Pirate's Partner

"Even worst." the girl who stood before him said while, for some reason, looking dumbfounded at him for boasting about his occupation.

"Wha ye mean by that?"

"I meant exactly what I said."

By this point Harry had began to feel a heat. Maybe it came because he was infuriated by the words that spewed from her mouth. Who even was this girl? Looking on he felt as though he had seen her before. She looked familiar but yet he couldn't place a name or where he had seen her.

"Who ar ye" he finally stated after a while of staring at her.

However, Harry began to regret his decision once he saw her brown eyes erupt with anger. Taking a few steps back, the once soothing voice he was arguing with was replaced with a taunting one.

"How dare you not know who I am, everyone on this Isle knows Evie the daughter of the Evil Queen, now you state who you are at once."

"Ma name's Harry Hook, son of de best cap'ain 'round 'ere, Captain Hook," the pirate boosted as he suddenly realized how he had known her.

Pushing aside the heat he continued to feel, Harry began to think. His dad had worked for the Evil Queen for many years. So long in fact that he had no recollection of his father not working for Evie's mother. So of course, he would've met Evie before. Surprisingly, these meeting only happened twice and he could barely remember her appearance.

However, he did remember her small frame hiding behind her mother before she was pushed forward. Yet here she was. Standing there arguing with him using as much confidence as the Evil Queen.

"Stop staring at me this instance!"

Quickly the sound of her voice released him from his state of remembrance.

"Why should A," the young pirate counter challenging the vain princess.

"Largely because you are below me, since you are a pirate, who should be grateful to be in my presence." Evie spoke, her once thought confidence drastically changing into arrogance.

Finally paying attention to the heat in his back Harry noticed sunset had already began and was nearly complete. Upon seeing this he realized he had to leave instantly.

"Lis'en 'ere princess A would love ta continue talkin but A gotta go, bye."

The sentence was rushed since Harry was in a hurry desperate to get home. Yet he still heard the furious voice of Evie shout:

"Come back here I'm not finished talking to you Harry!"

Not even bothering to look back at the princess Harry carried on. He was late. His father was most likely going to feed him to the sharks if all the food was gone. And with it being sundown the only place he knew that would be open was Ursula's shop. Every other shop closed once the sunset began, given that their owners were wary of thieves. No thief, however, would ever attempt to steal from the Sea witch. Unless they wanted to feel feats of inhumanly amounts of excruciating pain.

The sun was now nonexistent leaving a large white circle and its many followers in the sky. These newcomers were the only reason Harry could see since lights were not permitted into the Isle. Still he ran with the moon as his guide determined to reach his destination.

Subsequent to turning a sharp bend and dashing through a narrow alleyway he just about collided with a blue braided girl. That girl, once he stopped to look, was the daughter of the aforementioned Ursula. Uma was her name and one of his partners in crime.

"Hey lassie wha'r ye doing 'ere?" Harry questioned the younger girl.

"Collecting fruits for the shop." she replied showing him the severely ripped plastic bag with fruits just about falling through it.

Inside the bag he saw a variety of fruits lying motionlessly. Although they were different they looked the same. Large brown almost black spots covered all of them while wrinkles plastered themselves onto them. Holes also were visible in the fruits but luckily no creature inhabited them. Unsurprisingly, these were probably the best fruit on the island.

"Aye where did ye find these?"

"Find them? I stole them from the cart down there," she stated, pointing to a stall down the road.

"Aren't ye pure evil Uma," Harry mocked twirling a single braid trying to rile her up.

He seemingly accomplishing when Uma slapped his hand away and started walking away. Harry jogged beside her whilst checking the bag for fallen fruits. The duo walked for a period of time before coming to the port jogging Harry memory allowing him to remember his father.

"Aw shite lassie A gotta get de food for ma dad's ship!"

"Oh, Ursula has it stored in the back," Uma assured him

Harry ran towards Ursula's Fish and Chips dodging each person walking in his direction. Luckily it only took about five minutes for Harry to arrive. Upon entering the shop he was glad no-one was here. The shop was usually crowded since it was the only place available to get "decent" food. This food was normally stolen by Uma from broken down stalls; however none of the merchants wanted to deal with Ursula after messing with her food, so they let Uma take it.

Speaking of Ursula, there she was in all her eight legged glory. Seated on a large sea themed throne looking evidently distressed by whatever was on the sheet of paper she held. Wanting to make his presence known, the pirate coughed harshly causing the giant octopus to look in his direction. Without saying a word Ursula threw the bag next to her to him and shoved him through the door.

A puzzled look forced itself unto his face making the younger pirate, who appeared as if from nowhere, to laugh loudly.

"Glad ye find fun in ma confusion Um." Harry said walking off still slightly confused.

"Just don't forget about the meeting tomorrow!" Uma yelled before walking into the shop.

"Yeh, A won't" Harry replied, now rushing to the ship where he resided.