"Yay!Nanami-chan's home made dinner!" Sora exclaimed in excitement!

"Jeez Hashiba, is food the only thing that goes through your mind?" Sunao had his arms crossed, and the normal frown set on his face.

"You know you don't have to be so formal. ...Just call me Sora! W-we are dating now and all!" Sora noticed how Nao's cheeks seemed to reden noticeably at the request.

"S-sora…" Nao's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red. "Calling you that is embarrassing, so only when we're alone! A-and you have to call me Nao!" Sora smiled widely, while Sunao only blushed more. Sora chuckled. "C'mon! I'm staaarving!"

After dinner, Sora noticed that Nao was acting weird. Like really weird. Sora was feeling off too…. Was there something in the juice?

"Its getting dark out. Don't you think it's time for you two to head home?" Nanami pointed towards the window.

"I've dealt with much darker places." Nao mumbled from Sora's lap. Everyone sweatdropped, and that's what Sora means by weird.

"Maybe we should start heading home now?"

Laughing nervously. He lifted Nao's shoulders and set him upright on the couch, before taking both his small hands in one of his own and using his other hand to brush the hair out of his face. "Come on Nao-chan, we have to go home now." He tugged Nao up, but because he is so light he tumbled into Sora's arms.

"Kuu-chan what are you doing?" His voice was muffled by Sora's shirt. He didn't make any attempt to move.

"Am I gonna have to carry you home?" He chuckled.

"I'm definitely not moving and that's that." Nao seemed very content in Sora's chest. Sora understood that Nao was not willing to cooperate right now so he put and arm under his thighs and his back and lifted him up. "My small little Nao is feeling too tired to walk?" Nanami and Shinichirou watched them, Nanami surprised to see them acting so lovey-dovey, Shinichirou smirking. He'd planned this.

"You called me small, and little, right after each other? Does Kuu-chan like the idea of sleeping on the floor!?" Sora paled.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it my beautiful and fully grown boyfriend!"

"You'd better not have." Nao huffed.

He stepped out the door, both of them waving goodbye to both of their parental figures. Nao had gone silent as Sora carried him back to the dorms. "You're being really quiet right now."

"I know… I'm just thinking." Nao nuzzled against Sora's chest, trying to get as warm as possible.

"What are you thinking about?" He wanted to know more about Nao.

"If you hadn't known me before your memories were blocked by Yoru… Would you still love me? Are you only dating me out of guilt? Do you actually somehow love my terrible personality?" Sora was shocked that Nao even was having these thoughts.

"Nao...I love your personality. The truth is I had a crush on you since before I even knew about our past."

Nao looked surprised, and touched. A smile graced his features. "I love you Kuu-chan."

"I love you and everything about your stubborn personality too." He noticed it getting cold out and managed to get out of his jacket while carrying Nao. He stopped for a second to give it to Nao, placing it on his head.

"Ehh w-wait aren't you cold now?" He looked seriously cute with Sora's huge jacket on top of his head.

"You say that and yet you're wrapping it around yourself already. You obviously need it more." He chuckled and pulled Nao closer to him.

"Stupid Sora." Nao mumbled with his eyes half closed.

"You love this idiot." Sees Nao's eyes drooping

He must be tired.

"I always will." Nao snuggled closer to Sora. He pulled Nao close to him and let him fall asleep safe in his arms.