Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Percy Jackson and Olympians or Heroes of Olympus





Tsunade leans back in her chair. She pinches the bridge of her nose as a headache is coming. Several hours ago Uchiha Sasuke went rogue and caused chaos. The busty Hokage sent the newly minted Chunin Nara Shikamaru, Genin Akimichi Choji, Genin Inuzuka Kiba, Genin Hyuga Neji, and Genin Uzumaki Naruto to chase a captured the rogue Uchiha. During the chase Genin Rock Lee along with Shinobi from Suna being Genin Sabaku no Gaara, Genin Sabaku no Kankuro, and Genin Sabaku no Temari helped them out during the chase.

The mission itself was a bust with serious injuries, but no deaths on their side. Choji suffered from extreme Chakra Exhaustion because of his Clan's Food Pills. Kiba suffered from blood loss and a deep stab wound. Neji had a hole in his shoulder that goes through his shoulder. Shikamaru only had a broken finger. But all of that is nothing compared to what happened to Naruto. He has a large wound in his chest that is extreme close to his heart, fractured skull, and a fractured spine. Tsunade worked on Naruto for hours to make sure that he didn't die. While Tsunade was going through Naruto's medical records she found out that a few years ago Naruto had surgery on his eyes.

'Why in the world did Naruto have surgery on his eyes? His medical records don't saw why he had the surgery.' thought Tsunade.

Tsunade opens her hidden sake stash for this is a case that she just wants to drink, but before she could Shizune rushes through the door, nearly taking the door off it hinges.

"Tsunade-sama!" yelled out Shizune as she ignores the busty blonde who is trying to drink some sake, "Tsunade-sama! The Barrier Team picked up a strange Chakra Signature entering Konoha just twenty minutes ago!"

"Strange Chakra Signature? Like what?" asked the busty blonde


Tsunade's eyes widen. This isn't the first time Divine Chakra has entered Konoha; not even the first time Divine Chakra has entered the Elemental Nations. Throughout the centuries Divine Beings came and went usually leaving behind children that have special Chakra. Tsunade jumps out of her chair and rushes to the hospital for the is only one person in the whole Village that had a Divine Parent.

'Naruto!' Tsunade worries for her favorite blonde.

-Outside Konoha-

The moon is full. The night is clear with little to no clouds in the sky. Divine light shines down from the moon as a woman wearing silver robs gently lands on top of a tree.

"It's been so long since I've been back here. It looks like nothing has changed that much." said the Goddess out loud.

The Goddess looks out onto the everlasting forest of Kuni no Hi. A forest that had little destruction to it as the people to these lands care about their lands when they aren't fighting and killing each other during their wars. While looking out onto the untouched forest she eyes gazed over the Hokage Mountain; more percussively the last face to the far right.

"It has been that long, hasn't it?"

The Goddess closes her eyes releasing divine energy into the air and sent it out. What the Goddess didn't know was that the Barrier Team in Konoha felt her releasing her divine energy and sending it out; which in turn allowed Shizune to notified the Hokage of her presents.

Opening her eyes, "Found you!" taking off at speeds that would end most beings lives.

-Konoha General Hospital-

Sleeping peacefully in the bed with the window open is one Uzumaki Naruto. After his surgery he was placed in a private room to rest without anyone disturbing him. Standing next to the bed is the Goddess. She run her fingers through his spiky hair.

"Just like your father's. You have his hair that no matter what I would do to it it'd just go back to what it once was," she looks over the sleeping boy to get a better look at him, "You have your father's hair, but you have my face."

She looks over the injures to get a better look at them. While she isn't like her brother who can look at any wound and knows how it was caused, how old the wound is, and how to fix it; she only know so much. From how he is sleeping means that his wounds were properly treated.

"Who did this to you?"

But before the Goddess could do anything else the door was kicked opened with Tsunade running into the room. The busty Hokage scans the room to see a woman standing next to a sleeping Naruto with her hand running through his hair.

"Get…" but Tsunade stops what she was fixing to saw as she recognize those silver robs, "I- It can't be… Artemis-sama?" asked Tsunade

"Tsunade?" Artemis asked turning to the busty Hokage, "Why did you bust down the door while Naruto is sleeping?"

"Be… Why are you here? I thought you were forbidden from ever returning?"

"I… had a feeling," it was true as the Goddess of the Moon felt something off so she came to visit, "When I arrived I didn't expect to find Naruto in the hospital of all places. Why is he here?"

"He went on a mission that didn't end well… I have to ask what do you plan to do?"

Artemis turned to the sleeping boy, "I don't fully know. It feels as though the Fates wanted me to come here. Tell me this mission that caused these injures,"

"Naruto's teammate went rogue and I'd sent a retrieval team after him, but they fought against Jonin Shinobi that caused most of the team injures that put them in the hospital,"

"So the enemy did this?"

"No, that was Naruto's teammate, Uchiha Sasuke. Naruto was the only one that managed to catch up to him. They fought and those injures are the result of the fight,"

"An Uchiha? Never did like them," never taking her eyes off of Naruto, "I think I'll be taking Naruto,"

Tsunade eyes widen, "Take… Taking him?!" shouted the blond haired woman, "What do you mean by taking him?! The rule say you can't take him!"

"I know that, but they don't say anything about leaving him some place that I know where he'll be protected. I don't like that place, but it's better then here,"

"But Naruto is a Shinobi here! If people learn that Naruto isn't here, then they'll think he went rogue too! You can't just take him and expect that boy to just go with it!" Tsunade points to the sleeping Naruto, "He will fight you every step of the way kicking, punching, screaming, and the cursing! The little brat will make your life a living Hell if it is the last thing he does. Let him wake up and tell him who you are! Wait till he can walk before telling him what you want to do! Wait till he is awake to tell him that you're his mother!"

"I don't think I have to do that now,"

Tsunade looks over to Naruto as he opens his eyes who slowly sits up because of his injures, "You do know that someone is trying to sleep here, you old hag!?" giving Tsunade the stick eye, "And you!" turning to Artemis, "Shut up deadbeat mother!" before Naruto passes out once

"We better take this outside before he wakes up again,"

"I agree."


Both Artemis and Tsuande head out into the hallway for Artemis to see several Anbu standing down the hallway.

"I see the Anbu still protect this part of the hospital." stated the Goddess of the Moon.

At Konoha General Hospital lies the North Wing that is for Shinobi that are being treated for heavy injures that need protection.

"Yes, they do their job. Artemis-sama, why do you want to take Naruto away from here?"

Sighing before leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, "Over the last few years I have been taking in more and more Hunters that need a place to live. Taking them in I see them as my daughters, but they aren't my real daughters that I gave birth to. I think overtime I wanted to see Naruto more and more. So I want to take him and be able to visit if I can,"

"Yes, but what about the law? I know Divine Beings can't see their children,"

"I can work around the stupid law. The law can't be broken, but that doesn't mean it can be bent. Other Gods and Goddesses have visited their children through their dreams and used other means to make sure that they're taken care of," explained Artemis

"Fine! But!" Tsunade holds up her hand, "You have to talk to Naruto in the morning when he wakes up. Like I said earlier; he'll fight you all the way and won't respect you. Though the little brat is disrespectful to everyone he meets. He once told a princess to shut the fuck up because she kept saying her life was hard. Talk to him and try to make him go with you that's all I ask from you,"

Sighing once more, "Very well! I'll wait for him to wake up."


Artemis watches as the sun rises over the Hokage Mountain. It has been several years since she'd last seen the sun rise over the famous landmark. The last time she'd seen it was when they were still bulding Minato's face on the side of the mountain.

'The more things change, the more they stay the same,' Artemis looks over Konoha as it really hasn't changed that much, 'I wished the rest of the world was like this. Where nature was one with everyone,'

Artemis was brought out of her train of thought by the metal door of the roof opening up, "Artemis-sama," Shizune is standing at the open door, "Naruto-kun has waken. Tsunade-sama is looking over his wound as we speak and wishes for you to be there,"

"Yes, I think it is time for me to talk to my son after all these years." Artemis says wholeheartedly.


Tsunade removes some of Naruto's bandages, "Well, there is some good news and some bad news. What do you want to hear first?" asked the busty blond

"I don't think is really matters," answered Naruto

"Alright. You are healing nicely, but you'll have to stay in the hospital for three days,"

"Why do I have to wait for so long? I heal fast and you can heal anything!" Naruto cried out

"I know that, but I what to make sure that nothing is badly damaged. Your spine was fractured. You're lucky to be able to even walk as it is!"

"Fine!" mutters the blonde.

That's when Artemis and Shizune came into the room. Artemis stares at her son. Yes, last night she got to see him, but she didn't get a really good look at him. Now that he's awake with his shinning blue eyes, bright blonde hair, round face, and the birthmarks on his cheeks.

"So… Deadbeat Mom, what took you so long?" Naruto remembers waking up last night with Tsunade and Artemis yelling at each other

"Deadbeat Mom?" Artemis mutters

"D- Don't think too much about it, Artemis-sama!" Shizune panics as Naruto is blunt as always, "Naruto doesn't respect everyone he meets!"

"So? I'm listening!" Naruto gets back their attention, "Where have you been all these years? Is it true like the villagers said? That you didn't want me and left me behind? That you were some kind of whore?"

"What?" a dark aura surrounds the Goddesses

"Naruto!" Tsunade shouted at the blonde

"I want to hear it from your mouth. I want to hear if the rumors are true, or that there was more to it. Tell me," those cold eyes that Artemis seen in her Hunters when they first join the Hunt stare into her eyes are a bit unnerving

"I… I couldn't take care of you because of a stupid law," the dark aura disappears and the Goddess looks out the window, "You see, Naruto, I'm not a human. I'm a Goddess,"

Naruto stares at the woman who is claiming to be his mother just say that she is a Goddess, "I'm having a hard time believing you," the blonde has heard of everything by the name calling, but this is a new one saying that his mother; this woman in front of him in a goddess, "It just sounds like excuses so you wouldn't have to take care of me,"

"But it's true! We gods can't take care of our children that we have. Zeus, who is your grandfather doesn't want any of the Half-Bloods to think they are above themselves."

That was the wrong thing to say. Plain and simple. It just sounds like that this Zeus is afraid. Afraid of losing power. Those with power are afraid of losing that power to their children; when if fact the parent should be proud that their children surpassed them.

'Those that are afraid are doomed to repeat history because they are laying the foundation for the next uprising,' thought Naruto

"If you are a Goddess, then what are you a goddess too?"

"I am the Goddess of the Moon, Hunt, Wild Animals, Wilderness, Childbirth, Virginity, and Protector of Young Girls, Bring and Reliving Disease in Women. In my spar time I along with my Hunters hunt and kill Monsters that wish to do harm onto mortals and other Half-Bloods."

Naruto continues to stare at his mother. The things that she said sound doesn't make sense with childbirth and virginity. How can that go hand-to-hand? It just doesn't make sense whatsoever. But from what he can tell is that she protect girls that can't protect themselves and make sure that mothers give birth without any problems.

"I want to know… Why you didn't you do the one thing that you needed to do the most?"

Artemis knew what her son truly said, 'Why didn't you protect your own baby?' looking down in shame that she failed as a mother, "I had to follow the Ancient Laws because someone has too,"

'Those that break the rules are trash, but those that abandon their comrades are worst then trash.'

"Why did you come here after so long?"

"Because I… I felt something wasn't right. So I came and here I find you in the hospital with injures that should of killed you," holding back her tears, "It pains me to see you like this after all these years!" she couldn't hold the tears, "That I couldn't see my only son that I wanted to do nothing more then to raise and show the world that this is my son!" the Goddess drops to her knees

"Give me time to think…" was the only thing that Naruto said.

Tsunde and Shizune help Artemis to her feet and help her to walk out of the room. Shortly after the door was closed tears run down Naruto's face as after all these years his mother finally came to see him. The one thing that he'd wanted more then anything in the world. Not even being the Hokage can do that. Gripping his bedsheets as he was overjoyed and sadden at the same time. He knows that his words were harsh, but they had to be said. They had to be said because by pushing someone to tears can one see the true colors of that person. And Naruto knows without a doubt the words his mother said were true.


Two days passed with only Tsunade or Shizune coming to change his bandages and making sure that he's eating properly, and to make sure he doesn't sneak out of the hospital like he did in the past. It wasn't until the third day when Kakashi came to visit him.

"Yo, Naruto!" greeted the masked Shinobi

"Kakashi-sensei, what took you so long to get here?" asked the blonde

"Oh, you know, getting lost on the road of life. You should really try it sometime. You don't know where you'll end up," they both sat there saying nothing for sometime til, "I'm sorry, Naruto,"

Looking over to his sensei, "What for?"

"For teaching Sasuke the Chidori. I wanted to teach him that technique so he would use it to protect those that he'd cared for; not to use it on them,"

"Is that the only reason?"

"No… Years ago I saw one of my teammates die in the last war, and then my last teammate died… by my hands," dropping the bomb that he himself killed his own teammate

"Why?" Naruto asked for needed to know what his teacher killed a teammate, a friend

"During the war Rin was captured by Kiri were they used a sealing jutsu on her and turned her into the Jinchuuriki for the Sanbi,"

"Just like me," mutters Naruto

"Not like you, Naruto," Kakashi walks over to the window to look out as he see a few birds fly by, "The sealing jutsu was a trap. It was a ticking bomb that would go off when she arrived back at the village. Knowing this, Rin wanted me to kill her so that the village wouldn't be destroyed,"

"But you didn't want too, right?"

"Correct. I didn't want to kill Rin, but she wouldn't listen. Soon Shinobi from Kiri appeared and I fought them, but during the battle Rin jumped in front of me with my Chidori going through her chest, killing her. I went into shock and passed out from the sight of Rin's dying face, and when I came too there was blood and bodies everywhere," turning back to his student, "It wasn't unlike a few years later that I was asked to join Anbu by the Yondaime,"

"The Yondaime asked you to join Anbu?"

"Yes, and during my time in Anbu I became infamous to our enemies because I didn't hold anything back. The Darkness swallowed me whole,"


"Not everyone can join Anbu. They need Darkness in them so they can do what they are ordered to do. We do the things that aren't asked of the other Shinobi," they both sat there for sometime before Kakashi spoke once more, "You know, during my time in Anbu I was to guard Artemis-sama while she was pregnant with you,"

"You were?" looking up at his sensei

"Yes! I watched her for ten months. During those months I saw how she was nervous about being pregnant with you. It was funny watching her shopping for baby clothes wondering if you would like them. She was so happy to know that you were going to be born and couldn't wait for you to be born. Artemis-sama wanted to meet you for she loved you very much, Naruto," Kakashi chuckles at those memories

"Nah, Kakashi-sensei, what should I do?"


"Deadbeat Mom wants to take me away from here; away from Konoha," Kakashi sweat drop from what Naruto just called his mother, "What should I do? Should I go with her? Stay here? What about Sasuke? What about my friends here?"

"Hmm… There is so many things to do, and so little time. I can't tell you how to live your life, Naruto. Neither can Tsuande-sama, Jiraiya-sama, your mother, or anyone really. You have to decide what you want to do in the end,"

"It's my choice in the end…" mutters Naruto as he thinks it over.


Kakashi didn't stay too long after what he had to say be leaving. Naruto sits there thinking over what he wants to do. He can stay here in Konoha and train to bring Sasuke back and make him face his crimes. The blonde knows that the Last Uchiha would be getting a slap on the wrist for what he did by leaving Konoha in the way that he did. Most likely he'll be spending sometime in prison for a few years and then be out with Anbu watching to make sure he doesn't do anything like that again. Or, he could go with his mother to what ever lands she wish to take him too. Where he'll have to learn the difference between Konoha and the new lands.

But before Naruto could come to any conclusion the sound of the door opening to his room brings him out of his train of thought. Sakura closes the door behind her. Then the crushing thought that he couldn't keep his promise to Sakura about bring Sasuke back to her. He failed.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan! I- I failed to bring Sasuke back to you! But don't worry, I'll make sure to bring him in the next time I run into him! That's a promise!" says Naruto as he is thinking that Saukra is sad that Sasuke isn't back in Konoha

Naruto waits for Sakura to say something, but doesn't hear a thing for sometime, "That's alright, Naruto," he didn't like the tone that she is using, "I shouldn't of asked you to bring Sasuke back. I should of known that you'd fail to bring him back. I mean, you failed the Academy three times! What was I thinking when I'd asked you to bring Sasuke back! You can't beat Sasuke! He's too good and too strong for someone like you! You never take anything too serious! You always laugh at everything like it's some kind of joke! If only you had parents to look after you, but they didn't even want you!"

"I watched her for ten months. During those months I saw how she was nervous about being pregnant with you. It was funny watching her shopping for baby clothes wondering if you would like them. She was so happy to know that you were going to be born and couldn't wait for you to be born. Artemis-sama wanted to meet you for she loved you very much, Naruto,"

The words that Kakashi spoke run through Naruto's mind as Sakura continues to insult the blonde, to continue to berate him. For everything that he has done for her. For all the times he wanted to make her smile. Helping her so that she doesn't fall behind when they are training. Just for her to throw it all right back into his face. Then hearing her say that his parents didn't want him. In the last three days Naruto has seen his mother giving him space to think over what she had said. And then, hearing Kakashi saying that Artemis wanted him and loved him.

"Get out…" whispered the blonde

"Huh?" said Sakura who barely heard him, "What did you say Naruto-baka?"

"I said get out," raising his voice so that the pink haired girl could properly hear him, "I said to get out!"

Sakura takes a step back from how Naruto raised his voice to her. Not once has the blonde idiot has done such a thing to her. A cold griping fear sets into her very being as the young girl takes a step back. Staring right at her are a pair of red eyes. But not just any pair of red eyes. The Sharingan. The Sharingan is staring right back at her.

'Naruto isn't from the Uchiha Clan! Then why does he have the Sharingan?!' Sakura questioned herself as those red eyes slowly start to spin

"While Sasuke and I train our asses off to grow stronger and stronger; you do nothing but complain about everything!" a coldness fills the room, "For one who wants to get stronger, you sure don't have the heart to do what is need! You don't know anything for you are a closed minded fool that just follow others like a little sheep waiting for the wolf to come! Get out before I do something that I'll regret doing!"

Sakura quickly rushed out of the room out of the fear she just felt. It was as if death was hanging over her with its hand around her throat.


Naruto didn't have to wait for must longer for Tsunade and Shizune to come back on more time. While Shizune changes Naruto's bandages Tsunade explains that he shouldn't train for a few more days just to be on the safe side.

"So, Naruto, I have to know; have you'd made a decision?" Tsunade asked since this has been on her mind for the last three days

"I have…"

"I can't tell you how to live your life, Naruto. Neither can Tsuande-sama, Jiraiya-sama, your mother, or anyone really. You have to decide what you want to do in the end,"

'I have to make the decision myself,' Naruto told himself as the words that Kakashi said are true for no one came make this decision but Naruto himself.

"I have made my decision."

-Author's Note-

So I was challenge by Zanark Sathanus to make this story. I would of finished this chapter sooner but I moved, had to look for a new job, and now have to get use to the new work hours. But after so long I have finished it and here it is! I know what the challenges are and I won't say what they are, but while I was writing this I remember that a lot of the Greek Gods and Goddesses did a lot of dark and terrible things to people. So I'll focus more on the darkness that is there that I haven't really seen in other stories.

One more thing! For those that would like to leave a shit review! I will hunt you down and end you. For no one likes you, no one will miss you. You are shit. No! You are lower then shit! Die!