Purestrongpoem: I don't own any characters. Please enjoy.

Rate My Professor Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas Style!

Chapter 1

"And that is why this flower bracelet is important to the protagonist to the story. Do you understand?" a man with long green hair and glasses asked.

Unfortunately, his students didn't answer his question because some of them were already packing up, eager to get out of his class.

"Why are you in a rush?" he asked, glaring at the students who were ready to leave.

"Professor, the class is done."

The English professor glanced at his watch and realized class was over a minute ago. He had forgotten about it.

"Right, well, so your assignment is to write an essay about the symbolism of the flower bracelet in the story and it is due next week."

The students groaned while most students quickly ran out of class whether because they were late for another class or just eager to get out. The professor quickly organized his papers and put them into his bag. He was not in a rush but he had a meeting in thirty minutes and he liked to be there early. The headmaster had requested a meeting with all the professors. He hoped it was something important because the last meeting was for Secret Santa amongst the professors. He didn't hate Christmas but he just thought it was a waste of time.


Degel turned around to see his friend, Kardia waving at him.

"So it looks like you are done. Want to head to the meeting together?" Kardia asked.

Degel nodded and they both walked to the meeting room.

"So what do you think the meeting is about this time. Considering it is February, maybe he will be talking about Valentine's day or something and then give an excuse of this is important because this is all about bonding. Bonding with each other is very important," Kardia said. "Plus the last time we did Valentine's day was a disaster. He want to be Cupid and start shipping professors with other professors. Can you believe he tried to have me date Carbela? I ended up almost gotten beaten up by her!"

"Well, you did have a crush on her," Degel teased.

"I do not!" Kardia shouted back, blushing.

Degel chuckled and said, "Although, I wonder how does he have all that time to do that despite being the headmaster for the Sanctuary University."

The headmaster was eccentric in his opinion.

"Who knows?"

The two finally arrived to the room where a few professors were already seated. Both took a seat. Degel took out a book and start reading. Kardia saw Degel was too busy to talk to him, pulled out an apple from who knows where and ate it. Meanwhile, more professors started to walked in. Finally, the headmaster ran into the room and fell on his chair in exhaustion. Degel raised his eyebrows while others looked in confusion.

"Sorry... that I am... late!" he shouted between breaths.

"You are just on time, Tiago," one of the professors spoke up.

"I am?" He asked in confusion while looking at his watch. "Oh, you are right, I am on time. Silly me, I misread the time on my watch."

Most of the professor stared silently at him while others chuckled.

"Well, seem like a tense atmosphere here!"

"Is this meeting about another Valentine's event?"

"What, no. It is still a little too early. This is meeting is about something else. I am here to talk about your teaching styles and how to improve yourselves."

All the professors were surprised at this since their headmaster rarely had a serious meeting. So they provided him their full attention.

"There is this new website, Rate my professor. It is a website that allows students to rate and comment about their professor. So I am going to do a review for each professor and we can see what you think about it and how you can improve."

Some of the professors shifted nervously while others seemed a little excited. Tiago quickly open his laptop as he continued talking.

"This is going to be so much fun! In fact, I already know how to do this. I put all the names in this hat and pick one name each time. Then we can see the reviews of that person. So..."

Tiago pulled out a name out of his hat. "Aquarious Degel! Oh, it seems like you are first!"

Degel blinked in surprise. He wasn't expecting to be first but this was a good chance to know what the students thought of him honestly.

Tiago looked back at his laptop and opened up the webpage with Degel's reviews on it. The webpage appear on the big screen and some of the professors were already reading some of the comments.

Overall Quality:

Raters' average grade: C+

Hotness: Yes

Helpfulness: 2.4

Clarity: 2.7

Easiness: 2.2

"Degel is a strict and scary teacher. If you love literature, English, French or Russian, it is best to take his class since he is very passionate about what he teaches. If you are only taking this for fun, avoid his class at any means!"

"Great teacher! Although I don't know why but his class is always freezing. It is summer and I am wearing a sweater in his class..."

"His literature class is so hard. He knows most of the students are just taking it for an elective and that we have other classes, but he still gives us so much homework."

"He marks very hard, avoid at all cost!"

"Ignore the bad comments. Degel is a very wonderful teacher. He is always there when you need help and unlike other teachers, he would help us understand the material instead of telling us the answer."

"He is hot. That is all I have to say."

"He isn't very helpful since he never tells us the answer to our questions. He just make us more confused and sometimes tells us to figure it out ourselves. He is also not very clear."

"So boring. I fell asleep in his class."

"His class is so interesting but yet so hard."

"He is so strict about grammar...and he makes us think too much for his essays."

There were many other comments but they were mostly stating the same thing. The other professors looked back at Degel to see his reaction. But Degel just calmly looked at the website before adjusting his glasses.

"Well, I do agree with some of the comments on here but I do not think I am that hard or strict. If anything, being strict would help students learn better," he said.

"Well, that is true but many of the students are complaining about it, isn't it better to be easier on them?" Sisyphus said.


"What Sisyphus said is true. What we want to achieve is to create an education that is both fun and educational. You got the educational part right but add in a little spice of fun and also try not to be too hard on them," Tiago said.

"...Alright, I guess I can trying marking them less harder."

"Oh and the room is freezing, do something about that," Dohko said. "One time I walk into your room, it was like I walk into a freezer."

"I don't find it cold."

"Well, everyone else does!"

Degel sighed. "Alright but you do realize I don't control the air conditioner, the school does."

"Eh?" Dohko said, look confused. "Really?"


"...Wait, so that means...Degel's class is haunted! Ghosts are in that class! Degel, did you summon the ghost of Macbeth or something?"

"What? No!" Degel sighed in disbelief to what Dohko was saying.

"Are you sure?"


"Like maybe..."

"There is no ghosts!"

"Maybe Manigoldo summoned the ghost of Macbeth and asked him to haunt that classroom," Kardia said, chuckling.

"Haha, very funny," Manigoldo said, sarcastically.

"Alright!" Tiago spoke up, slamming his hands on the table. "Now Degel knows what to improve himself. The next person is...Gemini Aspros!"

Purestrongpoem: I know the right term for headmaster is the president of Sanctuary University but headmaster sound more cool. This will include all or most of the Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas' characters so yeah...I know specters teaching at the Sanctuary University sound like a strange thought but I couldn't think of any names for the University. Anyway, thanks for reading!