and clothes that were found lying around, little Naruko had grown to be the catlady of the village and she loved it!

They cuddled her and there was always at least one cat sitting either on her lap or wanting her attention, but I was still her favourite Tora-chan. Whenever she saw me the other cats would part ways and give me the room I deserved.

"Tora-chan!" Naruko noticed me and ran towards me for a hug, in my gracious mood I let her and licked her face as a show of affection.

"I left some fish for you Tora-chan, do you want some fish?"

"Miauw" damn you humans for taking away my speech for now I can only answer with a simple miauw, I wish I could speak with this girl but sadly I can't…

Naruko picked me up and held me to her chest as I purred in delight, I will never tire of this girl and especially her smell is intoxicating. She smells like my old glorious self and I can almost taste the raw power that saturates the air around her…

I spent my time eating fish, lying in her lap and playing with her as she giggled and laughed. It was nice but over the years I've noticed that spending too much time with her could cause trouble, the Genin that have to catch me would find Naruko and claim she either stole me or is torturing me.

Therefore I stayed until the cats gave the signal for me to leave, I gave Naruko one final lick on the face and jumped from her lap. "See you tomorrow Tora-chan!"

"Miauw" as I was walking away I noticed something on top of the roofs, a man had spotted me leaving Naruko's alley and grinned wickedly. I shuddered to think what would happen as this was apparently one of the shinobi that hated Naruko and was out to get her numerous times before…

The man jumped from the roof "Finally found you cat and you filthy demon, have you been torturing her again?" the man caught me and threw me in the air as three brats with a similar grin caught me.

The man proceeded to beat up poor Naruko until she was whimpering from the pain and begging for it to stop "Tss you fucking demon, I should just kill you! But the Hokage would find out…"

He suddenly grinned as an idea came up in his mind "But… the daimyo would be fine with killing you if I tell him that you've been torturing Tora!"



"Take out a kunai and injure the cat, but don't kill her at any cost! Make her bleed"

They looked at me with murder in their eyes "Gladly! Finally you fucking cat, it's time for payback!"

I screamed and tried to scratch them as they cut my beautiful fur up and even grinded me through the dirt a couple of times!

"Good work brats, take the cat, we're going to the Daimyo!"

An hour later we arrived at the palace, the guards parted as they saw me in tatters and fear could be seen in their eyes. Not long after we were let into the Daimyo's throne room and the brutal man that assaulted Naruko 'gently' grabbed me and held me out to the Daimyo as he went on his knees.

"My lord, I found your wife's cat Tora as she was brutally being tortured by the demon brat over there. I punished her and took her to you for your judgement."

"Tora! My precious Tora-chan!" the Daimyo's wife saw me with tears in her eyes and ran as fast as her fat ass could take her. She took me into her arms and held me with a bone crunching hug, if it wasn't for my immortality then I would've died a million times over while in her care.

I heard Naruko whimper in pain and crying on the ground, I struggled out of the embrace of death and ran up to Naruko, licking her face and brushing up against her.

The Daimyo gave the four that brought us a questionable look "So, you claim that she tortured Tora? Then tell me, why does my wife's cat run up and show affection to the one that apparently tortured her?"

"My lord, the demon has tricked the cat and used her demon magic!"

The Daimyo looked on as his wife walked up to Naruko with curiosity in her eyes. She made some circles around her and I saw stars appear in her eyes "The girl's got a tail, and cat ears! Honey, I want her!"


"You what?"

"I want her! And I also want whoever did this to her and Tora-chan executed!" the group of four began sweating profusely and fear was seen on their faces.

"My dear wife, are you sure about this?"

"I am! Tora has never shown affection to anybody quite like this, the girl didn't harm Tora-chan, they did!" his wife pointed towards the shinobi of Konoha.

"I am well aware of the fact that the girl didn't harm Tora, but why do you want to take her in?"

"She's a catgirl! Look at her, she's magnificent only second to my Tora-chan!" I thought my 'owner' was a stupid fat broad, but it seems I was wrong! She instantly noticed that Naruko didn't torture me, she knew it was the four that hurt me but most of all, she knows I'm magnificent second to none!

"Very well, but you must leave the decision to the girl. Guards, take the criminals and execute them, then give the Hokage a report on what transpired."

"Hai my lord!"

"No, you can't do this! It was the demon, she did it!"

A clean stroke from a sword and his head fell to the ground "Don't lie to my lord, it's obvious it wasn't the girl!"

Wow nicely done, I'm liking this place more and more, it seems I was really wrong about everybody being an idiot. I walked up to my 'owner' and decided to show her a little bit of appreciation for her efforts. She picked me up in a questionable hug and for the first time ever I licked her face.

"Tora-chan, you licked me! You want me to take in the girl, don't you?!"


"It's settled, guards take her to my guest room and have her treated, as of now she is my guest. Honey inform the Hokage that the girl is with me"

"…Yes dear" it was all too obvious who was the one in power in this relationship, just like any other relationship the woman was the one in command. They sometimes allow their husbands to think they're actually in control, but everybody knows it isn't true.

I saw two guards gently pick up Naruko and we walked through the corridors towards her new glamorous room, they lay Naruko on the bed. "Madam, I will get our best medics."

Only fifteen minutes later and Naruko was fully healed… but she was still frightened from the experience and clung onto the blanket hoping that it would protect her. "Naruko-chan, I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Shijimi and you're safe here"

My fat owner sat down in a chair next to her and gently smiled. "You're… you're not?"

The experiences Naruko had with other humans were often awful, sometimes they acted nice just to betray her the next second and beat her up. Other times they straight up just beat her up for fun, therefore she had grown wary of other humans, even ones that seemingly meant well.

The fat broad obviously noticed this and waited for Naruko to calm down "I'm not Naruko-chan, don't worry. Guards, leave me"

"Hai Madam"

"See, my two scary guards are leaving, don't be afraid."

I saw Naruko lift her head from the blanket a bit more and she still looked doubtful but had given an opening. "Scary men… gone?"

I jumped up to Naruko's bed to calm her down further and licked her face "Tora-chan!"

She hugged me and began sobbing "I thought they hurt you!"

"My Tora-chan seems to like you"

"Your Tora-chan? She's your kitty?"

"She is, it seems you appreciate her beauty Naruko-chan, but you are almost just as beautiful as Tora-chan"

Naruko flustered and blushed "I.. I'm not… I'm nobody…"

"You're not a nobody Naruko-chan, you're you. Naruko… you're alone, aren't you?"

Naruko saddened and nodded her head.

"Then… do you want to live with me? Where nobody will ever hurt you? I can give you this room and you will have a family."

"…Family? Nobody will hurt me?"

I saw that my owner seemed to slowly convince Naruko and appreciated what she did, it seemed that my owner wasn't the person I thought she was. Apparently she's kind and gentle to those that deserve it, but doesn't show it to many. I wouldn't mind sharing Naruko with her if it meant that the girl was safe.


"And you will have Tora-chan with you wherever you go, would you like that?"

Naruko looked at me with determination in her eyes "Tora-chan, do you want me to stay?"

"Miauw!" Kami yes I would!

"Hn! Then I will!"

This was the biggest stroke of luck that Naruko had ever had, the beating she received may have looked unlucky but the resulting event was nothing but the opposite. She had gotten a home and maybe even a family, the constant pain and suffering she received stopped from this day forward.

( One year later, Daimyo's palace )

I was watching over Naruko as she ran through the palace corridors with me in her arms, over the last year she had grown close with both the Daimyo and his wife and the latter even called her a daughter on occasion. Naruko used the palace as her playground especially the many gardens and courtyards were often visited and she was never able to sit still. This caused me to never go to my previous playground, I had no more reason to visit it as my favourite human was right here with me.

"Naruko-chan, come over here, I have some news!"


We went up to my owner and saw her seated in a garden chair with a large assortment of treats lying on the table. "Miauw" Naruko got the hint and sat down, took some of my favourite treats and put them in front of me.

"Naruko-chan, you said you wanted to become a ninja?"

"I do DattebaNya! They're so cool!" the little girl had always wanted to become one and told me many times, but never had the chance. Nobody would take her seriously or help her in any way, until now. My owner already knew this over the year she stayed here but told her that if she still wanted to become one after a whole year, she would help her become one.

"So you're still hanging on to that, fine I told you I would help and so I shall."

The woman snapped her fingers and behind her appeared three men and one woman. "These are four of our Ninja Guardians, Naruko, meet Seito, Asuma, Tou and Chiriku."

The four put their hands together in front of them and slightly bowed "We greet the young lady"

Naruko gave a cute smile back "Hi! I'm Naruko!"

"You might've seen them before, they are the ones that guard our family together with a few others. Our guardians have agreed to train you in their spare time, however they have some requirements. Chiriku tell her of the requirements."

"Hai Madam! Naruko-san my name is Chiriku. As stated we will provide you with training if you meet our requirements. Requirement one, you will train under our supervision without any complaints, you will do as we say when we say without question. Requirement two, you train to the best of your abilities every single day and the last requirement, you will let Tou pet your tail…"

Hey wait just a minute, nobody pets my human! How dare she come with that requirement, that's blackmail!

"Miauw, miauw! Miauw!" damn this seal! I have to stop her or it's too late!

"You want me to accept Tora-chan?"


Naruko looked at me questionable and I hoped she understood my message… but I failed in my task.

"Okay, I accept!" I looked on in horror as the woman of the group flashed from her position and appeared behind my human, Naruko purred with glee and I knew what was wrong..

"So soft… this tail, it's perfection…"

Don't you dare touch my human! I jumped out of Naruko's arm and tried to scratch the one that dared transgress on my property! "Tora-chan what's wrong? I thought you liked me!"

I did! The human always gave me treats and the attention that I deserved, but this went too far! I hissed at her and she finally backed off from my property, Naruko was safe…

My owner laughed at the exchange "Tora-chan doesn't like it when somebody touches Naruko-chan so watch out."

"Sorry Tou-san…"

The woman stood up and smiled "Don't worry, it was worth it! But don't call me that… you make me sound like I'm your father."

"Then what…"

"Just Tou, plain and simple Tou is fine."

The bald monk walked up to us with the ever serious expression on his face, I have never seen that man smile in all the years I've seen him now that I think of it.

"We expect great things of you Naruko-san, remember your promise and you will become a fine shinobi soon. I will take my leave, we will begin training in two days at 8 in the morning."

He walked away from us and the others went with him, I saw the woman Tou look back at Naruko a few times with stars in her eyes.. that woman is dangerous.

"So Naruko-chan that's settled, take your training seriously and maybe you will even become one of our guards later on! But now, I will take my leave. I'll see you two at dinner"

Naruko picked me up and skipped in circles "I'm going to become a Ninja DattebaNya!"

I couldn't help but purr in her arms and lick her face, this was what my human wanted and I would accept her decision. But that doesn't mean I will let her out of my sight, if anything I would keep my eyes on her even more!


"Thank you Tora-chan, shall we play some more?"

I hope you liked it so far, it's cat themed and will become more cat and ninja themed later on. Spoiler alert, ninja cat :3 I would like to hear suggestions and see if I can incorporate them into my story! I also need six more cat powers for the nine tailed cats.