Chapter one abandon

Lincoln was alone, abandoned by his family earlier this morning. He had been disowned by his family for having taken off the suit and burning it as a result of being bullied and losing everyone. his own family disowning him for believing he was bad luck all began when he was wanting to have time for himself avoiding every sister he came across, but Lynn Got him. after going to her game for the first time, her entire team lost and accused him of bad luck. he began to use it as an advantage but eventually it cost the family to believe he was bad luck. they kicked him out of the House, even after he proved his innocence, they still believed he was bad luck forcing him to wear the suit causing him to be in grave embarrassment every day he went to school or everywhere he went, at the end he had enough.

"This just has to happen to me" Lincoln talked to himself. "Does God hate me"?

Lincoln was holding a revolver, apparently his father Lynn Senior had one.

"Every part of my life has been miserable, filled with hell, why do I have to suffer any longer, my sisters on her trust me, everybody at school look down on me, Ronnie Anne is no longer my girlfriend",

"I bet things can't get any worse oh yes they can with Clyde having went on vacation, that being said I have nowhere to stay. Welp I'm screwed, why can't they just go fuck themselves".

Lincoln then remembered every moment in his life which was horrible, even with Rusty, Who was his most trusted friend well second in line from Clyde.

He held a gun to his head, "well here goes nothing", Lincoln thought to himself.

And then came a loud BANG!, and with that the only son in the loud family was no more.

Meanwhile girl Jordan cookie and brownie while walking back from A party.

Wow how is Chandler get a Ferris wheel? said girl Jordan, your guess is as good as mine girl said brownie. You should've seen those movies Jackie made back there said cookie.

The three of them stopped at the sound of a loud bang, having not been too smart they went to investigate only for them to meet with a nightmarish site.

The three friends stared with pure horror at the dead body of a young boy with white hair. All the sudden, One of them began to scream.

Lincoln woke up in a void.

"where am I", he said. "Where do you think said a dark voice". The Being that was before him was not human, it was tall and it's arms were bony white with a mysterious energy flowing around it spikes protruding from its back it was holding a synth, and it's eyes emitting pure blight.

With a crooked voice he spoke, "it is unusual for a boy to see me in such a horrific passage unless you have committed a grave sin" he spoke.

"I don't understand what you mean", said Lincoln.

"WHAT, haven't you ever heard about Greek mythology or Christianity" said the bony creature. "I am Death, the judger of the dead, I decide who goes to heaven or to hell, you are dead Lincoln by the way. Beings with pure heart who have done no wrong or at least have repented of what they have done asking for forgiveness see me as an angel, but you see me as something of pure darkness, you must have committed a sin before your death".

Lincoln began to shiver he knows that suicide was a sin but he gave up on faith in all believe ever since events that have transpired back on earth. "I don't understand I don't really know how to see you I mean you're just wearing a cloak so I don't really know how you look like". Then he took off the cloak revealing a Lich like being. His hands were like bones with sharp claws, his skin looked transparent as if it was falling off, his eyes were nothing but pure dotes of fading light, two bony wings appeared behind his back. "I am The fourth Horsemen of the apocalypse. my three brothers are sealed away, God has allowed me to roam free as long as I do my job. The balance must be held, the living and the dead must remain separate, what i do is not without reason Lincoln, I do not take pleasure in reaping the lives of others, I simply ensure that they except Death, but if they don't, they forever roam the earth, I hunt them down like prey, to ensure that their souls rest no matter where they go hell, purgatory, or heaven, maybe even the limbo".

"You must be here to judge me, to be honest I have nothing left to lose since I'm already dead you might as well just leave me here".

"I just don't know why but-" before finishing his last sentence, death reached out and grabbed him by the neck and strangled him to death.

"I'm sorry kid, I didn't want to do this".

Back on earth, girl Jordan was not happy at all, apparently a whole bunch of people gathered together to see the boys body being put inside a bag and into an ambulance. The remaining blood was covered up and everyone was told to back off. The event that occurred today passed on to the parents and the family from which the boy belong to, a family from which most people in this neighborhood knew very well. One of the girls from which had a crush on him couldn't help but cry silently. It was a sad and stormy day news with eventually spread to those who were the closest to him let's just hope it doesn't cause any trouble. A bunch of police were driving to the loud family house to ask if you questions and to spread the router tragic news of the death of their one and only son. The ambulance can still be heard. One of the officers went up the door and began knocking. "I feel bad for that kid, really I saw some potential in him, I mean he wasn't very good at running but I heard he was very successful at academics, mathematics, history, and biology. he had a huge life ahead of him, having to deal with 10 sisters is literally hell".

Everyone was asleep in the house,

Lily was in her crib, Lisa was sleeping in prototype hypersleep tomb, Lori and Leni were snoring, especially Lynn Jr, who kept Lucy up at night and was able to hear the knocking, Lynn however got up and ran up to the door still having some endurance from the game she had earlier. When she opened the door she was dumbfounded by the polices who stand right there, she eventually Called out to her parents, Who seemingly where annoyed, then they got up, went to the door and eventually were also dumbfounded by the police standing there.

"Mr. and Mrs. loud we have some news about your son".