
RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and created Monty Oum, may he rest in peace.

Star Wars is owned by Disney and created by George Lucas.

Authors note

This fic will take place a bit before Volume 2 ep 2 and in terms of Star Wars Lore will take place between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Sometime during the 3 year timeskip to be specific. It will feature the Executor-class Star Dreadnaught named the Executor. For those of you that don't know that is the big star destroyer that Vader is seen on in The Empire Strikes Back. Put simply Vader will be in this. For the sake of Star Wars Lore Remnant will be somewhere in the Unknown Regions.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….


A year since the destruction of the first Death Star Lord Vader is sent on a mission to the Unknown Regions by the Emperor. His mission find planets to be harvested into resources the aid in building the second Death Star.

After finding a number of dead worlds suitable for harvesting Lord Vader and the crew of the Super Star Destroyer Executor and its escort find a planet with life. The Imperial scans say this world has an abundance of resources, but also shows signs of intelligent life. Vader also senses a power that he has never sensed before.

Instead of harvesting the world Lord Vader heads to the communication room to speak with the Emperor himself….

Lord Vader made his way to the communication room that was used to contact the Emperor. Yet even from inside the depths of the Executor he could still sense the world that they discovered. It gave off a power that he has never felt before, it felt both similar yet completely different to the Force. He decided to speak with the Emperor on this matter. If they had discovered something of value it could be used against the Rebel Alliance.

He made his way to the communication room and knelt down once the holographic projector powered up.

"Lord Vader, I trust your mission is going well?" The Emperors voice sounded as it always did, a threat. For years Vader had been planning a way to remove the Emperor, but he still had to wait and plan.

"Yes my master, but we have stumbled across a world with a power that I have never felt before. Scans say the planet has life, intelligent life. I have come seeking your guidance my master." Vader spoke and his voice was amplified into the robotic emotionless voice that his suit produced.

"Do you believe this power can be harnessed?" The Emperor spoke back.

"I… am not sure. But if it can be I feel that it would end this war sooner. With your permission I will start a search of the world for this power. I will destroy all in my pa-"

"No." Just like that the Emperors voice stopped him. Vader did not protest, despite the Emperors look he was more powerful than Vader. He had no choice but to listen.

"No, attempt contact with the life of this world if possible. Learn what you can and see if they know what this power is. See if it can be harnessed. Then mark the world for harvesting." The Emperor said and his word was absolute, Vader could not afford to disobey the Emperor. At least not yet.

"As you say, my master." Vader said slowly and then he heard the hologram projector turn off. Vader looked up and stood up and turned around, he made his way to the bridge.

When he made it he was greeted by Admiral Kendal Ozzel when he neared the bridges windows.

"Lord Vader, what are our orders?" He asked and Vader, as always, felt fear from the man. Not fear of the orders but fear of Vader himself as Vader was running low on patience with the man.

"We are to search this world for a source of power, the Emperor demands it." Vader spoke harshly as always to the admiral. In truth Vader viewed officers as corrupt and greedy and he gave them little room for error.

"A power my Lord? Our scanners have been picking up a strange… I don't know how to describe it. Just that it seems to be all over the planet." The Admiral spoke and Vader pondered on this. If the scanners could pick it up this would be easier than Vader thought.

"Are there areas where the scanners are picking up high levels of this power?" Vader questioned and the Admiral turned to a console.

"Yes my Lord, one particular area. Our scans are picking up land at this area and some old type of communication." The Admiral spoke after looking at the console.

"Communication. Is it a language and one we can decipher?" Vader questioned, if they could learn the language this would be much easier.

"Yes my lord, it is a language but something is strange about it." The Admiral said and Vader immediately turned to face him.

"What is strange about it Admiral?" He asked harshly wanting to know.

"Well my lord its…. basic. Or some form of it." The Admiral spoke and Vader found this as a surprise. After that he turned and looked at the planet through the bridges glass. He made a choice.

"Ready a shuttle with troopers, I will see to this personally." Vader said and turned to walk out of the bridge.

"But my Lord what if you are shot down?" The Admiral asks causing Vader to stop.

"Attempt to make contact with the planet, let them know that we are here as… explorers. If that fails notify me." Vader says and with that he leaves the bridge heading for the hanger.

Ozpin and Ironwood and just finished there conversation. As Ironwood was leaving he stopped and pressed a hand to his ear.

"What is going on? What do you mean someone is on the comm channels? They are claiming what? Don't be absurd. Put me on the line via my scroll." Ironwood said and turned back to Ozpin pulling out his scroll.

"You may want to hear this, it would seem as if the world is getting crazier." Ironwood said and set the scroll on Ozpins desk. A second later it turned on.

"Attention, this is Admiral Kendal Ozzel of the Galactic Empire. We are attempting to communicate with you. We are outside of your planets orbit. Respond if you can understand me." This Admiral Kendal Ozzel said. Ozpin glances at Ironwood who shrugs but is smiling like it is some practical joke. Ozpin pulls the scroll closer to him and looks at Ironwood, he nods.

"Hello Admiral Ozzel. This is Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy, can I help you?" He said.

"Yes you can, our leader is going to land on your planet to communicate better with you. Is there a place our leader can land?" This Admiral replied but before Ozpin could respond Ironwood spoke first.

"Now "Admiral" I think this prank has gone on long enough. As a General of the Atlas Military I could have you found and travel is impossible, all dust sent up fails when it leaves our atmosphere." Ironwood said clearly trying to end this the person on the other side spoke back almost immediately.

"I am sorry but this is no prank or trick General. We are… explorers who have found your planet by chance. We merely wish to communicate in person, is there a way we can prove to you we are not lying?" The Admiral responded and Ozpin decided to speak before Ironwood did so that things did not escalate.

"Yes, perhaps if we could see you that would change things." Ozpin said and for a moment the Admiral is silent.

"Very well we shall position out fleet just outside the atmosphere above the continents you call home. You will need a form of long range scopes to see us." The admiral said then the line went silent. Ozpin looked at Ironwood who had a raised eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you actually believe this nonsense?" He asked.

"Now James, I have learned to keep all possibilities open. Even the most insane ones." Ozpin says then pulls out his own scroll and contacts Glynda.

"Glynda can you have a telescope brought up?" Ozpin asked.

"Of course, I will have one brought up right away." Glynda says. Ozpin thanks her then closes the call.

After about 10 minutes workers brought up a telescope and set it up by the window. Setting it up took around 6 minutes. Glynda had accompanied them and dismissed them when they were done.

"Professor Ozpin what is this about?" Glynda asked keeping a short distance from Ironwood.

"You may just find out." Ozpin responded and at that moment Ironwoods scroll, which wa still on the desk, lit up.

"We are in position."

At that Ozpin went to the telescope.

"Oh please, it's broad daylight." Ironwood said but that didn't stop Ozpin. He went to the scope and looked through it at first he saw nothing then he moved the scope around and froze. He saw these ships in space all looked like giant spear or arrow heads but one was bigger than the other six. He checked to see if it was an illusion caused by the moon but the moon would likely be on the other side of the world. He could barely see them due to the sunlight, but they were there.

"James, Glynda, you may want to take a look." Ozpin said while moving away from the telescope.

Lord Vader did not like to be kept waiting, but he had no choice but to wait. It had been some time and the shuttle was loaded with stormtroopers and ready to go.

Then the pilot spoke.

"We have permission to launch. Coordinates received." He said and Vader went to the cockpit to get a better look. Soon they took off and went to the continents on the planet.

Authors note

This story is one I had in mind for a long time. I thought on it more and came up with a general outline of the story.

Next chapter will have RWBY and will show the arrival of Darth Vader.

This chapter came together well only because I could change a lot easily. Expect different results in future chapters. Yes this one is kinda short but it's only the first chapter.

Until next time!