Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, never will, don't even want to. I do want some sleep though, and… well that's about it? This is the second of two chapters I've put out today, please read the last one as well or you'll miss part of the story.

Why would the Hokage oldy want us at his office? I don't recall us doing anything particular that would draw his attention except for maybe the disappearances of fish and whatnot… but we're supposed to be quick with our hands right, food missing without a trace just means we're doing well in our training!

We entered his office as the oldy was smoking his pipe, looking at us with a calculating gaze "It's good of you five to arrive so quickly, not that the matter at hand has to be hurried. It's still a good quality to have in shinobi to be on time, not like a certain Jonin I know…"


"Chiriku-san, you must wonder why I've called for you and your students, correct?"

"I do, although I can speculate about the reason and if I'm right then I must say that I don't agree with what you want to ask of us"

The oldy smiled as he tapped out his pipe "Do tell"

"You want to enter them in the Chuunin exam"

He smiled at the response although it seemed it wasn't just that, there was something else "Partially correct, well actually technically you are correct, but not in the way you assume"


"Do you really expect me to put your team in the regular Chuunin exam? Three special cases that I would blatantly display to the world putting a target on their heads, I don't think so. If word comes out that we have a Genin that can manipulate nature chakra, a Jinchuriki that can use six tails and especially someone with Light chakra then all hell would break loose."

He's kind of got a point there especially since the three of them are still young, they wouldn't be outright killed I think but kidnapped for sure, especially stutter…

"No, that wouldn't be the wisest of decisions… over the past few months especially combined with the mission in Wave and the skill they have displayed I have come to the conclusion that their skill is already up to par for Chuunin rank, if not higher. That however doesn't mean I will give them the rank just yet, they still need to show a certain few qualities. For that reason I will put them in the Chuunin exam… as helping examiners. Ibiki, you can enter"

The door opened to which a man with a multitude of scars on his face entered "This is Morino Ibiki, head of the Torture and Interrogation Force. He will be holding the first out of three parts of the exam"

"I am to assume you three are the brats that I have to judge?"

"Hey! We're not brats!"

Scar arched his eyebrow "Your attitude shows otherwise, at least for you, the other two seem calm and collected if not a bit nervous"

"Ibiki please don't agonize them just yet, you'll have more than enough time for that later. As I stated, you three will be placed in the Chuunin exam, during the first exam you will help Ibiki in the examination of the Genin. You will also add a few ideas of your own into his exam design"

"And if you disappoint me I will fail you straight away, I have no need for useless trivial suggestions"

Oldy coughed "Let's worry about that later shall we?"

"Fine…" he was clearly not to excited about us helping out in his exam…

"Hokage-sama, I don't believe my team is ready to become Chuunin yet. They have yet to learn the art of leadership and battle tactics, they may be high level in skills but that is useless if they aren't trained in leading a team"

"A valid point, I have judged the progress of your team so far and I have to say that they are extremely competent in the areas they've been trained in. The ones that haven't come to order just yet will be addressed in the coming six months I presume?"

"That is correct"

"Then they will have the Chuunin rank but still remain under your leadership until you deem them strong enough, you will judge when they are ready to lead teams and act separately"

"That would be acceptable, I presume you want them to aid in this examination so they won't have to showcase their skills in an exam outside of our borders?"

"Indeed, now then, you three will follow Ibiki to T&I. This won't just be to work on your task, you will also be evaluated mentally, you are the most promising team we have and we want to be sure it stays like that"

"Hai Hokage-sama"

"Meeting adjourned, I wish you three luck, you have two weeks until the exams begin"

Well that was surprising, we don't even have to complete a bunch of menial missions?! That's just awesome, no wasting time for us! The old man isn't so bad after all, and not to mention we won't be stuck with all those brats, instead we will be allowed to take pleasure in torturing them… how fun!

We walked to the T&I building, it seemed a bit boring from the outside and eerily quiet, people avoided it apparently. The doors were wide open, a complete and utter hussy was standing in the opening though, a fishnet shirt that exposed her bra, pants that her butt cheeks just about fell out off and boots that belonged to a prostitute…

"Ibiki, are these your new victims?!" She licked her lips "Let me join in on the fun, especially the virgin brat over there, let me have a taste of him!" like I said, a hussy…

"Isn't he a bit too young for your tastes Anko?"

"No way, I bet his blood tastes the sweetest out of all of them!" whoah what! That's' just messed up, he may not be the greatest but no eating my brats!

"Still the answer is no, they aren't here as… victims… they are here to aid me in the coming Chuunin exam"

She immediately burst out laughing "You're ordered to babysit some brats?! This is hilarious, Big old meanie Ibiki the babysitter! Don't worry kids, he's a real pro at baking, you should see him with his apron on!"

A kunai flew right next to her face as it cut her hair and cheek, killing intent radiated from scar as he was not all too pleased "You want me to teach you some interrogation techniques with you as the subject?"

"Only if you ride me like a real man, I don't need some wimpy babysitter without a spine"

"…I might just take you up on that offer, show you what other tools I have in my possession"

She licked her lips with glee "Do they vibrate? I hope they give me a little bit of pain as well or I won't make a sound, you want me making sounds, don't you?"

Baldy coughed loudly as his face had grown red "I believe my students are a bit too young for your topic, could we continue at a later time?"

"Two baldies to share the fun with, my lucky day! The quiet ones are always the rowdiest, I can't wait…" her legs became quivering as she walked away with a perverted grin on her face "My place, tonight!"

"…She isn't serious, is she?"

"Oh she sure is, you're going to have a real adventure monk" Baldy nearly fainted from shock as he thought about what just happened and what he had in store, lucky him, but he will need a shield if you get my meaning, and not the one used in battle…

"Sensei you ladykiller, we came to get assessed and you score yourself a girl dattebanya!"

"No! I didn't… no I did… I did actually, oh kami what have I done, I've never even done anything with a girl… I'm a monk for kami-sake, I shouldn't do this!"

Scar patted him on the back "Don't worry, she'll take the lead, how about I take a raincheck for this one and in return I get to torture your brats a bit?"

"You mean it? You'd do that, you'd give me a chance with her all by myself?"

"See it as a sign of friendship between fellow bald men, now get ready for your date, I'll take care of your brats!" wait, no! Baldy didn't listen, he didn't listen to the torture part of your sentence, he's too confused!

"O-okay… I'll do that… see you later team, have fun…"

"Sensei!" we pleaded for him to listen but he walked away in total shock and confusion… we looked back at scar as he had a maniacal grin on his face "You're mine brats"

"Noooo!" my eyes started drooping as I suddenly felt extremely tired, I managed to hold my eyes open long enough to notice some senbon sticking out of the other three, we were drugged… I hate scar, screw him…

( Some time later… )

I slowly opened my eyes as I woke up, a massive headache pounding on me, the world spun around me and the only thing I wanted to do was sleep… ice cold water splashed onto me waking me up in shock. What kind of hell was this, just let me sleep... I tried looking around myself and saw a blank room with nothing in it at all, there was a door that was obviously closed

White covered the walls with that pillowy stuff put in rooms for insane people, blissful pillowy stuff…time for some sleep then, it seems whoever threw water on me is long gone, so let's not worry about things for now… I found myself a nice spot in the corner but still found it to be too cold

Someone didn't put on the heater obviously, only one thing to do then. I got out my claws and sliced a large piece of pillowy goodness as a blanket, took it to my spot and laid underneath it…pure bliss…

( Naruko's cell )

Naruko shot up wide awake looking in panic around herself, she inspected herself and found no bruises or wounds 'strange… where am I? I suddenly fell asleep and woke up here…'

'You're in an interrogation cell Kit, one used to break people over time by emptiness and silence'

'Oh, thanks Kura! So… they want to test me, lucky for me that drugs don't really work for all that long, what to do…'

'The one thing a cat should do in a situation like this, obviously'

'You're right!' Just like Tora she got up, inspected the room and sliced a large chunk off of the wall, she put it around herself and took a final piece to use as a pillow 'Goodnight Kura!'

'Goodnight Kit'

( Yuuto's cell )

Panic overtook him as Yuuto stood in the room 'There's no earth, I can't feel anything around me! What's going on?! It's all white and silent, it's earie and scary!'

'Calm down!'

'But I'm all alone, someone kidnapped me again!'

'No they didn't! Well, technically they did…'

'See! I'm done for, we're done for, our plan is ruined, we're in trouble!'

'Will you shut up! You've only been taken to see how you react, this is part of your assessment, calm down and relax!'

He didn't listen to his other half however and the panic got worse, he began hyperventilating in fear 'Sigh, this is what you get when you split yourself, fine…'

Yuuto calmed down instantly and sat down against the wall with the door right in front of him 'If you won't shut up then I'll just take over for a while, just calm down'

He just sat there without moving a single muscle, keeping an eye on the door for any sign of movement and ready to strike at the slightest notice…

( Hinata's cell )

Hinata woke up and immediately analysed the situation, only a few months ago she would have freaked out. But the shy and easily freaked out girl was already gone… 'an interrogation cell? And a Konoha one at that, Tou-san showed me one before, is this part of the test?'

She got up and took a closer look at the room 'only a mirrored one way glass and door'

Holding up one hand towards the glass she smiled "Light Chakra: Null Reflection" it was a simple skill for her that worked with light, it wasn't all that useful to stop a mirror from working but it was one the techniques she used to train her control. The mirror effect instantly stopped and it was now a simple glass window, she moved towards it and saw Ibiki stand there with an utterly confused and annoyed look on his face, he looked alternately at different locations

'More rooms it seems, the others should be here as well'

"Light Shunshin"

She instantly appeared at the other side of the glass as Ibiki shot up in shock when she appeared right next to him "Hi!"

"How'd you!?"

"It's glass, I can just shunshin towards any place I see"

"Tss, all four of you are an annoying bunch, couple of freaks if you ask me…"

( Ibiki )

He took the four of them to the interrogation rooms to have some fun, he already smirked at the panic they would experience from the sudden change in situation. He revelled in mentally agonizing his victims even if they were children…

'Bunch of brats making me change my exam, I'll show them, by the time I'm done with them they'll run to their parents and cry… sweet tears of fear'

He threw each of them in a separate room and waited for the fun to begin, the first to wake up were Naruko and Tora. 'So the cat's up first? Hokage-sama told me she's part of the team, so might as well have some fun with her as well… the bloody cat isn't even panicking, it's just tiredly looking around!

Ibiki opened the door and threw a bucket of ice cold water onto Tora 'This'll speed up the fun'

'…She's just not caring at all, what the, she's even going into the corner to sleep further?! And now it's slicing off the foam to make herself a bit warmer?! Fucking cats, I hate cats, fine, the others should be more fun'

He looked at the room next to it and saw Naruko waking up 'You'd better be more fun brat'

… 'At least she's in panic, good she's reacting the way I ho…ped… she calmed down already?! She's going towards the same corner as the bloody cat, she even took the foam as a blanket and pillow?! Fuck this shit, I'm done, totally fucking done, some brat is taking the piss out of me!'

The show in Yuuto's room however was a bit more exciting 'Now that's the proper reaction! Pure blissful panic, he's begun hyperventilating, oh this is great! A full minute already, screw the other brat, this is the one that's going to make me enjoy myself! What the?! The panic is suddenly gone, he's like a totally different person, he's like a battle-hardened shinobi and sitting right in front of the door ready to attack? What the kami is wrong with this brat, he's messed up in the head!'

'One left, she'd better be'


'Holy shit what the hell! That scared the everliving shit out of me, fucking brat just showed up next to me out of nowhere!'

"How'd you?!"E He just

"It's glass, I can just shunshin towards any place I see"

'Brilliant, just fucking brilliant, I hate these fucking brats, the first two just sleep and don't care, the other acts like he's got a split personality and is messed up and this one can move through fucking glass?!'

"Tss, all four of you are an annoying bunch, couple of freaks if you ask me…"

"You know, the longer you keep them in there the more annoyed you'll get, they'll just sleep for hours on end if you don't stop them you know?"

'She can't be serious, can she? She probably is judging by the fact that the first thing they did was go to sleep… let's just get this over with, the sooner the brats are gone the sooner I can get back to torturing real people…'

Ibiki opened up the cells "You're free to go, come on out, we'll continue with the second assessment"

The split personality brat came out without a word and only glared at me, the other two doors were opened but nobody came out… "I SAID GET THE HELL OUT, WAKE UP YOU BRATS!"

"Five more minutes…"


"Suiton: Great Torrent!" he held up his hands towards the door openings and shot the rooms full of water, the brat and cat came out because of the current but they just wouldn't wake up!

"Let me"

The last brat walked up to them "Naruko-chan, Tora-chan, you fell asleep and burned the fish…"

The two of them shot up awake with panic in their eyes and looked around in fear "Where! Where's the fish?!"


They began crying so much that the water Ibiki just shot at the rooms looked like nothing 'This brat got potential, if only I'd known then I would have burned fish in front of their eyes while they were chained to the walls…'

( Regular Point of View )

What a damn nightmare, Stutter betrayed us, she lied to us! We didn't burn any fish, there wasn't even any fish! I don't know which is worse though, the lack of fish or the lack of burned fish…


Oh yeah the scar dude, I should ask him for that pillowy stuff, it was nice!


"Yeah, we want some of that pillowy stuff on the walls!"


Stutter picked me up and pet me as I had no clue where we were going, apparently to someone else, I didn't really care, I was getting my petting…

We arrived at a different room, this one quite roomy with couches and a table with snacks, a man stood next to it and smiled at us "I'm Yamanaka Inoichi and I'll do the mental assessment, I'll judge you in turns while the others wait here. Any questions?"

He got us food and a couch, pretty decent guy if you ask me "Assessment?" he nodded "my clan specializes in entering the mind, I'll enter yours and talk with your inner self and judge your mental mindscape, if there's anything wrong with you I'll be able to judge it"

Wait he isn't serious is he? He wants to enter the mind of a girl with the Kyuubi in her mindscape, a brat with two personalities one of which is pretty much a killer and an extremely pure girl with light chakra? He's a damn idiot…

"First up is Hinata, the rest of you can wait here"

They exited the room as I went to get some food, only two minutes later however they already returned… "Thank you Hinata-sama, that was a most gracious experience" he looked as if he'd never been more tranquil in his life, apparently what he saw in her mind was so pure he pretty much couldn't handle it

Stutter turned beet red and shuffled to the couch "I think I broke him…"

"Next up is Hinata-sama's most honourable friend Naruko-san, please follow me"

"Hai!" she cheerfully bounced up and went with him, this'll be fun "Naruko-san… on second thought let's not… I think you're perfectly fine, a friend of Hinata-sama can't be wrong" he's just scared of what he'll find inside of her, shame…

"I can stay here?"

He nodded "You can, please relax while I assess the final member, Yuuto-kun please follow me"

( Yuuto Point of View )

'So it's already our turn huh, did you finish it in time?'

'I did, we should be fine, just stick to your part'

He entered the room with the Yamanaka, it was a fairly small room with only two couches and a small table in between. "Yuuto-kun, I'm going to enter your mind and talk to your mind's representation, you shouldn't feel scared or panic. I'm going to place my hand on your head and close my eyes, you'll fall into temporary sleep until I'm done, do you understand?"

"H-Hai, I do"

"Good, please sit down and bend forward a bit so I can reach your face"

He sat down on the couch with the man on the one opposite of him, a hand touched his face and he blanked out, soon finding himself in his mindscape. An all too familiar place to himself, most wouldn't be able to enter here but he could do so freely with his special circumstance of the split personality…

( Inoichi )

Inoichi appeared in the mindscape of the boy and looked around 'how curious… this is unlike anything I've ever seen' he was standing in a clearing with trees and rocks all around him, the entire area around him was covered in forest and mountains as far as the eyes could see

The clearing however was different, it was perfectly split into two parts, one was pure white while the other was pitch black, he saw a brick wall running straight through the middle of it 'a wall to separate the two halves? But why bricks, and why doesn't it span for the entire clearing?'

He looked behind him and saw a small boy that perfectly resembled Yuuto "Hello! I'm Yuuto, who're you?"

He crouched down to eye level "Hello there, I'm Inoichi, I didn't scare you I hope?"

The boy shook his head with a smile "Nope! I've never seen you here before, are you new?"


"Yeah, like the one behind the wall, he doesn't talk though… it's kind of lonely in here"

'Two personalities it seems, and they don't communicate with each other? That's worrying for one so young, at least this side seems friendly and calm' "Do you know what the wall is for Yuuto-kun?"

Another shake of the head "Nope, it's been there for a while now though… but I don't mind, it's keeping me company just like the trees and rocks, I like those…"

"You like the trees and mountains?"

"Uhu! They're calming and peaceful, I love the calm, Nature is my bestest friend!" as soon as he said that a light breeze went through the clearing and trees, some petals fell near Yuuto and gently touched his cheek as if they caressed him 'really interesting, a bond with nature perhaps, a close one at that'

"Yuuto-kun, since when was that wall there? Did something happen?"

The kid instantly froze and seemed both confused and sad, it was as if the body knew how to respond but he himself didn't know why, tears fell down his face as he cried his heart out. Inoichi held him in his arms "Don't worry, I'm here, just calm down"

" *snif snif* okay… I'm sowwy…"

"Don't worry about it Yuuto-kun, is it okay if I go to the other side of the wall?"

"Hn! I tried to a few times but I couldn't though, I hope you can… for some reason I can't get around the corner…"

"I'm sure I will be able to, don't worry okay? I'll be back in a bit"


Inoichi gave the boy a pat on the head and walked towards the wall, he followed the side until he reached the corner and walked past. He instantly became shocked however… the ground had cracks in it and the air became thin and hard to breathe in 'I shouldn't be affected by this in the mind! Whatever did this was bad, really bad…'

He walked in further and saw another boy, this one in ragged clothes and many bruises and wounds covering him "Hello there…"

The boy's face turned around staring straight at him, his eyes were pure black and hollow, it felt like there was no form of happiness in them whatsoever

"Who're you, why did you enter our mind?"

'It knows I'm in the mind?! This one is intelligent, a mind shouldn't know such things!'

"I'm Inoichi, a Shinobi of Konoha"

"Let me guess, you're here to assess if we're sane or not, be quick about it and get the hell out, I'm struggling to keep the place together as is"

'Keeping the place together?'

"You're keeping yourself sane, aren't you? What happened that caused this?"

"You see me don't you, the bruises and scars, the ragged clothes and torn ground. Put the pieces together"

"You were abused…"

"Correct, and now I'm keeping mister bubbly idiot sane so he doesn't break down and take me with him"


"Tss, so many questions, I thought you were a smart one. You see the wall behind you? Look at the bricks"

"They're solid and form an entire wall, what about them? I know they separate your mind into two halves and therefore you have a split personality due to a trauma"

"Look closer…"

He did and inspected the wall, most of the bricks were even and there didn't seem to be anything special… when he reached the borders however he was surprised, some bricks looked like they were falling apart 'It's destroying the wall bit by bit, he's mending the trauma!'


"You can hear my thoughts?"

"We're in my mind remember? Any thought you have are mine to hear, like I said I keep the idiot on the other side sane, I am the representation of the trauma and negative emotions. But I am also mending the wounds inflicted, it will take time but it is a slow process that's required"

"How long do you estimate it will take?"

"A few more years perhaps, the most important thing is that the kid is sane, he can perform as a Shinobi. I take care of the negative aspects and keep him in the dark, he needs it to grow, he needs the company of the ones around him. You know what happens if you'd take them away from him"

"He'd shatter, he'd become a husk"

He received a nod as response "Now leave, you know the situation and I can't have you disturb my concentration any longer"

"I will, thank you for your information, goodbye"

( Yuuto Point of View )

The wall instantly broke down when the man had left, both halves of Yuuto walked towards each other "It worked"

"Indeed, he'll think we will become one during the coming years, he won't disturb our plans out of fear it would break you"

"Then we have nothing to fear, he will think twice about entering our mind again because of your warning that it could affect us, I'm heading back outside"

He exited the mindscape and saw himself sitting opposite of Inoichi again who had a smile on his face, the smile was gentle and apparently there to comfort him. He just fooled the man to which the latter thought he was a poor kid with a trauma, it was true, he had a trauma but the situation was not like it seemed

"Welcome back Yuuto-kun, let's get back to the main room shall we?"

"Okay…" he followed him as they went back towards his team, it worked, he fooled the assessment

They entered the main room again and saw his team waiting for him with a multitude of snacks in their mouths, they're idiots, but they're his idiots for now even if he kept them in the dark and acted like a sorry excuse of his real self

"Yuuto-kun, you're back!"

Inoichi smiled at the group as he saw the connection between then, it was a real team already even if they were all really different in personality "I'm pleased to announce that you all passed the assessment, you're free to help Ibiki in his exam and continue the test for the Chuunin rank"

( Back with Ibiki )

"Okay brats you've passed the first assessment, I don't know how you snotnozed maggots did it but orders are orders… I'm going to explain the first exam only once so listen up!"

"My exam is made to test the way Genin react under stress, they will be forced to fill in a written exam where the main focus is cheating. The questions themselves are far too hard for the majority of the Genin to answer, therefore I will put six Chuunin in the exam that know the correct answers"

"If a Genin is caught cheating they will have one strike, this strike counts for the entire team. When the team has three strikes they automatically all fail the test and therefore the exam"

"There is one final question that is announced thirty minutes prior to the end, I will put psychological stress on them and tell them that they either choose to not answer the question and fail, or answer the question and risk nog being able to enter another exam ever"

"If they choose to answer the question they automatically all pass"

Well that's just stupid… isn't information gathering one of the requirements for Chuunin? If they can't even cheat properly then they're worthless Genin

"Sir, isn't that a bit stupid?"

"…Brat, you're calling my exam stupid? You want me to fail you right away?"

Naruko shook her head "No, I mean making them pass with only the last question…"

"Yeah she's right, isn't information gathering part of our skillset, if they sucked at that then even if they had the courage to continue they're still not worthy of becoming Chuunin"

"Then tell me how you would handle it if you're so good at it, I've done this for many years now so tell me oh genius brats" someone's a bit mad about earlier events…

"What if they have to pass both the written questions and the final question? How many questions are there?"

"9 and 10 if you include the final one"

"Then make them have 8 of the 9 correct?"

Scar smirked "You know, we could actually do that, it's a bit sadistic but you're right, what else?"

Stutter spoke up, something a bit rare in such a situation "Sir, at what temperature is the room? How long do they have? Are they allowed to use their bloodline?"

"Hmm, I think it's 19 degrees, they have two hours for the entire exam and there are no restrictions as long as they aren't caught, why?"

She smirked "What if we made it about 6 degrees so they're nice and cold, it drives up the tension. Next to that we can suddenly interrupt the exam after one hour and tell them that they've probably figured out the meaning of the exam, but that only two of the six Chuunin have all the correct answers even if that's not true… am I allowed to deduct points instantly when I see them use something like the Byakugan or Sharingan? I mean it's pretty obvious that they're cheating if they're using it, and most of the bloodline users are really stressed out if they can't use it"

"Yeah! And how about we randomly warn teams that they only have one chance left even if they've not been caught yet?! That would be fun…"

Scar burst out laughing "Brats, I like you! Hell, I'm going to use all of your ideas, there won't be any damn brats left after we're done with them! You, your name was Hinata right?"

"Yes sir"

"How about you work under me for a while, you seem like a perfect fit for this kind of work!"

"I'm sorry but I can't…"

He sighed "A shame, you would have made a fine apprentice… Anko's going to become so pissed off when she notices that there's no brats left to torment for her, that's making it even sweeter of a plan. Each of you will judge two rows of Genin, you will be provided with a mask and uniform to keep your identities hidden. The exams start in two weeks so we'll work out the fine details in the meantime, we aren't in any rush"


This is going to be so much fun… "Miauw"

"What about Tora-chan? Won't they recognize her?"

"You want the cat to be part of the exam? Brat my exam isn't a playground"

Excuse me? You think I'm just a damn cat?! I began radiating killing intent as I glared at Scar, how dare he!

"…Wait a minute, you seem familiar… No way, you're That cat! How're you still alive?!"


"Tora the destroyer, she's been tormenting Genin since I was one!" he began to shudder "I still have nightmares about catching her, two times each week I had to face that nightmare, I thought I was finally done with that… thing!"

Hey, that isn't nice! The first part is though, but the last part!

"Be nice to Tora-chan!"

"…I lost my cool, excuse me brats but that brought up some bad memories. Still, I don't see how I can add her into the exam without compromising it, I can however ask Anko to put her into the second part of the exam? Maybe as an incentive, if they catch her while in the Forest of Death then they'll instantly be put into the final exam and skip the first round maybe? It depends, how good is she?"

I smirked at the idea, extremely good, if I put my mind to it and damn I will if you let me

"About my level? Even I have trouble catching her if Tora-chan's serious"

"Fine, I'll ask Anko to put Tora in the test, but only if she's allowed to use her full force, otherwise it would be boring"

That could be arranged!

"I'll ask dad to send the Hokage a message as well!"

We all smirked at the combined plans "Are we even going to have any Genin left?"


There you go, two chapters! And the beginning of the Chuunin exam, next chapter will feature Gaara and the first exam. I hope you liked the chapters, have a nice weekend!