Tion'ad hukaat'kama?

Chapter 3 - Epilogue

"I've been thinking of taking on a new padawan," he told Master Yoda as they watched the Initiates practicing together. "I was talking to Anakin about it before he left. He's settling into being a knight and I think it's time."

Anakin had gone ahead to Christophosis to aid Senator Organa and the relief effort there. He would be following as soon as the new stealth ship was finished.

He was using the word 'talking' very loosely. Their conversation went more along the lines of he had been bouncing the idea off Anakin while they had been with Boba. His former padawan had laughed, finding the whole idea of 'bringing a youngling to battle' amusing. Boba had asked if he'd take him on as a padawan, obviously enamored at the idea of getting brought into battle, if for no other reason than to watch over Anakin.

"Hmm. A blessing our padawans are. Teach us much about ourselves, they do." But he didn't offer any more than that. "Different, young Skywalker has been," Yoda said instead. "Changed, something has."

"I'm not entirely sure what you mean, master," Obi-Wan lied. Yoda narrowed his eyes, but otherwise didn't say anything.

He did, in fact, know what Yoda was referring to. Anakin was happier, lighter, settled. He finally seemed like a Jedi.

"Grown up, he has."

"Perhaps some." Or a lot. Being a father had been good for his padawan, even if it was in secret.

"A padawan, he needs." Obi-Wan opened his mouth to tell the diminutive master that the last thing Anakin needed was another life to be responsible for when he stopped. He saw how his former student acted around his son. Perhaps a life he was responsible for on the battlefield was exactly what he needed.

"And I suppose you have someone in mind."

Yoda shifted on his cane, looking as innocent as a youngling caught in the Temple's kitchens after hours. "Think on it, I will." The old master looked up at him coyly.

Obi-Wan wanted to laugh. The older Jedi liked to meddle, just as he had for him and Qui-Gon.

"In the meantime, how about you think about a padawan for me and send them on to join me. Maybe you'll have found someone for Anakin by that point, and can send them along together."

A hard smack on his shins was followed by a "hmph." "Impertinent your master raised you."

Obi-Wan laughed and tried to dodge the cane again. The last thing he wanted was to return to the battle field with bruised shins.

His comm beeped with the message that the stealth ship was ready. He bowed and headed off. It was time to rejoin his former padawan.

Two weeks of battle later, weary and ready for the fight to be over, Obi-Wan had forgotten about most of the conversation with Master Yoda. Though the Togruta girl showed some promise, he didn't see how the two of them could make a very good team. Never had Master Yoda's judgement seemed so far off.

Still, he would attempt to make this work. He wasn't nearly as resistant as his master had been.

"My apologies, young one. Time for a proper introduction."

"I'm the new padawan learner," the girl spoke softly, but clearly, "I'm Ahsoka Tano."

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, your new master."

"I'm at your service, Master Kenobi." He got a sinking feeling in his gut at the confused tone she used. "But I'm afraid I've actually been assigned to Master Skywalker." As if there was any question who she was talking about, she pointed at Anakin.

Master Yoda had been meddling then.

Anakin began reacting exactly how he would expect. He shook his head and moved behind him, like he would be a shield for his former padawan against his new padawan. For a father, he wasn't nearly as mature as one would hope and Boba only seemed to take his bad influence in stride.

"What? No, no, no, no. There must be some mistake." He thrust his finger accusingly in his direction, "He's the one who wanted the padawan."

"No," the girl spoke and Obi-Wan had to fight to hold in the laugh. And Master Yoda called him impertinent. "Master Yoda was very specific. I'm assigned to Anakin Skywalker and he's to supervise my Jedi training."

Anakin sputtered, "But that doesn't make any sense."

Obi-Wan sighed. "We'll have to sort this all out later. It won't be long before those droids figure out a way around our canons."

"I'll check on Rex in the lookout post." Anakin all but turned and ran from the conversation.

"Best take her with you."

He could feel the brooding from his former padawan as he stopped, nowhere near as dark or heavy as it would have been a week before. He was sure he was rolling his eyes. Ahsoka seemed oblivious to Anakin's annoyance and followed.

He couldn't help the smile that broke across his face as Anakin waited for the girl to catch up, as he watched him nudge her towards the lifts to the lookout post. He caught the small smirk on Anakin's face that disappeared as he turned, raised an eye at the man. Obi-Wan laughed as the girl impatiently tugged Anakin towards the lifts.

Master Yoda had known exactly what he was doing.