Kirishima had never personally seen the delivery boy for the local florists that had delivered flowers to the coffee shop he worked in.

(His co-workers/best friends had all spoke about him.

"He fits right in at a flower shop! He looks just like a flower!" Ashido said one day over their coffee during their break, sat through the back.

Five minutes later, Kaminari came through with a tray of bouquets.

"You just missed the delivery.")

I guess I'm never gonna meet this mystery delivery boy. Kirishima thought as he leaned over the counter, head resting on his hand.

The door jingled, Kirishima bolting upright.

"Hello! Welcome to the Coffee Bros Cafe, what would you like?" Kirishima said, laughing mentally at the name of their coffee shop. He remembered when Kaminari suggested it as a name choice for their manager, teasing him over the choice. Next thing they knew, the sign was being put up.

"Hey... um... can I get two lattes, one black coffee and a mocha to go please? Uh... regular size?"

"Wow, that's a lot of stuff. Thirsty or just really tired?" Kirishima asked jokingly as he punched in the drinks into the till.

"N-nah, i-it was just my turn to get the drinks for my study group, though I guess I am really tired."

"Cool dude." Kirishima nodded, pressing enter. "That's ¥1235."

The customer nodded, handing over the money.

"Can I get the names? To put on the cups so they don't get mixed up." Kirishima asked, grabbing the sharpie from the little tub beside the register.

"O-oh yeah. The mocha is for 'Uraraka', the black coffee is for 'Todoroki' and the two lattes are for 'Iida' and 'Midoriya'."

He nodded, scribbling the names down onto the takeaway cups.

"So which one is yours?"

"O-oh... I'm Midoriya, I'm having the latte."

"Awesome, I'll shout you when the orders are done." Kirishima said, sliding the cups towards the machine as Midoriya turned towards the small table with the napkins, stirrers and sweeteners.

Kirishima hesitated before scribbling something down onto one of the cups.

The last of the drinks finished pouring into the cups, Kirishima putting the takeaway tops onto the cups and placing them into the cup holder. Kirishima opened his mouth to call Midoriya over before pausing. He reached towards the display case, pulling out one of the pastries and placing it into a bag.

With a nod, he decided it was ready.


With a small jump, the customer turned and smiled when he saw the cups.

"Thank you..." he started, glancing down to the name tag, "Kirishima."

"No problem. And here's a suggestion for next time; if you really want something to wake you up, I'd recommend 'Blasty McSplode'. It's got a real kick, the name's inspired from a friend."

"O-ok, I'll give it a try next time." Midoriya promised, grabbing his purchases. He started to walk away from the counter before stopping. "I didn't order this?" Midoriya said, lifting the bag with the pastry.

"I know, but it's on the house. For you!"

"R-really? I can't j-just take it..."

"Please, I insist."

Shakily, Midoriya nodded.

"It was nice meeting ya Midoriya."

"See you soon Kirishima."

The door shut, bell jingling.

"I'm back with the goods!" Midoriya said, holding the coffee and pastry up to the group.

"Hurray! I thought I was gonna die!" Uraraka complained, black bags larger under her eyes.

"Alright, here's your black coffee Shouto," Todoroki took the drink from Midoriya with a small thanks, "your latte Tenya..."

"Thank you very much Izuku! With this we can work on our project far better!"

"And your mocha Ochako."

"Praise the lord, I can live."

Midoriya sat down on his seat, glancing over the notes they had accumulated and groaning.

They weren't anywhere near done yet.

"What's in the bag Izuku?" Todoroki asked, gesturing to the paper bag beside Midoriya.

"I-I'm not sure, the barista said it was on the house and when I asked he said for me to take it."

"Oooh was he cute?"


"Do you think he's cute? I think he must think you're cute, giving you free stuff... we should send you more often, see if we can get more free stuff."

"Ochako! That isn't right!"

"Come on Tenya, free stuff!"

"I-I don't know, I mean he is attractive but I doubt he'd find me attractive."

"Then explain the number written on your cup." Todoroki added.


Midoriya rushed to turn his cup around to read what it said.



Please give me a call, I'd love to hear from you!

Kirishima 3

"Deku has a guy that likes him! That's so cute! You have to call or text him!"

"O-Ochako! I can't just call him! What if he doesn't want me to call?"

"I'm not very well versed on this romance and relationship sort of thing, but I would believe it would be fair to say this 'Kirishima' wants you to call, otherwise he wouldn't have given you his number."

"Yeah, that was kind of a stupid point Izuku."

"Please don't gang up on me."

"We won't if you text him."


Midoriya: hello?

?: hello? Who is this?

Midoriya: This is Midoriya from the coffee shop earlier?

?: Midoriya! I'm so glad you responded!

Kirishima: I was kinda worried you wouldn't

Midoriya: I think I was kinda worried I wouldn't either

Kirishima: lol

Kirishima: i have to get back to my work now, please text me again later!

Midoriya: I will

"I've done it!"


"Anyways, we should get this project done before we have to try bargain with Mr. Aizawa for extra time."

"That would be worrying, if only we had Shinsou in our group. Aizawa's favourite."

"I know... if only Toshinori was a teacher at our school." Midoriya sighed, thinking about his manager at his part-time job.

"Yeah, bet he would be a great teacher..." Uraraka agreed, sipping her almost forgotten drink.

The group got down to business with their work, occasional chatter filling the air when no ideas came by.

("Don't you think Yagi would be a good superhero?" Todoroki mused as he made a note on one of the many sheets of paper.

"Shit Shouto you're right!")

A week later, the bell jingled and Midoriya stepped into the coffee shop again.

"Welcome back Midoriya."

"H-hey Kirishima. S-sorry I haven't spoken to you much, the project was killing us. And then m-my part-time job..."

"Nah man, I get it. Coursework is a real bitch, so is a job. Same as last week?"

"I-I think I wanna try the... Blasty Mcsplode?" Midoriya tried, looking to the poster behind Kirishima.

"You remembered! Sure, I'll whip it right up. Ordering anything else?"

"N-no, it's just me today... the p-project was handed in yesterday."

"That's good, I'll give you your drink in a minute."

Midoriya moved out of the way of the counter in case anyone else came in.

"B-by chance... would the 'Blasty McSplode' be inspired by a Bakugou Katsuki?"

"Shit dude, you know Bakugou?!"

"Y-yeah, Kacchan is a childhood... not friend but we've k-known each other since w-we were kids."

"He's never mentioned you..."

"That's p-probably because he hates me."

"Who could possibly hate you? I've only known you for probably a total of twenty minutes but I can already tell I really like you."

"T-thanks Kirishima."

"Coffee's ready, I hope you enjoy it."

Midoriya smiled and Kirishima felt his heart stop for a fraction of a second.

Shit that was cute.

"I-I was wondering if... y-you know since the p-project is o-over so I'm not as busy... if you'd like t-to go out sometime? T-to get food or s-something?"

"Sounds great Midoriya, text me the details later. I'll tell you the days I'm off."

"I-I'll do the same."

Midoriya left the cafe, leaving Kirishima in silence, soft smile on his face as he cleaned the counter.

"Hey Ei that's my break over now, anything happen out front?" Sero asked, emerging from the back, retying the apron they wore.

"Nah, just one or two customers, no biggie."

"Your face seems to be saying otherwise."

"I got a date." Kirishima said smugly, laughing as Sero's jaw dropped.

"Ochako help me!" Midoriya screamed into his phone, desperately trying not to shake his coffee too much (he did not want to drop it, one sip told him that this would be his new favourite drink (not because Kirishima recommended it)).

"What did you do Deku?"

"I-I kinda maybe asked him out? W-we we're gonna discuss d-details later but yeah..."

"Deku! I'm so proud of you! Tell me when you're home, I'm gonna gather the squad for a celebration party at yours!"

"Ochako please don't, you know what happened last time."

"Who cares, we can have a non-alcoholic party!"

"I suppose that is slightly more comforting."

"Ei can you handle the delivery? We're busy upfront." Ashido called through to the back where Kirishima was, looking through their stock.


He walked to the back entry where the unloading section was. He opened the door.

"Hello? It's me, I've got the flower delivery." A familiar voice called, face blocked by the box filled with bouquets in his arms.

"Thanks, lemme take that in for ya." Kirishima said, placing his hands under the box.

"K-Kirishima? I didn't know y-you were taking the delivery today." Midoriya replied as he box moved out from in front of his face.

"Wait wait wait... you're the florist's delivery boy?"

"Yeah... it's kinda tedious but pays pretty well." Midoriya admitted. "Anyways, I'll get the papers to sign for it."

Kirishima nodded, taking the flowers inside and placing the box on the small table before walking back out.

"Where do I sign?"

Midoriya pointed to the small section at the bottom, Kirishima signed his name and gave Midoriya the pen back.

"Ok so now where and when do I pick you up after work?"


"We're going out for dinner tonight, just us. When do you get off work?"

"Um... in a few hours? At about five?"

"Lit, I'll come pick you up there."

"I-I'd need to change my clothes!"

"Oh yeah! Ah well, who cares what we're wearing?"

"O-ok then."

"It's a date."

("Guys how couldn't you tell me Midoriya was the delivery boy?!"

"In our defence we didn't know if they were the same Midoriya."

"Plus it was funny.")

Bakugou: shitface you better finish your deliveries soon, your dad needs us to both work up front

Midoriya: just finished at coffee bros, will be back soon

Midoriya: and toshinori isn't my dad!

Bakugou: who cares, hurry the fuck up and get back here shitty deku

Midoriya sighed. Sure Bakugou had grown more... tolerable towards him in recent years, mainly after starting university, but he could still be an asshole. How Bakugou ever managed to land and keep a job in a flower shop still eluded him but Uraraka had great enjoyment in teasing him whenever she visited.

He hopped into the delivery van and started it up, belt clicking into place, pulling out of the drop off zone and onto the streets. He waved briefly through the window to Ashido and Sero who quickly returned the gesture before returning to the havoc of the main rush. He quickly dialed a number on his phone.



Midoriya put the phone onto speaker.



"God dammit Ochako."

"Sorry Deku. What's up?"

"I-um... I'm going out... with Kirishima tonight after work..."

"Oh my god!"

"I know but I was wondering if you had any advice? I-I don't really know w-what to do..."

"You really like this Kirishima right? Then just let things happen as they happen. If you're really stuck for stuff, ask him questions about himself. But don't go lame like 'how was your day', go for awesome, badass sounding ones!"


"Hmm... ask him about superheroes or something. You're a huge fan of them, maybe you'll strike lucky and he likes them too!"

"D-Doubtful but I'll try."

"Good. Now you better get going 'cause I hear your engine running. Katsuki will kick your ass into next Sunday if you don't hurry up."

"Alright. Bye Ochako."

"Bye Deku!"

She hung up the phone, leaving Midoriya to mill about in silence, driving the familiar road towards the 'Plus Ultra!' Flower Shop.

Eventually, he pulled up around the back and jumped out his van, locking it and rushing into the building.

"Took ya fucking long enough. Toshinori was wondering if you got lost."

"N-No, Ochako called me so we were talking..."

"No excuse, just get ready. It's wedding and dances season."

Midoriya nodded, quickly rushing to the back of the shop for his apron and tying it, going back through to the front just in time for the rush.

"W-Welcome to Plus Ultra." He greeted the customers with a nervous smile.

Kirishima kept glancing at the time, getting distracted.

"Just go Ei, you're making coffee worse than usual. Go meet your date." Kaminari teased with a wink, nodding his head to the door.

"Right, sorry for leaving early Denki."

"Nah man it's chill, at least it's dying down now."

With a nod, Kirishima left the coffee shop (after ditching his work stuff of course) and rushed for his car.

The clock read 16:47.

I'll get there in plenty time.

So Kirishima drove, listening to upbeat music that came on through the radio, singing along with the songs he knew. Before he knew it, he arrived at the front of the shop.

He opened the door, stepping in to see a few people wandering the stores, mainly couples.

"Welcome to Plus Ul- Kirishima?" Midoriya started from behind the till, eyes widening at seeing the redhead enter the shop.

"Hey Midoriya! If you're busy I'll wait out front or something..."

"N-no! It's fine, I'm finishing up soon, plus the shop is closing soon as well, though I'm pretty sure the customers are gonna stick here to the end..."

"It's fine dude, I'll wait."

Kirishima then decided to mull about the flowers, looking at the different types. There were the ones he expected; roses, sunflowers, irises and the like but there were others he hadn't a clue existed. And then there were the succulents and cacti! And all the meanings underneath each different plant type?

I'm gonna have to come back again to properly see everything.

"Why the fuck you here Kirishima?"

"Waiting for Midoriya to finish up, we're going on- wait a second why are you here?"

"Because I work here if it wasn't fucking obvious."

Kirishima looked down to see the light green apron Bakugou was wearing with the large sunflower at the bottom of the apron.

"Oh my god."

"What? I fucking told you I had a job didn't I? Don't make me kick you out."

"Sorry man, didn't mean anything by it!"

"Just hurry the fuck up, Deku's finished now."

On cue, Midoriya rounded the corner, apron off.

"S-sorry for taking so long. A-are you ready to go?"

"You betcha! Bye Bakugou!"

"Later or whatever Kirishima."

A few minutes later they had entered the car and were driving away from the shop.

"I can't believe he calls you by your name."


"He's known me, Shouto, Ochako and Tenya for years and he only calls Ochako by her name."


"She used to do some martial arts so she sparred against Kacchan, who did boxing and some other fighting style. She almost kicked his ass. It was really impressive to watch actually."

"Wow, wish I could have seen it." Kirishima said, look of wonder on his face.

"I know. It's no surprise they ended up dating."

"Holy shit they are?"

Midoriya nodded with a smile.

"A-anyways, enough about Kacchan and Ochako," he said nervously, "what about you?"

"What about me?"

"I-I don't know? Anything? Everything?"

"How about we hold that until we get to the restaurant, then we can talk to our hearts content."


After getting to the restaurant's parking lot and waiting for a few minutes to get their table, they finally sat down.

"What you thinking on getting?"

"I was t-thinking the curry or the k-katsudon."

"Katsudon huh?"

"Y-yeah, it's one of my favourites. What about you?"

"I just like meaty dishes, not too fussy."

"That's cool..."

"Are you ok?"

"I t-think I'm just slightly n-nervous? I haven't been on a d-date or anything like this in a long time..."

"Hey man, it's ok. You can chill out. We can just chat as friends or whatever first if you want."

"T-that would probably help..."

"Hmm let's see... favourite colour?"


"Cool, I like red."

"U-um... do you like superheroes?" Midoriya tried hesitantly.


"Y-yeah... I know is a weird suggestion but-"

"Dude I love them! My favourite is Crimson Riot. I know he's kinda old now but he was in some of the first comics I ever got and I really liked his morals and that."

"I-I remember those comics, I really liked him as well. My f-favourite is All Might. I know it's kinda basic and that but I really like him."

"That's cool man, he's really impressive." Kirishima said grinning. "Going from that, if you had a superpower, what would it be?"

"I... I've never thought much on it but I guess I'd want something like All Might's? But I don't think the power matters as much as what you do with it, because in that scenario what's important would be saving the people rather than if you had a super powerful quirk."

"Woah... you sounded really cool there Midoriya! Like a real hero."

"O-oh, sorry I didn't mean to ramble on like that... I have a bad habit of that."

"No man, that's cool. I think that's really admirable and manly that you think like that. Shows you care about what's important ya know?"

"I-I think it's kinda because of that that I decided to try do medicine because I really want to help people and save lives."

"So you're doing medicine?"

"Yeah... I'm also doing a small degree in journalism. It's a lot of work and Aizawa really pushes us but it's rewarding as well."


"W-what course do you do? A-and what superpower would you have since you never answered."

"I'm in Geology, you know, rocks and stuff? And I guess I would have something good for attack and defence? Like... oh god I've noticed a trend... but having hard skin like a rock?"

"That sounds like it would be really useful! And geology sounds interesting, I've never really considered it before."

"Lots of work but I think it's alright."

"Hey dudes, what you want to eat?" The waitress asked, pen tapping against the notepad.

"Oh hey Jirou. I want the cu- actually I want the katsudon.

"Cool, and you?"

"I-I'll have the katsudon as well."

"Lit, they'll be back soon."

The food came soon after that, though it barely disrupted their conversation which flowed naturally from that point on.

"I'm glad I went for the katsudon... it's really good."

"Y-yeah, it's good. We should come back here again."

"That would be great! Wait, did you just ask me out again?"

"O-only if you want to though, so don't feel pressured to. I thought I'd say it because I had a really good time and after we got into the swing of things I found it was really easy to speak to you about anything? Like I'm sure it took me much longer to say half the things I said tonight to some of my friends that I've known for longer."

"I can't believe our first date isn't even over yet and we're planning our second one. I can't wait for it then, though you could pick out the stuff we do next time." Kirishima said, a slightly teasing tone in his voice.

"S-so is that a yes?"

"Absolutely! Tonight has been great. If it's gonna be like this every time, I hope we date for a long time."

Midoriya flushed from Kirishima's answer.

"T-that's nice to hear."

Kirishima had never personally seen the delivery boy for the local florists that had delivered flowers to the coffee shop he worked in up until now.

Though if he was being honest, as Midoriya laid curled up beside him in Midoriya's apartment, watching a movie together, he was glad they met the way they did, at that precise time.

He was happy with the way everything turned out.

It was perfect.

He couldn't wait for their future together.

And that's the final prompt for Kirideku Week! I'm sad to see it go but I had a lot of fun writing these prompts!

Some fun facts on this!

- Bakugou and Midoriya are similar to canon, except no quirks so I'd guess that Bakugou wouldn't bully Midoriya as bad. Bakugou would have also apologised for the bullying by now so they are on slightly better terms

- Midoriya met Uraraka and Iida in middle school where they became fast friends, then met Todoroki in high school where he joined the friend group (hence the first name basis). This is a similar situation for the bakusquad, except they only met Bakugou at college

- Midoriya is in medicine because doctors, etc save people, like what Midoriya values in a hero. Kirishima is in Geology because it's rocks... I had to do the pun

- some other ideas I had for the people: Bakugou would be in either chemistry or cooking, Uraraka in Astrophysics, Iida maybe in law?, Not sure for Todoroki but I'd guess something that would slightly spite Endeavour, Kaminari in electrical engineering and Ashido in beauty/fashion

- All Might is a comic character, Toshinori Yagi is the owner of the flower shop. In this au they have no connection other than vaguely looking similar

Anyways, that's kirideku week over! I'll see you for whatever fic I post next!